Of Knights and Legends (Fate, Arthurian)

[X] Ask Mordred more questions.
-[X] About the Knights
[X] Run errands in the Library (???).
Okay, let's do this...

Vote Tally : Of Knights and Legends (Fate, Arthurian) | Page 14 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 335-351]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[X] Ask Mordred more questions.
-[X] About the Saxons.
[X] Go out and train (Combat).

No. of Votes: 6

[X] Ask Mordred more questions.
-[X] About the Saxons.
[X] Run errands in the Library (???).
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Run errands in the Library (???).
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Ask Mordred more questions.
-[X] About the Knights
[X] Run errands in the Library (???).
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 13

However... before I do...

Seriously, ladies and gentlemen. What the hell. Apply some critical thinking skills. Please. This is not a feel good pick any option quest. Your choices have consequences. Some options are, in fact, traps.
BlackHadou threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Strange Things Total: 13
2 2 5 5 2 2 4 4
Strange Things in the Yard
You paused for a long moment, as you turned the knife over a few times in your hands.

"Your Highness… Are the Saxons really gone?" You finally asked. Mordred glanced down at you, as if he was sizing up whether the question was actually worth answering or not, his eyes going between hard and soft.

"I suppose you wouldn't have noticed." He finally answered. "You were probably just a child when Father was considering whether or not he would have to surrender the castle to win the war."

"You can't be that much older then me." You cried. Mordred's lips twisted into a wry smile.

"Ah, but unlike you, I both can read and know my history." He answered cheekily. "You're right, I wasn't around either. Only Gawain and Agravain were actually old enough to fight. Gareth and Gaheris, not so much, they were children."

"And you?"

"If I was around, I wasn't old enough to remember anything." He shrugged. "Until King Arthur came, it was dire. Most of the north was gone, and for the first year, we were burning a lot of our holdings behind us." He paused briefly. "But then the tide changed. The light of Excalibur shone, and the Saxons began to lose. They lost a lot."

"I see." That didn't really answer your question, though. Mordred just smiled, a small, weak thing.

"You don't. Unless you've seen it, you can't understand it." Mordred answered. "I remember the day the last push began. This is the castle that he launched it from, you know. It's the last time I saw Gawain, too." Mordred's lips twisted into a small frown. "Wish he knew what a letter was, but he never writes. Father complains about it too."

"And the Saxons were pushed north." You added. Mordred nodded.

"Mostly. Some were pushed to the west, too, but that's more a few leftovers." He answered. "The Saxons are mostly gone for now, but the war isn't over. It probably won't be over for a long time. They keep coming back."

"Why?" It was a simple, burning question, but Mordred shook his head.

"If I knew that, then I'd tell you." He answered. "Maybe they want our land. Maybe they were promised something by the traitor kings. Maybe they want Excalibur. Maybe they just hate us that much." Each was a valid reason, you supposed, but none of them sounded particularly right. "If the Saxons were that simple, then we'd have already gotten rid of them."

"Right." You glanced at the dagger in your hand again. It was actually a little long to be called a knife. Either it's owner had been a giant, or it wasn't really intended as a knife.

"Keep it."


Your eyes went back to Mordred, but he'd already rolled over.

"The knife. Keep it. Not worth worrying about it too much. Might save your life one day."

"You aren't worried I'd use it?"

"On what, me? Aiya and Yohl would break your arm if you tried. You're a twig." Well, it was nice Mordred thought highly of your ability to do anything, it seemed.

"… Wait, Aiya?"

"Don't be fooled. She was a thief before Gaheris picked her off the streets. I doubt she's very out of practice." Mordred waved his hand in a fairly clear dismissal. "Sleep, boy. Sounds are beginning to grate."

You took the hint. Clearly His Highness had a headache.

The next day began, what could only be called oddly. You were up just as the sun began peaking over the horizon. You felt fresh, like it was a new day. The knife on your bedside probably helped just a little with a feeling of security. Even if, if someone decided to kill you, you would likely die before you had a chance to do anything, you felt a little better having something on hand.

Dressing and opening your door with a click, you paused, just briefly, before Mordred's door, before making your way down from your quarters. There was a lot that could be done, but you were rather soon distracted by something completely different.

You could hear the sound of wood hitting wood. The sound of, for lack of a better word, training. You took only a moment before you decided that yes, you were interested enough to find out what it was.

What you discovered was actually kind of funny, in a strange way.

"You yell too much, sheesh."

"I know, I know."


"And you swing to wide."


"Yes, far too wide. I saw that eye roll."

You weren't sure what was weirder. That Mordred, Yohl and Lyddi were in various states of one the ground, wooden weapons strewn all over the place, or that Bedivere stood above them, a single arm slinging a staff over his shoulder.

"Ah, fresh blood." He declared, catching sight of you before you could dare bolt for the hills, having seen forbidden gossip. "You look like you're fit and healthy. Grab a weapon and join in."

"Don't do it! The slave driver will kill us all!" Lyddi cried. However, you could see the glare Mordred was boring into the back of his head. You glanced between him, Bedivere and Mordred. On some level, maybe you could have pleaded to Yohl's good reason, but Yohl was mute, and wouldn't be saving you either way.

"Ah… I only learned how to use a spear a couple of days ago?" Maybe you would survive by pleading ignorance. Bedivere's smile indicated that would not be the case, at all.

"Oh, a newcomer?" He chimed. "Excellent, you'll fit right in with these three."


