Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! (Competive Council RP Signup and Main OOC. Game Ended.)

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I have faith in the Soviets. Though if they want to set up some lucrative trade deals with the USA to supply their war machine I certainly wouldn't object. But we're going to have to wait for a different excuse to go after Draka.

I too would be interested in trade deals. But first, I must ask, general political consensus about the Union in America? Wouldn't do to trade with someone who hated us.

Knowing the rolls, I'm not surprised if the Soviets can call in General Winter whenever they want.

How do you know about our weather control project. That is top secret information known only to party heads.
TBF ya'll have way more activity than the other two threads, judging from the fact yers is, what, 50 pages? As opposed to the allies who have 20, or us the sovs who have 8.
Happy Birthday Gideon! thanks for inspiring me to formulate a council game kinda like this one, but against the Race (a bunch of lizardmen aliens from Harry Turtledove's novel which was set during WW2)
Happy Birthday Gideon!

looks at Gunman's post and dies laughing

Not an issue.
Yeah. I mean, when your teammate wants to try and emulate Cthulhu (in the future not now, thankfully), you have bigger things to worry about.
It's nice to know that he's unlikely to have any success though.
GM's Birthday Special: A Snake's Eye View
For all of you players, a little Draka sideshow:

1924, Kazakhstan.

The artillery lanced down and Chiliarch Karl Von Shrakenberg couldn't help but flinch as he saw Hoplite APC's and Hond-II tanks being blasted off the narrow cliff roads as more of the damn Ivan artillery continued to rain down on the Citizens and Janissary forces. Forces that were actually in full retreat away from Ivans armed with nothing more than bolt-action rifles, copies of Maxim machineguns, and enough artillery to level a mountain.

Around him, Karl noted the looks of shock and disbelief still etched on the faces of the Citizens under his command and likely as a whole for the forces of Strategos Keating. The Domination had been beaten, and despite the fact that they were burning and impaling every village they retreated through, they couldn't afford to slow down enough to get all of them.

And there was no denying it, the Ivans had won, no amount of propaganda would be able to disguise this defeat, the first actual military defeat in the Domination's history since the days when the British Navy leveled Archona with cannon fire back during the days as a Crown Colony and then Dominion.

"Dam' Iv'n basta'ds." Karl heard one of the female Citizens under his command mutter under her breath in that harsh, guttural tongue that was quintessential Drakan English, "We'll sho' 'm, te'ch th' 'tire fuc'in lo' o' 'em when w' com' b'ck."

'That we will my dear.' Karl agreed in his head, 'That we will.'

1928, Kilamanjaro Range

"Well, what have we found?" Doctor Martha Wallenstein turned and upon seeing the approaching figure of the newly-elected Archon, Sarah Palme, saluted.

"Archon, we've made great strides in discovering the purpose of the alien facility, and we can state with very high confidence that what we have found is some manner of research facility, focused on researching various forms of energy." Wallenstein smiled, "It took considerable time and effort, but we've managed to create a specialized computer that can translate the alien pictograms into understandable English and from there, manipulate the alien technology."

Sarah Palme, newly replacing the disgraced and humiliated Paul Springfield, nodded with satisfaction, "And the material?" She spoke in reference to the hallways full of the glowing metallic-yellow crystal that the Tesla Institute, still named such despite the betrayal of Nikola Tesla in leaving everything to peddle his knowledge in other countries, that had been named 'Palmite' to honour Archon Palme since it was a mere leisure expedition up the Kibo peak of Kilamanjaro that had led to the accidental discovery.

Wallenstein smiled, "We've made great strides there. According to the alien computers, Palmite can be used to side-step many problems in relation to create powerful energy fields, such that we can use it to create and manipulate fundamental energies found in the universe. The previous occupants were studying the applications of the material in creating and powering powerful radio energy forms which we've called 'Microwaves', and they were clearly interested in it's military applications."

Palme nodded, "I want a full program to find a way to create our own Microwave weapons. The Race cannot be shown up by beings not of this world, in fact we are going to out-do them. I want working design before the year is out Wallenstein. Service To The State."

"Glory To The Race," Wallenstein finished the traditional military greeting as Palme turned on her heel and walked away, before the scientist turned to her favourite Serf, "Kristina, be a dear and have Hans call together the rest of the staff, we have work to do."

