Congratulations on setting up a scenario that makes me want to slowly strangle Coil with his own gimp suit, even more so than usual I mean.

Now please hurry up and deliver the inevitable HEROIC INTERRUPT!
I'm going to be honest with you here: I did, in fact, set out to write a chapter that would make readers want Coil dead even more than they already did. That chapter hasn't been posted yet.

It was originally the next one, but I had to divide it in two because the second half really needed a content warning, and that's the half designed to provoke Coil-murder feelings. So things are going to get worse before they get better, but I promise you they will, in fact, get better.
34-3 Incongruous
My first hint of Coil himself wasn't anything as simple as the slamming open of a door or the sound of footsteps. The door was presumably opened in absolute silence (unless they were keeping a prisoner in a room with an open door for some reason), and I would soon see for myself that his steps were as light and gentle as his methods were not.

No, my first hint was his mercs, the one with his gun in my face in particular. Let's call him Vince.

Vince was my first hint. Or, rather, his body language. He flinched. Not hard, not enough that most people would see it, but when somebody's got a ballistic/laser rifle pointed right between your eyes you notice even the tiniest little move they make.

Or you're so overcome with terror that your observational skills disappear and you only notice whatever irrelevant details your brain latches on to, which is probably the saner reaction, but that's less conducive to living through the experience.

The situation was more than sufficiently perilous without giving up on situational awareness, thank you very much. And with my life history and place of residence sanity was never an option anyway.

Vince McWince tearing his gun away from my face and snapping into a salute was rather less subtle, especially when every other grunt in the room was doing exactly the same thing.

The discipline and speed of it would have been more impressive if I couldn't see him shaking in his distinctly-expensive and very much non-government-issue combat boots. As it was, it was more frightening than anything.

What, exactly, could shake a heavily armed mercenary, one supported by more than half a dozen of his friends (or at least cohorts), that badly?


Coil could do that.

And you know what?

I can't blame Mincemeat for that in the slightest.

(The gun in the face thing, on the other hand, was just plain gratuitous, and I feel perfectly entitled to hold a bit of a grudge about it. And if there's some stark, staring terror mixed in, well, I think that's perfectly understandable under the circumstances.)

There's something inhuman about a lot of capes. Something different, something off, that can, if not somehow dealt with, send them straight in the depths of the Uncanny Valley. Myself included.

Some feature, or features, that just seem wrong.

Case 53s usually don't have this issue, ironically enough. There's more than a few that fall deeply into it, but most of them don't seem human enough to seem so distinctly inhuman. They're often treated as monsters or animals, there's a world of difference between being on the "human" side of the valley and the far side of the other, but it's not really the same.

It's worse than all but the very worst cases of Uncanny Valley Syndrome, quite a few of those being Case 53s, but it's not the same.

Fliers are a big one for it. They can move in ways no unpowered person can hope to match, and not just the big obvious one. A lot of other Movers are the same way. Brutes push through positions that no ordinary person could hope to deal with, or blithely carry on through injuries that would have anybody else silent and broken or screaming in agony.

Thinkers know things, often things they should have no way of knowing. Teleporters can just be places you know they weren't before, Shakers stand unaffected while the world changes around them, and Blasters destroy with unnatural ease. Changers mostly look human, but that can change in an instant, and Masters and Strangers strike deep at a very primal fear.

Not every cape has such problematic elements, but the vast majority of us do. There's a reason why the general word for our kind is para human. To one degree or another, there's something with us that doesn't match the baseline model. That unnerves. And we all develop our own answers to the issue.

Some ignore it. (Or maybe they just don't notice, I can't read their minds.) Purity's a prime example. No subtlety, no playing it off, no effort to soften the blow, just "here I am, deal with it".

It'd probably feel more admirable if the things she made everybody else deal with didn't include her horrific track record and enough blood on her hands to drown a blue whale in.

There's something to be said for the right to just be yourself, even if it's uncomfortable for others, but when the "yourself" in question is a literal glowing beacon of Nazism and slaughter it doesn't strike me as a particularly moral or considerate course of action.

