I'm not planning to try and erase her character flaws or anything, but I would like to channel it into something useful if possible...
Plus, the hot headed sarcastic smol dryad that uses a sword as big as a door appeals to me, especially from the concept of that personality emerging from a shy stuttering cute.

Let's push this all the way, guys, lmao.
Yeah, to me it's not that I don't want her to become hotheaded so much that I want her to become a good leader. Because something a good leader has to do is push forward into something the ones following them don't want to do as individuals (cause of danger, loss of face or resources, etc.) for the good of the group while sowing as little resentment or dissent as possible.

And honestly, I think if what I expect is going to happen will happen this might be the first quest I ever make a write in.
I was worried, but genuinely thinking about it, it seems to me Squad four might not fare as badly as I might have feared-Stephanie...Well Stephanie might never really gel with the group but uhh, given her prior reservations it wasn't like she was going to be that friendly, given that she called the whole thing a game.
Elizabeth I think actually could be trusted to make the attempt if she saw it as necessary, and Sieg probably wouldn't mind being a mediator here either. I don't know how well she'd manage when it comes to getting across to Step, but if the Aseri wants to have Someone in her corner Ravenhill might be willing to side with her.
As for the squad's performance? We will see. Don't have to LIKE your teammates to perform well with each other, and Neianne's tactical blunder at the courtyard fight aside, they seem to be solid enough at it...
How bad do you think things would go if we voted to lock all of S4 in a room for a day and just hash shit out, all cards on the table?
How bad do you think things would go if we voted to lock all of S4 in a room for a day and just hash shit out, all cards on the table?
Stephanie: *1 card* This is stupid. Uno.
Neianne: *16 cards* I-It's Team Building.
Sieglinde: *4 cards* There, that's Uno for Stephanie I believe? We can finally be done. Zabaniya, finish it.
Elizabeth: Ohohoho, how about no? *Drops +4*
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Hmm I wonder if a higher up bankroll Stephanie's entrance into the academy as a move to climb the ranks while taking advantage of her desire to bring back something worthy while her Knights parents oppose her being used.
Since this is all unofficial her reveal at the tournament could have consequence like the loss of her status and sword though I don't have much sympathy.

As for Neianne I'm quite happy that she's gaining a bit of temper, may be concerning but can be managed if we talk to other students their perspective on how they grown and manage messes like this not our teammates(haven't really grown social) or the teachers since they already giving advices which could impact on the team.

Mel is way over the line, honesty hope we can talk to Penelope and Lucille to get them to meet halfway, acting as their
mediator would help stop the team getting worst or involve the teachers, as for Melanie, Neianne need to punch her along with along with harsh words for her actions because her emotional reaction is really concerning and that she's can't be for Lucille all the time.
Wendy and the others would not be happy, better head off the meltdown.
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Lmao, what? Mel is over the line? If anything, as much as I like Penny, I am on Lucy's side.

Like, that night was just a clusterfuck and no one was to blame for it besides their enemies, but, lucy's been suffering ever since that day.

Penny has had ample time to come to terms with her new team and several heart to heart talks besides. Sometimes, you just gotta choke a bitch.
The issue is Mel not Lucille, which Penelope have issues that just got larger thanks to Mel.
We could have guilt trip Penelope in giving way to Lucille after that accidental punch but Mel made it far harder, honesty first priority is to stop Lucille Penelope issue from getting worse with the involvement of her other teammates and Lucille committing suicide or something at this rate.
Working on Stephanie should be later after letting her cool down and advice on handling it.
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Yeah, reacting to a stray punch, even a rude one, with attempted murder is over the line. It's about proportionality, after all. Though there's a difference. Elizabeth intentionally crosses over the line to "teach a lesson", with full control, because she's honestly not a very nice or good person, sometimes not even to her friends, and definitely never to her enemies or anyone who annoys her.

