and looming over everyone a portrait of the emperor himself what does he look li-

So the portrait is a portrait of King Charles I of England, but with the head of some other guy photoshopped onto his.

King Charles is best known for being the king that was involved in the English Civil War, where he was executed by essentially the opposing army. Possibly a bad sign for this emperor.

Anyone recognize the guy who replaced Charles's head? He looks familiar, but I don't know actors that well.
I feel compelled to bring up the bird...
Its implied to be Zelda. what does he look li-


So the portrait is a portrait of King Charles I of England, but with the head of some other guy photoshopped onto his.

King Charles is best known for being the king that was involved in the English Civil War, where he was executed by essentially the opposing army. Possibly a bad sign for this emperor.

Anyone recognize the guy who replaced Charles's head? He looks familiar, but I don't know actors that well.
that is tywin lannister
...well, so it is.

Incidentially according to wiki, his actor's only video game role is voicing Emperor Emhyr var Emreis from Witcher 3.

Hyrule is probably fucked, isn't it? Like, I'm not sure the hypothetical revival of Ganon, King of Evil, would make things that much worse.
Ganondorf isn't evil here.
This alone vastly improves things, for us.
If nothing else, I'd bet on a team of Link, Zelda and Ganondorf over this empire.

Besides these guys are as vulnerable to facestabbing as anyone.
So when we eventually get the Master Sword and set everything up, we'll do good.
"I am going to kill him," Zelda states with calm certainty, a stark contrast to her burning ears and flushed cheeks, "I am going to fill him with so many arrows they will have to roll him into his grave."

"Aha, don't you think that's a little extreme...?" You say as you walk towards your room, stifling your own embarrassment.

"No. He planned this! He planned this from the start! Making us do something so embarrassing... The nerve!" She says through gritted teeth.

"So uh... if it's so embarrassing why are you still holding onto my arm?" You ask Zelda, who was clinging to said limb rather tightly. It was actually kinda awkward, you'd never done this before.

"Because if I let go I'm going to curl into a ball and wish I could die."

Trolled by Ganon!

You even thought you saw a shadow at the window, but it vanished when you turned to look at it.

What could that possibly be? The Nemesis' dark spies? Ganon's sudden but inevitable betrayal? Lorules dark agents? Cultists of Majora? The Time Reaver's dark shadow?! ...Caim from Drakengard sent to kill us? Man that Nemesis guy doesn't screw around we-

"Uh, hey? You okay? I got-"

"I AM FINE!!" Was the very high pitched response as she suddenly goes ramrod straight, her hands shooting to her sides.

"Ooookay? I got food."


Oh, it's just you Zelda. Continue devouring the scenery at your sporadic pace.

[X] Castle Town market
You even thought you saw a shadow at the window, but it vanished when you turned to look at it.

Probably a bird...
Or it could be a Ninja.
curled up with her hands over her mouth with her ears completely red. She doesn't turn to look at you or even acknowledges your presence.

"Uh, hey? You okay? I got-"

"I AM FINE!!" Was the very high pitched response as she suddenly goes ramrod straight, her hands shooting to her sides.
Confirmed :V
[X] Castle Town market

Business before pleasure. Apparently Zelda doesn't always think so though~


Instruments need to be got. Why do I have a funny feeling this is setting up for one of a few different options for the reveal of Zelda's aptitude (or potentially the lack thereof) for music?

Would it have been easier to do 2 rooms, sure. Would it have been quite as much fun? Nope.

On the one hand, the general decor of the dining area promises to be more comfortable to Zelda. On the other hand...picture of the Emperor.

Even with the necrosis and everything else, still a pretty picture, huh? Could be Link's been out away from people a long time.

Uh-oh, who's that shadow watching us? Oh, wait, it's Zelda. Fair's fair after all. This, I suppose, is when she realizes she rolled a second nat 100 for who rescued her.

Ah, Zelda, such a terrible liar, but so committed to it.

"W-wait! Must you really sleep on the floor? Isn't it supposed to be cold tonight?" Zelda asks, a blush creeping into her cheeks.
Zelda trying for a coy little "you should stay on the other side of the bed here because it's cold and certainly not so I can sneak over during the night and cuddle you, indeed certainly not that."

She put the blanket on the floor...and apparently the pillows too. Apparently cuddling up with Link beat being comfortable on the bed. (Given how thirsty everybody in BotW is for Link, who can blame her?)

I'm inclined to go visit the mercenary / adventurer hangouts tomorrow before leaving, because they'll be the ones most likely to know where shrines would be. Black markets tend to be more expensive, the garrison is a little bit too far-thinking for our situation right now, sight-seeing and restaurant and theater don't guarantee something more likely to help us survive, sacred grounds and library are dangerous.
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I'm most curious how/why Zelda was looking at Link take a shower. As this quest goes she doesn't seem the kind to delberately go to peep him, not even For Science ™
She put the blanket on the floor...and apparently the pillows too. Apparently cuddling up with Link beat being comfortable on the bed. (Given how thirsty everybody in BotW is for Link, who can blame her?)
Well, she did give Link the blankets; bed would be freezing after that.
I'm inclined to go visit the mercenary / adventurer hangouts tomorrow before leaving, because they'll be the ones most likely to know where shrines would be. Black markets tend to be more expensive, the garrison is a little bit too far-thinking for our situation right now, sight-seeing and restaurant and theater don't guarantee something more likely to help us survive, sacred grounds and library are dangerous.
The Sacred grounds had become a park sequestered behind the walls, consumed by the inevitable growth of the city.
The Sacred grounds have become a park.

We'll see what our time is like after we buy everything we need.
I'm most curious how/why Zelda was looking at Link take a shower. As this quest goes she doesn't seem the kind to delberately go to peep him, not even For Science ™
You can vote for Link to act however you want, but do you really think it's a good idea to piss me off?

Haha. Be nice to the GM people before he goes Gozer on us and allows us to choose the form of our destroyer.

That stated. I don't get to vote as often as I'd like but I'm really enjoying this quest. I'm some ways I think it's better then your Metriod one and that's saying something.

[X] Castle Town market
Need to get our shopping done. Then I'd really love to visit the academy next round. Zelda can't go but they'd have good maps and maybe some useful information for us. We'd have to copy it down or use the slate though as I doubt this one lends volumes.
Need to get our shopping done. Then I'd really love to visit the academy next round. Zelda can't go but they'd have good maps and maybe some useful information for us. We'd have to copy it down or use the slate though as I doubt this one lends volumes.
Sheikah slate has a map and not keen to leave Zelda on her own; not to question her competence or her ability to keep her head down but our luck that nothing bad happens is practically non-existent.

Also, young couple together is sure to draw less attention especially with the empire encouraging more "traditional values".
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Yes, the practical reason of it being cold was probably what got her over the should I / shouldn't I hump, so to speak.