"Fascinating." Shran said as he watched the viewscreen.

It really was. Even in the visual spectrum, the spacetime anomaly was amazing to look at. A kind of pulsing, glowing white dot.

"It is." Captain Mason agreed. "Star?"

"It is a powerful fluctuation in the fabric of spacetime. It extends through subspace further can I can scan. It's something like a wormhole but... different. It gives off gravitons and chronotons in high quantities." I said, crossing my legs as I leaned back in the chair. For once my actual avatar was on the bridge. "As for what it looks like to me... similar to what you can see, just in three more dimensions."

Mason slowly nodded, drumming the fingers of his right hand on the armrest of the chair. A habit he picked up trying to get his fingers working again. "What is astrophysics's opinion on this?"

I rolled my eyes. "They want me to get closer, but thirty thousand kilometers is plenty close for me. For all I know, any second that thing is going to go off like some kind of subspace supernova. I want enough range to be able to jump into warp at the first sign of trouble."

Shran rubbed his chin. "Run a full power active scan, let's see what we are dealing with here. Give it a poke."

"Aye, sir. Reading my poking device." I said with a grin as I started to run full active scans on the anomaly.

Hmm, it was reacting to gravitons. Interesting.

That made sense, it was giving off a powerful gravimetric signature. Like that of a large gas giant. It... shivered, vibrating with the gravity pulses.

Quite pretty, actually.

None of the other active sensors were having an effect.

"Sir," I reported, "The anomaly is reacting to gravitons. Should I give it a stronger pulse?"

Mason nodded. "Give it another poke. Let's see what we can learn. Careful so you don't collapse it."


The anomaly whirled and started to expand, showing a black void behind it and between the edges.

Oh shit. I immediately regret this decision!

Swinging around, I hit full impulse.

"Star, get us out of here!" Mason ordered a full second later.

"I'm at full impulse, Captain." I reported. "But I'm not moving. Stepping it up to warp five."

My warp field didn't happen. It just collapsed as soon as I tried to form it. Subspace was too turbulent.

...That's not good.

Shran looked over at me. "Star..."

"I can't form a stable warpfield. The anomaly is sucking us in. Redirecting warp power to shields, structural integrity and internal inertial compensator. Shutting down and isolating shuttle AI cores in case of catastrophic AI collapse." I quickly reported before I glanced at them and switched to shipwide. "All hands, brace for impact."

At the last second, I turned around so I went into the vortex front first.


"Star, Damage report!"

"Warpdrive, offline. Shields at twenty percent. Hull integrity at forty percent. Hull... intact-ish. I think. Phasers, offline. External sensors... mostly offline." I quickly reported, looking around. If I had any, I would have been holding my breath.

Behind me the vortex collapsed until it was barely visible like a knot of subspace.

Okay, that went both worse and better than expected. For one thing, I'm not a tiny little ball of neutrons right now.

That was always a plus.

"Causalities are being reported." I said after several seconds of checking my systems and stations. "No dead. Mostly broken bones. One case of cracked exoskeleton. Some internal bruising. I know how they feel. Permission to speak freely, sir?"


"Fucking. Ow."

That got a snort from Shran as he undid the belt of his chair and stood up. "Where are we? Can you get the hologram back online?"

"Hologram is fine, I just don't have more than the most basic of external sensors to give you a picture." I explained and brought the screen up. "Engineering is on it, but so far this is basically what I see. I have some subspace, but that's about it. Low resolution only."

The screen showed a number of fluctuations, like waves on the surface of a pond after dropping a rock in it.

"What are we looking at?" Captain Mason asked as he got up as well, rubbing his right knee before standing up straight.

"Those major fluctuations are nearby stars. The smaller ones are planets. That little glowing spot is what remained of the vortex behind us. It is currently really unstable but is stabilizing. I estimate that sometime during the next week or two it will reach the same strength as it had when we found it."

Shran nodded. "So we can use it to go back."

"Maybe?" I said with a shrug. "I don't even know where we are and until I get visual sensors online, I don't even know when we are. I need to get an eye on the pulsars."