Melanie, on the other hand, just plain lost control. Whether that makes her act better or worse is up to you to consider.
Especially because in a way magecraft is harder to do on the fly , it was a continus effect and not just a action spurned on and carried by a single moment as that went on for mulltiple seconds up to a minute or so.
Yeah, reacting to a stray punch, even a rude one, with attempted murder is over the line. It's about proportionality, after all. Though there's a difference. Elizabeth intentionally crosses over the line to "teach a lesson", with full control, because she's honestly not a very nice or good person, sometimes not even to her friends, and definitely never to her enemies or anyone who annoys her.

Melanie, on the other hand, just plain lost control. Whether that makes her act better or worse is up to you to consider.

Issue with Lizzy is not violence, it's sadism and torture.
Like, if we look at Academy as a, hm, equivalent to cadet school, well...

Fights between teenagers are going to happen. It's...if you are not doing it too often, it's probably going to be tacitly looked-the-other-way. If insubordination is not involved, of course.

You punch someone a couple (dozen) times if they talk shit, everyone says "he fell down the stairs on the chair", everyone looks other way, matter's settled-ish.
You try to stab them? You...probably are going discharged? Actually, might go straight to prison for trying to kill fellow soldiers. Or at least it's now an option.
You torture someone to the point they get PTSD from looking at you? You are out of line and others aint gonna cover for ya, cause holy fuck dude. Probably going straight to prison too?

Lizzy is never going to suffer consequences of her actions though, so meh. :V No point discussing what would be consequences of cold-blooded torture of fellow cadets in a cadet school, won't apply to her anyway.
Melanie, OTOH....well, we shall see. Would not be surprised to see her expelled, with argument - quite reasonable - being "if she snaps so fast when under pressure in school, she won't handle the war, and our academy's graduates must be elites who can handle stress and keep cool head".
I doubt anything will happen to Mel, substantially.

This is the second time this has happened to Penny, lmao, she's not a snitch and I am pretty sure they need at least verbal confirmation of the actions.
I doubt anything will happen to Mel, substantially.

This is the second time this has happened to Penny, lmao, she's not a snitch and I am pretty sure they need at least verbal confirmation of the actions.

Hm. Yeah, Penny's street rat mentality of "authorities are never worth going to for help" is likely going to protect Melania from consequences.
Either Pen takes care of it on her own or she doesn't, she is unlikely to involve school itself, I suppose.
2.8.2 To Llyneyth (Part 2)
o hay a pretty quick update

Although it's only 2.7k words long, so if I had taken much longer, I probably would've murdered myself.

"I don't kn-know what to do," you mutter.

"With Stephanie?" asks Sieglinde from across the table. She isn't looking directly at you as one of her pale, slender fingers flips a page in the library book in her hand. "Why is she displeased with you?"

You grimace. It was hard enough getting time with Sieglinde alone through the weekdays. You didn't want to make a scene of seeking her out in front of your other squadmates - Stephanie for obvious reasons, Elizabeth because she may very well tease you about it, and maybe you'd get a bit angry - so it takes a few days before you manage to find Sieglinde reading alone in the library one cloudy afternoon; you may very well not have that chance once all of you leave for Llyneyth in a few days, and it may be too late by then.

"I can't say," you murmur. "Sh-She asked me not to tell anyone." Which isn't particularly useful for this conversation, but you're not so angry with Stephanie - and you want to think you aren't so ruthless - as to spill her secrets. You still want to make up with her after all. But after realizing that this won't exactly help you at all in getting an opinion from Sieglinde, you sigh and decide to give as abridged an answer as you can. "I-I guess I can at least say that there are people in L-Llyneyth who she doesn't want to see. Or she doesn't want th-them to see her." You grimace, thinking that the issue is probably not trivial if Stephanie is this upset about your leadership decision. "There are probably some serious consequences."

"Not serious enough that you decided against going," the tall elf points out.

