This isn't the time for that, though. Zelda mental stability needs to be in, y'know, double digit positive numbers rather than decimals or negatives. Travel, gather stability and trust...Koroks could be a good first bit though, asking them to work as something of a spy network would be interesting. Even the knowledge that certain individuals among the Empire could see them would be worthwhile.
I get the feeling we are quite far from even that.

But yes Zelda does take priority.

We should also discuss what we learned about her and her mental state as it could prove to be handy in the future.
I get the feeling we are quite far from even that.

But yes Zelda does take priority.

We should also discuss what we learned about her and her mental state as it could prove to be handy in the future.

Indeed, I am not sure Zelda even wants to be High God Queen of Hyrule at this point or even just normal Queen of Hyrule.

Zelda doesn't actually like all that attention. She seems to be having more fun being female ninja Indana Jones. We should also remember that Zelda has a lot of gaps in her childhood memory in the future. Probably, because most of Zelda's friends and family including her dad, aunt, and uncles from the castle were killed the horrible trauma. More importantly, we should remember Link also is pretty traumatized from all that and seeing his father just fall apart.

Actually, do we know who the Empire left in charge of Hyrule?
He gave up his public, formal power and his public, formal influence. To my understanding, that's what abdicate means*. I would have no doubt he still has plenty of friends in high and low places, Link among them. Ganondorf seems like the Hero of Another Story **, and I would love to read that story one day (or even be involved at least partially in the writing of it).

I mean, imagine if the Queen of England formally renounced all claim to the throne. She'd know people. Imagine then if whichever prince it is renounced their claim. They'd know people. (Wasn't there one of them that spent time with a special forces unit or something? Yeah, that'd count. If their buddy Will asked them for a hand, they'd go on leave and help them out, like as not.)

*Sometimes I wonder about reading comprehension here.*
**Caution, Gateway to the Abyss that is TV Tropes**
This isn't the time for that, though. Zelda mental stability needs to be in, y'know, double digit positive numbers rather than decimals or negatives. Travel, gather stability and trust...Koroks could be a good first bit though, asking them to work as something of a spy network would be interesting. Even the knowledge that certain individuals among the Empire could see them would be worthwhile.

[X] Call it a night.

Votes, and vote basically locked. Oh, the things that are brushed aside...
Adhoc vote count started by ImmortalsBlade on Apr 30, 2017 at 6:17 AM, finished with 936 posts and 17 votes.
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How bad is the stuff we brushed aside going affect us?
Either nothing notable or we just lost with no recovery. The statement is so vague that an argument could be made for either interpretation with incredible ease. It means literally nothing, so best not to worry about it for now.

I also maintain that we did not make a mistake by calling it a night immediately. Yes, we did not delve further into this when we had the chance, but the fact is that the alternative was mostly small talk. Useful for progressing a friendship, but we're in a comfortable position there anyway so I fail to see the need. As it stands, gently putting her to sleep now so we can be that slight bit better rested for tomorrow is a worthwhile trade off.

And yes it is slight. The conversation is as short as it is relatively meaningless. The two votes are in such a way that this probably won't be a big potential change point for the quest.

So yeah don't worry, unless I'm sorely mistaken this really isn't any kind of big issue, now that I think about it more closely.
[X] Call it a night.

The two of you head back to the stable in better spirits than you left it, though both pretty exhausted.

Arriving, however, you notice a few of the groups nursing minor injuries. The old man had a rather nasty looking welt on his forehead.

Ganondorf was fine, in fact, he was standing by your beds looking bemused at the situation.

He waves you over when he see's the two of you, and both you and Zelda quickly make your way over.

"Uh, what happened here?" Zelda asks, glancing around.

"The disturbance got settled. But that isn't important, you two are standing awfully close together..." He says, bringing his hand to his chin.

Zelda eeps and puts a bit of distance from you as you just rub the back of your head, "We just had a talk, learned a bit about each other..."

