I just remembered something. Didn't the Gale Boomerang put out fires in Twilight Princess? GM, does it behave differently or is that something we need to find out the hard way?
It's working on more physics-based logic now. While it can extinguish fires it's also likely to create a fire tornado.

Let's burn this fucker. If the fire makes it panic, then we can drive the Master Sword into it's weakspot. This thing has Malice in it, to the blade will he super effective on it.
To clarify, the Master Sword doesn't need Malice to be super effective. It's the sword of evil's bane. Anything or anyone evil it'll smite equally. Though keep in mind this isn't D&D evil, this is evil in the sense of "This thing/person is an irredeemable asshole" so there isn't any moral debate.

Now, how it affects beings who are good or redeemable well, that's for you guys to discover.
[x] Use the Gale Boomerang to send flames from the Haybales at it while Midna focuses on its children.

It'll be a while before we find the Sage/Maiden of Fire, so why not indulge our pyromania while we can?
[x] Use the Gale Boomerang to send flames from the Haybales at it while Midna focuses on its children.
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[x] Use the Gale Boomerang to send flames from the Haybales at it while Midna focuses on its children.
[X] Use the Gale Boomerang to send flames from the Haybales at it while Midna focuses on its children.
- [X] Once the children are gone, have Midna pin it down so you can hit it with the Master Sword.
Right, changing my vote.

[X] Use the Gale Boomerang to send flames from the Haybales at it while Midna focuses on its children.
- [X] Once the children are gone, have Midna pin it down so you can hit it with the Master Sword.
With the information from the GM, I'm adjusting my own vote to include the fire and Mob-Reduction.

[X] Use the Gale Boomerang to send flames from the Haybales at it while Midna focuses on its children.
- [X] Once the children are gone, have Midna pin it down so you can hit it with the Master Sword.
wonder if we'll ever run into Daruk at some point, would be nice to have that glorious Goron on our team.

Also Changing my vote

[X] Use the Gale Boomerang to send flames from the Haybales at it while Midna focuses on its children.
- [X] Once the children are gone, have Midna pin it down so you can hit it with the Master Sword.
[X] Use the Gale Boomerang to send flames from the Haybales at it while Midna focuses on its children.
- [X] Once the children are gone, have Midna pin it down so you can hit it with the Master Sword.
Hmm. New to this quest, but I'm very much interested. I think the current plan seems best, when in doubt apply the Master Sword liberally. Dammit, now I'm getting Ideas of the ck2 variety. Unfortunately don't have the time for a quest right now, I can barely keep up with my current project, but Ideas are being gotten.

[X] Use the Gale Boomerang to send flames from the Haybales at it while Midna focuses on its children.
- [X] Once the children are gone, have Midna pin it down so you can hit it with the Master Sword.
[X] Use the Gale Boomerang to send flames from the Haybales at it while Midna focuses on its children.
- [X] Once the children are gone, have Midna pin it down so you can hit it with the Master Sword.

Ok so, assuming nothing else severely drastic happens I say we leave Paya to do some training on both spirit and sheika magic. Go and get Purha or Robbie and see what other systems for the Nexux they can turn on and help give us some sweet upgrades like the bomb Rune or an ancient bow for Zelda. On that note actually, we should check if Robbie could maybe make an ancient rifle for Paya. Easy to use, no bullet drop, hopefully no risk of exploding on the user and enough firepower to down a Moblin with a few headshots.
so...a thought occurred to me, what if they go to the Forgotten Temple in that one Canyon? I highly doubt that the empire will have reached there and it does hold a rather familiar goddess statue to those who have played Skyward Sword. I know there is a shrine there as well, but honestly, when I play Breath of the wild, I tend to visit the Forgotten temple quite a lot, simply to remember the events of Skyward Sword. That Goddess statue...is exactly where we left it in that game. Even the Tree is still there!
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so...a thought occurred to me, what if they go to the Forgotten Temple in that one Canyon? I highly doubt that the empire will have reached there and it does hold a rather familiar goddess statue to those who have played Skyward Sword. I know there is a shrine there as well, but honestly, when I play Breath of the wild, I tend to visit the Forgotten temple quite a lot, simply to remember the events of Skyward Sword. That Goddess statue...is exactly where we left it in that game. Even the Tree is still there!
Keyword Forgotten. The group probably don't even know it exists. Maybe Zelda might have a few hints to its existence but that's it.
Compendium - Forces of Hyrule 2


  • Organization of the Hyrulean Military Forces

    As a marriage between having a small but well-disciplined army and allowing a great deal of freedom between the various provinces Hyrule's military forces organization would often appear strange to outsiders more used to noble-lead levies and men-at-arms or disorganized to more legion based militaries. It is the opinion of this author though that it's in fact the most adaptable when dealing with the vast hordes of monsters that have long preyed upon Hyrule. This can be most seen in the organization of the army, which we will now discuss.

