Outside Context Solution (Mass Effect/Pacific Rim)

Probably, although that is going to take a while, and the current politicians are the same ones who cancelled the program that cancelled the Apocalypse, so I expect them and the people who replace them to be quite conservative in any business that might cause unneeded controversy.
I'm actually imagining that after herping the derp like they did with shutting down the Jaeger program in favor of the "Wall of Life", Earth would see a massive pruning of government. Back in 1900, Washington DC was practically a backwater. A hundred years later, literally all roads in the world led there. Would a reversal be that unimaginable? Or undesirable? In the case of every government on Earth? After all, the world was saved by a dismantled military maverick leading discredited scientists and construction workers, and funded by black marketeers.




"Rolling On The Floor, Laughing Out Loud, Can't Operate Properly Til Eyes Refocus"
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I'm actually imagining that after herping the derp like they did with shutting down the Jaeger program in favor of the "Wall of Life", Earth would see a massive pruning of government. Back in 1900, Washington DC was practically a backwater. A hundred years later, literally all roads in the world led there. Would a reversal be that unimaginable? Or undesirable? In the case of every government on Earth? After all, the world was saved by a dismantled military maverick leading discredited scientists and construction workers, and funded by black marketeers.




"Rolling On The Floor, Laughing Out Loud, Can't Operate Properly Til Eyes Refocus"
Kind of sounds like the start to the US, except with less construction workers...

Im Loving this entire thread, and just imagining what the tech level that lets them build Jaegers would be at, except expanded to a galactic scale. So awesome, especially with the tidbits the Salarians were able to locate
How did they develop Thanix Magnetohydrodynamic Cannons? Where they not reverse engineered from Sovereigns remains?
How did they develop Thanix Magnetohydrodynamic Cannons? Where they not reverse engineered from Sovereigns remains?
Handwavium. Throw enough money at your scientists and threaten them with giant unending hordes of kaiju spilling out from magic fairy land and you'll get some interesting results.
How did they develop Thanix Magnetohydrodynamic Cannons? Where they not reverse engineered from Sovereigns remains?

Thanix cannons are just mass drivers that use molten metal, that's it. There's no special Reaper-magic that makes them work.

If you are at war for your existence R&D gets a huge boost and they need weapons that shoot hot things to spread as little Kaiju Blue as possible. The Thanix was not beyond their tech to create, therefore when they really needed it and were pushed a little further than the story is at now, they got created independent of Sovereign.

Handwavium. Throw enough money at your scientists and threaten them with giant unending hordes of kaiju spilling out from magic fairy land and you'll get some interesting results.

Also, this.
Post-Kaiju Earth is going to be a real basket case for a bit I imagine. The economy is in a shithole, people are working for food, the last good job market (Wall of Life) just dried up, there are riots in the streets and most pacific coastal nations are going to feel abandoned by the elite and powerful. Couple that with angry Kaiju cultists, first contact with another alien species and weak political leaders and things are all adding up to 'interesting times'.

This of course is not a recipe for stability and happy times. I'd like to keep politics out since that's likely to initiate a flame war, but speaking in broad terms, Post-Kaiju Earth shapes up as follows:

Australia, New Zealand and the pacific islands merge under a new entity called Oceania.

It's likely that Australia and New Zealand took in pacific island nations that were succumbing to Kaiju assault. Those that hung on likely have their economies in the toilet, and merging with a larger local power is preferable to becoming a failed state. The fact that Striker Eureka was one of the most powerful and successful Jaegers and in no small part likely saved a majority of the Pacific by its mere existence likely also bought a lot of good will, and a generation of refugees who grew up on AUS/NZ soil will have a fair amount of political clout. Indonesia remains independent and serves as a buffer between Oceania and China.

China continues to rise as a global power.

The Kaiju war and Crimson Typhoon only helped things along. China doesn't have much pacific coastline even with Hong Kong in the picture. The fact that they likely took very little damage from the Kaiju War means that their economic and agricultural might is largely unchanged compared to other nations. Their continued colonisation of Africa is also likely paying them dividends. On the downside, global instability isn't exactly a boon to their economy, and the downturn globally has affected their manufacturing industry. They also have other headaches locally.

America either fractures completely or just barely manages to hold together.

