"Uh… got some dice?"
The first thing out of your mouth was, in hindsight, a little stupid, but Bedivere just chuckled regardless.
"I do, actually, but aren't you a bit young to gamble your life away?" He asked. You shrugged.
"Brothers played it all the- ow!"
"Really, you have a knight in front of you and that's what you say?" Aiya looked absolutely baffled, somewhere in her hero worship. "You could say anything to him!"
"Uh… yeah?" You shrugged a little. "I mean, you can ask him if you want."
"I am right here."
Bedivere's lips seemed to be threatening to split his face.
"He's right there! Think of something better!"
"Right, right. Do knights play dice a lot?"
The sound of Aiya's palm meeting her face threatened to make you giggle.
"It's more Perival's thing, if I'm honest." Bedivere admitted, pulling out a set of dice. "Do try not to damage this. Kay would have my hide if he knew we were playing without him."
You rubbed your hands a little gleefully. Hopefully you could get something ri-
"Your turn."
"How did yo-"
Sure enough, a trio of fives lay in front of you. Bedivere just smiled.
"Let's see if you can work it out." He teased. Aiya looked just as confused, peering at you both as you silently rolled the dice. Suffice to say, you lost.
"Uh, no wager."
"I know."
Bedivere looked no less amused. Another round, another trio of fives. You stared at him long and hard.
"You're cheating."
"Yes, I am."
He just smiled.
"That would be no fun. Do you know, my lady?"
"Uh… no sir..." Aiya shook her head too. You just stared. You had no idea how he was doing that. You weren't sure you would ever be able to work it out.
But that wouldn't stop you from trying. Bedivere's smile just grew as the game went on.
"I don't get it."
"Maybe you will later on. Think about it."
You weren't sure if he was being intentionally obtuse, or if there was something really simple you were missing. There were no shaved edges, no odd weights. Nothing you could see, at least.
You had no idea.
Dinner was a strange affair. It wasn't long until you discovered that Mordred would not be joining you. It wasn't until you got to his room you understood why.
"Didn't I tell you not to walk in?"
"This is a pigs sty."
You were remarkably blunt. Mordred's personal quarters did not look like someone lived in them. Paper and little knicks and knacks almost littered every ounce of walkable space. Mordred himself simply lay on the bed, though it looked like he'd been nursing his head.
"Don't tell me how to keep my room."
"Are you okay, My Lord?"
To tell the truth, you were more worried about the hand pressed to his forehead then the state of his room at this point. Mordred opened an eye to glare at you.
"No. What do you think?"
"That you aren't very well." You let out a small sigh, leaning down and beginning to pick up the paper. Well, if you were going to be his servant, you may as well get started fixing his room.
"Don't you dare read that."
"I can't read, remember?"
There was a long silence, before Mordred's mouth turned into a small o.
"Right, you can't."
"You can't have already forgotten."
"Light some more candles. I can barely see."
In truth, he was quite right. The room was very dim, only a pair of candles by his bedside were actually lit. You obeyed his request, and in doing so, came to a single conclusion.
"You have a lot of junk."
"That's what happens when you have four elder siblings who all leave the palace." He answered dryly. You held up a tunic you were fairly sure was for a girl.
"Even lady Gareth?"
"Where else would it go?" Mordred asked. "In a box?"
You didn't have an immediate answer to that, except…
"You wear it?"
"She's still got a foot on me." Mordred shrugged. "Makes a decent night gown. Not like anyone else is around to care."
"You miss them?"
"Don't guess my feelings. You will annoy me less." You fell silent. Perhaps holding your tongue was the better part of valour in this case. "I never asked you to clean my room."
"Someone's got to." You answered as dryly as your prince had earlier. "It's not like you have a half a dozen people whose job it is to do so."
Mordred did not immediately answer.
"Don't barge into my room again." He grumbled. "At least knock next time."
You got the feeling there would be a dark future in store for you if you made a repeat of your entrance. Even so, you didn't exactly regret it.
"Long day?"
"Depends. Do you like listening to the boring monotony of a man who plans far too much?"
"Then it is Sir Kay?"
Mordred was silent for a long moment.
"Yes." He finally admitted. "But that stays on the hush. There aren't meant to be knights in Lodonesia."
"Because father and the High King are having a minor disagreement." He retorted. "The knights aren't meant to be coming through here."
"Then you're looking the other way?"
"Well, they don't have the rings of station. They aren't knights, are they?" He sounded like he was grumbling. "Wish the High King had sent someone reasonably pleasant."
"He sent Sir Bedivere too."
"Oh son of a bitch." Mordred did not sound happy at that revelation. "So that's who the other one was. Damn it, why couldn't I have talked to him?"
You got the distinct feeling that Mordred was experiencing a headache. You also got the distinct feeling that Kay caused those regularly.
"Was it that bad?"
"One day, you might discover it for yourself." Mordred answered. "Pray that you don't. He is quite boring."
You just smiled a little, as you continued to clean, holding up a knife.
"Do I want to ask?"
It had a bit of blood on it. Mordred just stared for a moment.
"Oh, right, last time Saxon's tried to assassinate me."
"You still have the knife?"
"I guess? Thought we lost it, honestly."
You prince scared you sometimes.
[ ] Ask Mordred more questions.
-[ ] Write in.
[ ] Focus on cleaning.
The next morning, you…
[ ] Go out and train (Combat).
[ ] Assist Aiya with some errands (Unknown Skill (Untrained)).
[ ] Tend to the horses with Willace (Riding).
[ ] Run errands in the Library (???).