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So my first attempt at serious, non graded writing is a PA SI. I can't say I'm surprised. Any...
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Chapter One: Falling is not fun


Slick's Short Company, CEO
The Wastes
So my first attempt at serious, non graded writing is a PA SI. I can't say I'm surprised. Any Grammar/spelling errors can be attributed to the fact it is midnight, my mind wouldn't let me sleep until this was posted, general laziness, and GoogleDocs not having an autocorrect like word, which I don't have on this laptop.
Core Kernel Loading...complete
Kernel Optimization...complete
Initiating OS Boot....complete
Initiating Combat Protocol Indexing….complete
Testing Quantum Computational Matrices...complete
Sensor Suite Integration...complete
Resource Locator Optimization...complete
Design Program Installation...complete
Resource Manager Load...complete
Core Personality Matrix Load...complete
Activating commander in 3...2...1...Initiate.
Commander GLCR-6-36 online.

Have you ever had one of those dreams where you're falling, and then you almost hit the ground and wake up, realizing that you fell asleep on a couch while watching television, and are currently on the floor? Because that is what I am feeling right now. Only, instead of falling in a dream, I actually am falling. From orbit, I might add.

[planet designation: Dascides]

Now normally, this would have me either dying or shitting myself in terror, but not this time. Well, the terror part still applied, but I couldn't release waste, as I was now a 15 meter tall, 15-20 meter long spider robot thing. In particular, a commander from PA, which opened all sorts of worm cans that I would have to deal with at some point.

At the moment though, I had to deal with what promised to be an extremely painful experience of hitting a planet that I couldn't get a good look at because my aerodynamics aren't meant for falling out of orbit, dammit.

[altimeter reading: 2000 meters]
[Velocity: 50 M/S]

huh. I apparently have a handy-dandy computer voice reading out sensor data I can't be arsed to pay attention to. Good to know. But not all that helpful. Has it been there this whole time?
Hmm…. Maybe I can fabricate a balloon? Slow myself down? No, that isn't working, the nanobots are getting blown away, and I can't maintain position long enough to even try, and since I'm meant to have a drop pod, I don't have any reaction control systems capable of dealing with this.

Let's see about bracing for impact? I'm sure it will help a little but I'm not sure how mu
[WARNING: CRITICAL DAMAGE SUSTAINED. Automated repair protocols activating]
Fuck. That did hurt.
Now that was an experience that I never wanted to repeat unless I truly had to. Now, to see where the hell I was, what was going to kill me, and try to figure out what the hell I was going to do.

"Let's see… there is some ice...and some more ice...and a mountain that might be made of ice...wait, why the hell am I talking out loud? There isn't anyone here, and I don't actually have to do this to keep my thoughts straight."

Well, it's an ice planet. Nothing else in my sensor range, which was admittedly not the greatest, so I would have to build a sensor network to figure out if this was just a barren hub or a planet in which I would have to fight stuff. As I decided a course of actions, I began walking around, looking for a metal deposit with which to start my economy of exponentially increasing levels of raep. As I found one, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

"Somewhere, on some backwater planet, in a backwater system, in a backwater sector of a backwater galaxy, a commander builds a metal extractor."

That statement had ended so many Vs. debates it was no longer just funny, it was hilarious.

Especially since now I was the commander.

This laughter wasn't evil cackling, I swear.

Now that I had an extractor, I could build a generator, then an air factory, since I needed to find out more about the planet. As I finished up with the fabricator, I decided to look at my new body, a GambitDFA commander. A bunch of missiles, some tiny guns, four legs, and a weirdly balanced rotating top piece. I was not exactly thrilled to find that the particular design was pretty eh compared to some of the things in my database.

My top section seemed ungainly, the design wasn't balanced when firing at things and moving, and as that crash had shown, it was fairly fragile in some areas to sudden applications of extreme G-Forces. Also, to add insult to injury, I didn't have nearly enough weapons, and I wasn't exactly the most stable firing platform for those I had, which seemed to be missiles for the most part to minimize that being a factor.If I wanted to be something to be feared, I'd need to fix that. Just another thing to add to the to do list, along with fixing all of the weird design choices the progenitors had settled on when designing the arsenal.

But, unfortunately, I had to put that one the list of things that could wait till I have nothing all that important to do, unlike now, which had me slowly building a hexagonal pattern of buildings across the surface of the area, with lanes in between them. Should add making them hexagons to the list too. I need a list of stuff to do eventually, because I'm utter crap at organizing things otherwise.

[Hexagonal buildings added to future design session options]

Anyway, as I was probably saying earlier until I got a bit sidetracked, I am under no illusions that I won't be travelling to new and exciting worlds, because ROB is a dick and he is the only being I know of that would do this.

"Note to self: Upon reverse engineering Q/Tzeentch/the Xeelee or something, find ROB and shoot them in the gonads. Repeatedly, and with Color Change weaponry, if possible."

[Note Logged]

Elaborate plotting of revenge can wait though, because for now, I had a planet to conquer.