"What about the comm system? Do you have a connection to Starfleet?"

"No, sir. I only have basic subspa-" I started to explain before I frowned as something tugged at my mind. "Wait." I said and pointed at the viewscreen, zooming in and magnifying one tiny little ripple on the screen. "I think that might be a ship. It will reach us within five minutes. Captain, I'm blind as a bat. I can't fight like this!""

I couldn't even run.

The next couple of minutes were very tense, spent directing damage control teams and worrying.

We had no idea where we were. For all we knew, it had been some kind of super wormhole that tossed us a couple of galaxies away.

Eclipse Phase and Dreamwalker were functioning and could stream me their gravimetric and subspace sensors, but I refused to let them launch in case it became too dangerous. Better to stay on board. Besides, the Poking Stick was blocking the way. We really needed to shuffle them around so we could get the Runabouts out. Damn it, we should have done that ages ago!

I did however launch a shuttlecraft to have a bit of a look around.

"Sir, I have located the approaching craft. Bringing it up now." I reported as I swung the unmanned shuttlecraft around to get something on that thing so I could try to identify it. Shuttle sensors were not the best, but they were better than what I had right now.

Huh. What in the world..

Saucer section and nacelles. The shape was very... familiar. Last I saw one directly like that, it was in a museum.

Federation design.

I zoomed the view in as I brought it onto the screen, showing the name and registry number.

U.S.S. Enterprise. NCC-1701.

We all just stared at it for a very long moment before I slowly sat down my avatar in my chair. "We are so fucked."

AN// A bucket of thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
That is quite a technical description right there. Also, with Captain Kirk that might just be literal.
If he tries anything, T'Ro will find a way to put a delayed-action tribble-trap in his sock draw.

I honestly think you'd more likely see one of the runabouts surrender to his wiles. Just to put a notch on her nacelle.
This is the question: What reality are they in?

Star's still?
Prime Reality (Aka: The Kirk Pimp Zone?)

One of those is a lot better for Star, since.. uh, you know. Timey-wimey-wibbly ball of... stuff.
This is the question: What reality are they in?

Star's still?
Prime Reality (Aka: The Kirk Pimp Zone?)

One of those is a lot better for Star, since.. uh, you know. Timey-wimey-wibbly ball of... stuff.
Star Trek Galaxy Quest. That's not Kirk - it's Shatner.

Also I cannot figure out how to write what I mean today, so I'm going to give up trying to edit this post to make sense.
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Are you guys kidding? This is great! Finally, an opportunity to stop the Berserkers before they can become a threat.

The Berserkers can only exist if Romulan civilization exists to create them. You've got a considerable technological advantage over the Romulans. Technically, any Romulans killed by your actions would have been killed by their own Berserkers anyway, so ethical issues should be limited. An outright war between the Romulan Empire and the Federation in Kirk's time would be less destructive (to the Federation, which is what counts) than the Berserker/Federation war, especially if someone did a preemptive strike by sneaking into Romulan space in a cloaked ship with around a century's worth of technological advancement and General Order 24-ing Romulus.
Are you guys kidding? This is great! Finally, an opportunity to stop the Berserkers before they can become a threat.

The Berserkers can only exist if Romulan civilization exists to create them. You've got a considerable technological advantage over the Romulans. Technically, any Romulans killed by your actions would have been killed by their own Berserkers anyway, so ethical issues should be limited. An outright war between the Romulan Empire and the Federation in Kirk's time would be less destructive (to the Federation, which is what counts) than the Berserker/Federation war, especially if someone did a preemptive strike by sneaking into Romulan space in a cloaked ship with around a century's worth of technological advancement and General Order 24-ing Romulus.

Or, let's NOT genocide the fuck out of the romulans and try to resolve this without starting a temporal war.

Barring that, just use the nice self-sufficiency tech aboard Star to turn the federation into the culture early.

Better yet, let's tech-tech the tech-tech and invert the negative space wedgie after subtly passing Scotty upgrade manuals for the old girl, so she'll show up when Star gets back.
That is quite a technical description right there. Also, with Captain Kirk that might just be literal.

