Yes, sorry, I messed up my tenses. Fixed. x_x

See, I am a massive Fire Emblem fan and want to play Three Houses, but @VagueZ and I spent our budgets gifting @Gazetteer a Switch and Three Houses (certainly a bit of an undertaking, considering all three of us are currently in different countries), and now I'm even poorer. >_>

(I'm joking a bit. I do very much want to play Three Houses, but I'm honestly not excited by the Switch's game library beyond Three Houses - with the possible exception of Breath of the Wild and Pokemon Sword/Shield - so considering how poor I am, I could not justify spending US$360 - or even US$260 with the upcoming Switch Lite - for myself. And @Gazetteer is actually pretty enthusiastic about the Switch game library.)
To be fair you can get a lot of mileage out of those three games.
I'm sure this is at least a little obvious by now, but the more you help develop Neianne's personality across her time at Faulkren, the more you're "locking in" certain options, decisions, and consequences.

As you can pretty evidently see in this last update, Neianne growing some more emotional resolution and confidence has always led to her developing something of a temper. She's made the possible "suboptimal" choice by deciding to sign up for the Inter-Academy Tournament despite the very real possibility that they're mostly not ready. She's made the almost certainly "suboptimal" choice by blowing up on Stephanie, and she's also making the "suboptimal" choice of beginning to feel some level of resentment against Elizabeth and Sieglinde. Just because you may or may not be ready to cut Stephanie out of your life does not mean Neianne is. And failing to address her developing character will have consequence not only on the broader narrative, but also on Neianne herself too.

On a note @Kei Would there be a way that is only somewhat awkward to change stephanies appereance like hairdye and lime for example ?

You could try during the next vote...? XD

I mean, I'm pretty sure it's going to be some level of awkward, given the previous altercation. =P
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I'm sure this is at least a little obvious by now, but the more you help develop Neianne's personality across her time at Faulkren, the more you're "locking in" certain options, decisions, and consequences.

As you can pretty evidently see in this last update, Neianne growing some more emotional resolution and confidence has always led to her developing something of a temper. She's made the possible "suboptimal" choice by deciding to sign up for the Inter-Academy Tournament despite the very real possibility that they're mostly not ready. She's made the almost certainly "suboptimal" choice by blowing up on Stephanie, and she's also making the "suboptimal" choice of beginning to feel some level of resentment against Elizabeth and Sieglinde. Just because you may or may not be ready to cut Stephanie out of your life does not mean Neianne is. And failing to address her developing character will have consequence not only on the broader narrative, but also on Neianne herself too.

You could try during the next vote...? XD

I mean, I'm pretty sure it's going to be some level of awkward, given the previous altercation. =P
Clearly we need to give her light pink hair, blame it on teenage moody rebellion and no one will give her a closer look :p
It is really hard to think about our choices as suboptimal, with the way you write characters. Anytime I see how Neianne changed, I start reading from the start.
Just because you may or may not be ready to cut Stephanie out of your life does not mean Neianne is. And failing to address her developing character will have consequence not only on the broader narrative, but also on Neianne herself too.
Mmm, true. While we might look at this as "look at the drama and character development opportunities" as readers, real people may tend to more have a response of "I don't want to deal with this".

An interesting challenge.
Good news everyone! Squad 4 is no longer the most dysfunctional of all! We may want to try having this happen by actually improving our cohesion rather than by watching another squad implode in the future, but at least for now our job is done.
I may have mentioned this in the past, but On the Road to Elspar was originally storyboarded for a fantasy East Asian setting (fantasy China/Japan/Korea). But that Asian-esque aesthetic and culture and trappings would've been relatively unfamiliar to a largely English-speaking audience, and I was eventually persuaded to revert to a more familiar European-esque fantasy setting instead, seeing how trying to successfully write original fiction already has enough barriers.
I think you underestimate the weeblevel of your audience, Kei. ;P

"S-Stephanie?" you whisper across the darkness - lit only by the sliver of pale moonlight coming through the crack in the curtains - from one bed to another.
But is Stephanie the devil you're dancing with or is it Neianne? :3

"Her sword ran with lightning. A-As in, I think lighting was r-running through her blade."