This really depends on the politics and the president of the time. If the President is a firm supporter of the Jaeger program, is charismatic, and was largely overruled by a hostile congress, then its possible that they might be able to pull America over the line and through the tough years over the bodies of their political enemies as they get recalled and elected out of office for their monumental failures. If the President supported the program but isn't charismatic enough, the riots continue until they're ousted and replaced, likely by a massive populist who will want to bring the Jaeger program back into the fold and use it as an emblem in their political machinations to hold the nation together while securing their political future.

If however the president was against the Jaeger program with Congresses backing, the riots that were shown in the film are likely to intensify. The coastal pacific states are likely to be incredibly hostile to the federal government that abandoned them, likely calling for their resignations and a new round of elections. If that doesn't pan out, California is likely to secede, followed by the remainder of the Pacific states and their neighbors. Once the avalanche starts, the south likely joins them, leaving three distinct regions of East, West and South, with the odd few states opting to join Canada. Whether this descends into a three way civil war or merely a very tense and divided America is up to the imagination. Long term though, fences are mended and unity established in principle under an EU-like federation, but the regions remain distinct for a while.

The likely scenario is somewhere in between though. Given that the American representative seemed eager to kill the Jaeger Program during his brief appearance, I'm leaning towards a lame duck president being more likely than a charismatic one that was overruled by congress, which lends credence to the latter scenario with elements of the former. America is likely to draw inward as it sees to its own problems, which means a return to isolationism as they try to fix the fractures in their own backyard.

Japan also returns to isolationism.

Surrounded by neighbours who wouldn't take them in even if it was the end of the world, Japan is in an odd spot. They have a declining population, a tough as nails immigration policy, few natural resources, and were likely hit hard by the Kaiju. On the other hand, they likely have the best experts for robotics and making Jaegers. America's decline in the face of internal fracturing means that the defense pact that keeps them nominally safe from attack is yanked out from under them. This leads to Japan likely remilitarising, but without the population of young people to turn to, they opt for a robotic and drone army to keep their borders safe. China and South Korea are not pleased with this development, but with the withdrawal of America there's not really much that can be done short of keeping the Japanese honest to their constitution that their military remains largely defensive in nature.

While remaining economically linked to the rest of the world, Japan likely becomes politically isolationist as time wears on. Whatever winds up representing Earth in the near or far future, Japan has little to do with it politically if anything at all, and probably less than that once the stipulations against robotics and artificial intelligence becomes apparent. They still back the Jaeger program as their expertise remains ever increasingly firmly entrenched in robotics, and their indispensable nature on that front likely earns them a blind eye from the other Earth nations who might otherwise be persuaded to pressure them into falling in line. How intelligent their robots become as time wears on and how useful they are when they meet the Geth is decent question. This is the nation that gave us Chobits, Ghost in the Shell and Astroboy after all.

Europe becomes a prominent power again.

Untouched by the Kaiju war and the center for the development of Jaegers, Europe sees a resurgence of their power in the century to come and becomes a major player in presenting a unified front for the world.

Russia is Russia.

What more is there to say? They didn't take much damage from the Kaiju War. A few eastern European states get gobbled up but that's about all that changes. Possibly a return to Tzarist rule in the long term. Probably butt heads with Europe and China, but that's also nothing new. Massive shit-eating grin as America goes through its troubles. Huge point of national pride that is Cherno Alpha.

Argentina likely tries something with the Falklands while everyone is distracted. Gets their asses roundly kicked in. Again.

Iran likely becomes a major power in the middle east with the withdrawal of a majority of American interests in the region. Israel becomes the likely, if hugely disliked, counterweight to Iranian power, with Turkey, Egypt, the UAE and other nations being players as well. The region remains a hotbed of instability forever due to reasons and likely doesn't get too involved in interstellar affairs with local problems keeping their attention firmly at home.

India will also prove to be a rising power politically speaking, with a massive chunk of humanity under their belt on one hand and competition with China on the other.