"You told her she didn't fool either of us with that amateur act?"

Zelda slumps forward, hanging her head, "Why did you have to say it like that..."

Ganondorf chuckles, shaking his head, "Don't be too hard on yourself, running into both Link and I couldn't have been predicted. Have to admire your commitment though, you kept up that act rather than spilling it the moment you were around people you trusted. You've got good instincts."

Zelda looks up, eyes wide and hopeful at the unexpected praise.

Ganondorf stroked his beard, smirking, "None of those who wish you harm would expect you to have grown into a demure scholar or knew you as the adventurous child you were. Be yourself from now on, that will be your best disguise."

Zelda looks away, eyes downcast and hand to her chest, unsure of how to respond to someone finally telling her to just be herself. Then her brow furrowed as she realized something. "Wait... Demure?!? I am not-"

Ganondorf cuts her off with a bark of laughter, before the laugh turns into a yawn, "Anyways, I'm going to hit the hay."

You nod. Honestly, you just wanted to finally get an opportunity to sleep in after days on the road.

Zelda just grumbles under her breath about not being shy.

"A good shot, but remember with armour you have no room for error. Any plate worth its salt is enchanted, even a millimeter off will cause the arrow to bounce off," Ganondorf observed, arms crossed over his broad chest.

You nod, nocking another arrow as you sight the target. It was just a normal target that Ganondorf painted thin lines on, the three of you commandeering one of the spare ones lying around. Three being just you, as Ganondorf preferred to rush into melee and Zelda... well...

You glance over to her majesty, sitting on a crate hunched over, clutching her gut and looking rather green. She looked absolutely miserable, even her pointed ears were drooping. There were other's watching as well, a few travelers and children of the Stable owners. One man even had a basket of apples, of which he was eating from. This man had soot-covered fingers and reeked of powder, and seemed to be watching Ganondorf's lesson with an amused look.

Focusing back on the target hold the bow up, draw the string back and then release. There was a whoosh of air and then a thunk as the arrow sinks halfway into the target, perfectly aligned with the thin line painted on.

The stable children clap when they see your perfectly aimed shot, and you give a small bow before retrieving the broadhead. Sure the target was stationary but knowing where to aim could make all the difference in the world.

"Nice shot," The man says, holding an apple up. You nod and he tosses it at you, which you easily catch, "But if you had a musket you wouldn't need any of this fancy shootin, just point and watch the Lizalfos go flyin back."

"That's if you can hit it. And if it's a fire-breath Lizalfos, then you'll just be bite-sized chunks for it when your powder ignites," Ganondorf observes.

The man gives a crooked grin, "Well that's just half the fun, ain't it? Look you can keep drawing your bows, but there ain't nothing prettier than that loud crack of a musket firing."

Well, you have to admit a musket does pack far more punch with non-enchanted bows. Sure, you're an excellent shot and very strong but a musket could be used by anyone and didn't take nearly as much physical exertion. It was inaccurate though, and that powder meant you were one spark away from being a walking bomb.

"Bow," A very regal voice demands from behind you, and you turn to see a stone-faced Zelda standing with her arm outstretched, only the slight clenching of her jaw indicating she was experiencing any discomfort.

Ah... didn't she say archery was one of her favorite hobbies?

Without a word you hand over the bow and your quiver, which she throws over her shoulder. Nocking an arrow Zelda holds up the bow, drawing the string back as she glares at the target with such intensity you wouldn't be surprised if it burst into flames. Muscles you doubted anyone expected a Princess to have strained as she put the bow to its limit, and then she released the string.

The arrow found its mark perfectly, embedding itself all the way to its fletching, before another hit, and then another and another, each arrow coming so quickly you weren't entirely certain the arrows had even hit before they were fired. Glancing over to Zelda you saw that she was a blur of movement, nocking arrows and drawing the bow with speed you wouldn't have expected from the girl. A savage grin was on her face as each target soon sprouted an arrow.