Stephanie doesn't reply immediately. Or at all. You can hear your heartbeat over the silence that follows your explanation.
If you were closer, you could hear her heartbeat instead. :3

There's a harsh, uncharacteristically sarcastic edge to Stephanie's tone as she bitterly half-laughs, "You're going to ask me to talk about something I don't want instead of asking her to knock it off?"
C'mon, has anyone really ever successfully asked Elizabeth -not- to do something that amuses her?

For a moment, you're almost confused, convinced that this isn't actually you. The reality that you're snapping at your roommate - with whom you've gotten along with so well after more than a year - is almost surreal.
Neianne close to limit breaking...

They taught the first knights how to channel our souls through our weapons, a sacred art passed down through the generations."

That's interesting and mysterious, but the most obvious question pops into your head: "Then the fire from your blade isn't...magecraft?"
samurai kiiiiii

pounce Neianne, that way lies true monk power also...!


"I suppose the parallels are impossible to miss. Just like magecraft, the fire my spirit conjures is a mimicry, but where magecraft seeks to replicate fire, my spirit merely expresses itself as fire. It is an even paler mimicry than magecraft itself."
But the question is, is she actively expressing it as fire or is that innate?

Part of that energy expresses itself in the common elements of magecraft; mine happens to be fire, just as Sister Eleanore's happens to be lightning.
Aha. Well, still an interesting avenue to explore, perhaps.

(and now someone will write the Mary Sue who channels VOID ELEMENT into their daikatana)

You nod, going over to the foot of your bed and removing the protective leather cover from your buster sword - there's no way you're keeping that giant slab of iron against your bedstand like Stephanie's katana - and soon you're seated at the edge of your bed facing Stephanie, your buster sword held up in your hands.
That seems like it would be remarkably hard to have any leverage from that position.

you suddenly feel a heat wave - nothing powerful, reminiscent only of the warmth of a fireplace
or...the warmth of Stephanie?


"For me it is. I can't take only your concerns into account. I have an entire squad to take care of."

"A squad that's only going to last for as long as we're apprentices, for which you'll be squad leader only until we graduate! This is a child's game, Neianne. There's no guarantee you'll even still be a leader, or that we'll even be fighting together, when we get sent off to the front. You're taking this too seriously."
If it wasn't blatant enough that Stephanie wasn't SL material by any stretch, there it is. Nevermind practice as you fight, if Neianne doesn't try, all she's getting is experience in how to not be a shitty squad member to your leader from the other side lol

You're fine with pretending I have no input in a squad decision just so you can avoid crossing paths with Sister Eleanore because you thought she might recognize you! And that would've been fine if I wasn't squad leader, but now I am! And now that I have to make a decision, you think I'm just being selfish or taking things too seriously or have something against you!"
And that's when the woobie justifiably finally snaps <3

But that she's just giving you the cold soldier, that your roommate and your friend who has stood by you for so long is stiffly calling you "squad leader for the first hurts.
missing endquote or something

"Her family practically owns yours!" Penelope says, jabbing a finger in Lucille's direction. The elf in question flinches, looking more shocked than ever.

"I don't need you to tell me what my family's situation is."

"What, so you can be a good little whore and just ignore how you're going against your own kind and..."

"Oh, bugger off!" Ashlyn snaps, shoving Penelope back a step with a sharp thrust of her palm.
C'mon, she earned a full out face slap for that one.