So, rounding that out, politically speaking:

Major Players:

India (rising power, major stake in future space colonisation plans)
America (declining / civil war near term, returning to parity long term)

Minor Players:

South Korea
Taiwan (if not absorbed by China)
South Africa (resources, rising power)

In terms of the Jaeger program though:

Major Players:

Europe (R&D)
Japan (Robotics Expertise)
Oceania (Striker Eureka. 'Nuff said)
Russia (Cherno Alpha. 'Nuff said)

Minor Players:

South Korea
China (Economic backing)
Taiwan (if not absorbed by China)
South Africa (resources, rising power)
America (declining / civil war near term, returning to parity long term)

This is all very broad strokes and invokes a lot of Hari Seldon. Individuals can and will make a difference, and it's very probable that I don't have an exactly masterful grasp on the nuances of the politics of the various nations presented here, but this seems to me to be the likely outcome of a post-kaiju Earth.

All that being said, the likely representative for Earth in the near term already exists in the United Nations. That's pretty much the go-to option until something bigger and better can replace it, and that's unlikely to happen unless a majority of unity is demanded, such as say, Batarians deciding the humans will make great and unique slaves. In the long term, if Earth and her colonies do manage to largely unite under a single banner, the name is likely to be something that unites not only Earth nations but also her Colonies as well, which in turn will be determined by who has the power and who has to be brokered with and what style of interstellar government they want to be a part of.
Russia gets even more points because not only are both their pilots still alive, but I think Cherno's mostly intact as well :cool:
America isn't as likely as you think to collapse and turn inward. Given it was an American pilot who personally FALCON PUNCH!ed the Outsiders in the dick, Raleigh is likely to serve as a rallying point for the country to get their shit in order. Plus the assistance of the entire galaxy literally throwing enough money at the planet to bury entire cities, most of the economic problems are going to go away pretty quick. Granted, the whole planet is going to be warped as hell, but there won't be nearly so much destruction as you think.

But, China is not going to be nearly as well off as you think. It has something like twice the pacific coastline of the US, for instance, and more importantly, something like 80 percent of their population is next to that coastline, compared with the vast majority of the US population being on the east coast and on the atlantic. While the US was kicked in the teeth pretty hard, just by the sheer advantage of being a country built up from east to west means it's not nearly as damaged as China.
America isn't as likely as you think to collapse and turn inward. Given it was an American pilot who personally FALCON PUNCH!ed the Outsiders in the dick, Raleigh is likely to serve as a rallying point for the country to get their shit in order. Plus the assistance of the entire galaxy literally throwing enough money at the planet to bury entire cities, most of the economic problems are going to go away pretty quick. Granted, the whole planet is going to be warped as hell, but there won't be nearly so much destruction as you think.

But, China is not going to be nearly as well off as you think. It has something like twice the pacific coastline of the US, for instance, and more importantly, something like 80 percent of their population is next to that coastline, compared with the vast majority of the US population being on the east coast and on the atlantic. While the US was kicked in the teeth pretty hard, just by the sheer advantage of being a country built up from east to west means it's not nearly as damaged as China.
Yeah, just like how the French didn't take a bath after World War 2. People still talk about the Maquis to this very day, but it's overshadowed by how the French government surrendered to the Nazis. I see something similar happening here. In the final days of the Kaiju War, America had already bowed out. Along with pretty much everyone else.

It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.
Benjamin Franklin

Read more at Benjamin Franklin Quotes at BrainyQuote.com

And don't forget; Stacker Pentecost was British. The Hansens were Australian. Mako Mori, Japanese. The Wei Tang Brothers, Chinese. Kaidonovskys, Russian... A full-on multinational team which was abandoned by every nation and supported by a lunatic American who was only in it for the money.

That should be emphasized; The world turned its back on the Rangers, but the Rangers didn't turn their back on the world. It would break SOD if that didn't change the very nature of civilization from that point on. Like post-WW2 culture was shaped by Godwin's Law(no-one wants to be compared to racist authoritarians), post-KW culture will be shaped by no-one wanting to be compared to the "suits and ties and flashing smiles".
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Uh, Earth isn't united. At all. It's still broken up into the same dozens of counties that ours is now. Regardless of a name which expresses fake unity to other races, literally any Citadel race member can trivially look into Earth's political situation and see the lie for what it is.

Incidentally, from the perspectives of the Citadel races, China, Russia, and Australia are likely to be the most Favored earth nations politically.

