I am updating my list as I make changes since ImmortalsBlade posted what we have in our inventory. So give it a look and decide if you like it or not.
They could tell by the crossguard what type of sword it is, though it isn't as big a deal as you make out. Also, two-handers are very common weapons among travelers, especially in more dangerous terrain where Moblins or Lizalfos hide.

Broadswords technically are sidearms.
Broadswords can also be used in conjunction with shields, which I find to be a better setup than needing to sheath your sword to use the shield. It can't do the raw damage a two handed weapon can, yeah, but I'd rather let the shield take hits than Link.

Also, I'd rather not use Imperial gear if we can avoid it. I'd imagine it would make Zelda rather uncomfortable.
Broadswords can also be used in conjunction with shields, which I find to be a better setup than needing to sheath your sword to use the shield. It can't do the raw damage a two handed weapon can, yeah, but I'd rather let the shield take hits than Link.

Also, I'd rather not use Imperial gear if we can avoid it. I'd imagine it would make Zelda rather uncomfortable.

That and Broadswords were main line weapons back in the day, and it's the standard setup for Link in the games.
Damn, some of those options look really nice, but not necessarily good for now, such as the climbing gear and the chilled saddlebags.

Zelda will probably REALLY appreciate having a nice saddle though, would greatly reduce how sore she gets.
We really need to use those empty bottles. I put the Hearty Lizard, Rope Venom, and Sweet Mushroom On the list to give us some cooking ingrediants. If we cook all of them we should have 2 bottles of Hearty Elixir and 2 bottles of Anti Poison Elixir to add to our inventory leaving us with 3 empty bottles ready to use. Combined with the 1 Bottle of Hearty Elixir we are buying that will give us a grand total of 3 Hearty Elixir and 2 Anti Poison Elixir in our inventory. We just need to find something to cook them in for our journey. We should also probably cook at least one bottle of Stamina Elixir just in case we do need it for later. The Final total is 81 Rupees left over. IF we had just a little more we could have gotten the Knights Broadsword as well but luck wasn't on our side so it didn't happen.
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The Final total is 81 Rupees left over. IF we had just a little more we could have gotten the Knights Broadsword as well but luck wasn't on our side so it didn't happen.
You appear to have forgotten about the Rupees we can get for trading in our old sword and shield. We can get 50 for the sword towards the purchase of a new sword, and 20 for the shield that can be used on a new one.

If we can, we might want to keep the rusty sword, as if we can repair it/get it repaired/feed it to an octorok, it might be better than what we can buy here.
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You appear to have forgotten about the Rupees we can get for trading in our old sword and shield. We can get 50 for the sword towards the purchase of a new sword, and 20 for the shield that can be used on a new one.
Huh! Your right I did forget to subtract the money. Let me do some quick revision.
[X] Plan Travelling Light

[X] Knight's Broadsword - 1 x 350 Rupees
[X] Traveler's Shield - 1 x 50 Rupees
[X] Hylian Brigandine - 2 x 60 Rupees
[X] 5 Shock Arrows - 1 x 60 Rupees
[X] Traveler's Fishing Pole - 1 x 20 Rupees
[X] Hearty Lizard - 2 x 20 Rupees
[X] Rope Venom - 2 x 2 Rupees
[X] Sweet Mushroom - 2 x 20 Rupees
[X] Willow Tree Bark - 8 x 2 Rupees

Cost Tallying:
700 Rupees for spending
-700 Rupees cost of items
+50 Rupees from weapon exchange
+20 Rupees from shield exchange
= 70 Rupees left over

Knight's Broadsword, never be cheap on damage. Also the imperial sword might cause Zelda distress.
Better shield for Link.
Brigandines for both as basic armor. Would like to also get the Hauberk for Link but can't justify the expense.
Shock Arrows for Zelda as I think we will be entering a watery area next? Similar reasoning for the fishing pole.
The ingredients for elixirs.
I updated my list again so go have a look. I even managed to get the Knights Broadsword. Which I had not expected to get.
[X] Plan Travelling Light

Comparing the two plans, the difference is as follows:

Traveling Light:

[] Hylian Brigandine - 1 x 60 Rupees
[] 5 Shock Arrows - 1 x 60 Rupees
[] Willow Tree Bark - 8 x 2 Rupees

Journey Preparations:

[] Hylian Cuirass - 1 x 120 Rupees
[] Broadhead Arrow - 5 x 15 Rupees
[] Hearty Elixer - 1 x 40 Rupees

In other words, it's heavier armor, regular arrows, ready-made elixers over lighter armor, shock arrows and elixer ingredients.

I prefer the minuscule amount of extra dosh and emergency element arrows over the heavier armor and time-saving purchase, although just about.
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Comparing the two plans, the difference is as follows:
Both the plans you are comparing have the 2 Sweet Mushrooms, intended to be combined with the 2 Rope Venom for 2 Anti-Poison Elixirs.

I included the Willow Tree Bark even though I wasn't sure if Zelda still needed them for her cramps, but I figure they would help her with the injuries that we are taking her to be healed of anyway.
Little overwhelmed by the inventory stuff. More detailed reaction note to come.

Staying any length of time in Castle Town is a no. Barring a quick dive to get more stuff at a later date (if we get to more rupees, shrines, etc.), Zelda doesn't like how they've redecorated and Link isn't super-fond of cities.

Looking forward to them playing music together.

Kinda thinking we should grab a mace of some kind. Previous encounters with Guardians suggested getting a crushing weapon would be a decent idea.

Probably a good idea to actually elixir-ize some of our ingredients (it's not like the elixirs will go bad) so they're in ready-to-use form sometime soon.

Of note we also have that royal dagger and the hatchet from earlier unless they magically disappeared through the power of being forgotten about.

[x] Plan What Plan

[x] Knight's Mace x 1
[x] Hylian Cuirass x 1 (for us)
[x] Hylian Brigandine x 1 (for Zel-Sheik)
[x] Hearty Lizard x 4
[x] Rope Venom x 2
[x] Sweet Mushrooms x 2
[x] Traveler's Fishing Pole x 1
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The Hylian Cuirass is meant for Zelda since she is sheikah trained and needs to be quite for her stealth moves. The Brigandine is to noisy for her. If she gets the brigandine than we lose out on her stealth abilities.
Sir, you appear to have been bamboozled and gotten the two mixed up. The Cuirass is the noisy metal armor and the Brigandine is the quiet cloth armor, hence why the latter is half the price of the former.
Sir, you appear to have been bamboozled and gotten the two mixed up. The Cuirass is the noisy metal armor and the Brigandine is the quiet cloth armor, hence why the latter is half the price of the former.
Ya I know. It occurred to me and I checked I just got back to delete the post and repost the correct version. you were just to fast at posting for me.