Of Stars and Melodies - A Girls Band Party Quest (No Setting Knowledge Needed!)

On the other, this is possibly the last vote where you get such an amount of fine control over Hibiki's actions before things start settling into a routine, and your answer is going to help shape both her mindset (even the Star Point option requires Hibiki to make a leap of faith and assume her bandmates would be fine with her not booking practice)

I'd actually say every option (yes, even the two leading votes) requires Hibiki to make a certain leap of faith about her band members, only each option are different leaps of faith, with distinct implications on Hibiki's characterization at a point where more and more things about Hibiki's character begins to settle down. Remember, it might not seem that way because of the pace of the quest so far, but Hibiki just met Michiko and Yuki 48 hours ago, so it might well reflect what Hibiki believes about people in general too.
Sorry I haven't been here the last couple of votes, this new job of mine and rearranging my schedule around it has left me pretty wiped out and my weekends for catching up on sleep and other things I've missed, this quest included, in a short amount of time. Meant to stay up this weekend and clear a bunch of backlog (and catch the rewatch of both days of Niji 2nd Live, missed the first day and the first song of day 2 the previous weekend, so wanted to watch the whole thing again), but crashed hard instead (and also did a bunch of the Revue Bandori crossover event when I woke up). Never did get the chance to say that Hibiki meeting Hina was everything I expected of her and more.

I dunno if the voting period is over yet, but I'm probably still gonna need some time to be sure of the decision here. Hopefully I won't get distracted by work so much that I forget to vote on this.

Anyway, on more generic Bandori news, isn't there an online streaming concert next weekend? Roselia I know is involved, not sure about PoPiPa or RAS (and maybe Morfonica too). Hopefully I'll be able to stay up and catch those, unlike what happened this weekend. Also, I just got a package from CDJapan of 16 Bandori CDs and a bunch of tokutens amongst other 2.5D related group things. Shipping was murder since I could slow ship it what with travel restrictions nixing that method, and I had to send it via FedEx, which wound up costing me another 7.5k yen on top of the 30k yen the shipment itself cost (probably 20-25k of that being Bandori CDs).
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I don't honestly have any strong opinions on this one.
Possibly if i was a fan of the source material i might have, but as it is, not really.
[X]Reach a compromise.
- [X]Serendipity (1 star point to unlock)
- [X]Find other place to practice, see if it's possible to invite Chou to jam.
Seems fine, hope the rest of the band are ok with it.
I usually prefer to wait and see how things shake out if I don't have an immediate preference. In this case I honestly forgot to check in until I saw the alert with the temp thread mark.
Terribly sorry - I just neglected to read the update and then since the notification had been read it slipped my mind.
Sorry I haven't been here the last couple of votes, this new job of mine and rearranging my schedule around it has left me pretty wiped out and my weekends for catching up on sleep and other things I've missed, this quest included, in a short amount of time.

Like, please guys, you don't have to feel sorry for this. Voting here is not your duty or anything - if anything, I'm thankful for each and every vote! I'm well aware this is very niche by SV standards.

I'm just confused at times, because I see likes and votes going up and down and I'm often left wondering whether I did someting right or wrong in my last update. However, I'm well aware that with this number of questers, any such change might just be due to random chance.

I'd actually say every option (yes, even the two leading votes) requires Hibiki to make a certain leap of faith

This is correct - I talked about the star vote option mostly because it's the one most likely to come across as 'problem solved, no difficulty whatsoever if you just spend a shiny'.

I don't honestly have any strong opinions on this one.
Possibly if i was a fan of the source material i might have, but as it is, not really.

Which is fair. Honestly, I'd say that not knowing the source materials you're in a great position to make a decision not based on the characters before you, but just on what you think Hibiki should think.

The vote will close in about three hours.

EDIT: Vote closed

Adhoc vote count started by Sideral on Sep 21, 2020 at 4:19 PM, finished with 34 posts and 9 votes.
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Star Point
What time is it? Time for another vote!

Sorry for making you vote twice, but you guys were the ones who vote for the Star Point option, so :V

This is a bit of an unusual vote for this quest (I understand it's more common in others) instead of picking a course of action (which you've already done), you get to decide what happens.

You decide to let it go and look for another place, but you needn't have worried - events, or perhaps fate, conspired to give you a place to practice. Someone in the band has an alternative - but who?
{Choose one}

[] Yuki (what you get is not quite a studio, but well supplied - though access will be limited)

[] Michiko (you get pretty much unlimited accessto a 'studio', but it is very barebones)

[] Yourself (the 'do it yourself' studio option - will need upgrades, you don't find it before leaving CiRCLE today, so you can't invite Chou right then and there)

Before any of you guys get worried - you choice will not slow down the quest, we're go an update max before band practice and then pacing will definitely pick up as you start a routine of sorts.