"What's wrong with...?" Ashlyn trails off as she follows your gaze up to Penelope, whose eyes have startled bulging, her hands desperately clawing at her throat, her mouth wide as if she's trying and failing to suck in a breath. Ashlyn stares for a small moment, blood trickling from a split lip, before she gasps, whipping around to stare at the fourth apprentice present. "Mel, stop!"
You picked the wroooooong person to hit in front of Mel, accidentally or otherwise. XD

Not telling Stephanie that you figured out her identity and pretending nothing happened would've prevented her anger and resentment here. She would've been unhappy that the squad is going to Llyneyth, but she would've directed her anger towards herself because she kept this secret from everyone at Faulkren, and Neianne "didn't know any better". She'd feel that she has no one to blame but herself.

Of course, there is no guarantee that Stephanie will or won't find out about this later, nor that she will or won't be any less angry about the omission.
Yes, the hope is that it leads to a better long term relationship. Or, at least, ends things now cleanly if we continue to botch/not be able to repair it instead of having it end truly explosively later once it comes out that Neianne was not, in fact, born yesterday.

Hey, maybe Stephanie will mature a bit and understand someone else's perspective! It can't be any less likely than Elizabeth evolving from being the kind of noble basically no one else likes.
Aha. Well, still an interesting avenue to explore, perhaps.
If Neianne ever did develop spirit channeling, I'm personally hoping it's Wind attribute so that the swing of her buster sword knocks whole groups of enemies over, or she can make an anime sword beam that cuts things at a distance. I had hoped it would also make the sword lighter by being carried by the wind a little so she can one-hand it, but after reading the description of how it works, I don't think it would do that at all.
A few things that I was too tired to catch last night and am going to address now.

My heart goes out to you, I know the soul-crushing/numbing feeling of having made so much progress then realising you need to gut and replace 30% (or far, far more) of your work. It's as if no matter what you do your back at square one anyway.

Perhaps you could try grammar checking software? I'm not sure how well they'd work but if you just change the pronouns then the software may be able to do the rest.

Alternatively, to make it easier to fall back on an old proverb - to eat an elephant, just use smaller portions. Space out when you upload chapters to RR, and just try to do the work in small periods whenever you feel like it but take a break before becomes overwhelming.

The best products are behind a paywall sofware-wise, of course, and I'm not sure what's the most cost-effective strategy, but I hope this suggestion helps.

I'm not entirely sure I trust grammar software yet. I mean, I don't even think it's entirely an issue about grammar software; in a lot of ways, this quest is written in a way that's obviously meant to hit voter engagement, and doesn't mesh super well with conventional long-form fiction. It's not just a matter of changing "you" to "she"; it's a matter of rewriting a lot of different segments so it doesn't read like the third-person fiction is trying to talk to the reader the way a quest does. I wouldn't be entirely averse to doing this by hand, to be honest, save for the fact that I'm already proofreading and editing all my previous posts for publication on SpaceBattles and Royal Road...

Btw, is the RR referred to here Royal Road?

...and yes, that's what RR stands for. I'm also writing Intercessor, something I'm actually being commissioned to write and which I'm honestly behind on. So that's a lot of issues going on.

And so begins the rise of Darth Melanie, who clearly valued Lucy more then Ashlyn , as she after all did not interfer during the fight itself.

And we also see that teenagers being teenager stupid continues into this world and making this realistic.
Even if I am surprised a bit by the quick escalation, but then it clearly is because Mel values Lucy far to much as her primary Galpal.

It's probably not a big surprise that Melanie has stronger feelings for Lucille than Ashlyn, but I'd probably also point out that when Ashlyn was fighting Penelope, they were possibly a little too close in their grapping fistfight for Melanie to comfortably start using magecraft, especially given how magecraft needs to be cast seconds in advance.

I really thought Penelope was improving in terms of attitude but I guess she's just completely incapable of being a decent human being, that's a crying shame.

"We are forced to be paraded around because you are a fuckup and so are about to be publicy humiliated" + teenage tempers are not a good combination.
ANd well I would argue that Penelope is working under a paradigma where for her gifts are never free, as every gift and alm is connected to a social obligation there.