"O-Okay, I get your point..." The man said and Zelda paused to glance over to the man, her grin widening. The man seemed to shiver noticeably whether from the grin or the way it stretched her ruined flesh you couldn't tell, but even you felt a chill run down your spine. The children though just clapped and cheered.

Then Zelda returned to firing, emptying your quiver faster than you could at your best. It took a moment for you to even notice that a few of the arrows even had leaves that had fluttered by impaled on them.

"Okay okay, Sheik we get it..." You say, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly,

Zelda kept firing.

"Sheik? Sheik!"

The children stopped cheering, looking a bit concerned.

The last arrow embedded itself in the target, and she holds out a hand to you, "Knife." She says, without any room to debate.

You wordlessly hand it to her by the handle, and she gives it a slight toss to spin it around and catch it by the blade. Then she hurls it at the target, sending it between two arrow shafts without touching either and burying it past the handle.

Zelda looks over to you, a look of pure smug self-satisfaction on her face. You vaguely note that your mouth was hanging open and you close it with a 'click' as her grin widens and she takes a bite out of an apple. Your apple. She took it while you were stunned!

She takes another bite as you glare at her, looking very pleased with herself as she chewed.

Ganondorf sighs, shaking his head, "Alright, nice showing Sheik. Now go pull them out."

Zelda pauses mid-bite, looking back at the target. A low whine escapes her as she sags, slumping forward as her arms fall to her sides.

You try and fail not to laugh.
The next day Zelda was just as miserable and had opted to stay in bed rather than move. When she finally emerged to get something to eat you had noticed she had changed out of her traveling clothes into a simple sleeved dress. An apron hung over her front, fastened around the waist by a cloth girdle. A shawl was draped over her shoulders, and she wore a headscarf over her hair, her long blonde hair trailing behind her in a braid. The scarf she wore to cover her ruined flesh was hanging loosely around her neck. She hadn't bothered to put on her boots, instead opting to go barefoot.

You'd say she looked the perfect picture of a peasant girl, except the noble air with which she carried herself clashed horribly with her modest dress. Neither you nor Ganondorf commented on her change of clothes, and she didn't bring them up. She did get a disgusted look from some of the older men as she ate though, who scurried off when you gave them a threatening glare. Zelda herself simply sat and ate, the only indication she had noticed was the clenching of her fist and her glaring at her pottage.

At this rate you wondered if she'd punch the next person who brought it up.

You had sold the amber earlier, bringing your funds up to a nice 1000 rupees. You'll need every Rupee when you get to castle town.

The rest of the day was spent preparing to leave early the next morning, to get some good distance before traffic bogs you down. It had been years since you had ever been near Castle town, and you didn't quite believe Ganondorf when he said the roads would be packed.
Oh Goddesses you had been wrong.

You were still a few days ride from Castle Town yet the roads were packed with travelers and merchants. Patrols also picked up, until you couldn't spit without hitting a soldiers boots.

Half-way through the day, your group joined up with a merchant's caravan, Ganondorf being the far more social of your little group immediately engaged them in conversation and soon stories were being bandied about, along with raucous laughter.

Zelda was sitting side-saddle, still wearing her dress though she had put on her boots. The woman in the caravan cast her sympathetic looks, and soon offered drink and food to her. The sympathetic looks turned to winces and horrified gasps when Zelda had to remove her scarf to drink, however, and Zelda over the course of the day drifted over to you, preferring your silence to the veiled questions about her injuries.

You alternated your time between instructing Zelda on how to more comfortably ride her horse and watching the soldiers with a wary eye. A few glanced towards Zelda, though with her face covered no one paid her much attention for long. Her injuries would likely attract some attention but hopefully, their extent would keep people far enough away that they recognize her from the paintings of her scattered around Hyrule.