There is pretty much nothing here. All I have been able to find is ice, ice, and more ice. there is a tiny lake, in which I could probably build a sunfish or two and race them around, but that was the only thing that wasn't ice or mountains. The lake wasn't even water, it was brine so concentrated I was able to drive tanks across it, and I did. So, in three words: boring and cold.

So I spent my time covering it in buildings, and started making a small army of fabricators so I could start getting an economy that was capable of getting me into orbit, and cementing this place as more or less unassailable to anything short of Exterminatus. And even then, I had enough umbrellas on the ground to defend my shipyards up in space to keep them defended until I got a truly sufficient orbital shell. As I sat and queued up build orders for the dozens of fabricators, I noticed one of my fireflies had found something.

It was a large structure, big enough to fit an Ares through if you lined it up just right, made of a bunch of rib cage like struts that looked like they had some kind of pronged doodad inside of them. In appearance overall, the structure looked similar to the teleporter, but with, as I mentioned, more rings, open on top, and bigger. Intrigued by what this random structure was doing on a planet I had been dropped on, I sent a fabricator over to capture it.

What I found was that it was some kind of gate, though to where, I couldn't discern, though I did have guesses. Probably a way to access a new universe, full of people to bother, threats to crush like bugs, and tech to steal borrow.

I can't figure out how to turn it on, once I have the power-it ate roughly ten million units of power per second, which would take about twenty thousand total T2 Energy Plants, of which I had about a third. More were coming online every few seconds, but it would still take time to open the gate, if power was even all I needed, and not some arbitrary course of action. In the meantime, I have designing to do.
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Chapter Two: Designing Ho!
So. My unit base had some dumb issues, from weird unit designs, to undergunned titans, to the fact that there were so many other roles that could be filled that just weren't: APCs was a glaring one, as was the lack of submarine units.Well, if I was going to fix this, I needed to start somewhere. a journey of a thousand miles and all that jazz. To start with, let's try something easy. Most fabricators had a limited range because of how the nanobots powered themselves, as it chained power since the actual "power across entire star systems" mechanism was too small to work on things that size.


To answer past me's rhetorical question, apparently very. I started with the Locust, which did have the ability to access the power network. However, this came at the expense of it being comparatively massive: a single bot could be measured in micrometers, as opposed to a fabber bot's single digit nanometers. I couldn't get the Locust small enough to be able to fuse into materials with high degrees of accuracy like normal fabrication nanites, and I couldn't get the normal nanites large enough to house a power transmission system without sacrificing an unacceptable amount of precision.

So, in the end, I went the other way around: the Locust nanites was modified to be larger, with a small fabricator which could build the normal nanites. This allowed "fire and forget" fabbers, shells which could construct entire minefields,a vastly reduced "killer three," where a commander would be unable to fight off an attack due to not having the full production in place, reclamation mines, and all sorts of other things which would probably suck for the other guy. After about three minutes of tests, simulations, and designs proving unstable and grey goo-ing small areas before I shut them down, I had it finalized.The design of the original fabricator was kept in factories as it was already efficient enough, as was the one in most normal fabricator bots, though they all had the option to release a blob of the new bots should the need arise.

On the commander, support commander, and combat fabricators, however, I used the new variant, as it allowed commander type units to establish the basis of an economy much faster, lowering the "killer three," to a "killer one," lowering the chances of me getting caught with my pants down by something which could kill me before I was surrounded in tanks, doxi, and static defenses to a minimum.

Next off, I made my various factories and structures hexagonal, for a more efficient use of space. It took me all of fifteen seconds to do this, as the actual fabricators and arms and other pieces were pretty flexible in how they could be placed. I don't need to really say anything else on the design, other than it could now release units from three edges instead of two.

I made a couple of other minor changes, like restoring the original Gil-E design, since it was goddamn adorable, changing the paint from the default blue and orange scheme programmed into a much more pleasing dark indigo/yellow-green with gray highlights, removing the teleporter limitations on number of channels sustained, making all of my naval units submersible because the fact I only had two that actually had that capability was a crime, giving the anchor another two anti-orbital guns for a total of four, and some general bug fixing which was pretty boring.

I did a better insight into my tech, so I probably won't accidentally part of a planet when testing out a change and something goes wrong. again. Redesigning nuke launchers to have three nukes instead of one, and altering the warhead so I could set it to the unstable part of a resource core to achieve a bigger boom only blew about a sixteenth of the planetary mass off, which was fairly easy to put back, once I had finished reclaiming and replacing it.

After all that, I finally looked at the stuff I was really excited about: Titans. What I found was a bit of a disappointment. The only one that had more than one gun was the Ares, which had three. They were powerful guns, to be fair, but it was still a much lower number than I would like. So, I pulled open the design tab, And got to work.

The first thing I did was extend the chassis back three times its current length, thus giving me room for moar gun. Then I added another one of the big guns, three or four of the smaller ones, and a grossly overpowered fabber, because a self replicating BOLO-lite was a fun thought. On top of that, I had some storm flak batteries, some SAMs, and to top it off, a modified version of the Zeus' Lightning gun, which was a sphere of crackling energy in between six arms, so it could fire at anything in range, almost constantly. It also was unstable enough that a bad hit to the containment arms would cause it to violently detonate, which lead to the rest of the newly dubbed Mars class Hover-Fortress exploding as well.

