[x] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[x] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
-[x] Point out that the rest of the squad can help her stay unobtrusive, if she lets them. We even figured it out because she's trying to hide it all by herself.

If we are going to the tournament, then the consensus vote is the right one. But since there is basically zero debate, why not try and spice it up just a bit?

Pointing out that her secret is basically sunk inside squad four, but that she is our friend we trust and can help her ought to be said. Saying 'I already know' is a bit different then 'I know, so now I can help you more!'

It's possible, but unlikely, that our other squadmates haven't put it together since they didn't see the flame-katana thing. But along with everything else the connection is still easy to figure out if you're looking for it, and we know the other half of squad four have been debating and questioning what's up with her in private. That they haven't figured out the mystery at this point is something Neianne might not be sure of, but we know that they must have figured it out from today.
[x] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[x] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
-[x] Point out that the rest of the squad can help her stay unobtrusive, if she lets them. We even figured it out because she's trying to hide it all by herself.
[x] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[x] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
-[x] Point out that the rest of the squad can help her stay unobtrusive, if she lets them. We even figured it out because she's trying to hide it all by herself.

We want to help and we need to work together. Let's deal with this crap now before it gets even further in the way than it has already.
I think even if that's the likely explanation as to why Stephanie is hiding her abilities, the vote still presumes too much.
Your instructor, to her credit, waits until all of you seem like you've settled down a little before announcing: "Attention." And once attentions are indeed settled on her, she declares, "This assignment is now over. What did we learn today?"

"Peasants twitch prettily when struck by lightning," Elizabeth offers; contrary to your expectations, instead of looking viciously amused, she mostly looks bored.

"Something we've learned," Stephanie mutters, clearly not meant to be quiet enough to escape Elizabeth's hearing. Familiarity has bred a bit of complacency and familiarity with even the Zabanya heir, it seems.

But tiny elf merely smiles sweetly at your aseri roommate roommate. "Why, yes, this may surprise you, but I've never gone out of my way to electrocute peasants before."

Stephanie looks skeptical with an eyebrow raised. "You haven't?"

Elizabeth makes a show of gasping and clutching her heart in a show of mock hurt, unable to wipe the smirk from her face as she does so. "Goodness, Stephanie, what kind of monster do you take me for?"
maybe Stephanie deserves to have her privacy violated after this unprovoked attack on the character of an obviously innocent and carefree girl
I think even if that's the likely explanation as to why Stephanie is hiding her abilities, the vote still presumes too much.

I think you can't operate as a team if people are going out of their way to hide major things like that.

Letting this stay as an elephant in the room will only hurt our cohesion going forward.
[X] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[X] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
-[x] Point out that the rest of the squad can help her stay unobtrusive, if she lets them. We even figured it out because she's trying to hide it all by herself.
I think you can't operate as a team if people are going out of their way to hide major things like that.

Letting this stay as an elephant in the room will only hurt our cohesion going forward.
This doesn't actually refute anything I said. I'm not against confronting Stephanie. I just think you guys are moving too fast. You're bringing up possible solutions when we haven't even confirmed the problem yet.
This doesn't actually refute anything I said. I'm not against confronting Stephanie. I just think you guys are moving too fast. You're bringing up possible solutions when we haven't even confirmed the problem yet.
I'm pretty sure we're as close as we'll get without her messing up or us initiating some kind of confrontation over it.
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I'm pretty sure we're as close as we'll get without her messing up or us initiating some kind of confrontation over it.
Eh. I just don't like presuming anything until we've heard Stephanie out.

[x] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[x] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
[x] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[x] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament
[x] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[x] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
[x] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[x] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
[x] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[x] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
[x] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[x] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
Standing up, you are about to follow Eleanore into the fray when a thought occurs to you. Looking at Sieglinde awkwardly for a moment, you whisper with a mix of urgency and sheepishness, "Sh-Should we offer them a chance to surrender?"
*cough* Neianne, common judgment for banditry in medieval societies is, well, death.

You are aware that you're tiny, your voice is squeaky, you're stuttering, and you're otherwise not being a very convincing offerer of surrender. Yet somehow, at least a fourth of these bandits take one look at you and suddenly start screaming and running in the opposite direction.

Why does this always happen? you wonder helplessly as you wave your buster sword around.
*snicker* I can't imagine why! Nothing to do with your choice of weapon!

But second is that Eleanore's longsword begins to crackle with lightning.
Well now. That looks familia--

Stephanie's katana. Stephanie has the same skillset as Eleanore.
--r. Yes, that.