Most capes aren't Purity though, so things are done to mitigate, solve, and/or sidestep the issue. Mostly successfully. Most people on Earth Bet have been pretty firmly culturally conditioned to accept a bit of inhumanity in their heroes, and the pretence of being larger than life covers a lot.

Booming bombastic performances, sheer overwhelming force of personality, bright and colourful outfits, flashy scenes and high drama. All of it pulls things just a little out of the real, out the nitty gritty and into the fantastic. Into the world of narrative and bright shiny superheroes. Of charming scoundrels and cartoonish jokesters, or hard nosed men of action, or whatever other archetypes and flights of fancy the cape in question is spinning.

The details vary, but it's a common thread with capes.

There are reasons why I believe in the power of insubstantial dramatics. Capes have a long and substantial history of using them successfully, and we're hardly the only ones. It's a very effective way of being less terrifying. Less uncanny.

The other way is to make oneself more human. Or rather, to show one's humanity off more openly, since capes are just people at the end of the day. Talking about one's feelings, taking up causes (the smaller and more personal the better), showing honest affection. Or, less open-heartedly, cracking jokes, showing off funny or otherwise endearing personality quirks, making oneself attractive, and being identifiable with specific demographic groups and backgrounds. Showing kindness, or vulnerability, or just general humanity and things that make you seem sympathetic.

Being a person, rather than a power. Or, more often, being a symbol, stereotype, cliche, or sex object rather than something to fear.

Point is, efforts to step out of the uncanny valley are something the vast majority of capes make, and for all but the most unfortunate they work.

And then there was Coil.

Author's Note: Sorry if this chapter seems filler-y. I know it doesn't advance the plot much. Originally this and the next chapter were one, but the other half needs some content warnings so it had to be split off.
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Ok, I am very excited. Coil has always been terrifying, and seeing that reflected is cool.

The beat down part of him is also very much something to look forward to. He's just so terrible I can't help but thirst for his destruction.

Hope things aren't too scarring in the future
Content Warning: Coil

Seems legit.

Edit to make add more contribution. I have to admit to being curious why exactly is Coil's Shard looking for a hand from Our Lady of Brass Time. Also, hoping to hear a positive update on Sophia(and goodness, isn't that a weird thing to post when we consider the source material). We know that she appears to have also been kidnapped but without the usefulness of a tracker built into her. Plus, with her history, this would be massively traumatic because she believes that the last time that she was kidnapped, an evil person bent her into a caricature of a PSA: Bullying is Bad villain.
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Content Warning: Coil
I mean, yes, absolutely, but he's just so much more Coil than he's ever been before (in this fic) that I feel the need to put in more warnings.

Ok, I am very excited. Coil has always been terrifying, and seeing that reflected is cool.

The beat down part of him is also very much something to look forward to. He's just so terrible I can't help but thirst for his destruction.

Hope things aren't too scarring in the future
Coil is indeed a very scary individual, and I've tried to reflect that. The next chapter should reflect that more. And the beatdown should certainly be memorable, and hopefully cathartic.
I have to admit to being curious why exactly is Coil's Shard looking for a hand from Our Lady of Brass Time.
Shhhh, I haven't revealed the "Option Prognostication is Coil's Shard" twist yet.

More seriously, Option Prognostication hasn't approached Jacquline. Option Prognostication has approached Jacqueline's Shard, asking for help with Jacqueline's power, and that's all I'm saying until the chapter where it's all explained.
Also, hoping to hear a positive update on Sophia(and goodness, isn't that a weird thing to post when we consider the source material). We know that she appears to have also been kidnapped but without the usefulness of a tracker built into her. Plus, with her history, this would be massively traumatic because she believes that the last time that she was kidnapped, an evil person bent her into a caricature of a PSA: Bullying is Bad villain.
To be fair, she doesn't think an evil person bent her into a PSA: Bullying is Bad antagonist, she thinks she was basically killed and replaced by one, by said bad guy.

Who is also the exact same bad guy who's kidnapped her this time.

... Yeah, that really only makes it worse.