Seeing as I had added a half dozen resource cores because dammit, I want to be able to use the hover-tank as a makeshift commander chassis, the whole thing tended to turn an area roughly a kilometer in diameter of pretty glass with all sorts of new and exciting shapes protruding from the ground. I made the sphere able to dissipate harmlessly and the arms stow able, so I didn't give them Deathstar weaknesses all of the time. Oh, and it had a frontal assault bay with a t1 bot factory equivalent now so I could have it puke Doxes (Doxi?) and other bots onto my enemy's doorstep.

Next off was the Zeus. Again, I made the chassis much longer, added a bunch of anti-air, anti-ground, and a tiny bit of anti-orbit, but after that, I decided to do something special. This lead to it being able to shift forms from a relatively slow flying fortress of FUCK-OFF into a static, hovering turret of FUCK-OFF and lightning. Also mines. Lots and lots of mines. It could now lay mines anywhere. They weren't terribly strong, but they were cool looking and I don't care about your opinions on plasma imaginary person I'm talking to. I decided to call it the Jupiter-class Aerial clearer Titan.

Then the Atlas, which I wasn't looking forward to naming, and had the most wrong with it. To start with, I made it a more monkeylord like design, because a spine like it currently had is a weak point. It had an additional set of seismic batteries, which actually worked on gravity pulses instead of sheer weight, which would be neat to see used somewhere once I figure out how to make them coherent. Then I added a bunch of smaller guns, because with four seismic arm thingies it could clear quite a bit of space per stomp. Then a smaller fabber than the one on the Mars, which let it repair other units, like the other combat bot fabbers. Finished, I named it the Gaia-class Earthquake titan, because apparently the damn Romans were too lazy to rename some of the titans, the bastards they are.

And finally, the Helios. It was a fairly interesting and solid design on its own, but of course, I modified it. it was now a mobile fleet station, with a set of orbital factories mounted onto a lengthened axis, with eight sets of spinny doodads. Five of those were factories, with the third from the bottom being a teleporter so I could send units directly to the surface from being built. Also more guns, and then I was done. The Apollo-Class Planetary assault titan was done.

After this, I took some time to test the various designs, bug fix them, then just wait for resources to stockpile for when I got my new commander chassis done.
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Chapter Three: It begins
So I mentioned before that my commander had weird stability problems. Turns out it doesn't. However it is still derpy as hell so I'm redesigning it. The GambitDFA design was a quad type, so it already was not as prone to tipping as I originally thought, because progenitor super-science STRONK.

The fabricator, main weapon, and main Sensor nodes were all on this wide turret thing, which wasn't all that great, so I changed it. The Fabber was now twinned, and mounted on number of small launcher tentacle things exiting the undercarriage. The gun stayed roughly where it was, but was rebalanced, changed to the more conventional Ubercannon, and placed upright, with all the other smaller rocket launchers placed on the sides and top.

I added a set of wing turrets with the Ant class tank (which were again, renamed, because BOLO was reserved for the real deal, or something close to it.) guns, because one never has enough dakka. After this, I added another pair of legs, giving me a nice, bug-like commander for my aesthetic desires.

After that, I compressed some stuff down, and made the whole thing a bit larger, so I could fit three resource cores. I finally moved the sensors to the front of the body, and replaced the "head" with a variant of the Invictus classe's, with more eyes because I like things with lots of eyes.

After that was complete, I set to building the new model, after transfering my AI cores, Resource Cores, and other important bits over to a little shed, where they would be slotted into the new body when it was time. I had to redesign a bot factory to be able to support a vacuum, since contamination would be bad for the various finicky systems my other units do not have, and contamination could lead to explosions, which in a unit with a resource core is Very Bad.

The Resource cores are extremely slow to build, as almost every single molecule needs to be aligned perfectly to prevent it from being either non functional or extremely unstable, neither of which I wanted to deal with. The main Chassis was finished first, so I had a fabber pick up the various cores, bring them into an airlock, have everything scrubbed down, then had the cores placed in, after which they were sealed off from the world with what would be a hiss if there was any air. After twenty minutes, the first ZwischenzugSRMW class commander was launched.

As I strolled off the ramp, I got a ping from one of the Radar emplacements I had set up because I'm somewhat paranoid of being caught with my pants down so to speak. The weird gate I had found earlier and not been able to do anything with had activated. A quickly constructed Astraeus from my fledgling orbital shipyards picked up my new commander, and brought me over to the Gate. Arbitrary opening requirements AND a massive drain to my energy reserves. Swell.

I was fairly sure it lead to a supposedly "fictional" universe, in which I would have to fight something or other to an arbitrary point, after which I would come back here, finish assimilating tech, and then go somewhere else.

With that in mind, I stepped into the drop pod, and shot through to a whole new universe, probably full of things that really want me dead. Well, no time like the present, whenever that is. I sent a final order for everything to shut down until I returned so I don't accidentally mine up the entire planet. I'll save the ideas for Ex Nihilo resource buildings for later. For now, let's get this show on the motherfucking road.