That's true enough, but also not the whole picture. Yes, there was time for you to change your decision before telling an instructor that Squad Four is going to participate. But this whole thing also comes on the back of a month and a half of unimpressive, uninspiring performances as squad leader. You know that you have your work cut out for you, with your other squadmates being three different "broody" loners - if one is to take Mia's description from all the way back in last year's Midwinter's Feast - but you are no closer to bringing Squad Four together. Participating in the Inter-Academy Tournament will change that. Even if you all graduate and you are no longer squad leader - or even if you don't end up being together by the time you are deployed to Elspar - at least the three of them will be experienced enough to work well with different groups of Caldran mercenaries.

At least, that's what you hoped when you came to that decision in the aftermath of your field assignment where you met Sister Eleanore and Sheriff Almsyre. Now you're not so sure.

"Wh-What would you have done?" you ask Sieglinde quietly.

There is just the slightest hint of mild displeasure in Sieglinde's voice as she replies without so much as shifting her gaze from her book: "I believe we have talked about not trying to compare yourself to me. After the Roldharen field exercise, I believe."

You make an unhappy face. "I don't think I shouldn't ask people for their opinions." You're not sure why you're so irritated. Maybe it's how overcast it's been for weeks; lack of sunlight does tend to affect dryads moreso than the other races.

"Not if you're going to view yourself unfavorably next to me." Then, after a long moment, she sighs and asks, "Did you want to make this choice?"


"Do you think it is the correct...no, the right choice to make?"

Did you think I would be wracking my brain over this if I knew? you want to snap. But instead - thinking about how much you want to believe you're making the right choice - you murmur, "Y-Yes."

"Then that's good," nods Sieglinde with a faint hint of approval from behind her book.

Which is when you realize that Sieglinde wasn't going to be of much help at all. You've always looked up to her, admired how strong and intelligent and insightful she is, but she's also distant, barely interested in company when she can read a book instead, and completely uninterested in being a leader at all. Where you are looking for a solution to a current squad problem, Sieglinde has nothing more to offer you than validation for a choice that - for all you think it is the right one - brings you inner conflict.

Your instructors mostly just want you to bring Squad Four to Llyneyth because of Sieglinde and Elizabeth, Elizabeth is presently just outright amused at the whole episode, and Sieglinde doesn't even seem to really think that this internal conflict matters much. You don't think it's merely a superficial platitude, and you think it's what she thinks matters...but right now, right at this juncture in the academic year, it's not helping you at all.

In the days preceding the journey to Llyneyth, Faulkren Academy is a bustle of activity. There is the demonstrations and explanations and the winnowing out of squads participating in the Inter-Academy Tournament until it is decided that only four squads will participate. There is, of course, you and the rest of Squad Four, as well as Lucille and the rest of Squad One. But there's also Squad Two with Aphelia Meredith Treiser at its head, and Squad Seven with Wilhelmina Adelaide Marienberg as its leader. And throughout this selection process, the staff of the Academy busies themselves with preparing wagons and supplies for the journey up north to Lindholm.

In the meantime, you train with your aseri buster sword instructor on the training grounds, your practice swords clanging against each other at a surprisingly rapid tempo for weapons of that size. You're not completely sure, but given how much trouble you're having with her, you'd almost swear that your instructor is going harder on you than usual, perhaps to put the finishing touches on your technique before you head for the Inter-Academy Tournament.

Or perhaps just as possibly, you have annoying thoughts that refuse to leave your mind.

"I hear you've signed up for Llyneyth," your instructor remarks in between one of your short breaks as both of you catch your breath. It is almost relieving to see that she's doing it moreso than you. Yes, dryads are stronger and the practice sword weighs less in your hands than in hers, but being able to press her into having to catch her breath is new, even if she's also running you ragged. You'll take these small victories where you can. "They didn't pressure you into signing up, did they?"

"It was my decision," you mutter unhappily. It's truthful enough, at least.

"You don't seem happy about it," she remarks almost blithely. But you've must've made a face - you're not precisely very good at keeping a lid on your emotions - because the aseri blinks and looks at you for a moment, then shrugs. "Well, whatever. I don't pry if you don't want to talk about it."

