Constant pain is a pretty solid argument for going to Zora Domain, on the one hand. On the other hand...I get the feeling Ganondorf wouldn't exactly be welcome in Kakariko either. The write-in for castle town to get better weapons is simultaneously really obvious and concealed behind being a write-in.
The first couple paragraphs read totally different with shipping goggles on.
Ganondorf sees the sparks flying, he knows how things go. Possibly due to being genre savvy.
Also interesting how the assorted leavings of the camp vanish (in a big blaze), as Ganondorf looks over the Yiga sword. I know, I know, taking everything not nailed down and then using magnesis to pull out the nails is for kleptomaniac video gamers with multidimensional pockets that can hold umpteen different things, but it's still a reflex.
Ganondorf getting serious for a minute reminds me of another red-head.
If things start getting bad, hitting Castle Town for weapons (keeping an eye out for beedle to sell the diamond to) remains an option.
Plan Ease Her Pain
[X] Zora Domain
-[X] Offer to teach Ganondorf to swim so he might stick around
-[X] Keep an eye out for Beedle to sell the diamond and see if you can get a fair price.
-[X] Ask Sheik if there is a way of sending a short message to the village, or if you could ask Ganondorf to do it
--[X] "Sheik was wounded by the Yiga. Seeking the aid of the swimmers in the company of Lord Ordona."
(Prrrrobably impractical, at least some of it, but I figure it'll provoke more discussion)