Once again thanks for all your support!
[X] Yuki (what you get is not quite a studio, but well supplied - though access will be limited)

I think I'd prefer this is be our backup of sort, rather than regular thing - our first preference would still be going to live house (and meet with all sort of characters)

... okay, this really depend on how access limitation goes, but well.

Or the opposite, our first preference would be this studio, but it is limited access, so perhaps we won't use it as much. Which is good, too.
[X] Yourself (the 'do it yourself' studio option - will need upgrades, you don't find it before leaving CiRCLE today, so you can't invite Chou right then and there)

I just don't want to push the responsibility on to anyone else. Hibiki decided to pass up on the slot so she should come up with the alternative.
I'd rather deal with outfitting a studio from scratch than have to haggle over access to it, personally.

It's... less haggling and more unpredictability in that case.
I think this is all I can say without possible spoilers. Don't want to influence the vote.

BTW - this vote is only going to last 24 hours.
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Remember, this doesn't need to be permanent arrangement! And I honestly don't really want to get saddled with outfitting a studio, imo...
[X] Yuki (what you get is not quite a studio, but well supplied - though access will be limited)
[X] Yuki (what you get is not quite a studio, but well supplied - though access will be limited)

If this doesn't have to be permanent, then I think I'd prefer somewhere well-supplied.
Remember, this doesn't need to be permanent arrangement! And I honestly don't really want to get saddled with outfitting a studio, imo...

Maybe not but it does have fairly permanent consequences on the quest. You are handing Yuki quite abit more presence at the plot at a minimum - it's her studio after all, your band is working out of, however "temporary". This is also true for Michiko, or voting for Hibiki herself. You are after all voting for who a permanent asset goes to, even if you want to only access it "temporarily", and that is certainly consequential.

Mountain does make a good point- yes, voting for Hibiki puts responsibility narratively speaking on Hibiki, and to extend it further, it also does on Michiko and Yuki, by that same logic.
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I guess the point is - I have three plot elements in mind right here, and I think they're all equally interesting. So you're making a vote for plot, not a vote to choose whether to add game mechanics for upgrading, haggling for, or for building a studio. Unless you ask for game mechanics outright, that is. :)
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I mean, is this is a vote of 'which basement you want to jam and act as your HQ' or 'usable one during rainy day when everything is overbooked' or 'studio preference but usually occupied so book live house and interact with cast'?

I more or less treat it as a second, in the sense I expect, at most, we'll use the studio semi-regularly, but it won't be our first choice in the future. Like, even if Yuki decided not to go ahead with our band - though obviously I don't want this - it will be no biggie, we don't lose access to precious, irreplaceable HQ/studio, we just play on live house.

So, that's my position: I don't particularly want studio-slash-HQ, though obviously if this story ended-up getting that, I don't mind much.
I mean, is this is a vote of 'which basement you want to jam and act as your HQ' or 'usable one during rainy day when everything is overbooked' or 'studio preference but usually occupied so book live house and interact with cast'?

That depends on what you want to do with it - but also what your bandmates want to do with the studio they turn out to possess. Whoever you give the studio to, will generate their own distinct set of narrative opportunities (yes, even Hibik!). Do keep in mind too, your bandmates have autonomy too, and issues and ambitions of their own that may well end up intersecting with the band, so having a private practice place in their backpocket accentuates these agendas.

Even in canon:

Hello Happy World and Popipa were quite flexible in whether they choose to practice in Kokoro's Mansion/Arisa's Basement or in Circle.

So yeah, as Sideral says, three plot elements are on the table with this vote, and its going to look quite different from the immediate short-term problem Hibiki just resolved- none of them quite relate neatly to the three scenarios you've listed. The best I can say without going into spoilers is that there are three plot-lines on the table right now, one entitled Yuki, one entitled Michiko and the final Hibiki - so that's what the vote is really about - whose plot-line are you interested in seeing open up in the unique way that hosting the band once in a while allows for. One plotline is no more expedient than the other, so in other words, this is a vote for plot, not a HQ/Homebase Vote.
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I mean, is this is a vote of 'which basement you want to jam and act as your HQ' or 'usable one during rainy day when everything is overbooked' or 'studio preference but usually occupied so book live house and interact with cast'?

