Of Knights and Legends (Fate, Arthurian)

[X] Assist Aiya in distributing the food (???).

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Vote Tally : Of Knights and Legends (Fate, Arthurian) | Page 11 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 273-293]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[X] Assist Aiya in distributing the food (???).
No. of Votes: 8

[x] Encounter a rather moody Mordred (???).
No. of Votes: 6

Total No. of Voters: 14

Let's do this.
BlackHadou threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Perceive Total: 12
5 5 5 5 2 2
BlackHadou threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Motivations Total: 12
6 6 2 2 4 4
Dear Calm One
Time passed as you cooked, and before you knew it, you were loaded up like a pack mule, as both you and Aiya made your way through the halls. You weren't entirely sure what sequence of events led to this, now that you thought about it. It seemed you'd been suckered in by Aiya before you'd even really thought about what was happening.

However, it did not take long for the two of you to make it to the small ward that housed the entourage, or so you were told. There was no one there.

"Come on, he's around here somewhere."

Nevermind, apparently someone was there. You followed Aiya's footsteps sedately, making sure not to lose your grip on the precious food you'd cooked. Perhaps His Highness was right, you did need more muscle.

"He?" You ask. Aiya just nods.

"One of the soldiers." She answers dryly. You try not to glare too much, as she continues her search from room to room. Yet finally, she just let out a sigh, and motioned to some packs. "Maybe we should just allow them to distribute it themselves."

"Is that proper?"

"I thought at least a soldier or a servant would be here." She admitted. "That soldier made it sound like he'd be sticking around for a while." You hummed slightly, before following her instructions and leaving your load in the corner.

"You're disappointed?"

"A little. We don't actually get that many guests." She admitted. You gave the room another glance, before frowning.

Someone was definitely here. You were sure of it. The rooms looked too recently disturbed.

"Maybe they don't want to talk." You muttered. Aiya nodded.

"Maybe. That seems a little rude. They probably went to train." She shrugged, giving a small smile regardless. "Well, it would be exciting to talk to someone whose seen more of the world, but they aren't here."

"They are." You rebuked her gently. "At least, one of them is."

There was a long, pregnant pause, before Aiya shook her head.

"Can't be. We already loo-"

"Pray tell, what gave me away?"

A second voice made both you and Aiya almost jump out of your skins. It was a soft voice, a kind voice. It could only be called a voice of someone dignified. You spun to glare at the corner of the room it came from, but nothing entered your sight.

"Wait a minute. Your cloak is the same colour as the wall!" Aiya's voice cried out. You blinked, and the wall shuffled just a little.

"You'd be right. I was a bit tired, and the codger didn't want to leave our things too lonely with Her Lady about, no offence." The voice answered, as a face peeked out through a gap in the wall coloured cloak. A gentle face, with a head of blond hair. "There is just fine for the food. Kay will no doubt want to order it under some obscure system of organisation that will baffle the rest of us."

"Kay? Like the knight?" You asked. The man just shrugged.

"I'm afraid not." He answered. "His Highness King Arthur sent only soldiers today." Yet even as he said the words, you knew them to be a half truth at best. The men that had come may well be knights, but they weren't here in their capacity as knight.

At least, that was what you thought.

"I thought knights weren't meant to lie." You muttered. The man's smile didn't vanish an inch.

"Sometimes we have to bend the truth a little." He answered. "Besides, we left our rings in Camelot. Technically right now we aren't knights." His face turned into something a little cheeky, and you were positive he was messing with you both.

"My Lord." Aiya curtsied briefly. "Who do I have the honour of addressing?"

"Bedivere." Came the answer. "Just Bedivere. No sirs. Not today." You blinked, before dropping to your knee regardless. "I just said none of that, boy."

"But you're one of the first-"

"I swear you children put too much stock in a pointless ordering on a list." He cut you off with a wave, has hand shimmering out of his cloak. "It is fine, it is fine. Merely Bedivere today, child."

"I'm not a child." You grumbled. He just chuckled.

"When your hands are covered in blood, either from the fields or from war, then you aren't a child." He answered. "You are still a child." His gaze was too kind, you realised. Too understanding. You were beginning to wonder if he was actually looking at you, but rather, through you, perceiving everything that you were at a glance. He felt so much larger then life.

He was a Knight of the Round Table, with all the burdens that came with, and you were beginning to realise, that he was sitting on a large stick wrapped in cloth, and you were having serious doubts it was merely a stick.

"Um… why are you worried about Lady Morgan?" You asked. Aiya stepped on your foot, and you did your best not to cry out.

"You are new then." Bedivere answered gently. "It is not my place. The young Master deserves to not have his servant tainted by the view of an outsider." He paused a brief moment. "Is the young Master always so cranky, or was it something we did?"

"Uh..." You glanced at Aiya, who just shook her head.

"You came at a bad time. His Highness has been forbidden from Camelot until he proves worthy of the throne, from Her Lady's point of view."

"Ah. A pity, then, the young Master is exceptionally skilled. Gareth speaks highly of him." Bedivere answered. "I suppose I cannot escape either of you now?"

You and Aiya shook your heads in unison.

"Alright, alright. Come, sit, we can chat and play, I suppose." He answered with a smile.

You opened your mouth, and…

[ ] Ask him a question.
-[ ] What?
[ ] Offer to play dice with him.
[ ] Write in.

After dinner, you…

[ ] Meet with Mordred for the night (No Bonus, but you will clean his room).
[ ] Learn to read with Luvell.
[ ] Sneak out to train (Combat).
Oh hey it's Bedi and he seems pretty cool even if the way he sees through our character seems to creep our character out.
[X] Offer to play dice with him.

Not sure what to talk with him about.

[X] Meet with Mordred for the night (No Bonus, but you will clean his room).

Reading can come later, it's been awhile since we've seen the boss.
[X] Offer to play dice with him.
[X] Meet with Mordred for the night (No Bonus, but you will clean his room).

I was gonna vote for learning how to read but I want to see how long we need to procrastinate on that before Mordred goes and learns a spell that forces us to sit in front of a book that stabs us whenever we try to leave it be. :V