The first thing I noticed about the planet, while targetting my LZ was that I recognized it. The shape of the continents, the gleam of the cities on the darkside, and the metal nodes located near familiar tectonic plates told me all I needed to know.

Earth, or at least some version of it. Checking the city lights against what I could remember suggested roughly "modern" earth, probably around the early 2010s if what I could tell from the scrambled signals as I plummeted to earth through a shell of plasma and ECM to prevent my detection as I aimed for the Atlantic. I always liked the ocean, and what better way to kick off the subjugation liberation of the multiverse than slamming into some underwater mountains that I thought were cool? There wasn't any, for the record.

As I braced for impact, I noted how much less awful this landing was than the one that brought me to Icehole, as I had taken to calling my little hubworld. Smoother, less Plasma, and a much less jarring stop made this luxurious in comparison.! Now I'm slowly sinking towards depths I am confident won't crush me. Wait. Shit. I don't have sub fabricators or factories. Well, that is a problem for me to deal with once I stop sinking. Sonar is reading a bottom, so, with that, I will settle in and start designing some stuff which will be crude but effective.

I settled for a modification of the Barracuda with fabricators instead of torpedo tubes for my T1, and a larger version, somewhere in between the Barracuda and Kraken, for T2. I named it the Guppy and Sturgeon, respectively.

Twenty three minutes later, I had a modest base set up, with my fabricator subs building more of the submarine factories, metal extractors, and energy generators. The metal extractors were set up on glowing lava fields that were not boiling the surrounding ocean only because of the extreme pressure which made it a pretty cool sight to watch as ghostly light spread across the sea floor through the extreme power of divergent plate boundaries.

As I was engrossed with childish wonder, I split of a piece of consciousness to monitor the fabrication subs looking for submarine internet cables which I planned on splicing into to see exactly where I am if possible. Ah! there one is. Now if I just build this here I can-


Wait what?
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Chapter four: Boooooored
I forgot to say this earlier but thank you @Argus Yomoflach for beta-ing stuff some! and now here is a new chapter. I'll probably have an omake/interlude thing next because I need to figure out character interaction on the fly, and will be doing something easy to figure out the basics. Luckily, most characters in the setting are pretty flat compared to other things. Anyway, here is the chapter.


What the fuck? What could possibly cause an event large enough to count as "major," which I had just found to mean "15.34 thousand times larger than a standard teleporter activating," and why the hell was it on Earth? Since the sonar platforms I set up didn't detect anything in the ocean within 800 kilometers of me, I was safe from it, but I would have to look into it later on the internet to see if 4chan or somebody knew.

Since splicing into cables was something I wanted to be careful about, so I don't bring attention to myself by dropping everyone on the east coast's connection to stuff on European servers, I decided to put that on a separate consciousness stream, which was a fairly odd thing to think about now that I think about it, and dedicate the rest to figuring out what the fuck my sensors were that allowed me to tell how many tuna were swimming in a school twelve kilometers away and why I could estimate their individual positions.

It turns out a progenitor "sonar" is not just a really advanced sonar, but also an underwater radar, which I'm not sure would work without bullshit, a visual sensor with similar clarity to Hubble post refit, that also worked underwater, a sensor that measured minute differences in waterflow from hundreds of kilometers away, and what I'm fairly sure is a gravity sensor. The only reasons you couldn't tell what your opponent was doing from across the planet in a PA match were the weird scaling on planets, and the utterly absurd stealth systems on everything. I'm fairly sure the only reason you could detect enemy units in visual range was because there was an almost imperceptible shimmer around their stealthed forms.

It would make them invisible to the naked eye, but the Hubble-resolution GoPros that everything had was capable of detecting it and piecing together what the unit was. I'm not sure how the Kraken prevents gravity sensors from noticing it, but researching that tidbit will have to wait though, since I had finally got into the internet, and needed to sort through a large amount of material to figure out what was going on, and wow that is a lot of porn.

First off, the date was important. the seventeenth of october, 2017. I then checked the news sites, since if anything had actual information about what the quantum event was, they would, and I refused to look at conspiracy sites for this, because if they had anything remotely useful it would be buried under dozens of reasons why the united states caused it to give children autism or something.



It had been about five hours after the event, and thanks to CNN I finally knew where I was. Good old Pacific Rim, where bullshit metals existed, space aliens threw godzilla wannabes at people to try to exterminate them, and I would have to destroy what was at the very least a galactic power entity. Fun. Well, if commanders weren't built to conquer galaxies, nothing was.

First of all, I would need to get into the Pacific, which would take a while, as I was in the middle of the atlantic and I doubt any port authority would react well to me trying to sneak a fabricator boat through the Panama Canal. My vessels were fast, but it would still take a twelve hours to reach the Mariana Islands, time which I spent hacking, pirating, and downloading everything that might be remotely useful to me later, including the entire contents of YouTube and several other video sites, everything I may want to listen to from any music library, and just about every juicy detail from the super secret government databases that weren't fully isolated, out of which I got nothing I didn't already have a better version of, though the stuff on psychics was interesting, and I'd be using it to figure stuff out when it came to be pressing.