We'll hear from Sophia again the chapter after next, although she won't be the sole focus next time she shows up.
I mean, yes, absolutely, but he's just so much more Coil than he's ever been before (in this fic) that I feel the need to put in more warnings.
I'm going to be honest with you here: I did, in fact, set out to write a chapter that would make readers want Coil dead even more than they already did. That chapter hasn't been posted yet.
It hadn't occurred to me until now that, if Coil still thinks this is the throwaway timeline b/c whatever closed the other one hasn't happened yet from his perspective, then he's got no particular reason to "behave". In a timeline he might choose to keep, he has to worry about image and reputation, whether that's his reputation as a PRT consultant, or his reputation as a "lesser", not-particularly-heinous villain. In contrast, when he's off "having fun" in what's supposed to be a counterfactual that will never comes to pass or create consequences, he gets to take both costumes off, so to speak.
It hadn't occurred to me until now that, if Coil still thinks this is the throwaway timeline b/c whatever closed the other one hasn't happened yet from his perspective, then he's got no particular reason to "behave". In a timeline he might choose to keep, he has to worry about image and reputation, whether that's his reputation as a PRT consultant, or his reputation as a "lesser", not-particularly-heinous villain. In contrast, when he's off "having fun" in what's supposed to be a counterfactual that will never comes to pass or create consequences, he gets to take both costumes off, so to speak.
Well, yes. He does all sorts of things he couldn't get away with in timelines he doesn't keep. Both to gather information and for fun. It's arguably his primary use for his power, although the benefits in situations where either course might be correct aren't small either. He's mentioned as much several times in his POV, and 13-7 has a rather spectacular example.
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34-4 Insalubrious
Content Warning: Coil. More specifically: Coil being exceedingly creepy, non-consensual touching, implications of sexual assault.

If you want, you can skip this chapter (and the next) and not miss too much plot wise. Just know that Coil is being extremely creepy here.

So, the uncanny valley.

As I've said, most of us Capes find ourselves in that peculiar little quirk of geography at some point.

Quite a few just step out again and go merrily along their way. Some, like me, burst out of there sprinting and never stop running. An unfortunate few spend their entire lives fruitlessly trying to claw their way up the walls. Others, like Purity, just blandly stand there and make no effort to depart.


Coil was right at the bottom, with a backhoe, forcing his way deeper and deeper like the Philosopher's Stone, Genghis Khan's tomb, and a coupon for free doughnuts were all buried twenty thousand feet below the surface.

Unlike the cliche for this sort of thing, there were a lot of things I can look back at and point to as wrong, but there was also the standard je ne sais quois that made the whole so much worse than the sum of its parts. I honestly don't think I can describe the effect adequately, but I'm not about to let that stop me ranting about it.

Maybe talking about it will help, even if this isn't exactly talking.

I hope so.

Under the circumstances, the first thing I noticed about Coil himself (aside from the fact that his own hired goons were quietly terrified of him) was that he was silent.

I don't mean that he wasn't talking, although he wasn't. He just made no sound.

No clanging of metal on metal as he shifted, no scrape of things rubbing against each other. Not a single sound of breath that didn't clearly come from the masked guards or my own not-quite-panicked efforts to force as much oxygen into my lungs as I could without being obvious about it. And, most of all, no footsteps.

There should have been footsteps. The room was quiet, the floor was hard and loud (I knew it was, when the guards moved it was not subtle, and I could see the tiling), and I was actively straining to hear what was coming.

I couldn't. The first direct knowledge I had of the supervillain Coil was what he let me have. What he forced upon me.

That still hurts in a way I honestly don't really understand.

But so do a lot of things.

Human hands aren't supposed to be as cold as ice. I mean, Coil's hand probably wasn't literally freezing, but that made little practical difference when he was suddenly running his fingers across my windpipe.

I still couldn't see or hear him, but his presence was no longer even slightly in doubt.

His touch was chill and hard, with just enough deliberateness to make it perfectly clear that he could be gentle and more than enough pressure to make it clear that he wasn't going to.

I don't know what his hand looked like on my neck. I didn't dare look down. But it felt nothing like how human contact is supposed to feel.

Then he did it again. And again. And again. And then again, one more time, just to make sure I got the memo.

I understood the message perfectly well the first time. The whole "I can do anything I want to you and there's nothing you can do about it" of it all was not subtle. Honestly, it was pretty clear the moment I woke up handcuffed to a chair with a gun in my face.