Pen doesn't learn. This is not how a rogue approaches a fight with a noble with a mage bodyguard dammit. Did Liz teach her nothing?

As for Penelope? Frankly woman, you need to choose. Pride at being able to survive harsh conditions and poverty is one thing. Getting angry at an attempt at kindness like that...Well.

Once again, the theory that Penny either just wants to die or has no self preservation instincts rises to the forefront.

One of the things that someone once brought up - which I felt was a lovely description that I have no problems sharing here - is that Penelope and Wendy and a few other people come from a pretty different social context compared to most other people. A lot of what they see as standing up for themselves in poor neighborhoods is meant to achieve a level of respect from others - not necessarily people liking them, but people understanding that they're worthy of respect and not to be messed with - really doesn't carry over well, not only for Faulkren Academy in general, but for a lot of the other apprentices' backgrounds in general. Of course, Ashlyn actually has fairly complicated feelings with regards to Lucille, the nobility, and what Penelope was saying, but Penelope's behavior - which worked for her and Wendy and a lot of the other girls from urban working families - just really pisses Ashlyn the farm girl off.

...I am beginning to see why I wasn't very popular in my impoverished neighborhoods.

I think you underestimate the weeblevel of your audience, Kei. ;P

I mean, note that I wasn't speaking of Japanese fantasy in general. I would've also taken a lot of inspiration from Chinese fantasy. =P



missing endquote or something

fixed thank you x_x

EDIT: I have a mecha idea bouncing around in my head, and if I ever write it (which I really, really shouldn't), I'll probably go with the conceit that Asia took over the world a long time ago. =P
I'm not sure if Stephanie HAD a plan at all, considering anyone who saw a Knight fight at some point would have identified her immediately.
...actually, did the instructors know anyway? Theres very little chance that none of them know what they're looking at considering they know full well thats not magecraft at all.

Classic teenage wishful thinking and avoidance.
The confrontation destabilized the situation, which does allow for things to get better at least.
Or a lot worse. One way or another.
I'll point out that one of the larger quests on sv is an original xianxia-based one, so I think you'd probably have been alright.
It did need a lot of players understanding and promoting the cultural differences element to stay on track at times.
...actually, did the instructors know anyway? Theres very little chance that none of them know what they're looking at considering they know full well thats not magecraft at all.

Stephanie has never - as far as Neianne knows - shown off her powers in front of anyone else. The only other time she lit her katana on fire was during the Squirrel attack, and that was to save your life; the practice katana was gone by the time Sieglinde and Elizabeth showed up.
Question: Are any of the Knight Monasteries located in Elspar? The region in the process of being invaded and annexed by the Tenereians?
I think Stephanie has a choice to make, and I'm hoping she comes down on our side but I think it's going to take one more conversation, probably best from our raven. She left the monestary to use her sword in the world: is she willing to show the world her sword? He decision is only a dream, half-real, until then, since she could still return to her old life with minimal consequences as long as nobody really knew. Maybe she's the one the fairies were aiming for? We're basically wrangling characters that have all, till now, been protagonists in their own right...

So I think Siglinde is the best here, because it would allow for Stephanie to reveal her secret on her own terms to someone, and Liz is right out.
Well, yeah, that's really dysfunctional. What's it with Mages and disproportionate punishments?

(Also, it should come as no surprise, but I agree with Neianne's resentment of how Elizabeth sometimes just regards other people as sources of entertainment for her. Class is definitely a problem in Caldein, though literally nothing we've seen about their enemies seems to indicate that they're any better at class stuff, except to the extent that 'poor people never get to see nobles to actually argue with them, and if they did they'd legit just be killed' means there are less confrontations like this.)

Also, I'm not "done" with Stephanie or anything, but Neianne should focus on helping Stephanie, not on directly apologizing, because I don't think there's actually anything to apologize for.