Because when all support to the PPDC was officially pulled, Australia "forgot" to reclaim Striker Eureka. China "forgot" to reclaim the Hong Kong Shatterdome from the PPDC and also "forgot" to reclaim Crimson Typhoon. Russia "forgot" to reclaim Cherno Alpha, and when the PPDC thought they had a way to close the Breach, Russia "happened to conveniently lose track of" a high-yield nuclear bomb that "just so happened" to find its way into the hands of the PPDC.

So, in all likelihood, those nations were being pressured by the wealthier nations that had been less affected by the Kaiju War to focus on the Wall of Life, so they officially couldn't support the PPDC without losing the resources that the wealthier nations were sending them (Which, since their nations were economically in ruins, they absolutely needed). But they still unofficially did support the PPDC, so they made sure to do what they could to see it kept or got the resources it absolutely needed.

As far as the Citadel races would be concerned, those nations' governments are the ones most responsible for the actual salvation of Earth. Intergalactic human relations are likely to heavily feature Russian, Australian, and Chinese diplomats.
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Yeah, just like how the French didn't take a bath after World War 2. People still talk about the Maquis to this very day, but it's overshadowed by how the French government surrendered to the Nazis. I see something similar happening here. In the final days of the Kaiju War, America had already bowed out. Along with pretty much everyone else.

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it." - Warren Buffett

And don't forget; Stacker Pentecost was British. The Hansens were Australian. Mako Mori, Japanese. The Wei Tang Brothers, Chinese. Kaidonovskys, Russian... A full-on multinational team which was abandoned by every nation and supported by a lunatic American who was only in it for the money.

That should be emphasized; The world turned its back on the Rangers, but the Rangers didn't do the same. It would break SOD if that didn't change the very nature of civilization from that point on. Like post-WW2 culture was shaped by Godwin's Law(no-one wants to be compared to racist authoritarians), post-KW culture will be shaped by no-one wanting to be compared to the "suits and ties and flashing smiles".

So... The leaders of tomorrow will be grim faced men in plain clothes?:p

Actually, I completely get what you're saying. It took the near-end of the world, but people have finally had enough of politics being run by professional politicians.

I was originally tempted to have Earth evolve toward a sorta of pseudo-Starship Troopers style of government (the book, not the movie) where only those who had done time in public service of some sort and then retired from it were qualified to run for office, etc. But I reconsidered as that's too far the other way.

As it is, with the alien influence, plus the impact of honest to god heroes who never quit fighting for them, I am now more picturing a move toward a sort of hybrid of Turian meritocracy and Asari cyberdemocracy with an overall system for handling foreign affairs that is separate, but overseen by the rest. (thus the Solar Compact)

Of course, this is all speculative about times yet to come when the Earth is more unified. For the moment, main talks with the Citadel will go through the UN with the Pan-Pacific nations that only "officially" abandoned the fight while unofficially supporting it carrying the most weight, if for no other reason than those nations are having less internal turmoil.

Europe and Africa are probably least directly impacted by the KW, but are still in economic ruins and won't have the popular support that China, Australia, and Russia have with their own people.

The last Shatterdome is in Hong Kong, Striker Eureka paved the way to close the breach and two of the four surviving Jeager pilots are Russian. That gives those three nations a lot of sway internationally as the previous administrations who supported hiding their heads and hoping the Kaiju go away are swept aside in the wake of The Signal and First Contact Day.

Funny thing though, politically speaking, Australia being one of the fair haired nations is a back door for the UK to be at the big table as well as it is still a part of the Commonwealth realms and recognizes Elizabeth II as monarch. (WoG: She's not dead dammit!)

On the other hand the UK did rather obnoxiously pull their support from the PPDC, so they may have to rely on goodwill alone, which may or may not be in short supply depending on how bad things are there and how charitable Australia is feeling.

Either way I love discussing this stuff between story posts as it helps keep my story from becoming a speculative political essay rather than sci-fi action adventure.
As I said, it is going to really depend on the politics of the day. The government essentially evacuated all the rich and powerful people 400 miles inland and left all the poor people to fend for themselves when the Wall of Life turned out to be enormously useless. The outrage was high enough to trigger rioting and prompt the press into not only playing hardball, but outright slagging the politician on screen, which is practically nigh unimaginable. Now add to that the fact that the Wall of Life itself likely caused a huge number of deaths during its construction as implied by the movie, starvation, disillusionment with the current crop of politicians coupled with incredible uncertainty and you get a situation where people are ready to revolt outright if the situation is mishandled.