You wonder though, that painting barely looked like her. Anything that could be considered part of her Sheikah ancestry was downplayed or removed entirely. Was it just because the model used was probably Hylian? Or was it because... hmmm, well you only saw the one painting. It probably was an isolated case.

You're still thinking about it when you finally bed down, comparing the princess you'd seen in that chapel to the one laying just a few meters away...
The next day things almost turn disastrous. You'd passed from hills and forest into the great expanse known as Hyrule field. It was the breadbasket of Hyrule, producing enough food that even a drought could not hope to put a dent into Hyrule's great stores of food. Grains of every type surrounded you on all sides, broken only by groups of trees and the occasional hamlet. The roads turned from dirt to stone, carefully maintained and even with drainage ditches lining the sides. More and more people seemed to fill the roads, all moving too and from the heart of Hyrule.

Banners hung from posts made some strange material, all depicting the Rose of the Empire. When you asked Zelda about what they were she said they were made of Luminous Stone.

"It looks like it's based off the Zora designs. The Zora use Luminous Stone extensively in all their architecture due to their aquatic domain being a poor place for lighting fires. You must give the empire credit, this probably not only saves a fortune on patrols and fuel but also greatly reduces the environmental costs of gathering it," She says, examining the posts as you pass them, "It must have taken a truly staggering amount of Luminous stone though..."

"Aye, good ol' Imperial hospitality. With these posts, we don't have to worry about Bokoblin's or Lizalfos sneaking up to slit our throats," A merchant chimes in, and you concede that it probably did a lot to help those who traveled these roads at night.

As the sun sets and your group beds down for the night, the posts glowing with that blue light you get a good look at the other side of Imperial hospitality.

A group of soldiers, wearing the imperial rose so proudly on their chest approached the merchants, demanding payment of a new tax. They eyed the wine, rupees and woman of the group, so distracted with greed and lust they didn't notice half the group stand up, hands on weapons. These uniformed thugs had made the miscalculation of targeting a caravan that had to trek through Hyrule's wilds, constantly under threat from monsters and Stal's, and only had it dawn on them when Ganondorf walked up to them, looming tall with the faint glow from the lampposts casting ominous shadows over him, asking when this new tax had been implemented. The soldier's eyes drifted to the massive swords at his sides and realized their mistake, looking nervously to the armed men and woman around them.

They quickly disappeared into the night, and you all returned to your bedrolls with harsh looks and muttered curses. Zelda seemed particularly incensed, a quiet fury emanating from her as she set her bow down.

'The real Princess Zelda did not weep when she saw actual moral decay,' you thought to yourself as you said goodnight to her.
The third day passed in better spirits, as you passed more and more homes the closer you neared Castle Town. You even managed to stop at a few village wells for a drink of fresh cold water. You still managed to have a fair amount of food left, a couple days of travel at least if you rationed. Zelda was also feeling better, the worst over for her.

Castle Town was in the distance, its massive towering walls visible along with the smoke of dozens of chimnies. Above it all though, clearly visible was Hyrule Castle, possibly the largest building in all of Hyrule. Some considered it a city all of its own, it's blue roofs and white walls making it a shining beacon visible from miles around. Even though you knew it had seen tragedy and evil the castle was still awe-inspiring and a source of hope for all the denizens of Hyrule, that maybe one day a rightful ruler will once again hold court from it.

You look over to Zelda, whose crimson eyes were fixed on it, teeth visibly grinding behind her melted lips.

"You going to be okay?" You ask the princess, concern clear.

Zelda closes her eyes, taking a deep breath before letting it out in one big exhale. When she opens her eyes again she looks so... tired, but she still manages to give you a faint smile.

"I'll be fine Link, we're only going to be there for a couple days anyways. Thank you for your concern though."

You both go to sleep with the smells of the city reaching you from even this far away....

