"I'll take the spear." You muttered, rubbing your wrists. Mordred just nodded as he began fishing around the shed again, bringing out what looked like a broom handle. "Really?"
"Only thing without a tip. I'd rather you not stab yourself."
"You really think I'm that bad?"
"In a word? Yes." Mordred was openly mocking of what he thought of your skills. "After that, I don't know whether you'll drop it or throw it on the first stab."
"Haha. Really funny."
"I thought it was." At least the corner of his mouth was twitching towards a smile as he threw you the staff. "Come on, same as before. Best stab."
"And if I hit you?"
"Don't get cocky." Mordred seemed interested enough, though, smacking his breast with a hand. "Come on, let's do this."
You took the open invitation and stabbed. There was a clack of wood on wood, and your arm jarred from the shear force of it all, as Mordred's sword batted your stab away, leaving you stumbling.
"That's it?"
"No!" You try to put on your best bravado. After all, you probably could do better, but Mordred just shrugs.
"Too many more like that and your arm will go numb." He noted. "You sure?"
You just answer with another stab. This one felt more like a thing of minor beauty, aimed at Mordred's throat, but it doesn't make it anywhere near it's target. Mordred's lips just twist into a tired sigh, and it takes you a moment to realise why.
He'd caught it with his hand.
"Well, that one wasn't bad." He admitted. "You really need to work on your form more then anything else."
"What, that's all?" You muttered dryly. Mordred just shrugged, letting go of the metaphorical point of your broom handle.
"No. You need a whole lot of other things, but very little of it is to do with how well you stab someone." He answered. "You stab well for someone whose just picked up anything resembling a spear."
"Is that actually good?"
"Well, it puts you in the top percentile of emergency soldiers." He shrugged again. "Probably puts you among some of the better soldiers, too, if we can get you into anything resembling good shape. Maybe you aren't a waste of time after all."
"Geez, thanks."
"Possessing the power of cooking will only get you so far." Now Mordred was definitely teasing you, but he was smiling. "Now where's that dummy, I'm sure it's here."
"Eh, you'll do fine."
"Wait, what?" Mordred simply stepped towards you, harshly pointing at your chest, over your heart and lungs, your shoulder, your thigh, and your throat.
"Your main targets. Foots also good, but the joints pretty hard to hit if your aiming at someone in armour." He muttered. "Face is good, but probably pushing your luck. Aim for the throat and you'll probably hit it by accident." He paused briefly. "Spear can stab and slash. It's better at one of these then the other, obviously, but sticking to stabs will make you complacent. Keep your distance. A good rule of thumb is about two paces between you and your enemy at the absolute closest." You nodded as Mordred kept rambling off tips about the philosophy of stabbing someone.
Who knew it was that complicated?
"Oi, best place to stab a man." Mordred grumbled. You flinched.
"Uh, the throat? Or the body."
"Simplistic. Think more." Mordred didn't sound terribly impressed. "Come on, feet wider. Don't be lazy about this."
You were beginning to think that maybe this was not the best idea for you. Mordred was not an easy task master, barking instructions at you as he walked about, correcting your stance with a light slap of his sword.
However, at the end, he simply smiled.
"Not too bad." It was a small bit of praise. Mordred just shrugged his shoulders. "Although your still way off being able to challenge me. Damn it I need a sparring partner." His lips turned into a bit of a pout at that, as he glanced up at the sky. "Nearly midday." He muttered. "Lunch will be served soon."
"Right." You were hot and sweaty, but you didn't suggest you go inside. Just in case Mordred took that the wrong way. Mordred peered at you, briefly, from the corner of his eye.
"Keep the jacket." He finally said. "Let's put this stuff away."
"We aren't continuing after?"
"I have other things that need to be done." He shrugged. "I don't have time to teach you all day. Grab some of the soldiers if you want to keep practicing." He paused. "Actually, I'll write a letter."
"Why a letter?"
"So they don't toss you out before you can even ask." Mordred's voice could only be called snarky. "You are having seconds, by the way. That's a royal order. God your so skinny."
"So are you!"
"This is muscle." Mordred sniffed. You gave him a long look. "It is! Unlike you I can break a table!"
"Uh..." How do you argue with that? "Sure." It sounded lame and dumb, but Mordred just grinned.
"Race you to the castle."
But he was gone before you got anything approaching an answer. You just let out a small sigh. Well, nothing would be boring, at least.
After lunch, you…
[ ] Go learn further from the soldiers.
-[ ] Sword.
-[ ] Axe.
-[ ] Spear.
-[ ] Bow (Untrained)
[ ] Follow Mordred into his office. (Penmanship, Statesmanship, both Untrained)
[ ] Seek out the other Servants. (Statesmanship, Metalworking (Untrained))
[ ] Ask the chefs if they need help. (Cooking)
[ ] Talk to Morgan. (???)
[ ] Write in.
You have gained the Feat, Steady Improvement. As you have gained a Feat, your stat caps have increased by 2, to a total of 6.
Steady Improvement
When making a roll that can be repeated (such as attacking an opponent), you gain a cumulative +1 bonus until you successfully succeed on a check. This only applies to checks that are repeated in the same circumstances (Lockpicking two different locks, even if they are the same design, does not grant this bonus, nor does stabbing two different opponents, but stabbing the same opponent with the same opponent repeatedly in the same fight will grant this bonus).