What else did I find...apparently Pacific Rim had never even been proposed, which somehow I was expecting, a democratic candidate I hadn't heard of, and probably didn't actually run had been elected to presidency in 2016, ISIS is still trying to be scary but everyone is too busy with fucking giant monsters being punched by giant robots, and the fact that the construction methods, materials, and technologies of said giant robots were very top secret.

The data was stored somewhere in a secure server in alaska, which was annoying, because I wanted whatever the hell those mechs were made of because they could withstand eight tons per square inch, with an arm removed. If feats like that didn't suggest that these metals were durable and strong as hell nothing did. Hence, I wanted them. Badly.

Well, I'm planning to talk with some people, so maybe I can get the shinies out of a diplomatic agreement as a requirement for my cooperation. Well, whatever I do, as shinies can wait until I actually have a plan. In the meantime, I should probably have more dedicated submarines, since the four units and two factories along with the ability for any surface units to submerge and be effectively helpless unless they had torpedoes, and then I'm not sure how much damage they would be able to do. Thus, I will start designing soon.

From what random trivia about the movie I memorized, I should have another few months before the next attack. I think it was April of 2018, which would give me time, should I decide that it is a sane, reasonable course of action, to convert most of the planet's mass into killbots, which would probably piss of the natives. So, before I do something spectacularly stupid like the other, really dumb, probably will end in fire thing I'm planning, I'm going to need to get my zombies in a row for the easiest massacre, as long as they were cool zombies like the tar guy, not stupid, boring zombies like the ones in walking dead or whatever. Tar guy was cool. You have to be a pretty cool zombie to overshadow a topless female zombie who also appears in your movie. Wait, I'm getting sidetracked again. Bad computer brain. Bad!

In other news, this was really boring. I wanted to get some stuff set up before I talked with the PPDC, so that even if I don't get the tech I can just I have a backup which will hopefully mean that the Wall is never needed, and then steal the tech anyways. Either way, I get the tech, and the kaiju get progenitor grade mines to their face. Everybody wins! Except the kaiju. They can sod off.

Wow waiting is boring. Better get started on my poor life choices.
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OMAKE: shit gets meta
If he thought about it, the job wasn't really all that bad. Do homework, eat pizza, keep the brats from breaking something or maiming themselves. Piece of cake. Except the little bastards wouldn't stop fucking screaming. Jacob Damocles grit his teeth, and continued working on the engineering checkpoint that he had procrastinated for a few days and was due by the end of the week.

Eventually, he got the people who were paying for this's "pwecious angews," to bed. Finally. It was goddamn nine. They were supposed to be in bed at seven. Two whole hours of additional screaming because some parents couldn't tell their kids "No you can't have soda, it will keep you up and make the babysitter's life a living hell." He couldn't fault them entirely, the kids had eaten a whole can of frosting while he wasn't looking. But thank god it was over. He settled in after finishing the checkpoint to four or five hours of YouTube, forum bullshit, and relaxation. Until he heard a knock on the door.

"Who the hell is knocking on a door this late?" It wasn't that late for him, but it was still well past the point where normal people knocked on random doors.

"Whatever, I'll just ignore it."

It continued.

"God. FUCKING. Damnit."

He got up, went to the door, and had the unpleasant surprise of his visitor being some asshate prankster who thought ringing a doorbell then running was the pinnacle of practical jokes. Goddamn delinquents. All the more proof to his philosophy of "people are idiots until proven otherwise." He was going to turn around, and be thankful they didn't try a bag full of flaming dogshit.

"Uh, hi," a voice that was loud, synthesized, and yet strangely familiar called out from the darkness of the Texas night. Jacob slowly turned around, wondering which one of the various people he knew was hiding in the bushes with a voice changer.

"All right, very funny, whoever it is can come out of the bushes now. I'm trying to keep these kids asleep, so if you could turn it down the volume that would be appreciated. If you don't, I'm going back inside to eat some more pizza."

"Oh, fuck, I forgot to turn of the stealth didn't I?" The voice called out again, though thankfully at a volume that wasn't somewhere between "shouting," and "Jackhammer." And then Jacob's jaw hit the floor.

Where once there was nothing, now there was a forty five foot tall, six legged, goddamn fucking giant robot, complete with weird spider leg/tentacle things on the bottom, and a huge fucking cannon that was significantly larger than the car he had driven up in. It looked down at him with six glowing green eyes.

"What," was all he could manage after what felt like an eternity.

"I've been wondering that myself, actually. So, you should come out here so we can talk."

"This is the beginning of seven or eight horror movies, you do realize. Why the hell should I listen to the invisible fucking space robot? You could just be a new kaiju or something that popped out of the Atlantic or some shit."

"Wrong on the second, right on the first. As near as I can figure, I'm an alternate version of you who woke up as a Commander from the video game Planetary Annihilation."

"What. How does that even make any sense?"