You do appreciate that, even as the two of you return to several more rounds of mock duels. You like your instructor and how she seems to at least have your best interests in mind - how she was hesitant to have you sent off to the upcoming tournament - but you're really not ready to talk about this with most people, especially not an instructor. You fear that they may try too hard to pry into Stephanie's secrets.

Practice eventually comes to an end, and the two of you are returning your practice weapons to the racks while taking drinks of water for nearby cups when your instructor announces, "Alright, now listen. You remember all the academies in Caldrein?"

"L-Llyneyth and Clastaine in Lindholm," you say. "Alvimere and Silleton in Elspar. A-And Dalcheth in Sandria."

"Good. Now the girls from Alvimere and Silleton are going to be fighting with their emotions. The Tennies are stupidly close to their academies, Halissen is the only thing in the way between the two of them, and they're feeling the stress. They'll feel like they have something to prove. That makes them dangerous, but it also makes them exploitable. Watch out for their fury, and keep an eye out for when they trip up. Dalcheth isn't super great, but don't underestimate them just because they're Sandrians; they've irrationally proud that there's an academy in Sandria, and it's still a Caldran mercenary academy. And above all, don't underestimate Clastaine. People treat them like a joke because of how they're overshadowed by Llyneyth. Don't make that mistake; Clastaine is easily just as good an academy as Faulkren."

"G-Got it."

"Of course, Llyneyth is going to be the hardest one, so listen. Most of the girls there are like Ravenhill and Zabanya: Their parents started having them trained by expensive tutors from a young age. They've probably been trained in the use of those weapons before you even learned to read. They easily have maybe a dozen times more practice than you do. You're not just going to win in some straight-up duel."

"Oh," you say blankly. This thought has been lingering in your head for the last month and a half, but you can't help but feel how hopeless it all seems, trying to participate in the Inter-Academy Tournament.

"But you've got at least four things going for you. You've got Ravenhill. You've got Zabanya. They're both still the cream of the crop. You've also got this," your instructor adds, rapping her knuckles against the practice buster sword on the weapons rack. "You know how many apprentices actually end up picking up a giant sword? Most people will have no idea how to really deal with that. Use how ridiculous your buster sword is to your advantage."

You still feel a little defensive about having your first weapon described as "ridiculous", but you suppose your instructor is right. There was one other apprentice who also picked a greatsword alongside you - a dryad, one you don't actually know very well - but she went with a relatively more reasonably great swordstaff. You are, in fact, the only apprentice who uses the buster sword here at Faulkren; your instructor uses it as well, but it's not her preferred weapon, and she wields it now mostly to train you. Never mind whether or not people are accustomed to facing this kind of weapon; there's very little that can stop a slab of iron being swung at sufficient velocity.

"And there's one more thing: Experience," adds the aseri with a grave sort of expression on her face. "Yeah, the girls at Llyneyth have you beat in how long they've had to practice with their weapons before they even started training as a Caldran mercenary apprentice. But you've got something they don't have: You've fought for your life. You've had to kill real people who were really trying to kill you. You remember what it takes to survive. That means you'll be fighting harder and smarter." She jabs a finger into your chest, proclaims: "Your body remembers it. Those posh girls at Llyneyth? They've only ever fought in very controlled duels. Teach them how it really feels to fight on the battlefield."

That sounds encouraging enough, even if it's based on one of the most horrifying chapters of your life, one that ended with the greatest loss of life you've ever experienced. There's just one question, though, one that comes to mind when you remember that one time you sent Wendy flying. "So...d-do you actually want me to end up killing them? Because when you swing even a-a practice buster sword hard enough..."

Which is as far as you get before your instructor flicks your forehead. Hard.