    The smallest grouping of soldiers in the Hyrule army is the squad, made up of typically 10 men. Each squad is lead by a Corporal which is usually the most experienced member of the squad. Squads usually have unique names, which often leads to a great deal of attachment from the soldiers. 10 squads form a company, lead by a Sergeant. 5 Companies formed a Battalion which was lead by a lieutenant chosen from amongst the knights of Hyrule, and two battalions formed a Regiment. A regiment was typically lead by a Captain who was typically belonging to one of the lower noble ranks and did not require prior military service. Companies composition could vary wildly depending on the needs of the battle, consisting of archers, musketeers, pikemen, engineers or whatever else is required.

    10 Regiments with one regiment consisting of a detachment of Hyrule's knights and not counting support staff formed a division, which was lead by a General. Typically a General would be a Duke or other high ranking noble, again prior military service not being a requirement. The knight regiment was structured very differently compared to the typical regiment, with specialized units. Organization varied wildly, depending on how they were deployed. The overall command would fall unto the Knight captain, with his second in command being a Knight Lieutenant. The units would be typically lead by a Knight sergeant. Sergeants and higher ranks were typically armed with elementally enchanted blades and spears and were on the front lines against any evil foe rather than commanding from the rear.

    Overall command of the army would fall unto the Captain-General of the Royal Knights when a member of the Royal Family wasn't taking command. The Captain-General would answer directly to the Royal Family, serving as the main bodyguard and though the Hyrule army does not currently exist to the best of the author's knowledge the Captain-General is currently the Sheikah known as Impa.

    The royal knights as their numbers varied greatly due to the intense requirements to become one did not have permanent ranks other than the Captain-General and their lieutenant second in command. Sergeants would be appointed based on the situation at hand. Royal knights existed outside typical army structures and only obeyed the orders of their own or that of the royal family.

    The navy, however, is much more differently organized, owing to the efforts of Grand Admiral Linebeck. The effectiveness is currently unknown to the author but it will be recorded here for sake of completion.

    A single ship is usually lead by a Captain, with a lieutenant as a second in command. A group of small ships is called a squadron and lead by a commander. Groups containing 2 squadrons or at least 2 Large vessels are called a Flotilla and lead by a Commodore. 2 Flotilla's made up a Battle Fleet lead by an Admiral. 2 Battle Fleets made up the entirety of Hyrule Naval Fleet and as such was under the command of Grand Admiral Linebeck. As the fleet was very recently constructed it did undergo many shortages of ships and men, made up by the experience and courage of Hyrule's sailors who long dealt with those horrors who long plagued her waters. It did, however, leave many details scarce to assemble into a document, even to the crown Princess and especially to the crown Princess who has been in hiding for around half her life.

    Ranks generally followed as Seaman, Petty Officer, Chief Petty Officer, Warrant Officer, Ensign, Lieutenant, Captain, Commander, Commodore, Admiral and Grand Admiral.
  • Types and Equipment of the Standard Hyrulean Military Forces

    The common soldier in the Hyrulean army was incredibly well-equipped compared to even the knights of other lands. Gambesons, mail and plate were all provided to the common soldier, mass-produced by the Gorons along with high quality weapons. Though there wasn't the special personalized gear afford to the knights of Hyrule even for mass-produced weapons and armour their quality was exceptional. All soldiers were equipped with Soldiers Broadsword and dagger, trading out for a mace or axe as needed. Spears were the most common, with Claymores serving for more specialized units. Rounded shields, designed with a wooden core, were also frequently issued.