Keyword there being if the situation is mishandled. It's a worst case scenario, and its one I passed on in favour of a middle of the road solution of "The US turns inward to sort its shit out", since there have historically been isolationist phases of US foreign policy. I'd like to take the optimistic view that the US would pull together upon seeing one of their Jaeger pilots showing everyone how its done but I just don't see that happening, not when they abandoned every citizen within 400 miles of the coast, that's pretty much California, Oregon, Washington State, most of Nevada and Arizona, likely Alaska and Hawaii too... I just don't see a reaction from them that doesn't involve molotov cocktails over being both abandoned while not seeing those responsible for that shit being brought to heel.

Even if the situation is handled well, it'll take time to quell the riots, soothe ruffled feathers and break out the political guillotine against those responsible. I don't think the economic problems are going to disappear rapidly or easily with Citadel assistance, since that's looking at things over-optimistically. Their monetary system is different, their technology uses materials we don't have and can't reproduce, if they ship it in that will take time to get here on Earth and more time to distribute and guess who gets first dibs? Not the poor, nor those most affected by the Kaiju war. Social solutions are likely to be fought against, alien influence questioned in a rise of xenophobia (not unique to the US though), and a host of other problems. There is no quick fix, and it's going to take time to mend the wounds inflicted not only by the Kaiju but by the politicians who wanted to amputate a number of states to protect the wealthy and the powerful.

As for China, the coastlines become a bit more even if you include Alaska and the parts of Canada that contact the Pacific. Granted, most of the north isn't going to be heavily populated if at all, but they were expending resources on defending that coastline what with the Anchorage Shatterdome. China meanwhile had some useful things going in their favour; Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines, who acted as convenient magnets for the Kaiju. Looking at Crimson Typhoon's engagement history, we can see the following:

1st Engagement: Osaka, Japan
2nd Engagement: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
3rd Engagement: Bangkok, Thailand
4th Engagement: China Sea (Intercepted)
5th Engagement: Shanghai, China
6th Engagement: Taipei, Taiwan
7th Engagement: Sapporo, Japan
8th Engagement: Bohai Sea (Intercepted)

So, for Crimson's engagement history until the events of the film, China got hit three times, two of them intercepted before landfall and one in Shanghai, we can add another one if we include Taiwan as a part of China for a grand total of four hits, with Vietnam, Thailand and Japan taking the brunt of Kaiju attacks in the interim periods. One thing to take note of though is that this is where a bit of film / novelisation difference takes place, as the film states Crimson had defended the harbour seven times, whilst the novelisation outlines the above. I'm taking that as a simplification on the part of the film and going for something a bit more detailed, though I don't have information on Kaiju targets in China before Crimson was deployed handy at the moment.

Even if we disregard the novelisation and stick with seven attacks on Hong Kong, Crimson successfully defended the harbour each time and there was still a very large city filled with people and a free port and real food, which Raleigh remarks on as a novelty. That suggests that China's economy is somewhat better off than the US economy, or at least Alaska's economy, where people were working for ration cards. Granted, the quality of life is probably rather disparate between the two nations pre, during and post Kaiju War, but the Chinese weren't dealing with full scale riots and a political shitstorm.
So... The leaders of tomorrow will be grim faced men in plain clothes?:p

Actually, I completely get what you're saying. It took the near-end of the world, but people have finally had enough of politics being run by professional politicians.

I was originally tempted to have Earth evolve toward a sorta of pseudo-Starship Troopers style of government (the book, not the movie) where only those who had done time in public service of some sort and then retired from it were qualified to run for office, etc. But I reconsidered as that's too far the other way.

As it is, with the alien influence, plus the impact of honest to god heroes who never quit fighting for them, I am now more picturing a move toward a sort of hybrid of Turian meritocracy and Asari cyberdemocracy with an overall system for handling foreign affairs that is separate, but overseen by the rest. (thus the Solar Compact)
One mooore thing; how about at some point some sleazy American politician schmoozes right up to Beckett and tries to nudge him into some kind of plan to become President and Vice President or something... only for this to happen;

Raleigh Beckett: "Suit and ties and flashing smiles, that's all they are..."

Unnamed politician: "What?"