EDIT: holy shit this might be the new movie continuity which would have interesting implications.

I doubt she would cheat on T'Ro.

Getting a T-Shirt signed by him is totally possible, though. Just for laughs.

Then again, if he tries anything. Star could troll the fuck out of him. Reconfigurable holograms are awesome like that.
Are you guys kidding? This is great! Finally, an opportunity to stop the Berserkers before they can become a threat.

The Berserkers can only exist if Romulan civilization exists to create them. You've got a considerable technological advantage over the Romulans. Technically, any Romulans killed by your actions would have been killed by their own Berserkers anyway, so ethical issues should be limited. An outright war between the Romulan Empire and the Federation in Kirk's time would be less destructive (to the Federation, which is what counts) than the Berserker/Federation war, especially if someone did a preemptive strike by sneaking into Romulan space in a cloaked ship with around a century's worth of technological advancement and General Order 24-ing Romulus.
Of course. The only - the best! - solution is genocide. Entirely pre-emptive genocide, based on the future actions of a tiny group of people.

Guys, I think I spotted the berserker infiltrator.
It's not cheating if it's a threesome.
I think T'Ro's initial reaction to that suggestion would be raise one eyebrow in that uniquely Vulcan fashion which could mean anything from "I find your suggestion intriguing" to "You have crossed the last line, and now I must bathe you in antimatter."

In all honesty if Star is involved in any kind of accusation of infidelity, it's more likely to revolve around Scotty (watch where you put those hands, mister) or Enterprise herself.
Shran turned to me and pointed at the viewscreen. "How!?"

Captain Mason shook his head. "Timetravel is possible. It just has never been replicated. As far as I know, there are only two documented instances before. Star, review the information, Authorization code Mason, Alpha Four Twenty One Pi. Look at U.S.S. Eternity and U.S.S. Enterprise-C."

...Enterprise. Of bloody course.

I quickly started to look through the files. "The U.S.S. Eternity accidentally traveled twenty years into the future over fifty years ago. They managed to hit the edge of a wormhole that crossed close to a black hole. The U.S.S. Enterprise-C once... Wait... That was real?!"

How in the fucking hell did that end up in my sim! That was classified above top secret. Starfleet Captains and above only.

The Enterprise-C once traveled forward in time and in doing so created a different timeline. To stop a war with the Klingons from occurring, they returned to this timeline and was destroyed in a battle with the Klingons. How in the fuck do we even know about- ah. The data recorder and logs were recovered from the wreck years later.

Not exactly like I remember from the sim. Seems almost like the author had some idea about what happened but made a lot up as well.

Fucking hell.

"Neither seem overly helpful to us." I said a couple of seconds later. "But it seems like simply returning through the rift should return us to our previous timeline. It is currently too unstable to attempt opening, however. It might collapse completely."

Shran shook his head. "Maybe temporal mechanics was less of a bullshit class than I thought it was. I really should have taken it." He looked at the screen and added; "So... what do we do now?"

I took a slow deep breath. "Well, as I see it, we... one moment." I said, "My main sensor array just came online. Thank you Ensign L'tri."

"What have you got?"

"Well, it's the NCC-1701. It matches the signatures in my database. Wait a moment, I'm missing a pulsar. That couldn't be accounted from stellar drift. Running full active scan... subspace signature of the ship is a match as well. Analyzing... oh hello there." I explained with a small frown.

What in the hell.

No. That can't be right.

Ignoring the Enterprise for now - maybe it was an anomaly - I did a scan on some space dust next to me instead. Nope, same signature.


Well, that was apparently a thing.

"Okay, Captain." I said after a moment. "Well, I have good and bad news. Depending on how you think of it, we are either in more or less trouble than we thought in the first time."


"Short version: We are back in time. The pulsars confirm that we are in the time we think we are. We are, however, not where we think we are. The quantum signature of matter in this universe is not a match to our own. We have passed into an alternative universe. " I explained and crossed my arms. "So on one hand, we don't need to worry about killing our own grandfathers. Which is lucky as I think mine was a toaster. But we are a bit further away from home than we thought. I mean, worst case if we had just traveled in time we could just go on a high sublight trip and take the long way home with time dilation. Now? We have to get that vortex open or we are so fucked."