"How the fuck am I supposed to know? I've been a giant robot for two or three weeks, after falling from orbit on a planet covered in ice, then I shot through this gate thingy after fulfilling arbitrary goals. My best guess so far is that ROB is a dick."

Jacob froze. He knew that line. One of the people he knew from a game had introduced him to a site where he had heard that line. He was seriously reconsidering his choice that "alcohol is bad to drink while in front of nine year olds, and also illegal for an eighteen year old to possess."

"We're both in a fucking fanfiction, aren't we."

"Most likely, yes."

"Do you have a squishy organic body in there, or is it just metal?"

"Metal. Though I do have some goddamn kickass computational bits in here."

"Of course. So, why the hell are you here?"

"I was going to see if I/you existed in this world, and if so, proceed to do something which could probably be referred to as "trolling." So far, it is working. Also I have nothing to do since it's going to be another few hours before my fabricator subs reach the Breach so I can kill almost all the kaiju, hybridize and shrink two and keep them as a pet, kick the piss out of the fuckers who created them, then leave and probably get my teeth kicked in by some planet sized deathbeast or something. Also, I pimped out your computer while you weren't looking. You are welcome for that."

"Well, thanks, I guess. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go make sure the little monsters I'm babysitting are still asleep."

"You do that. I'm going to get back to the Atlantic, and continue to build up and fuck I could have just used an air transport the whole time."

With that, the robot became invisible once more, and Jacob finally felt his knees collapse as the light but unmistakable footfalls receded into the distance.

"Well. I'm going to try to pretend that never happened. Preferably without doing anything stupid."

And with that, he got up walked back to the couch, and sat quivering for a while.

"Wait...How the hell did he knock on the door?"

The computer popped up a new window. It was a youtube video, and as it played he suppressed a groan. Of course the robot version of himself would have anticipated the question, and used the response that was now playing.

You know, that's a surprisingly obvious place to start for a Titan-based commander. Incoming kaiju fights!

Now you have to name your commander something awesome. I recommend Planetary Annihilator.
Chapter five: I'm sorry Plot. I'm afraid I'm designing subs right now.
Fucking finally. I got a guppy to the marianas, and I'm going to do something they should have done in canon. Line the entire Breach area in mines. Not piddly "Will probably sink a battleship" mines like they actually have, but progenitor "Will blow a hole through forty five centimeters of progenitor alloys given half a chance," mines. If they get out of the breach, they ain't doing so without a face full of some chemical which mixing with TNT would make less explosive.

If I'm correct in assuming kaiju skin is tough enough to tank nuclear weapons at lower yields, which I probably am, since I remember the movie with almost perfect clarity, given the fact I had watched it twelve or thirteen times, and could quote parts of the movie even without my bullshit progenitor memory banks.

If this was, in fact the correct assumption, the mines I had placed would injure them, but not kill so the Jaegers could claim victory, which would ensure that the glorious propaganda machine remains strong, and in turn people have hope or some bullshit. Mostly I just want to watch them beat the shit out of each other.

In the meantime, I get to design some subs right quick and then talk to the PPDC, UN, and probably Pentecost, who has one of the coolest names I have ever heard. I think he would be the easiest to deal with, because he is, as far as I'm aware, genuinely willing to work with questionable allies to save everybody. Look at his dealing with Chau, who was glorious, charismatic scum.

So, Submarines. Let's list what I need: Ballistic Missile, something for dedicated minelaying, and redesigning my fabricators and factory so they aren't just barracudas and slightly larger barracudas.

I'll start with the factory and fabricators, those will be the easiest. The redesign for the factory was similar to the naval factory, but with a base on it that could let a submarine sink out if it was located in the water column, or swim out if it was on the bottom. Looked a bit similar to a vehicle factory to be honest.

The fabricators, on the other hand, would be different. The basic one took most of its design from the Dolphin Scout Sub, but was twice as wide and had a set of retractable arms underneath to spray nanobots onto things. The advanced version was based around the Barracuda-class Attack Sub, and was again wider, but this time, I added a lot of arms, making it much more powerful, and also making it look a bit like a robot spider sub. I kept the names, Guppy and Sturgeon.

The minelayer was going to be more difficult, as I had nothing of comparable function outside of the Barnacle, which I think could build Jellyfish. Since a quick double check showed that they did, so I just took the fabricator off of the design, copied it and built a larger hull that resembled two krakens partially fused together with all of the launch bays replaced with mine dispersal units and fabricators. These same fabbers could also repair other infrastructure and units, which was helpful. After this, I added additional armor, and some legs that could unfurl along the sides allowing it to not create jet noise. I named it the Lobster. I started building fifty to go continue reinforcing the Breach.

The ballistic missile sub was going to be a pain. For one thing, nuke launchers were large. And considering I wanted to make this the best damn ballistic sub this side of ever, I was going to need something that was just shy of being considered a titan. First, I took a pair of standard, non-enhanced nuke launchers. Then, I added six anti-nuke tubes, with the missiles themselves having significantly upgraded range. After that, I added an orbital launcher, because the thing was already huge, why not make it bigger?