That said, Neianne does have a being-taken-for-granted problem. And for the outside world, it'd be less of a problem if she hadn't been learning to have an actual spine, because then they could ignore how much they hurt her, rather than seeing her blow up. But bottling it up isn't healthy, even if it's better than just endlessly eating resentments like they're free food at a party and you haven't eaten all day.
For those who enjoy spending time on TV Tropes, please feel free to fill in some stuff into On the Road to Elspar's TV Tropes page. It's very lonely there. T_T

Right, so, a few things I either missed or couldn't talk about earlier... x_x

Was re-reading and spotted something interesting.


Stephanie was raised Conceptualist. She hesitated when she was about to presumably call out one of the goddesses that rule over the domains ('The Goddess knows I try' or some such) and had to mentally switch to Spring as that's the common religion, whilst her first instinct would have waved a nice big banner saying 'Monastery raised!'

It's pretty much confirmed in the last update with their pseudo-magecraft being so similar, just wanted to point out the evidence that's available looking back.

So obviously, I couldn't say anything about this until the previous update, but you were spot-on. Great catch~ X3

What do you mean, "no next page"?!



so. Yeah. Hi. I've been bingeing this during work for the last week. A most awesome story, I'm definetely here to stay now :) (So, please, no morbid jokes, Kei).

Don't know if I'll be voting all that much, since we seem to have the typical quester behaviour here as well, though.

Hi, sorry I missed you the first time around, but thank you very much for being interested in my quest~ I hope that the binging wasn't too bad, that all of us will get to know you better, and that you'll be entertained by what is to come~

I really hate the Tenerians but it's kinda a shame that they seem to be expansionist jerks all the way down...

I don't think we've seen a sympathetic one yet.

I really thought Penelope was improving in terms of attitude but I guess she's just completely incapable of being a decent human being, that's a crying shame.

Tenereia and Penelope kind of suffer from the same problem with regards to their depiction right now: We haven't had a chance to see them from another perspective. They're neither entirely perfect nor entirely awful; there will be chances - some soon, some not-so-soon - for you to see. ^_^;

I dropped a review over on RR, as well as a follow+favourite.

But I'm really not sure how well the second person format will go over on RR.

There's another quest on here I follow (yrsillar's Destiny series) where he's crossposting the work over to RR but he changed the character perspective to third person, and it's currently finding great success on that site. I'm not sure if you're unable to do it for time or other unrelated reasons, but I would suggest reconsidering?

I saw your review on Royal Road; thank you very much~ It was very heartwarming to read. >_<

With regards to changing everything to third-person, I am working on a possibility that may work out. Please stay tuned. T_T
For Penelope, it's a bit odd since she actually reached a bit of an accord with Aphelia after the squirrel attack, but here got in a near death-match with one of the most inoffensive and trying-to-be-helpful noble lady.

One suspects that:

1. She's not really thinking rationally about how she treats people (Okay, yes, 'suspects' is perhaps a bit too weak a word for what we've seen) but

2. She doesn't actually 'feel' like Lucille is an actual scary oppressive noble lady. Lucille's solicitous nature makes Penelope think of her not as the ruling class, but a bootlicker suck up.

This has some interesting implications. I feel that Penelope gets why bad nobles are bad nobles, they're selfish and they have power, of course they'll protect it. But how many nobles has Penelope ever actually met before coming here to train? I would guess between 0 and 1. But she's likely seen all her life people 'better off' then her acting polite and helpful to their betters, and that's where Penelope's rage really seems directed at most. Not the nobles she thinks are looking down on everyone, but those that she thinks ought to be working against the nobles but are instead helping them.

When taken with her trying to bully liz early on, because she seemed weak, it looks almost like she's trying to point out that nobles are not that hot shit and fightable and everyone should poke them whenever possible. Unless they're actually strong and can kick your ass, in which case just fear and distrust them, or maybe ask for help.