Raleigh Beckett: "What Tendo told me Marshall Pentecost said about your kind. He said it the day you shut us all down.

Y'know, I almost didn't pilot Gipsy. I can still feel the part of my mind I used to share with my brother - it's like a missing limb. Before his daughter Mako joined me, it was an open wound that had been throbbing and bleeding for exactly four years, ten months and ten days.

Then Stacker Pentecost came up to me and asked me to come back because there was literally no one left. I said no. I didn't want to have anyone else in my head again. He was a Ranger. His partner's dead, too. He knew my pain. He also knew that this was it. Our last chance to do something - anything.

So as I was walking away, he raised his voice very firmly, and asked me a question;

"Haven't you heard, Mr. Beckett? The world is coming to an end. So where would you rather die? Here? Or in a Jaeger!"

Marshall Stacker Pentecost is why I was at the Hong Kong Shatterdome. Marshall Stacker Pentecost is why I was at the Rift. Marshall Stacker Pentecost is why I am here.

You? I don't even know your name. I don't want to know it. I don't ever want to hear it. I don't even know why anyone would ever want to."
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America doesn't really have much to rally over though. Raleigh might be an American, but he's not gonna defend their decisions. And Gipsy Danger isn't really their property anymore, so is not even an American Jaeger; it got thrown into the international Jaeger scrap yard, and got releases to the internationally-rooted PPDC for the Mark III refurbishment project thing. They basically ceded rights to what amounted to metal garbage for them.
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Russia is Russia.

What more is there to say? They didn't take much damage from the Kaiju War. A few eastern European states get gobbled up but that's about all that changes. Possibly a return to Tzarist rule in the long term. Probably butt heads with Europe and China, but that's also nothing new. Massive shit-eating grin as America goes through its troubles. Huge point of national pride that is Cherno Alpha.

Kaidanovsky imperial family, first of their names? :rofl:

"Sasha, remember when you jokingly mentioned possibly going into politics at some point?"


"Election results just came out. You were written-in by most of the population; 94%."


(edit: more funny if it's Sasha, no? Aleksis is too taciturn to have said something like that.)

I'd see something like a parliamentary monarchy set up instead of a straight monarchy, with the imperial family having mostly symbolic and veto power. That way the Kaidanovskis still get to pilot Cherno** whenever they want but are able, allowed and encouraged to dopeslap politicians when they show signs of going full retard. :p

** also makes BITCHIN parades and imperial processions, when the infrastructure and roadwork has been adapted to survive a Jaeger walking around.
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It's a worst case scenario, and its one I passed on in favour of a middle of the road solution of "The US turns inward to sort its shit out", since there have historically been isolationist phases of US foreign policy.

The thing is, in the wake of the First Contact, they can't turn inward, they can't. While there will indeed be some who advocate Not Getting Involved, many will realize this is the greatest opportunity in human history and want to take advantage of it.
Politicians talking about turning inward? Dump'em. Get people out there talking about not letting "other nations" negotiate America into irrelevance when dealing with the council.
Those who want to be isolationists at this time are fools. Those who let them have their way are greater fools.
As for the public, get the minority who want isolationism shouted down and out.
They don't need to make roads stand up to Jaeger feet (a losing proposition, no matter what), they just need to have them stand up to the huge truck-platforms that carry Jaegers around inside shatterdomes (which they used for that american parade in the movie anyway).
I think people talking about America falling apart is overblown. There will be a political purge, but I don't think succession is going to be on the table.
The thing is, in the wake of the First Contact, they can't turn inward, they can't. While there will indeed be some who advocate Not Getting Involved, many will realize this is the greatest opportunity in human history and want to take advantage of it.
Politicians talking about turning inward? Dump'em. Get people out there talking about not letting "other nations" negotiate America into irrelevance when dealing with the council.
Those who want to be isolationists at this time are fools. Those who let them have their way are greater fools.
As for the public, get the minority who want isolationism shouted down and out.

By that same token, they can't afford not to look after their own internal strife either. A government that abandons its own people and the entire west coast is beyond screwed. I don't care if that countries name is Britain, America, Germany, Zimbabwe or China. America is not special in this regard, they either take care of their problems or they cease to exist as a cohesive nation.