Unfortunately, that didn't make it any less terrifying.

His appearance certainly didn't help matters any. He was tall, not parahumanly so but more than enough to tower, even with his spine bent to curl predatorily around my restrained body…


He was coiling.

I'd ask how I never realised that before, but I had other things on my mind at the time and I've been trying not to think about it ever since.

I mean, he wasn't doing a very good job of it, but he was limited by the basic physiology of the human body. We simply aren't made to do what he was trying to do, and he was doing his best to project strength at the time.

Honestly, it was creepier when I didn't realise just how on the nose it was.

But it's still pretty creepy.

Actually, now that I think about it's kinda worse.

I was entirely at his mercy at the moment he was sticking to his immensely creepy theme, after all, even if he was sort of trying too hard.

Something to sort out later.

Coil was a silhouette. Like Purity, except in soul-devouring black instead of blinding white luminescence. Like her, he had neither eyes nor mouth to be seen, though I could make out the general shape of his face when he was at the right angle for it. He had a nose, and a brow of some sort, though neither was particularly pronounced. Far more visible was the body beneath the neck. I could make out individual ribs, or at least some of them.

And other things, including one in particular I very much wished I couldn't.

He was enjoying himself, which was the worst part. His body language was very clear about that.

I almost didn't notice the snake. Some sort of pattern in the fabric, or whatever it was. It was artistically done, but compared to everything else it just didn't stand out in anything but the colour-theory sense of the word.

Then I recognised the colour. There aren't a whole lot of fourteen year olds in a position to recognise that not-quite-white shade of yellow that characterises old bone firsthand, or at least I hope there aren't, but I'm one of them.

It probably wasn't actual bone, or at least not human bone, but I wouldn't put it past the man to have some random kid's skeleton powdered and applied to a zentai. The not-quite-consistent dye job certainly gave that impression.

And he wasn't bothered by any of it in the slightest. Head to toe skintight something, with a whopping great bone-coloured serpent emblazoned all over him, and he was perfectly comfortable with it.

Coil was thriving, and-

And he just wouldn't stop touching me. Nothing too serious, not in and of themselves, but the instant I started to relax even the slightest amount there would be pressure, cold pressure.

Still chill and hard.

Still with just enough deliberateness to make it perfectly clear that he could be gentle and still with more than enough pressure to make it clear that he would do no such thing.

Unless he so pleased, of course.

Sometimes it was my neck again. Other times my shoulder. My back, a few times, and my stomach more than once. My thighs, once close enough to where my tracker was supposed to be set off that I almost panicked, before I remembered that the device itself wasn't there and it wasn't detectable without medical-grade scanners anyway.

My face.

My cheeks. My nose. My brow.

The corners of my eyes. My lips, individual and pried apart.

Wherever I least expected it. Wherever I was least prepared.

Half the time I couldn't even see him, he was circling or something, but even when I could I couldn't see it coming.

Most of the time we weren't in contact at all, but he knew exactly how to make sure I wouldn't forget that that was his choice, not mine.

Things stayed like that, in this weird limbo, for hours, perhaps days. Maybe centuries. I didn't know what he was waiting for, and I didn't dare ask.

Even if I could have brought myself to speak, I couldn't have made myself face the undoubtedly-unpleasant answer.

And then the table was wheeled in.
The birdcage might be too good for Coil.
Maybe there's still a Grey Boy styled Bakuda bomb somewhere.
The birdcage might be too good for Coil.
Maybe there's still a Grey Boy styled Bakuda bomb somewhere.
Bakuda didn't make any Grey Boy style bombs, just Time Stop ones. When the effect ends anything on the inside just hasn't experienced any of the time passing by outside unless there's something else weird going on time-wise.
Welll.... In Ward we get a POV of one of the people in the time bubbles, and they did experience all of the time passing, and it wasn't exactly fun for them.
I was under the impression that fell under "unless there's something else weird going on time-wise", but I could be wrong
34-5 Inhuman
Content Warning: More Coil. More specifically: Implications of torture and one not especially subtle death threat

Ah, yes.

The table.

Where do I even start with that wretched little piece of furniture?

I suppose getting down to the nuts and bolts is as good a place as any.