    Soldiers intended to handle more ranged options were given leave to remove some of the more cumbersome armour pieces to allow more freedom of movement. Those armed with rifles or crossbows tended to avoid that and wore the complete set of armour. This lighter style of equipment, however, proved useful for mixed or more specialized units such as those who ventured forth into Hyrule's wilderness straight into the territories of the most vicious of monsters.

    It also proved exceedingly popular with the spellcasting elements of Hyrule's armies. While often due to their specialized nature having access to far better equipment then the common soldier, those of magical persuasion prefered to follow the style set by the archers of Hyrule, incorporating enchanted robes into the uniform. This afforded them a great deal of movement and allowed them to carry many of the components they would need to carry out their duties. Armed with magical staffs and rods though few in number they vastly tipped the scales in any battle they were in.

  • Equipment of the Hyrulean Knights

    The knights of Hyrule though they bore equipment of similar quality thanks to the custom nature of the equipment all of it carried a unique look to the point no two knights looked the same. Decorated with their families personal crests and banners their uniqueness was a shining banner to the uniformed troops around them. Brave, honourable and the exemplar of chivalry the knights of Hyrule struck deep into the heart of the enemy, with the greatest among them wielding enchanted weapons powered by elemental magic. The obvious bonus to this two was that it made it exceedingly easy for troops to recognize the knights upon the battlefield, though the din of battle made it hard to issue commands the sight of the knights would easily rally the soldiers into a charge behind them, a wave of men that smashed into Hyrule's foes.

    Many knights would also empower themselves with magic and faith, allowing them to wield weapons of truly superhuman sizes. The knight greatsword alone was known to be so large it could easily cleave a man and horse in two. All knights carried a sword, mace or hammer along with a dagger into battle atop their armoured steeds. From there depending on their role the knight would either choose equipment based on the mission before them (such as charging into a line of troops) or what they exceeded best in. Perhaps best showing the character of knights the ones who did not have to manage lands would often train day in and day out, mastering every form of combat to better serve Hyrule.

  • Equipment of the Royal Knights of Hyrule
    The royal knights, in contrast to the normal Hyrulean Knights, were far more uniform. Most would never see their armour, only witnessing the blue-red uniforms and caps as they would guard the Royal Family and their holdings. The immediate guard detail was known to carry massive Claymores few could comprehend a normal person wielding with such ease. Lieutenant Alfonzo was well known for it in fact. Others would be given the Royal Shield, quick to leap to the defense they would drill constantly and took their job very seriously. So seriously in fact that the author of this is more familiar with the back of these shields then the front. The weapon the people of Hyrule was most likely to see was the Royal Halbred, held at the ready to create a wall of pointy death at anyone who threatened the Royal Family. What was not commonly seen by any but the most fearsome of monsters about to be wiped from the world however was their golden armour.

    Made with fragments of master ore this armour was virtually impenetrable. Variants existed depending on mission parameters, such as whether the knights would need to move stealthily or light. Even the mages present in the royal knights would wear these concealing suits. Though of course they were uniform in appearance there did exist a few unique suits. Most notably was the armour used by the Captain-General Impa which was designed for her Sheikah style of fighting. Unfortunately, this armour and her weapon are currently lost. Captain Impa also tried to expand the amount of variants, hoping to recruit Sheikah into the Royal Knights so as to increase the variety of roles the Royal Knights could fill. Sadly, this did not come to pass.

GM NOTE: Man so uh, things have gotten hectic for reasons you guys can probably guess at. Wrote this up to tie you all over while you wait for the update. Feel free to dig into it and discuss, I'll happily answer any questions.
take your time man, gonna guess you got an essential job.

Now onto the forgotten temple subject, I was talking about earlier, well, I did say they could stumble upon it while treasure hunting or traveling to Rito Village. Likely the former since there IS a shrine there.
GM NOTE: Man so uh, things have gotten hectic for reasons you guys can probably guess at.
Why, society and the economy are both perfectly stable right now with no crises to affect either!

You have a lot of explaining to do, young man!

and especially to the crown Princess who has been in hiding for around half her life.

I can't imagine that's been helpful in this regard, no.
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take your time man, gonna guess you got an essential job.
Haha, having any form of employment. What a silly thing.

Haha...ha... :(

Edit: To clarify no I'm stuck in quarantine like everyone else.

