"Shut up!" Louise reflexively responded, looking around with wide eyes. Oh. Oh. And she even had paintings that Louise liked. This was the sort of room she might have had normally in a year or two, once she'd gone to university. The sort of room that a proper young noblewoman might have had, with plenty of personal pleasures and a bed which – oh, to be so risqué! – was big enough for two. Even with minions present, this radiated taste and good manners. The best Louise's own bedroom in her fortress managed was the distinct feeling that the architecture had been designed by someone rather taller than the current occupant.

Yes Louise. You and Marizpan are 100% different. It's not like you even share the same tastes or anything. Just keep telling yourself that.

On a side note, since the tower sounds like it could use a little sprucing up, Louise should really get her minions to loot the furnishings for her own use. :V
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That just goes to show that you don't really need loyal minions, and being pettily cruel to your subordinates works just fine in the end... as long as you have at least one loyal minion with a really heavy candlestick.

Minor corrections:

You're a petty control freak who's obsessed with having everything doing what you want.


"Come up here, would you? I have some very, very special for you to wear."

Missed a word after "special."
No, that's the dark god of Deism. Just like all the other dark gods.

Though I was surprised to see Biologism as a clockworker god. I usually thought that was reserved for Deism.
Evolution is called the "blind watchmaker," in response to the intelligent design argument that "If you found a watch lying on the ground, you'd assume that a watchmaker made it, rather than assuming that a tornado blew together a random jumble of metal and it somehow assembled into a watch."
Well Eleanor joining the fray is pretty much guaranteed, as she probably counts as a full heroic party all by her lonesome. However I'm thinking it's a 50/50 chance that Guiche and friends show up for an unexpected reunion with Louise and hopefully for the safety of pretty much everyone involved a miniscule chance that Karin shows up with or without the hubby.
Maria de Anoun, huh? Had to reread a bunch of chapters to check if I was remembering correctly, and yes, she was the one that first introduced Cattleya to the cult, and therefore Louise to Magdalene. And she was so nice to the Carmine Countess when they were at the cult meeting together too, especially after she mauled her bore of a husband way back when and it seemed like Catt was feeding off of her (with her permission, of course) at that one meeting.

I guess Cattleya is going to be... unhappy when she finds out who was the one to take Baelogi up on her offer to betray Magdalene, the rest of the cult, and by extension her sister the Overlady. Not sure if she'll like what kind of retribution Cattelya will likely want to visit on her after they get is whole Baelogi thing sorted out.

Guess she didn't think this whole betrayal thing out, though I guess the second thoughts and hesitancy she had after Baelogi revealed what kind of "enhancements" she'd bestow on her perspective High Priestess kinda proved that already.

2 months is awhile. Certainly some go much longer but most of the ones I read tend to update faster. Not a criticism.
A two month wait for a quality update from EarthScorpion is not even par for the course. He's been known to let stories lie for longer while his muse works on another fic or straight out abandons him (or he gets too busy to work on an update), only to pump out a bunch of them once he gets the inspiration. Guess you haven't been following ES's fics for long if you think 2 months is quite a wait...
So anyone else notice that Baelogi seems to be rather similar to Louise? I didn't really notice it the first read through, but having reread the new update, I can't help but feel like she's the dark angel version of Louise to Marzipan's pallet swap "hero" version.
Heh. So did you intentionally take long enough to find the secret entrance to her lair you got the minions to start dropping hints, or?
Louise looked at the wedding dress and smiled a deeply, deeply unpleasant smile.
To quote George Takei: "Oh my...!"

This has to be pretty high up on the Eleanore scale, dare I suggest over 0.9 Eleanores? Something like this is going to leave both Evil and Good vocabulary standing akwardly around it, silently nodding to each other that they won't have anything to do with describing it, thank you very much.
Given EarthScorpion's history with attempts to obviously tempt fate, I suspect this means they aren't coming.
Or they come... after everything is over...

Guiche gets hit on head as he said they will be heavily paid for killing dark god and saving a city, but... someone already took bounty....

Otherwise Louise kills that creature Baelogi is making, making Baelogi loosing lots of power... Then Luise finds that heroes arrived and had... surprisingly easy fight with "dark goddess"...
So Baelogi planed to turn candidate for high priestess into platypus?
Now everyone be wevy wevy quiet. we are trying to trap a muse so it stays here for 1-3 more chapters of Overlady. Chance of successful capture... less then 0.000000000001%, muse does what it wont it seems???
The epigraph was oddly full of feels this time. Nice job creating a bit of sympathy for the devil there 1.

This chapter feels like it's building to be suitably climactic to be the end of the story. There's probably too many dangling plot threads for that to actually be the case but, it feels like it could be getting there.

The Montespan arc has been ongoing for quite a while and her corruption by Baelogi was a continuing thread through the Cathayan arc. Three arcs dedicated to this plotline2, culminating in a battle against an evil goddess. I wouldn't actually be disappointed if this were the end of the story. It seems like a fitting place to end it, thematically Marzipan's willing fall to evil is a great counterpoint to Louise's unwitting tumble in the direction of Evil3.

Or maybe I'm way off base here and I've just been trained by pop culture to associate spiraling vortexes of evil with story climaxes. It could just be Pavlovian at this point. :V

1Or dark angel if you'd prefer.
2Well two dedicated arcs and one mini-arc which continued to develop it as a side plot.
3 I mean she's unerringly towards Evil but... the story has made it quite clear that Good and Evil don't have much to do with morality.
Or maybe I'm way off base here and I've just been trained by pop culture to associate spiraling vortexes of evil with story climaxes. It could just be Pavlovian at this point. :V

Feels more like a season climax than a story climax to me. First season was the "getting started" arc, this season is the Amstreldamme(sp) arc, and I would assume the next season would be the one where the Council gets overthrown. Or it might just end with Wardes getting dealt with.
You mean Wardes wasn't the one to have a caracaped abomination burst out of his intestines (this week or any other)?

I am much disappointed.

I am also wondering if ES is planning on featuring Mathistopheles or his accomplices Malthas, Algebraus or Trig. You know, the Dark Angle crowd.