Captain Mason nodded slowly. "Options?"

I frowned as I did another scan of the Enterprise. 400 crewmembers.

I shrugged. "Option one: Stay here, keep quiet and hope they go away when we refuse to answer to any hails. It would be really nice to have that cloaking device right about now, wouldn't it?"

Mason smiled faintly. "Somehow I don't think that will work."

Sighing, I nodded. "Agreed. Option two: tell them to go away and fire a couple of warning shots if they don't take the hint. Option three is that we destroy the Enterprise to keep word from getting out and contaminate their timeline even worse than that would. I rather not do that one."


"Option four is tricky but possible. We disable the Enterprise and take the crew captive as we wipe their computers. We then put them back on their ship and send them on a preprogrammed course a couple of months long to the nearest federation base when the anomaly is steady enough to return though. Will keep the interference minimal while giving us time to wait for the vortex to stabilize."

Captain Mason frowned and nodded. "You think you can disable the ship safely in your damaged state?"

I rolled my eyes at that. "Please, Captain. They are over two hundred years behind us in technology. A runabout could take that bucket of bolts. I just need my phasers back online to pop the shields. I'd just rather not do that one but it's an option. Then there is Option five and this is my personal favorite."

"Go on?"

"We open hailing frequencies and say hello, tell them who we are and where we are from and invite them over for dinner. I don't know about you, sir, but I personally want to meet the famous Commander Spock." I said with a grin. "I mean, it's not our timeline, no worries about screwing that up. For all we know, this is what happens in their timeline. Besides, we are here, we are already affecting things. A bit too late to really put the genie back into the bottle. The least we can do is say hi and offer their crew some shore leave. I mean, not like I don't have the room. I'm not saying we tell them everything, but we don't need to be that worried."

Sitting back down, Captain Mason rubbed his chin before looking to his first officer. "Mister Shran. Your opinion?"

Shran frowned, crossing his arms as he looked at the viewscreen before he shook his head. "...I'm not sure. I don't really like any of those options. But Star is right in that the last one is the best one. But I think we should approach this very carefully. All we know is that that is the Enterprise. We don't know the people on board."

Mason regarded the ship floating in space before us before he slowly nodded with a sigh. "Very well. Ship, open hailing frequencies. Let's say hello to the locals."

I nodded once. "Opening hai...They are hailing us, sir."

"On screen."

AN// Big thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
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Shields at twenty percent. Hull integrity at forty percent. Hull... intact-ish. I think. Phasers, offline.

If "Phasers, offline." means that phasers are damaged and non-operational, despite the still active shields, then it seems that Star Trek ships are very fragile. I would think that especially the weapons systems would be fairly robust and not easily knocked out.
If "Phasers, offline." means that phasers are damaged and non-operational, despite the still active shields, then it seems that Star Trek ships are very fragile. I would think that especially the weapons systems would be fairly robust and not easily knocked out.
It seems to me like there was some kind of general energy dickery that hit even systems that would otherwise be shielded. Time travel energy be bullshit, yo. To be honest, given the nature of the ship, I would think weapons barely make the top five list for priorities. Not when you've got to consider life support, shields, etc., all the things that keep multiple thousand people alive.
If "Phasers, offline." means that phasers are damaged and non-operational, despite the still active shields, then it seems that Star Trek ships are very fragile. I would think that especially the weapons systems would be fairly robust and not easily knocked out.
They just went through a negative space wedgie. Phasers being down for a bit is par for the course. Just be glad their shields are still at least partly functional.

That said, my assumption is that there was some sort of power surge that disrupted phasor functionality. It wouldn't be the first time a system got crippled like that.
Plus the ship was thrown around enough that multiple people were reporting broken limbs, etc. It may have been enough to shake a linkage loose. not difficult to repair (once you track down exactly where the fault is) but enough to disable the system. especially since a high power system like a phaser probably defaults to offline if it detects a problem in itself (Don't want to cause an overload/explosion by trying to fire a damaged weapon after all)