There weren't any, at least not that I could see. It was a sleek, modern, minimalist design, all smooth curves and polished chrome. I could hear the wheels when it arrived, so I knew there were some, but other than that it all seemed to be one solid piece.

I'm not normally fond of minimalism, especially in furniture, but I think I would have appreciated the aesthetics of the thing at least a bit if it wasn't covered in torture implements.

Not literally. There was a tray in between, but that doesn't seem like an important detail, now does it?

Coil certainly didn't think so. His attention was reserved for two things: me and the things he was going to use to do horrible things to me.

That's kinda just one thing, isn't it?

To be honest, I'm pretty sure he simply feigned interest in the tools of his trade just to ensure I'd have no choice but to pay attention to them, and to the fact that I couldn't stop him from using them on me.

Which I'll note was entirely unnecessary. I was well aware.

I was also well aware of the minions leaving us alone: they were even louder when they were all moving at once. And yes, it turned out there was indeed a guard I couldn't see. Behind me and to my left, if I was any judge, and about two or three metres away. But he, too, left, albeit a few seconds after the others.

The door slamming behind him wasn't all that loud compared to most, but there was a certain finality to it that I very much did not appreciate.

And then it was just me, Coil, and a bunch of torture implements.

Granted, I didn't think a tablet really qualified as a torture implement at first, but that was before he used it. Turns out it's more about the intent and the results than the aesthetic and how traditional or not it is.

But I'll get to that when I get to that.

The rest of the contents were more conventional anyway.

A scalpel, with a dozen replacement blades ready.

A pair of pliers, so brand new the sticker from the hardware store was still pristine and shiny.

A much less pristine thumbscrew, clean but showing a wear that obviously came from use, along with a few other vices and clamps less specifically designed for the use Coil had clearly been putting them to.

A bowl full of some whitish crystals that, going by the smell of bleach, were probably smelling salts. That he felt the need to have those on hand boded even less well than the situation in general, but it wasn't exactly a surprise.

A hammer, with the same sticker as the pliers, somehow even shinier.

And, last but by no means least, a blowtorch and its attached gas tank. I'd already had quite enough fire and burns for one day, to say the least.

Unfortunately, Coil wasn't just a twisted excuse for a human being, he was a perceptive twisted excuse for a human being. He immediately picked up the blowtorch and started playing with it after my fearful gaze lingered on it just a second too long.

If one can consider shooting a jet of flame less than six inches away from a fourteen year old's face "playing". He probably did. Even if he didn't, he still nodded firmly at my inevitable flinching, so he obviously didn't consider it a problem.

Well, the nodding and the way he did it four more times afterwards, always with just enough gap for me to relax ever-so-slightly. I'm halfway convinced he just thought it was funny, not that he laughed or anything. Aside from the roar of the blowtorch he was as silent as ever.

In hindsight, he was obviously doing it on purpose in order to psych me out, but that honestly just makes it creepier.

The more so the more I think about it, so I'm gonna move on.

To something even creepier, of course. I am talking about being in a room with the living embodiment of the uncanny valley. And the one thing he absolutely could not do was use his own voice to convey his demands.

Maybe he thought his accent wasn't intimidating enough or something. Under the circumstances I'm fairly sure he would have been sufficiently frightening even if he had a voice full of helium and sparkles and said "like", like, every other sentence, but I wasn't the one making that decision.

I wasn't the one making any of the decisions, and he was absolutely rubbing that in my face every chance he got.

Like I said, jerk.

But anyway he picked up the tablet and did some tablety stuff with it, then set it down on the table so that I had a clear view of the screen.

Upon the screen was one Sophia Hess. Tied to a chair at least superficially identical to my own with at least fifteen different extension cords, a few phone-charging cords, some regular handcuffs, and the cherry on top, a set of cheery colourful Christmas lights oh-so-prettily made into a noose.

Most of that mess was probably to do with her powers, but that last part was clearly just for sadistic amusement, though whether that was on Coil's part or his employees I was less certain. He certainly didn't seem unhappy with it, so it was clearly no more of a problem for him than shooting a blowtorch less than six inches away from a fourteen year old's face.

I'm honestly not sure which of those is more messed up.

I will reiterate: Jerk.