"Yes, Mistress." The Serf bowed demurely, "It will be an honor." As the Serf left, Wallenstein pulled out a photograph of a young woman in a military uniform.

"We will certainly out-do the aliens, Archon." She whispered, "And then, revenge for my daughter, and on Ivan."

1932, Castle Tarleton

Karl Von Shrakenberg felt the weight of the Strategos' badge pinned to his collar quite distinctly as he walked down the halls of Castle Tarleton to meet with the Archon and the other Strategos concerning the issue of China, and the planned invasion of Russia.

'This has been a long time coming.' Karl mused to himself, 'The Ivans may have made a few strange moves, and shut down the embassy, but that doesn't matter. Everything from the embassy shows that the Soviet Union is still weak, and not even a few industrialization programs will do anything to stop them coming under The Yoke.'

He paused in front of the doors as the Security Directorate troops posted outside checked his identification and opened the doors, allowing Karl to witness something strange. Every Strategos there, from the dour Lemp to the often boisterous Adams, was tense and the usually focused Archon was pacing slightly, prowling like an angry jungle cat, as he stepped into the room, the sound of his boots on the tiled floor drawing attention as he greeted, "Service."

"Glory." Palme waved him over, "Have you read the latest reports from Central Asia?"

Shrakenberg frowned, "Aplogies Archon, but which one?"

Palme grimaced, "All of them. Reports from credible, Citizen officers, with some limited film and photographic evidence, that the Ivans have been teching up. Here." She tossed a stack of photos on the large projecmap table that dominated the Archon's office, typically showing the Police Zone whenever she greeted visitors into her office.

Stepping over, Karl picked up one of the photos and felt his eyebrows rise at seeing what looked like...

"Is this a coffin with legs and arms?"

Lemp snorted, "And armed with the Ivan's 14.5mm Dushkas. I've got reports about those things tearing up entire companies with only a few machines. You need a tank gun to even hurt them, Karl, and even then you need at least two shots from a 102 to put just one of them down."

"It's worse than that," Jasmin Fortier spoke up, "The Ivans new tank, the T-32, it's becoming more common and those damn Stalinists have created some kind of super-steel for armour. I've got reports from armour commanders saying those damn little things take five shots compared to the one shot needed to deal with the T-26 and the T-28, and that's with Wolfram rounds, everything else just bounces off the damn things.

"We did manage to capture one of them," Servaas Van Dalen grimaced, "And according to reports that came to my desk, there's traces of Palmite in the armour." Karl realised just why the Archon was so infuriated.

"So the ferals found iron tainted with Palmite." He addressed the elephant in the room, looking at a photo of a T-32 firing it's cannon, "That is...unfortunate."

"Unfortunate?!" Palme suddenly rounded on him, eyes narrowed and teeth bared, "These feral Ivan cunts are using my Palmite to make armour that allows this pissant tanks to defeat and kill my Citizens and they don't fucking know what the reason for their victories are!"

"Still, this does tell us that Palmite can be found in Iron, or possibly alloyed with it. With some work, we might be able to discovery how this is possible using the limited resources generated by the machine in the Kilimanjaro facility." Shrakenberg replied smoothly, "I sincerely doubt the Ivans know anything about Palmite, and if they did they wouldn't have the first inkling about what it does. We still hold the advantage."

Palme relaxed slightly, "Yes, you're right Shrakenberg." Her eyes flashed as she looked at her Strategos, "This means that the invasion is now more than just paying Ivan back for 1925, if they are sitting like wallowing pigs on top of a potential motherlode of Palmite, then it is imperative that The Domination secures it before anyone else finds out about Palmite."

Karl smiled, "And in regards to that, I invited my Strategos into a private meeting to create an invasion plan that should allow for a swift takeover of the Soviet Union without causing undue strain on our logistics for China and the planned invasion of France."

"How the fuck with Eisen fuck that up, anyway?" Van Dalen muttered, "He was supposed to start the riots after he assassinated the French Cabinet. And the fucker gets himself killed in that damn civil war."

"It doesn't matter, France is still badly weakened and despite that raving lunatic Hitler's speeches, we'll roll over the Europeans easily." Another Stratego, Mitcham if Karl was correct, spoke up, "Their stuff is piss-weak according to my intelligence sources, and probably according to the Security boys and girls."

Palme nodded, "All right Shrakenberg, what's this plan?"
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