Isolationism doesn't mean building a huge wall and ignoring the outside world while having no say in anything. Dialling back on foreign policy and actually cutting the bloated military budget is more likely, withdrawing from the Middle East and Japan, dismantling bases in Germany etc. while remaining on the UN Security council and playing things closer to their chest is the most likely outcome. They'd probably have a say as an industrial power house of a nation but their position and their credibility is severely diminished in the wake of throwing a massive chunk of their own people to the wolves.

The average person on the street would probably be able to accept that they don't need military bases in Germany and Japan and certainly could afford to withdraw from the Middle East if that'll free up budgetary expenditures that go into rebuilding the ruined economy of the western states, doubly so if it'll quell the rioting and keep them inside the union. Talking to the aliens is something no sane American politician would pass up, but they need to keep their house in order before they can invite guests, and that means quelling the riots and preventing the western states from seceding over the small issue of being thrown to the wolves first and foremost.

Empires have fallen for less. Why exactly is America special in this regard? A nation that cannot protect its own people is not a nation that those people will want to be a part of for very long.
Empires have fallen for less. Why exactly is America special in this regard? A nation that cannot protect its own people is not a nation that those people will want to be a part of for very long.
The thing is, America always styled itself as the nation "of the people, by the people, for the people" - and then the government pulls crap like mass surveillance, control of the media, militarized police, war profiteering, out-and-out mercantilism like the "Wall of Life". Pretty much just an excuse to send the poor to die on the coastlines while the rich hide in bunkers.
Sacrificing its integrity to maintain the appearance of integrity. Post-KW, that dog will not hunt.
Turian rep: "Our entire society works by meritocracy and a very strong sense of taking responsibility. On one hand, you have people who selflessly put their lives on the line, saved your entire world fighting to the very last and lived up to every good or bad decision they made. On the other, there's... you people. As far as the Primarch is concerned, Stacker Pentecost has been posthumously recognized as his equal. Back home, they're already adding his last speech as part of the 'psychology of troop morale inspiration' curriculum for officer training."
I think people talking about America falling apart is overblown. There will be a political purge, but I don't think succession is going to be on the table.
Actually what you are likely to see is a rather angry response to, well, everything.

What the American politicians were doing was already incredibly unpopular. That would bite them in the next series of elections - depending, of course, on the survival rates of those left behind. Now it is going to bite them immediately. There have to have been vocal, elected opponents to this plan. That's the way the American system works.

Those opponents are going to be riding a tsunami of political support. The "wall plan" and "moving 400 miles inland" failed on an epic scale. Not only will that make the people who were basically left to die (and now will not die, thus will turn out to vote in a few years) angry at them.. it is going to make everyone else angry at them.

Why? Because the plan didn't work and would have lead to mass American causalties. That's something that America has never dealt with well. Our geographic location means we've very rarely had to fight on our own continent.. so Americans don't have the same "social hardening" that Israel, Germany, or parts of Africa have.

Those opponents, fueled by that support, are quite likely to start demanding things like "open and impartial investigations" (read: political witch hunts on the nightly news) to punish the foolish among our ruling citizens.

That is not likely to swing various parts of America into seceding from the country. Their concerns are being put center stage, after all.

I'm honestly curious, since food is apparently in such short supply that ration cards are high value trade goods, if the U.S. government is going to start shipping workers away from the Wall and towards the American "heartland" - the central region in the country where agriculture can thrive. It will be a jump backward in terms of economic prosperity, but it will stave off starvation and (hopefully) get the economy going forward again.

.. eventually ..

As for the galactic community's view of America.. no arguments that it will not be seen in a positive light immediately. Eventually that might change. Some of the first Jaegers were built in America. There were a great many engineers and technicians working on the Jaeger project and production "lines" who were American. Those resources might sway things.

Key term, reiterated in italics because it bears repeating: might.

On another note, I was floored when I did some fact checking for this post. Newton Geiszler, protrayed with a very "American" accent .. is German? Born and (from what I can find) raised? :o He took time off from the Kaiju Wars to find a speech coach to change his accent?

Ignoring my desire to scratch my head in confusion, Newton did spend quite a while in America for his education. That might (again, might) affect how the galaxy views Americans.

.. or they could just treat all Humanity as one very messed up species and work through whatever is left of the U.N. and not care about individual countries. Visualize me shrugging.