I change my mind, this was, in fact, a titan type unit. I'm calling it the Leviathan-class Ballistic Titan, and renaming the Leviathan battleship to the Cetus. Anyway, the whole internal structure was finished, I just had to edit the parts that were the nuke and orbital launchers for stowability, since those big towers were asking to get ripped off by a Kaiju if I didn't. The normal nuke launchers beefed up in the fabrication department, allowing my prodigious economy to be used to full effect and produce missiles in seconds. The tower piece folded into the hull, just leaving the launch pad to the ocean. The Orbital, on the other hand, was very different.

The actual orbital launcher took a fair bit of time to build things, and it was thus a requirement for a Leviathan to stay at the surface when using it, which was unfortunate, because I would love to be able to pop it up, fire off a fabricator, and get orbit. I of course had to settle for more overpowered fabricators, and then the arm telescoped down and folded over the launch pad, and was then covered by a blast door.

The hull looked a little like the Mars, only much larger, and with a rounded nose and less fins. And fewer guns, though I added some lasers ripped off the dual laser turret for point defense, as well as lots more missiles of both the light anti-air type found on smaller units and the heavier anti-everything type found on Stingrays. And with that, I was done.


I was finally ready to make contact with people who are very important, and, in doing so, kick canon in the kidneys, steal their wallet, and piss on their mother's corpse. So more or less a normal Tuesday for me now because I'm a giant fucking robot, holy shit, that just sunk in. Wow. Took it long enough.

So yeah, Pentecost. I've already hacked four-fifths of the communications systems, internet stuff, stock market controlling servers, and anything else that wasn't completely isolated. The other fifth was really, really weird porn I didn't particularly want on my databanks. I can initiate the call at any time, and was really just trying to decide what my avatar and voice would be. Reapers were cliched, claptrap was obnoxious, and I couldn't think of any other good AI voices to impersona-


I've got it.

I'm an idiot for not thinking of this sooner.

The avatar was going to be a red sphere with some other gubbins, kind of like QAI. It looked cool, and I could always say that I was protecting my identity, with the slightly synthesized voice I would use lending weight to this statement.

With all of my preparations in place, I connected to the PPDC, and opened up a computer terminal. Making sure it wasn't some random person on their phone, and was in fact, someone who was important was the first thing I did. It was, wouldn't you know it, Pentecost. Not sure why he was in there instead of martialing, but I assume it was debriefs. After all, there had been a kaiju attack a twelve hours ago. Popping up a new window that showed my Avatar, I spoke.

"Greetings Mr Pentecost. I am an interested third party, and I would like to negotiate the removal of the Kaiju from your world."
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I was referring to the spacing thing. Sorry for the confusion.
it's fine. I had some last minute changes I was stupidly impatient for, and thus decided to remove source formatting so I didn't have to change the color from black. I noticed it the second it was posted, and fixed it. Generally those kinds of errors will be fixed within two minutes of posting, barring something happening.
Chapter Six: No seriously, how?
Pentecost sure looked calm for a man who just had a weird red ball thing and an unfamiliar voice speak up from his work computer that was had some of the best security the UN could afford. I think he does this because someone above you being extremely calm is more terrifying than them screaming. Sure it may hurt your ears more, but you can easily tell where you stand with someone furious. The quiet ones where the ones who snapped and killed people.

Obviously, the marshal watching the scream trying to come up with a response more professional than what I would have said in his position, which, for the record, is, "Who the fuck are you, how the shit are you on this terminal, what the piss do you want, and why should I not call the PPDC?" It took him another few minutes, which I spent trying to figure out how to play Pong with a pair of barracudas and a jellyfish. After those were up, I sadly moved my mine back to where it was and put the subs back on patrol before turning my full attention back to him.

"Who are you, how did you access this terminal, what do you want, and you have two minutes to answer those questions starting after this sentence before I call the PPDC."

Huh. Almost exactly what I would have said, with a bit less swearing. I spent a few subjective minutes pondering how best to answer this question, while less than a millisecond passed in real time.

"In order, you may call me Commander Glitch, I gained access through brute forcing the passwords and uplinking to the terminal, and I would like to help end the threat of the Kaiju, and some other things which are better left to the actual negotiations, as this is probably unofficial and thus nothing other than words and information will be exchanged."

He considered my words, and after about fifteen seconds, which was spent simulating submarine Pong, had his reply.

"You have my attention. More detail, please"

Hell Yes! I'm talking to a guy who would end up opening the path for another guy to save the world. But not anymore. Now he would die of cancer because Commanders made war, not love or peace or anything that included medicine.

"I am, as I mentioned, an interested third party in the war you currently have going on. Namely, I want humanity to win, because if humanity wins, it gives me a chance to wipe the sons of bitches that make the kaiju off the face of the universe."

He looked stunned for a second. "I'm sorry, but did you say make? If you are correct, how could you possibly know this? None of the probes we've tried sending through the breach have returned anything except a fraction of a second of garbled noise, then static. No other government or private venture has the technology to send things through."