I more or less treat it as a second, in the sense I expect, at most, we'll use the studio semi-regularly, but it won't be our first choice in the future. Like, even if Yuki decided not to go ahead with our band - though obviously I don't want this - it will be no biggie, we don't lose access to precious, irreplaceable HQ/studio, we just play on live house.

So, that's my position: I don't particularly want studio-slash-HQ, though obviously if this story ended-up getting that, I don't mind much.

This is absolutely fair. :)

Please don't take this as a form of pressure (I actually like all three possible story elements a lot) - just making sure there were no misunderstandings - I know I can be unintentionally cryptic with the vote options.

EDIT: Vote closed.

Adhoc vote count started by Sideral on Sep 25, 2020 at 1:18 AM, finished with 16 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Yuki (what you get is not quite a studio, but well supplied - though access will be limited)
    [X] Yourself (the 'do it yourself' studio option - will need upgrades, you don't find it before leaving CiRCLE today, so you can't invite Chou right then and there)
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Band Story 0.3 end
Hey there folks. I'm late, I know, It's been two weeks since my last post, and I'm sorry. RL has been impressively meh lately. Still, I do like writing this quest and want to keep writing it, so here's the update.

Thanks again to @Andmeuths for his beta reading.

And next time... band practice!

Adhoc vote count started by Sideral on Oct 7, 2020 at 6:04 PM, finished with 16 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Yuki (what you get is not quite a studio, but well supplied - though access will be limited)
    [X] Yourself (the 'do it yourself' studio option - will need upgrades, you don't find it before leaving CiRCLE today, so you can't invite Chou right then and there)

You sigh (you're sighing a lot, these days, it seems).

"Well,I..." you trail off when neither girl notices. "I need," you start again, louder, raising a hand to get their attention, "a moment to think. Excuse me for a second - I'll be right outside."

With that you bow, retrace your steps to the entrance, then walk up to the closest table and all but sink in one of the chairs.

Assuming that something would actually go right today was a mistake.

You don't know what you should do, but this is not a decision you can really make alone, is it? And Yuki-san said to keep her posted, so...

  • saotome hibiki
    Ok I got there
    there's just a small problem
    suzuki michiko
    didn't you say you booked a slot?
    what's the problem?
    saotome hibiki
    I did
    I booked it but
    there's two girls here who wanted it too
    I feel bad, taking it from them
    suzuki michiko

For a moment there's no answer - Suzuki-san starts typing, stops, then starts again a few times.

  • suzuki michiko
    we kinda need it if we want to practice

    nishimura yuki
    She has a point, you know
    you've been pushing for this session all week
    don't you want to play?
    saotome hibiki
    I do but
    it just doesn't feel right
    I mean one of them even needs the studio to write a song
    the other's been waiting for a week to play, like us
    is there nothing we can do?
    I'm sorry for this
    suzuki michiko
    I guess we can look for another studio if you want
    it's going to take some time though
    probably not going to manage it by tomorrow
    but if everyone's still alright for Sunday...

    nishimura yuki
    Hibiki-chan you bleeding heart
    you realize that someone's always gonna need a practice slot for some reason, right?
    gonna check something brb

There's another pause. Your thumb lingers on the keyboard as you try and fail to think of something to say. From the three blinking dots on the screen you guess Michiko's pretty much on the same boat.

Two awkward minutes later the phone pings as Yuki-san types away.

  • nishimura yuki
    Okay, so
    I just checked and my parents will be home late tomorrow
    so if you really don't want to go to CiRCLE this time
    I guess we can use my home

    suzuki michiko
    wait seriously
    is that gonna be okay?
    do you even have enough room?
    saotome hibiki
    she's right, Yuki-san
    we're going to make a lot of noise
    are you sure?
    you don't have to do this
    nishimura yuki
    Oh for the love of
    yes, Michiko-chan, there's enough room
    unless your drumset is like huge
    and yes, Hibiki-chan, it's soundproof, obviously
    so like
    just make up your mind
    saotome hibiki
    Well, if you're sure...
    is that okay with you, Suzuki-san?
    suzuki michiko
    It's okay
    I mean, as long as we get to practice it's fine
    saotome hibiki
    Then it's set
    thank you, Yuki-san

"I'm canceling my reservation."

"Are you sure, Hibiki-chan?"

The two girls (and one woman) all but talk over each other in surprise. Yes, even the manager. Looks like no one really expected you to give up.