In which case trying to get along with Penelope is actually the worst thing a noble lady can do, if you just want to get along with her for two years and then forget she exists. Better to just say 'Fuck with me and I'll cut you' and penelope will direct her anger at other people instead who can't defend themselves! A perfect solution for everyone. :cry:
So Penelope still doesn't learn, Melanie's serial killer vibes are rising.

But yeah, I can understand Penelope exploding in this one, given that she directly blames Lucille for her friends' deaths to begin with, is force to not only work with her but Lucille's the leader, said leader frankly sucks at the job, and now she likely just found out that she's going to be humiliated in front of all the mercenary schools because of Lucille.

That's the kind of thing that would have normal tempered people pissed off, this was only a matter of time really.

On the Stephanie front, that's going to be mess but I really can't sympathise with her much given that this is in fact her fault for being so damn secretive. And she really needs to decide if she really wants to go out into the world because she can't get it both ways; stay hidden at the monastery or go out there accepting that means that people will know her as well.
On to Neianne, now here's the thing.
As I see it, thanks to the way we've voted before, I think we're going to have to figure out how to manage the fact that the cute little tree-girl is turning into a little hot-head. I'm rather concerned with how this is going to work out, because frankly I think we might just steal the spotlight of Penelope's squad implosion at the tournament, and more distressing is thought of how this works with the team dynamics we have going with our team-
As I see it, we might soon end up with a major blow-up thanks to the issue of Stephanie's Errant Knight status providing the spark, and frankly, I expect Elizabeth to end up taking the mantle if Sieglinde decides against stepping up. Which might paint Zabanya in...Quite the unfortunate light. Or maybe not. Who knows, because I sure don't!
Now what I'm wondering is who to deal with if we want to swerve Neianne away from that. Fellow dryad Azalea might be useful here I think, but I'm honestly half-thinking we should run to the teachers&instructors as much as we can swing it going forward.
On to Neianne, now here's the thing.
As I see it, thanks to the way we've voted before, I think we're going to have to figure out how to manage the fact that the cute little tree-girl is turning into a little hot-head. I'm rather concerned with how this is going to work out, because frankly I think we might just steal the spotlight of Penelope's squad implosion at the tournament, and more distressing is thought of how this works with the team dynamics we have going with our team-
As I see it, we might soon end up with a major blow-up thanks to the issue of Stephanie's Errant Knight status providing the spark, and frankly, I expect Elizabeth to end up taking the mantle if Sieglinde decides against stepping up. Which might paint Zabanya in...Quite the unfortunate light. Or maybe not. Who knows, because I sure don't!
Now what I'm wondering is who to deal with if we want to swerve Neianne away from that. Fellow dryad Azalea might be useful here I think, but I'm honestly half-thinking we should run to the teachers&instructors as much as we can swing it going forward.

Eeh, I mean it's not like Neianne is exactly wrong; no one really does respect her, both as a leader and in her ability to actually reason. The closest she gets to that is from Elizabeth, aka the person who enjoys pushing people's buttons. Really this was something that was going to happen sooner or later the moment Neianne started to gain enough confidence to be willing to speak up. Her getting thrown into leadership to sink or swim pushed it well towards the 'sooner' point.
So please keep in mind that while I totally understand the impulse to try and avoid Neianne picking up character flaws - I have absolutely minmaxed when RPing with people before - I would ask that you avoid trying. There are a few reasons for that. First, characters are just more interesting with flaws. Yes, people get upset when the stories they like hit their piece of drama, but - at least when properly handled - that's what keeps them memorable. Second, Neianne was always meant to be imperfect. Putting aside the fact that the prologue at the very beginning suggested that she would have rivals and enemies, Neianne is already picking up some traits, like the aforementioned "hot-headedness", even bits of Elizabeth's sarcasm.

Besides, third, I'm the author and I'm the one who's trying to write her organically. =P

Incidentally, On the Road to Elspar has finally been listed on Muse's Success~ Please check it out and considering rating it. Thank you~ >_<