Heh. I was rolling with laughter at his statement, on the inside. My commander body was on autopilot, building storage, extractors, and generators, and starting to add some torpedo launchers to the Breach's defense network, and my Avatar merely let out a light chuckle.

"To address your first question, yes, the kaiju are made. The species that created them uses the Category I through IV kaiju as fodder, to locate and cripple any possible points of resistance. Category V kaiju are designed to destroy anything that hasn't already been reduced to a graveyard.

"Their masters are...unusual. I've never been able to piece together their exact goals, which mostly seems to be somewhere between strip mining solar systems and colonizing them, with what may be some crusade aspects thrown in, given that the castes/ forms possess names that are religious in nature. I'm not sure who came up with them, so I don't know if the names have any bearing on their actual purpose."

"So, if they are made, what lies on the other side of the Breach? A factory?"

"For a given meaning of factory, yes. But at the same time something not unlike a breeding mill. From what I can recall, it orbits a dying star, is filled with colors just outside normal perception, and has cages everywhere for kaiju. It looks like something out of a really cheesy video game, to be honest."

"And you know this, how? A stranger telling me he can end the kaiju appearing out of nowhere, hacking into one of the most secure data networks on the planet, and knowing why this whole war started is a little suspicious, correct?

"Perfectly reasonable. If you want to know something other than veiled half truths, lies, and statements that are technically correct if you squint hard enough, I will tell you. I'm not human, for the most part, which is something I'm still trying and failing to figure out. A mind upload is probably a fairly correct term for what I am. I ended up on this Earth, and thus I want to fix the issues with it, and obtain things that would be helpful to boot."

"And what might someone who claims to be powerful enough to destroy the kaiju and their supposed masters want?"

"Namely? Jaeger technology. I have some advanced materials, but I'm hard pressed to design something that works that smoothly at those sizes. Also, your reactors, especially on the as-of-yet unbuilt MK4s and MK5 designs are intriguing, since all I know is some vague names which don't tell me much. And, to top it all off, I want the ability to make some of your weapons. Dark matter, the plasma technologies, and even the missiles and cannons could prove useful, or get me started on an interesting tangent.

"In return, in addition to at the very least disorienting kaiju for a period of time, if not outright killing them, I would be willing to update your Jaegers to the point where they could defend your planet from most threats that could arise."

He was pensive for a few seconds, before replying. "A fair deal. However, before any of your requests can be met, we need proof. I assume this isn't a problem?"

"Of course not! I'd be worried if you didn't. I think the next Breach incidence is in May, so have cameras or a jaeger near the edge of the trench and I will be more than happy to demonstrate for you. If you have any other questions, I'll be happy to answer them. I have just shy of eight months to prepare, spending another twenty minutes discussing things with you would be fine."

"None at the moment, we can talk again, potentially with the rest of the PPDC after the next event."

"Well, I'll be looking forward to that. Until then, goodbye."

And with that I closed the window.

That went well. Still, he probably was too professional to just tell me I'm full of crap. Though, once I turned the darkest part of the ocean into the brightest for a few seconds from all the explosions, his doubts would be assauged, and I could get access to all sorts of sweet, juicy technology.
I'm kind of surprised how well that went even with my malus of having next to no experience talking to people I don't know. For now, all I had to do was wait. And, to break the boredom of waiting, I would be playing sub Pong and browsing the internet and reading all of those fanfictions I never got around to.

This is going to suck so much.


Past me was right. After two weeks, I had enough metal extractors and generators to power the construction of a metal planet. After a month, at about twelve times mental acceleration, I'd gone through all of the non garbage fanfiction I cared to read. After another month, I was banned from any multiplayer video game because I had a perfect 100+/0/0 win/lose/draw ratio, and everyone thought I was cheating somehow. In another month, I had watched tens of billions of YouTube videos. Another two weeks, and I had played submarine Pong to the point where I was bored. And guess what, there was still another four months before the goddamn kaiju showed up, and I wanted to be trustworthy and not take all of the data on everything before I proved I could walk the walk.

With this in mind, I did the closest thing a commander could do to sleeping, and put myself in hibernation mode.

With a final farewell to the world, I shutdown my higher logic functions, and turned everything except stealth off.


And four months, right on the money. Glad that worked. I had a few days to get ready for the kaiju, and to prove "Hey, this asshole means what he says."

This was going to be so fun~

Wait, how the fuck did I just pronounce a tilde?
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Also, I'd love to hear feedback. I can't improve as a writer, which is arguably one of the most important things I will be doing with this if no one tells me how to improve on it.
After a month, at about twelve times mental acceleration
Just a thought, but if the goal is to "speed" the passage of time doing so with an accelerated (and thus experientially longer) perception of it is counter-productive.

I'm not seeing any critical errors, but there are a number of repeated or minor spelling/grammar errors, in the vein of:
Obviously, the marshal watching the scream trying to come up with a response more professional than what I would have said in his position,
That is pretty clearly supposed to be "screen", and that sentence is both missing a few connective words (is?) and a bit of a run-on. Marshal is a rank and therefore a proper noun, and should be capitalized. Little things like that.
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