"I'm sure, yes," you nod. "I've talked with my bandmates, and we've found another place to practice - for tomorrow, at least. Sorry, Marina-san. Maybe another time?"

"Hmm! No problem at all, Hibiki-chan - actually, I think you solved one just now," the woman beams at you, while Chou and Rimi's shocked expressions turn into happy ones as realization sinks in. "And I'll hold you to that - just give me a call and I'll see what I can do!"

"Thank you, Marina-san," you reply with a smile "I'll try and book things in advance next time."

"Ah! Thank you! Thank you so much, Hibiki-senpai!" the bassist gives you a deep, grateful bow, "I'll definitely finish the song, now! I just-"

"Wait wait, stop!" the other girl cuts her off, hands raised in a 'crossed out' gesture, scowl back in place. "No one said you were getting this slot! I want to play too, and I tried to book it first!"

"B-but it wasn't free back then," Rimi-san stutters back, "and I really need to..."

'Here we go again...' you share an exasperated glance with Marina-san as the two girls start bickering once more (though perhaps that's too strong a word in Rimi's case). Looks like even your best efforts were for naught - you just turned a three way argument in a two way one. The manager gives you an apologetic smile and a 'what can you do?' gesture, before stepping in once more to try and run damage control.

Ugh, if you knew everyone was going to be disappointed regardless you'd have just kept the slot and saved yourself the headache - if only there was a way to fix this mess-

"Chou-san, why don't you practice with us?"

'Oh, that's a nice save! Who was it?' you wonder as you look around.

Wait, why is everyone looking at you now?

"A-are you kidding?" the grey haired girl replies, giving you a weird look. "You don't even know me, what am I supposed to do in your band practice?"

Wait, wha- Oh, it was you, wasn't it? Might as well run with it.

"Well, hmmm, well, we only just started?" you reply, as your brain tries to catch up to your mouth. "So it's not like we have a set list to practice or anything, so you wouldn't be interrupting anything." You stop for a moment. "I mean, maybe we should, yes. Should have a set list, I mean. But we don't have it yet? So if you want to play some music maybe ya can- you could give it a try?" you rush the words out as the girl not-quite-glares at you. For her part, Chou-san doesn't reply for a while - just glances between you, the manager and the bassist. "Y-you don't even know what instrument I play." she eventually says.

Well... you glance back at the case. Trumpet or saxophone? The case is smallish and not curved, so it could be either one. Still... you decide to follow your instinct:

"You're a saxophonist, right? It's a pretty cool instrument. I can't wait to hear it."

The girl gives you a suspicious look, "...if this is a joke..."

"No joke," you reassure her, raising a hand in a placating gesture while the other reaches for your smartphone. "Look, here's my phone number..."

  • suzuki michiko
    I mean, as long as we get to practice it's fine
    saotome hibiki
    Then it's set
    thank you, Yuki-san
    suzuki michiko
    Yeah, thanks
    you really saved us here

    nishimura yuki
    No problem!
    Just another ordinary day for a hero like me 😌

    suzuki michiko
    Yeah, yeah good job Sailor Yuki
    saotome hibiki
    Ok girls, I told Marina-san and the others
    everything's fine now
    solved it
    suzuki michiko
    Good to know

    nishimura yuki
    Nice! So they agreed to share the studio?
    saotome hibiki
    Ah, not really
    I found another way
    suzuki michiko
    saotome hibiki
    I may have invited one of them to our practice session
    suzuki michiko

    nishimura yuki

    suzuki michiko
    you what

    nishimura yuki
    Another one, spirited away! 😂🤣😂

Tomorrow's the big day! Between school and practice you want have much time for anything else. Still, you'll find the time to talk with:

{Choose one}

She's just genuinely nice and fun to talk with. She does have some... unusual friends, though...

Talking with the quiet, timid girl is always interesting. You wonder what books she's reading now...

[]One of the Hanasakigawa bassists
You're under no illusions you'll get one of them to join you for band practice but you might as well start breaking the ice.
-[] Hirano Izumi
-[] Asato Haruka

Thinking of it, you've barely talked to her at school, have you? You wonder how she's doing...

[] Someone else (Write-in)

The vote closes in 36 hours.
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I'm starting to see where the cracks can start forming if we keep trying to conform to the people right in front of us to keep the peace. Our band is gonna get annoyed at us if we keep doing this kind of thing over and over.
I cringed when I realized that Hibiki was inviting Chou-san over to someone else's house without asking the other person. At least Yuki seems to be taking it well.


Mainly because of the mention of books. I also don't feel like trying to get another member of the band right now.