Your charge is accompanied with a great heave of your buster sword at the three bandits in front of you, albeit you lead with the flat of the blade. Eleanore may have little aversion to spilling blood, but you'd be happy to accept a surrender; besides, the flat of your blade is no small thing, and there's no guarantee anyone struck will survive it.
Uhhh yeah Neianne. You're still hitting them with an improvised greatclub. They are about to have a very bad time regardless.

She does not strike with the flat of her blade - she does not need to - but for the most part, the cuts from her katana are not so deep that they are meant to kill, only to maim and decapacitate.
...an eminently survivable injury, yes.

(decapitate, anyway)

Eleanore has disappeared from your sight. You spot Stephanie disappear behind the treeline
Oh I am sure that this is just coincidence.

"Where's Stephanie?"

"She says she wants to check the area and make sure no one else is sneaking on us." Elizabeth scoffs a little.
Yes that is the most believable reason in the world.

Eyes wide, it takes you only a split-second to step into a curtsy: "Lady Almsyre." Now face-to-face with the Sheriff of Apaloft, the legendary arm of Apaloftian law is everything you expected her to be. Tall and handsome, Sigrid Rossfeldt Almsyre has the air of casual confidence that you've always associated her rumors with, dressed impeccably in high-quality riding clothes, complete with a thick leather cloak that shields her from what rain makes it past the foliage above, coated with a bit of mud at the hem yet still flattering on her. It's hard to tell with elves, but she has the look that would correspond with being in their late twenties or early thirties by aseri and human reckoning. Luxurious locks of blond hair flow down to her waist, her longsword held professionally in a gloved hand, her slight smile carrying the unmistakable ghost of pride, but not unkind when turned upon you. You can't shake the impression that this is the kind of woman that Aphelia wants to grow up to be.

Remember, it's not enough to efficiently kill your enemies. You have to also look fabulous while doing so!

"That I did. They met up with me at the scene of the crime, and performed admirably under my command up this point. You and your squad have done well and have my thanks." Her gaze swivels toward Sieglinde. "They have certainly spoken well enough of their squad leader, Neianne."

An awkward moment passes with you and Sieglinde exchanging awkward glances before she turns to Lady Almsyre and introduces herself with just a hint of dryness in her tone: "I am Sieglinde Corrina Ravehill of Arcaster." She gestures to you. "She is Neianne."
It's okay Neianne. Some day you will not be underestimated on first social impression.

Today is not that day.

"J-Just for our studies at Faulkren, m-milady," you stammer and find yourself curtsying again. "I-I'm Neianne of C-Caelon."

"Caelon?" echoes Lady Almsyre with what is almost certainly a tiny hint of amusement in her voice.
It's...yeah, I got nothing good to say. Well, no wait yes I do, Neianne and her sister are from there, that's sufficient!

until the knight suddenly stops in her tracks for a second, hesitates, and turns around to look at you and Sieglinde. "Thank you, Neianne, Ravenhill," she says, bowing with a touch of awkwardness; you get the feeling that she doesn't do that much with outsiders. "May we meet again."
What a dork.

For a moment, you think about calling out to her and asking if she even knows where she's going - she's going in a direction that's very decidedly not towards either Faulkren or her destination of Glendina Monastery - but you ultimately decide against it.
Total dork.

Emerging from the trees, Stephanie marches up towards you and the Sheriff of Apaloft, giving her surroundings one more wary glance before announcing, "I've finished scouting the area. If there were any other patrols, they've probably long fled by now."
Yes I am sure that you just finished the scouting Stephanie, 100% belief.

"Peasants twitch prettily when struck by lightning," Elizabeth offers; contrary to your expectations, instead of looking viciously amused, she mostly looks bored.
To be fair, nobles also twitch prettily when struck by lightning.

But the instructor turns her glare to the rest of the squad. "When we were back here, all of you talked right over your squad leader as you decided how to formulate a plan." She turns to Stephanie specifically. "You were the one who suggested splitting up without consulting Neianne." Then to your elven squadmates. "And you two talked right over her."

Your squadmates exchange glances. Stephanie looks a bit awkward, at least, almost apologetic. Sieglinde's face could've been chiseled from stone. Elizabeth yawns.
It's...a work in progress.

"In your case, having heriesses from such important families willing to really follow your directions will tell people you're someone to listen to, at least."