"You might be royal, Your Highness, but your still a bit of a novice." Bedivere teased. "Go on, pick your weapon. Gather up, the four of you at once."

There would be no escape, as Bedivere took four steps back. Mordred bolted away from the knight almost immediately, though you could tell in spite of the demeanour, he was enjoying himself immensely. You remembered his complaint the other day, that no one here could challenge him.

It seemed that there were people in the world much stronger then Mordred. Which made the gulf between you and them seem more like an ocean.

"We've got a peasant? May as well hamstring an arm." Lyddi whined, though Mordred rolled his eyes.

"Given your performance thus far, I wouldn't mind betting he does better then you." Mordred answered dryly. Bedivere spun in the distance, his single arm readying his staff as if it was a spear. It was then you realised what would be a huge problem.

"… He's only got one arm." You muttered.

"Yeah?" Mordred's sarcasm was not helping.

"He beat three of you with one arm."

"He's a knight. You don't become a knight being a wimp." Mordred answered, gripping his sword with both hands. "Alright. Ready?"

You were not ready at all, but there was no way out of this.

Choose your weapon…

[ ] Sword.
[ ] Axe.
[ ] Spear.

Choose your strategy.

[ ] Steadily attack with thrusts with your range.
[ ] Try to circle around and pincer attack.
[ ] Charge in and try to cover someone else's assault.
[ ] Try to play defensively.
[ ] Write in.

Mordred is armed with a sword. Lyddi is armed with an axe. Yohl is armed with two swords. Bedivere is armed with a staff. You suspect that if Bedivere wanted to kill you, that staff would be way more then enough.

You got a Knife!

Long Knife
Damage Value: 3
A long knife of Saxon make, you suspect. It is quite long for a knife, and has a notable point. The blade still has the tint of blood. It doesn't look like Mordred ever bothered to clean it. Given it was lost in his room, that's probably not surprising.
[X] Spear.
[X] Try to circle around and pincer attack.

We can't form a united front for shit. Flanks at least prevent us getting in each other's way so much
[X] Spear.
[X] Steadily attack with thrusts with your range.

If we were using a sword circling would be fine, but we're good okay with a spear. Play to it's range.
What was that about?

I've read the update and am still not quite sure where the trap is supposed to be.
What, exactly, did you all think you were going to do in a library? You can't read, you don't have any calligraphy skills, and if they needed physical work done there's a dozen other people able to quickly sub in for you. This is becoming a bit of a recurring problem, I'm noticing. You are choosing to tunnel vision on one thing to the expense of considering if you need that one thing. There is more then one way to help Mordred. Reading actually isn't the only thing your doing this with, but that's another issue.

In all seriousness, I want you all to actually take a step back and consider this. Is rushing knowing how to read particularly helpful or even desireable, knowing that Mordred has far more she needs you to do that require other skills that you can learn far quicker (or better, already possess). Reading is not something you will learn fast. It will take longer then a week to learn it. Take this and repeat for anything you could do, it is just as applicable.

This is what I was commenting on. There is no such thing as a mystery box. If something shows up as ???, then it's showing up as ??? because either Arwyn has no idea what benefit it has to his current situation, or worse, the benefit is one he has no means of taking advantage of. To say I offer mystery boxes would be to break the trend of every option I've given you, in which I've been very forthcoming about what skills you will use or benefit.

If you all decide rushing to read is actually that important, then very well, I will respect the decision. This is why communication is important, people.

In other news, I apologise I keep using the collective you. It's very easy for me to forget that I'm dealing with what's essentially a hive mind here, not a single person.

If we were using a sword circling would be fine, but we're good okay with a spear. Play to it's range.
... I would say your a tad more then okay with a spear. However, fighting a living legend with your meager skills was never going to end well. That's what training is for. :p
Look guys. I'm not saying this to be a asshole, I'm saying this because, as a certain samurai from my last dnd game who kept drowning because he went swimming in full armour will probably attest, I do want you to have fun, but this has to go both ways. You need to put in a certain amount of effort before this becomes fun. This system was built with certain tolerances in mind, and I'm rapidly coming to a understanding that full freedom of choice might not be one of them like I first thought.

Frankly, if we haven't accidentally broken something by the time your first fight rolls around, then one of us isn't doing their job. Given my players in dnd have routinely snapped the game over their knees in various ways, I have quite high faith you guys will do likewise.
[X] Axe
[X] Charge in and try to cover someone else's assault.

Let's try something new.

Given my players in dnd have routinely snapped the game over their knees in various ways

[jk] Accidentally pick an objectively shittier version of a class
-[jk] Get mocked by Mordred for it
--[jk] Start laughing when its revealed Mordred did the exact same thing
Greetings! First post! :)

Could we chuck the axe at Bedivere first? If not then

[X] Spear

Because we really need to git gud on swords and axes assuming we live :V

If it weren't frowned upon I'd vote to fight dirty like throwing sand in his face. Not like it would have worked regardless on a legendary knight :p

Spear and staff fighters normally have difficulty fighting in close right? So to me the immediate solution would be to fight in close, but I am a total noob to tactics tho :p

A pincer attack I think wouldn't work on someone who fought in a whole lotta battles tho. He's probably used to them by now

I'm worried he'll do the spin thing and knock all of us down in one go

[X] Try to circle around and pincer attack.
-[] Always attack so that he turns only in one direction

It won't work I think but would making him dizzy improve our chances or is that too silly? :p