I don't remember what Sophia said, exactly. The words were obviously not her own. They were, roughly, about what I'd expected to hear from my captors. "Tell us what we want to know," "Cooperate and this'll be easier on you," "Ve have vays of makink you tok," and all that.

There wasn't a single actual question stated. Not a word was spoken about what, exactly, Coil wanted to know.

I knew, then and there, (although I'd long since suspected) that Coil had no intention of letting us out of his clutches as ourselves. He wanted us broken, presumably so he could put the pieces back together however he pleased. Sophia wasn't there yet, she was still pleading with her eyes and very obviously upset about what she was doing, but she was on her way.

So was I, loathe though I was to admit it.

But, and I know this sounds terrible, I wasn't exactly paying my full attention to Sophia and her predicament, or even my own.

I was snake-watching. As horrible as what had been done to Sophia was, as horrible as what was going to happen to me was, if I wanted either of us out of this alive and ourselves (or even just alive, in my case, considering I was probably immune to any Mastering but not to a bullet through my head) I needed any edge I could get.

His attention shifting to gloat over Sophia, instead of me, was something. Not enough, but something, and I was well motivated to pay very close attention.

So when his movement halted for a moment and he began shaking, I noticed.

And kicked my supervillainous captor exactly where I knew it would hurt the most.
Goodness, talk about emotional whiplash. Also, our little girl is going to have to change her Cape name to Kicker.
Something happened in the other timeline.

All things considered, it's not really out of the question that Soph 2nd triggered because of how completely terrifying this would be for her since her previous history of being Mastered and subsumed. Hoping not that though since 2nd Triggers are supposed to be infinitesimally rare but most fics ignore that fact.

I guess author could explain the trigger not affecting our clock girl due to her power's inherent ability to be immune to external effects and making things in her aura be 'right'(couldn't think of a better way to express her ability).

Speaking of her Aura, anyone else wondering when the penny is going to drop that Emily's dialysis isn't going to be needed because of being within her Aura's effect? That could turn out badly when considering Emily's distrust of Parahumans. It wouldn't even be a large leap of events for her to believe that there is some ulterior evil reasoning to the unrequested healing.
Speaking of her Aura, anyone else wondering when the penny is going to drop that Emily's dialysis isn't going to be needed because of being within her Aura's effect? That could turn out badly when considering Emily's distrust of Parahumans. It wouldn't even be a large leap of events for her to believe that there is some ulterior evil reasoning to the unrequested healing.
Except that Jacqueline can't, as far as I know, turn off the physical healing aspect of her aura - it is a 'consequence' of exposure that healthy adults won't notice at all and that would be considered a side benefit for anyone else, given that it tags along with the anti-Master effect that is deeply desirable. Emily might be annoyed that she didn't adequately think through the result of repeat exposure, but she's not (usually) so irrational as to take out that irritation on a minor who is, in fact, doing her entire branch of the PRT a massive service and has just been kidnapped for her courtesy. (When it comes out who, exactly, did the kidnapping... mmm, Emily will have a much more attractive target on whom to vent her ire.)
Well, with a man like that, any kick a restrained little girl manages to land on him is a kick in the ego. It is, after all, a very large target.
Goodness, talk about emotional whiplash. Also, our little girl is going to have to change her Cape name to Kicker.
Mood whiplash is my mother tongue. And no, she won't. (There's plenty of other people to do it for her)
All things considered, it's not really out of the question that Soph 2nd triggered because of how completely terrifying this would be for her since her previous history of being Mastered and subsumed. Hoping not that though since 2nd Triggers are supposed to be infinitesimally rare but most fics ignore that fact.
They are indeed very rare. They also cause nearby parahumans to black out entirely, not stop for a moment and start shaking. They're like normal triggers that way. If Coil had been in range of one, he would have just collapsed on the ground, same as any other parahuman. Jacqueline might be able to resist because her power works to counter things unnaturally affecting her brain, especially Shard things, or Achronal Engine just might not even know to pass the vision along, but I'm not really inclined to go that way.

