Of Knights and Legends (Fate, Arthurian)

I'm honestly not sure where to go. Focusing too much on combat's like to be a bad thing, going to Morgan sounds like a Bad Idea, and while I would very much like to get to being taught writing...

"I have other things that need to be done." He shrugged. "I don't have time to teach you all day. Grab some of the soldiers if you want to keep practicing." He paused. "Actually, I'll write a letter."
Unfortunately, she did just say she doesn't have the time to teach us all day. Got things to do and all that. Let's not pester her unless we can help at this point.

[X] Seek out the other Servants. (Statesmanship, Metalworking (Untrained))

This seems like the "Get taught to do those things you need to do" option to me, though of course, I could be wrong.
So we are trying to make something of ourselves, are we?
You have gained the Feat, Steady Improvement. As you have gained a Feat, your stat caps have increased by 2, to a total of 6.

Steady Improvement
When making a roll that can be repeated (such as attacking an opponent), you gain a cumulative +1 bonus until you successfully succeed on a check. This only applies to checks that are repeated in the same circumstances (Lockpicking two different locks, even if they are the same design, does not grant this bonus, nor does stabbing two different opponents, but stabbing the same opponent with the same opponent repeatedly in the same fight will grant this bonus).
*Gets Hadou permission*

In case you didn't notice, the rule for Feats is this: You get them for actually doing things. Or at least trying to. Like, we could spend as long as we like on training skills, but that's not gonna give us any Feats. We actually have to try to accomplish things to do that.

In this case, going for impressing (Or, well, not being utterly useless in front of) Mordred. We're still someone with 3 spear against someone who breaks the dice cap, but we tried to do something. Mind, since we now got a Feat for doing something like that, we're not gonna another one for doing something similar.
[x] Follow Mordred into his office. (Penmanship, Statesmanship, both Untrained)
Alrighty, that's enough being distracted by MMO's. Let's do this.

Vote Tally : Of Knights and Legends (Fate, Arthurian) | Page 8 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 192-206]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[x] Follow Mordred into his office. (Penmanship, Statesmanship, both Untrained)
No. of Votes: 9

[X] Talk to Morgan. (???)
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Ask the chefs if they need help. (Cooking)
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Seek out the other Servants. (Statesmanship, Metalworking (Untrained))
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 14


You guys are aware you can't read and write, right? Right after Mordred specifically tried to politely get rid of you to get some of her work done? Well, this might end in a amusing way, I guess.
You guys are aware you can't read and write, right? Right after Mordred specifically tried to politely get rid of you to get some of her work done? Well, this might end in a amusing way, I guess.
That's the point, at least in my vote—to make her so annoyed with our inability to read and write, she'll make it her priority to teach us/find us a teacher.

That and it's going to be amusing either way.
You Can't Read
Lunch was a brief affair. You and Mordred sat together at a small, rectangular table, Mordred at the head and yourself at the foot. There was surely some power play at work, but for the life of you, you weren't really sure what it was. There were more forks and spoons then you really knew were reasonable.

"What are they all used for?"

"Who cares?" Mordred answered dryly, picking a fork haphazardly and picking at his stew. "I mean, it's not like you're meeting the king anytime soon."

"So I'll learn later?"

"Maybe." Mordred shrugged, popping a piece of meat into his mouth. "Not up to me."

"Up to the king?"

"Head of his personal servants, actually." Mordred answered dryly. "Father doesn't have time to work out things like that."

I stared for a long moment, before returning to my meal, silently finishing it up. Well, if that was how it was…

"The head of his personal servants?"

"Old Harvold, yeah. He's a bit crotchety. You'll meet him soon enough."

"… Harvold?"

"That's his current one, yeah. He goes through them fairly steadily." Mordred shrugged again. "Try to get along with him."

"You think I won't?"

"Harvold is old, peasant." Mordred retorted dryly. "And I saw that. Get another serving. Royal order."

You let out a long sigh, before filling your plate up again. You didn't bother mentioning that it was your third helping. Mordred did not seem to particularly care, either way. Being obedient seemed the better part of valour there.

However, once lunch concluded, you were at a bit of a crossroads.

"… Is there a reason your following me like a puppy?" Mordred finally asked.

"I'm your servant?"

"..." Mordred didn't immediately reply, as he pushed open the door to his office. "What, exactly, can you do for me, given you can't read?"

"Uh… I can get you tea?"

"… You are a peasant, really." Mordred grumbled. "Not used to life not being get up, do a job, go to sleep, huh?"

"Not really, no." You rubbed the back of your head as Mordred's gaze bore into you. You had to wonder if he was just a little disappointed.

"Come in. Don't mess anything up." Mordred answered dryly. "How little can you read?"

How little. He had so little faith in me that he wanted to know how little I could read. He wasn't entirely wrong, either.