She pats you on the shoulder, already on her way out. "It's important that you do," she agrees. That seems to be it, at least until she pauses for a moment and turns back around to face you a little. "I've seen my share of privileged, difficult colleagues, you know. And I know both Houses Ravenhill and Zabanya. I never would've expected their girls to be following a dryad freeholder." She gives you another smirk as she turns around and leaves to whatever job she has next, giving a carefree wave of parting over her shoulder. "You've got something working for you. Don't forget that either."
Aww, what a nice pep talk.

[x] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[x] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
This doesn't actually refute anything I said. I'm not against confronting Stephanie. I just think you guys are moving too fast. You're bringing up possible solutions when we haven't even confirmed the problem yet.

Out of character, you may be right. Us wise questers can imagine many ways that it's not exactly what we suspect it is.

In character, we're helping!

If you suspect that we're wrong, that actually makes me more eager to have Neianne try and suggest helpful things that won't actually help because she wants to be a good friend and leader!

Plus, you know, underscore the point that if she doesn't tell us what's really going on, we're going to make guesses and assumptions about how to help her and may accidentally not help her. It's not like her track record for flying under the radar is actually good at this point by herself. We do owe her our lives, and she hasn't told us we're not allowed to help her with things, in a 'Please don't ask me about my past', just vague-but-truthful things. If she doesn't want us helping, she's going to have to actually tell us that.
[x] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[x] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
[x] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[x] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
-[x] Point out that the rest of the squad can help her stay unobtrusive, if she lets them. We even figured it out because she's trying to hide it all by herself.

Fun update! Very curious what the sheriff/instructor talked about in their huddle.
[X] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[X] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
-[x] Point out that the rest of the squad can help her stay unobtrusive, if she lets them. We even figured it out because she's trying to hide it all by herself.

Was re-reading and spotted something interesting.

To her credit, Stephanie is impressively impassive as she simply considers the chessboard, even though her ears and tail barely hint at least a bit of agitation. "You, perhaps," she shrugs. "The...Spring knows I try."

The major faiths in Caldrein include Primordiality, the Confederacy's largest religion which worships the metaphorical well of symbiotic, all-encompassing arcane energy that is the Sacred Spring, a faith shared with Ornthalia; Conceptualism, which believes that nameless deities rule over the domains of concepts and ideas rather than tangible lands or objects, a belief descended from the shared folklore of Caldrein and Tenereia; Indigenism, which believes that geographic locales are the domain of small, local deities, whether they be fae or spirits or otherwise; and Gaianism, the traditional umbrella faith of the dryads that believe that the world itself is a divine, trans-sapient, self-designing deity maintaining the order and course of the natural world.

But there is a third institution that was founded in the lead-up to the creation of the confederacy. A small number of the Empire's martial aristocracy and the Conceptualist priesthood saw their fall from grace as a changing of the times. Or perhaps they found a moral lesson to their fall and decided to serve penance. Or perhaps they just wanted little to do with the Confederacy experiment. Whatever else, they took what wealth they had smuggled out of the Empire and retreated into the mountains across Caldrein, atop which they built secluded monasteries.

Stephanie was raised Conceptualist. She hesitated when she was about to presumably call out one of the goddesses that rule over the domains ('The Goddess knows I try' or some such) and had to mentally switch to Spring as that's the common religion, whilst her first instinct would have waved a nice big banner saying 'Monastery raised!'

It's pretty much confirmed in the last update with their pseudo-magecraft being so similar, just wanted to point out the evidence that's available looking back.

Nice writing @Kei!

Or maybe I'm reading too far into this, and it's a blue curtain situation. Either way, it's ok.
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[X] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[X] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
-[x] Point out that the rest of the squad can help her stay unobtrusive, if she lets them. We even figured it out because she's trying to hide it all by herself.
[x] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[x] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
-[x] Point out that the rest of the squad can help her stay unobtrusive, if she lets them. We even figured it out because she's trying to hide it all by herself.
What do you mean, "no next page"?!



so. Yeah. Hi. I've been bingeing this during work for the last week. A most awesome story, I'm definetely here to stay now :) (So, please, no morbid jokes, Kei).

Don't know if I'll be voting all that much, since we seem to have the typical quester behaviour here as well, though.
[X] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[X] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
-[x] Point out that the rest of the squad can help her stay unobtrusive, if she lets them. We even figured it out because she's trying to hide it all by herself.
[X] Press Stephanie about her connection with the Caldran knight orders.
-[X] Don't use this knowledge to press Stephanie into falling in line with your decision to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.
-[x] Point out that the rest of the squad can help her stay unobtrusive, if she lets them. We even figured it out because she's trying to hide it all by herself.