You reach Castle Town's massive gates the following morning. You, who had lived most his life in the woods or the castle itself, could only stare in awe at the sheer scale surrounding you. The Walls were massive, bustling with soldiers, cannons and imperial banners, each wall as thick as a large house and towering over all of them. The walls itself were structured like a star, with shorter walls radiating out to more earthen construction. It even had a ditch wrapping around it filled with water, carved out long ago by master Goron architects. Surrounding the city walls were small cottages, spreading out and slowly thinning as it met the endless fields of grain.

You think of what you knew of the city, and recall just how much the city had grown over the years. The Sacred grounds had become a park sequestered behind the walls, consumed by the inevitable growth of the city. You think even with a census no one was truly sure how many people called it home. Even the Imperial capital, far from here, paled in comparison to it. It was no surprise that there was talk the Emperor would move the capital here, Hyrule castle being far more impressive than his own.

"Unfortunately, this is where we must part. I wish you luck in Lanayru. I truly hope we'll meet again soon!" Ganondorf calls to you over the din, and you all give your goodbyes.

Ganondorf luckily before he departed gave you directions and advice for the city. It was comprehensive enough that you felt you could navigate the city even with your inexperience with crowds.

The first obvious decision you had to make was what inn you would be staying at. Ganondorf recommended two, and you were quite surprised at the stark differnce between the two of them.

The first inn was in the poorer district. A rough place, that saw more than its fair share of violence. The food was awful, the beds were unclean, you have to pay extra for food, Zelda stuck out like a sore thumb and Ganondorf half suspected the innkeeper had criminal ties with how often someone tried to nick his stuff. But it was cheap. At 20 Rupees for two beds a night, it was what you paid for.

The second inn was in the far richer part of town, and Ganondorf didn't offer any explanation on why there wasn't a middle option other than they shouldn't bother searching which wasn't reassuring. Zelda was instantly for this, for reasons that were quite embarrassing.

"You reek like a dead animal," She rather bluntly informs you. "If we go there you're taking a bath right away."

"I do not stink!" You say indignantly, before quickly sneaking a sniff when Zelda pinches the bridge of her nose and shakes her head. Unfortunately, your gagging ends up revealing what you did, and Zelda's laughter makes the tips of your ears burn.

This inn featured actual plumbing, a free meal, and actual beds for only a hundred rupees a night. Well, Ganondorf said beds so you were certain he meant multiple beds and you and Zelda wouldn't have to share. Zelda unlike you would actually fit in there, and as Ganondorf said to both of your embarrassment no one would really question it if you came up with the excuse you were a couple. It seems the empire had encouraged more... traditional views in their time occupying Hyrule, and an unmarried man and woman sharing a room aroused suspicion and inquiry from far too many parties.

So where will you stay?
[] Poor inn - 20 Rupees a night
[] Rich inn - 100 Rupees a night
[] Rich inn - 200 Rupees a night to be safe.
[] Write-in.
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I admit the poor inn is kinda tempting on the basis that nobody will care about stuff happening in there, but with a possibly criminal innkeeper, hmm. Best not to risk it. At the same time we're not made of money, but could afford several nights of the most expensive option regardless. Hmm.

[X] Rich inn - 200 Rupees a night to be safe.

I do think I'm willing to pay if we can keep ourselves truly obscured. Secrecy is our only defense. Regular rich inn should also work, of course.
Is there any question? It's pretty much the most hilarious / enjoyable ship tease around, feigned marriage for other purposes between two people who just can not spit it out.
[X] Rich inn - 100 Rupees a night

Other notes:

Ganondorf is most definitely Hero of Another Story.
Musket vs bow is more or less the evolution of the armor vs longbows question. High-skill archers take years to make but a musketeer takes mere weeks. As Zelda's demonstrated, a high skill archer is the way to Most Dakka.
We'll need to come up with some sort of additional disguise trickery for Zelda after she's healed, but for now the injuries are good enough to obscure her identity.

Farewell, Ganonbro, we barely knew you. Hope we see you again.
[X] Rich inn - 100 Rupees a night

We're trying to save money here people. Don't get carried away.