But more seriously no the pandemic just highlighted various things that now needed to be taken care of at home with more limited resources. Like having any form of cleaning supplies while owning pets. Or getting sick and not being able to pick up medication. You know those fun things that make it hard to focus on writing :V

But no seriously support your essential workers. It's hard enough without being at risk like they are every day.
I can't imagine that's been helpful in this regard, no.
She also doesn't want to admit that Impa despite being the Captain General was also only a teenager and knew jack shit about how the thing she supposedly led worked. Keep in mind Impa's in her early twenties and she was made Captain General over a decade ago.
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Who's bright idea was that?
I think it's less 'bright idea' and more 'only survivor'.
Well, while I won't spoil the little plot details on the other things going on keep in mind that position is ostensibly primarily being the chief bodyguard of the Royal Family. While young Impa is basically the personification of the challenge dudes who make videos like "Kill a Gold Lynel with only sticks in 5 seconds, No damage, no food buffs" so you know when you're literally an army killing superweapon kinda get a free pass on not learning the ins and outs of being the top commander.

Edit: Yes this does mean Impa's killed a LOT of Lynels. She currently has Link beat in the monster-slaying business.

Though I guess it isn't much of a spoiler to say that essentially the King viewed Impa's role in a far more ceremonial light, preferring to place himself in charge of the military and leaving more control to the various commanders.
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That's still not a good reason to make someone a commander. Highly trusted when it comes to combat skills yes, but being a commander requires skills in things other than fighting skills alone.
That's still not a good reason to make someone a commander. Highly trusted when it comes to combat skills yes, but being a commander requires skills in things other than fighting skills alone.
Consider the position more like how the United States president is the overall commander of the military and how apparently a sociopathic lunatic can be put in charge, also keeping in mind that Hyrule IS a medieval nation. You may notice issues Zelda views as perfectly alright with the command structure. Specifically regarding how command always defaults to nobility. Ostensibly though, like I said the King viewed Impa and the Royal Knights as more... ceremonial than actual military force and kept them too that for the most part but this is getting into spoilers.

You may notice that Hyrule's military is rather oddly set up, with the only actual proper rank structure belonging to the Navy which is also what Zelda is most unfamiliar with. Got to remember as well, Zelda is well, literally a Princess from a medieval kingdom and while a rather large proponent of noblesse oblige is well... operating under the mindset where noblesse oblige applies.
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You may notice that Hyrule's military is rather oddly set up, with the only actual proper rank structure belonging to the Navy which is also what Zelda is most unfamiliar with. Got to remember as well, Zelda is well, literally a Princess from a medieval kingdom and while a rather large proponent of noblesse oblige is well... operating under the mindset where noblesse oblige applies.

Well, it's an organized military that isn't dependent on feudal levies, so it's not that odd. I would guess that it started as feudal levies with 'squads' drawn from a single village led by the local head man or landed knight, whom were nobility but not by any measure rich, because they literally handled 1 village. In Hyrule's current(ly non-existent) military, that's a corporal. Multiple villages would be grouped under the baron they swore fealty to (modern day equivalent: sargeant), and the barons grouped under the count they swore fealty to (usually, although the feudal contract skipping steps wasn't unknown, because the count needs knights to serve him directly too, as did the duke and king).

Hyrule's military looks to me like a post-feudal early modern organization of the military that is very light on leadership, with the nobility still having a strong grip on the military while the military is ostensibly at least supposed to be Hyrule's/the king's. It's a sign that the kingdom successfully centralized power and broke the nobility's control of the military in favour of the king's authority, but that the nobility still plays its historically key role as the core of the nation's leadership and protectors. This is in compliance with RL history as cannon developed and the fortifications to withstand cannon became more expansive, elaborate and expensive.

The oddest things are the rank of 'knight sargeant', as 'sargeant' descends from the same root as 'servant' and no nobility would tolerate being called a servant, and the fact that apparently there were quality standards that everybody met. Quality would realistically be rather uneven and depend on local manufacturing capabilities as well as any given soldier's ability to pay for their gear. For commoners in royal service it would be expected they'd be given decent but cheap gear, but there would be considerable differences in the quality of gear for the nobility between the wealthy nobility and the poor nobility, and their ability to source replacements and repairs.
Considering how the royal guard are used and outfitted, and then considering how the knights or operated and outfitted. I think it would be full in my justification that we now give Impa the nickname Kitten...

For self evident reasons.