"I know numbers?"

"So you can use chicken scratch." Mordred muttered, flopping into his chair. There were several dozen envelopes on his desk, and a small quill to the side. "Look, see that pile? Sort it into something neat."


"Say… three piles. The wax seal has different colours depending on who sent it. One pile red and white seals, one pile purple seals, and the rest in the last pile."

"What's the difference?"

"Who sent it. The red and white seals, with the dragon symbol, came from Camelot." Mordred answered. "Purple, with the tree symbol, comes from the front. Don't open those ones."

"For His Highnesses eyes only?"

"Something like that. Some of it is nonsense that's out of date. Some isn't." Mordred muttered. "It's just things like 'we wish for this change to protocol' or 'we wish for rations' or honour ceremony requests."

"And they just send letters?"

"Needs a royal seal. Father is more interested in the war effort, and my brothers are off playing knight." Mordred's voice sounded quite sarcastic. "Someone has to do it."

"And it's your job?"

"Mostly. I just look at them for Father and use his seal if it's something small." Mordred muttered. "Anything big has to go to him anyway, since he has to officiate."

"And the other letters?"

"Suitor letters. Some threats, probably. Complaints too."

"They send that to you?"

"They send it to Father." Mordred corrected. "He finds making me read them funny."

You nodded, silently taking the piles of letters and beginning to sort them by the colours.

"What's a red and white tree?"

"… Toss it in the pile for the rest."

"Is it not important?"

"Father doesn't care what King Vortigern has to say. There would be little point in showing him. I'll get to it later." Mordred mused.

"And you don't care?"

"Well, it's good for a laugh when Father inevitably denies him." Mordred muttered. "Father would probably deny his request for rope, let alone anything else."

"They don't like each other?"

"Not really, no." Mordred answered. "But then, your a peasant. You probably don't know much about the war."

"Not really, no." You answered. "I just work the mill."

"And a fine job regardless." Mordred answered. "It doesn't matter now, in any case."

"Right..." You frowned, just a little, continuing to sort the letters. It was a rather boring job, you had to admit. "A sun symbol?"

"With crossed swords?"


"Give it." Mordred's command was imperious, his hand outstretched. He wasn't even actually looking at you.


"It's either Gawain or Gareth." Mordred growled. "Give it."

You obeyed without question. His tone brooked no opposition. Mordred didn't bother with dignity, tearing the envelope open and examining the letter within. The writing did not look very neat.

"… Gareth promised she'd improve her chicken scratch." Mordred muttered. "Of course Mother already told them about getting me a servant."

"Wait, she already told them?"

"Mother knows magic." Mordred grumbled. "Telling the future is probably child's play for her."

"She can do that?"

"Do I look like a magician to you?" Mordred snipped. "No, more likely she just decided ahead of time to it and you had the bad luck of being the first person she pointed at."

"Right..." Well, the idea of you just being unlucky, or lucky, perhaps, was better then Her Lady following some prophecy of the future. You kept sorting, pausing when you came to a yellow wax.

"Why is the ink miscoloured?"

Mordred glanced at it.

"Fireplace is right there." He answered dryly. "Burn it."

"You don't want to open it?"

"That woman is far too obsessed for her own good." Mordred answered dryly. "Burn it. And make some tea, while your at it."

You glance at the letter again. Mordred wasn't exactly looking, and you did have some other letters right here…

[ ] Keep the letter.
[ ] Burn the letter.

Tonight, after dinner, you…

[ ] Help clean the kitchens (Cooking).
[ ] Seek out the other servants (Statesmanship (Untrained)).
[ ] Attend to the cleaning.
[ ] Seek someone to teach you to read (Penmanship (Untrained)).
[ ] Write in.
Last edited:
[X] Burn the letter.
[X] Seek someone to teach you to read (Penmanship (Untrained)).
Because any letter that warrants burning contains something interesting.

We can always burn it after we read it, provided we aren't found out.
... Is now a good time to point out you outright failed both rolls in the previous update? As in, failed so hard you weren't even given the roll?
As much as I want to keep the letter since it seems interesting the fact we can't read really puts a damper on what secrets it holds.
[X] Burn the letter.
[X] Seek someone to teach you to read (Penmanship (Untrained)).

A squire that can't follow simple orders is useless.
[X] Help clean the kitchens (Cooking).

Let's start meeting some of the other servants in a task we are competent at.
[X] Burn the letter.

Kinda wanna keep it, but I have no idea if it's worth anything or not, and it'll be awhile before we can read it ourselves. Not really interested.

[X] Seek out the other servants (Statesmanship (Untrained)).
[x] Seek someone to teach you to read (Penmanship (Untrained))
[X] Keep the letter.
[X] Seek someone to teach you to read (Penmanship (Untrained)).

I'm sure the letter's totally not cursed or anything. :V