"Look," your instructor sighs, even as you're mewling and clutching your forehead, "I did warn you. I don't want you to take that like I was discouraging you, and you've made your decision anyways. That's fine. So when you're there, when you're going up against some other apprentices who are better than you, I don't want you to think about the people watching, alright? Most of them are never going to see you again. And even if they do, you're fine. You're not the best apprentice I've ever trained when it comes to greatswords and weapons like them, but you're fine. You're good. I don't let apprentices graduate if I don't think you're good enough, and I'm telling you you're good enough. You don't need to compare yourself with some posh Llyneyth twat." She pats you on the shoulder. "Just try to learn something over there, yeah?"

"Y-Yeah," you whisper. You want to do as she asks. But something tells you you have your work cut out for you.

And soon, the day comes where those wagons depart from Lindholm. Aside from the four squads participating in the Inter-Academy Tournament, a few squads are also coming along as spectators, if not morale support, and you count many of your friends among them. Melanie is among them; you feared that her attempt to kill Penelope - or perhaps just to teach her a lesson, it's hard to tell sometimes - would get the snow-haired aseri into serious trouble, but nothing came of it. Perhaps Melanie's status - not nobility, but still from a powerful mercantile family - protect her as it protected Elizabeth. Or, somehow more likely in your mind, Penelope elected not to inform the instructors out of some kind of principle. You don't really get it, but you suppose an outcome where no one was killed and where no one was expelled - Melanie is one of your friends, after all - is good enough.

Also amongst the spectators is Mia, and already you're feeling confident in her ability to cheer louder than anyone else at Llyneyth.

But you're not actually happier. Throughout the entire journey, Stephanie is almost entirely silent, and is definitely entirely ignoring your existence. For all that you admire her, Sieglinde offers very little emotional support for your predicament. And for all that she's failing at it, Elizabeth is - to your immense frustration - almost trying to goad a response out of Stephanie. The whole week-long journey is just an exercise in misery for you.

At least you don't get attacked by bandits at any point. The large convoy with their weapons - Caldran mercenaries and their apprentices or not - is just too dangerous a target for any preying bandits, you suppose.

The weather from Apaloft to Lindholm remains cloudy throughout, and the sun remains obscured behind thick clouds, but aside from a bit of drizzling here and there, it doesn't rain significantly, something you're grateful for; you're all in horse-drawn wagons, thankfully, but traveling through the sludge is still entirely unpleasant. The familiar chill of Lindholm has long settled in by the time the Faulkren convoy reaches the general locale surrounding Llyneyth Academy. The sparse greenery in these cold lands eventually gives way to rocky terrain, as those sparse plains of Lindholm transform into steep hills and intimidating peaks. You pass by a decent amount of traffic on the roads close to Faulkren, most of them wagons, but it's difficult to imagine much in the way of civilization this far into the mountain range.

The town of Llyneyth ends up defying your expectations. It is larger than you imagined, for starters; not quite as larger as Faulkren, but it's clear that the town is capable of supporting several thousand inhabitants. Whereas Faulkren's architecture is a mix of whites, browns, and reds, Llyneyth is dominated by buildings of whitestone and slate, creating urban patterns of black and white. Where Faulkren is quaint and homely, Llyneyth seems a bit more grandiose despite being smaller in size, with buildings easily two or three stories high across every avenue. Traffic is relatively bustling for a town this size; with no other obvious major trade hub in the vicinity, it's clear that Llyneyth has enjoyed the patronage of the apprentices from the Academy further up into the mountains.

While your instructors start making arrangements for the trip up to Llyneyth Academy, the apprentices are allowed an hour to explore the town. Teenagers excitedly disperse across the streets. You are no exception, although you choose instead to bounce around with another group; given recent events, you want some time away from Squad Four, maybe so you can clear your head. Or maybe you're giving them some space, Stephanie most of all. Or maybe you just don't want to deal with that headache right now.

So as the apprentices disperse across town, you end up finding yourself wandering around with...

[x] ...Lucille, Melanie, and Ashlyn.
[x] ...Penelope, Wendy, and Trudy.
[x] ...Aphelia and Squad Two.
[x] ...Azalea, Wilhelmina, Nikki, and Squad Seven.
[x] ...Vesna, Emilie, and Mia.