Speaking of her Aura, anyone else wondering when the penny is going to drop that Emily's dialysis isn't going to be needed because of being within her Aura's effect? That could turn out badly when considering Emily's distrust of Parahumans. It wouldn't even be a large leap of events for her to believe that there is some ulterior evil reasoning to the unrequested healing.
Except that Jacqueline can't, as far as I know, turn off the physical healing aspect of her aura - it is a 'consequence' of exposure that healthy adults won't notice at all and that would be considered a side benefit for anyone else, given that it tags along with the anti-Master effect that is deeply desirable. Emily might be annoyed that she didn't adequately think through the result of repeat exposure, but she's not (usually) so irrational as to take out that irritation on a minor who is, in fact, doing her entire branch of the PRT a massive service and has just been kidnapped for her courtesy. (When it comes out who, exactly, did the kidnapping... mmm, Emily will have a much more attractive target on whom to vent her ire.)
Well, even healthy adults generally have some issues. They're just not big enough or worrying enough to be worth treating. Most of the time though they wouldn't notice just because they don't really notice the issues themselves, but they might. Much like how devices and objects in the aura can be repaired to a level beyond what any amount of maitenence could do, or even better than brand new.

The healing/repair is also the primary function of the aura. It is, in both Emily's eyes and Jacqueline's, Jacqueline's power. The anti-Master effect is a side effect. A very useful side-effect, mind you, but a side-effect nonetheless. If Emily hasn't figured out that it could apply to her, the only possible reason is because she hasn't thought about it, possibly due to a psychological block.

If Emily already disliked Jacqueline, and I do think it would have to be for something more than just general mistrust of parahumans, she still might blame her. It wouldn't be a good moment for her, but she might. She's certainly not perfect. But since Emily Piggot likes and trusts Jacqueline, she wouldn't.

Though she might very well blame the medicals in general and Emem Maina in particular for not pointing it out.
Well, even healthy adults generally have some issues. They're just not big enough or worrying enough to be worth treating. Most of the time though they wouldn't notice just because they don't really notice the issues themselves, but they might. Much like how devices and objects in the aura can be repaired to a level beyond what any amount of maitenence could do, or even better than brand new.
Exactly! Unless they're getting scanned by Panacea before and after, a 'healthy' adult just isn't going to realize that, for example, the healing aura corrected some minor skin cell mutations thanks to UV exposure that might have become a melanoma somewhere down the line, or that she's cleared up a little arterial plaque, or any of the other first-stage issues that might metastasize into something life-threatening in a decade or two. Sure, next time they get bloodwork done, their doctor might note an otherwise-unexplainable change in some trends they'd been monitoring, but... all the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to, to crib the bard?

Besides, the overwhelming relief of "Hey, look at that, I'm not Mastered and neither is anyone else in this room!" is going to paper over a bunch of the smaller issues anyhow, since a vague uptick in one's sense of well-being is likely to be attributed to that concern rather than getting a sudden tune-up, just because it's front of mind. I would definitely notice all sorts of things after exposure, because I'm dealing with a bunch of medical issues that would make themselves loudly known in their absence (just... not hurting? not how chronic pain works!) and Emily may well have done the same, at least subconsciously, but considered it a 'price' worth paying to remove the risk of Mastering.
34-6 Inflict
In hindsight, I can't say kicking Coil in the no-no-touch-touch-square was a particularly calm, considered, or rational course of action. I was scared, no, more than that, I was terrified. Almost but not quite out of my tiny little mind.

Given that he almost definitely would have killed me eventually if he'd stayed uninterrupted, and that it was only a matter of minutes at the very most before he started on the torture I can't say it was the wrong decision to make, but it was definitely an extremely risky one.

For starters, I wasn't entirely sure that there wasn't a second guard who'd chosen to stay out of sight, one who hadn't left with the others. There wasn't, but there could have been, and if there had been my little counter-attack would not have ended well.

Actually, I can't say it did end well, but it would have ended much worse. Best case scenario, I'd catch a bullet through the head for a quick and painless death. Worst case, well…

Well, actually it's pretty much exactly the same as the worst case scenario without the extra sneaky guard. That being not all that different from the worst case scenario if I hadn't kicked Coil, but considerably more vindictive and with less pausing for pointless dramatics. Which, you know, is a fairly minor change compared to the sheer horribleness of the existing worst case scenario. Like being locked in a cage with a dozen starving wolves instead of ten.

You're not making it out alive either way, and it's definitely going to hurt, but one isn't really all that different from the other.

It also could have gotten me killed before rescue came, but I had no way of knowing when that would happen. And, well, he was right there, blowtorch in hand, and almost definitely going to use it on me more directly than previously in the near future. If I'd been unconscious for any meaningful period of time without the PRT finding me, he'd almost definitely get around to trying some roast Jacqueline before they arrived.

(There's no evidence that he practiced cannibalism, mind you, but I wouldn't put it past him and it wasn't the consumption part that was worrying me anyway.)

That was, pardon my french, très, très mal.

So yeah, I can't say for certain that it was the right decision, but I also can't say it was the wrong one, and I'm more inclined to believe the former than the latter.

And, well, even if it was the wrong decision, can you really blame me?

Of course, besides all the stuff with Coil in specifica, there were also the risks inherent to suddenly causing a man holding a live blowtorch a lot of pain. Namely that he was holding a live blowtorch.

I suppose that, technically speaking, that shouldn't have been much of an issue. The people who design blowtorches, and most of the people who carry them, aren't idiots. Or at least they have some regard for basic health and safety measures and willingness to design in and use basic safety features.

Like trigger guards.

Coil, like Vince before him, had a trigger guard. And, also like Vince before him, Coil didn't use his trigger guard, instead keeping his finger right on the trigger.

Unlike Vince, his trigger went off.

And, of course, that happened right as he was swinging the business end at my face.

I honestly don't know if he did it on purpose. I suspect he did, and it does seem like him, but I couldn't testify as much in a court of law. In hindsight, the combination of his reckless disregard for the concept of trigger safety and the normal flailing and grip tightening of people experiencing sudden blunt impact do provide a sufficient explanation.

At the time, however, I was mostly thinking things like "under attack," "hot, hot, too hot," and "aaah, aaah, it hurts, it hurts!".

Only, you know, less coherent and more elemental than that.

I couldn't see anything. I'd slammed my eyes shut on instinct when the flame was rushing towards me, and for all I know that was the only reason I still had eyes, especially my left, but I could still hear, and Coil was cursing up a storm.

Probably not literally. Capes who can meaningfully affect the weather are extremely rare, and none of them could do so so easily. And, well, if Coil had that kind of power he would have used it before he was suddenly crumbling over.

But he was definitely in a lot of pain, and more than a little upset with me.

And, of course, I'd taken my not-so-metaphorical licking (with a tongue of flame and agony), and decided it was best to keep on kicking.

Pragmatically speaking, I had well and truly crossed the rubicon by that point. I couldn't very well un-kick Coil, and he did not seem like the forgiving type. I was going to win this fight or suffer horribly.

Well, even more horribly.

Sadly those weren't exactly mutually exclusive, but surrender was not an attractive option. Not that I actually put much thought into weighing my options.

My face was on fire, figuratively and for all I knew literally, I wasn't exactly any less afraid than I was when I decided to kick him the first time, and, as petty as it sounds, I really didn't think he had any right to be complaining about my treatment of him.

So, before I had really thought about it, I'd kicked him right in the same place again. Fortunately he hadn't moved, or at least not much. Not enough to matter.

He didn't seem to like the second time any more than he'd liked the first. Guess he liked dishing it out better than he did taking it, or maybe he just wasn't fond of this particular form of it.

I wasn't terribly sympathetic. He started it, and he certainly didn't ask permission first. And, frankly, I took what happened next as nothing less than a gift from the universe.

Coil wobbled.

Coil reached out to steady himself.

Coil slammed his hand onto the tray full of torture implements.

Coil sent said tray full of torture implements sliding off the table it was resting on.

Coil crashed down to the floor in an ungainly heap, not helped by my third attempt to put my heavy, hard boots into his most sensitive part at high speeds landing in his only-moderately-less-sensitive gut.

I heard it all. And that last part I could feel just fine.

After that there was nothing to the fight but red and fury and terror and as much stomping and kicking as I could manage as quickly as possible. I honestly don't remember most of it. I certainly couldn't see it.

In hindsight, that was probably a mistake on Coil's part.