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Confused Jackie Chan and Facepalming Picard Counter New
All Instances of Confused Jackie Chan & Facepalming Picard

Total Confused Jackie Chan Tally: VII

1D100 = 6+25+5+10-15 = 31 (The heck? :jackiechan: )
1D100 = Nat! 2+20+10-15-10 = Nat!Fail! 7 (Why do I even bother... :jackiechan:)
1D3+3 = 3+3 => 6! ( :jackiechan: )
:jackiechan: Bro, at this point, the dice just have a mind of their own. And no one can convince me otherwise.
1D100 = Nat! 1+20+10-15 => Nat!Fail! 16 ( :jackiechan: I... Buh... Whu... :facepalm:)
1D100 = Nat! 97+20+10-10-15 => Nat!Crit! 87 ( :jackiechan: What is going on?!)
1D100 = Nat! 1+15+15-20 => Nat!Fail! 11 ( :jackiechan: THREE NAT ONES?!?!?!)


Total Facepalming Picard Tally: VII

1D100 = Nat! 2+20+10-15-10 = Nat Crit! 7 ( :facepalm: ...of course.)
1D100 = Nat! 96+25+15+10+5 = Nat!Crit! 151 ( :facepalm: Oh, screw off.)
1D100 = Nat! 1+20-15-10 => Neg!Fail! -4 ( :facepalm: Of course...)
1D100 = Nat! 1+20+10-15 => Nat!Fail! 16 ( :jackiechan: I... Buh... Whu... :facepalm:)
1D100 = 11+15+15-20 => 21 ( :facepalm: Can anything be normal in my quest?)
1D100 = 85+15+10-15 => Art!Crit! 95 ( :facepalm: I'm done... I've had enough of this.)

@Randomnerd, thank you for the idea.
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The Old and the New: General Washington has plans on how to conduct this siege, and he's asked for you specifically along with some other officers to assist him in making these plans reality.
This looks like a GM signal for a mandatory action.

Head into Boston... Not in Disguise
This is probably a trap option given that British command despises us.

Major General William Howe: (10/50) Not only is Halbert rebel scum, he's a treacherous rebel scum with his dishonorable trickery involving the HMS Lively.

Major General Henry Clinton: (2/50) Halbert is just under Prescott and Bridge in the list of rebels that Clinton thoroughly despises.
[X]Plan: Life and Liberty, For all Mankind:
Martial: 3
Diplomacy: 0
Stewardship: 4
Intrigue: 0
Learning: 0
Prowess: 2
-[X] Press Release: Once again, you find yourself meeting those young reporters from the Pennsylvania Gazette for an interview. However, they now seem... hauntingly different.
-[X] A Navy Life for Me: Captain Arthur Smith is rather interested in the army man who blew up a ship of the Royal Navy. He wishes to have a chat with you.
-[X] Find an Aide: You've found that your new promotions have led to a sudden surge of duties and responsibilities. You'll need an assistant if you expect to get any of this done well.
-[X] Dr. Warren's Warranted Worry: Dr. Warren is concerned by how disorganized the Army is in terms of hospitals and medicine. As such, he wishes to enlist your help in comprehensively organizing it.
-[X] Promise Made, Promise Kept: General Washington has ordered that the Continental Army is to be segregated. Never has your blood burned so hotly before.
-[X] The old and the new: General Washington has plans on how to conduct this siege, and he's asked you specifically along with some other officers to assist him in making these plans reality.
-[X] Focus on an Action: You want to make sure you accomplish this task well. (Applies a +10 Bonus to any action of your choice.)
--[X] Promise Made, Promise Kept

My reasoning is as follows:
we can avoid diplo, intrigue, and learning right now because 1776 will have to campaign all over America. so we need to be the best soldier we can be to win the respect of our peers and General Washington.

Secondly, Liberty Kids GO! Those scamps will be the ones who can potentially save our bacon.

Navy Life: Arthur Smith, Hero of the Continental Navy is a go.

Find an Aide: WE do need to have an aide, and depending on who our assistant can be, they can be a major help like Hamilton to Washington, or a hindrance... like practically every other staff to major general figure in the American revolution.

DR. Warren: Disease is the greatest killer of all in War, so lets go and prevent some of that suffering.

Promises Made and Kept: Do I really need to explain why American Chattel slavery is bad?

Old and New: General Washington asks, and we obey.

Focus on an Action: Do I really need explain why American Chattel Slavery is bad?
Again this is a small nitpick and didn't affect my enjoyment of the chapter, it was great! I just wanted to put my thought to paper.
Don't you worry! I love it when people discuss things in my quests/stories, especially when it's analysis and historical stuff. :) As for your questions, here are my answers.

1. Honestly, I just didn't do rolls. Sometimes interludes get rolls, sometimes they don't. It depends on the interlude and my opinion on how it should be written.
2. That's fair, but in my opinion, Halbert said that because he wants his men to be more effective at aiming. Muskets are really inaccurate, so it's a bit tough to balance how close you should be before you shoot. Also, just because you have more ammunition does not mean you get to waste it in Halbert's opinion. Every shot should matter.

Can you clarify what this one does? Is it for or against segregation?
It's against segregation. Halbert is a dedicated abolitionist, and he's not a fan of segregation.

This looks like a GM signal for a mandatory action.
No, not really.
[X] Plan: winds of freedom
Martial: 5
Diplomacy: 0
Stewardship: 0
Intrigue: 0
Learning: 0
Prowess: 4
[X] Press Release: Once again, you find yourself meeting those young reporters from the Pennsylvania Gazette for an interview. However, they now seem... Hauntingly different
[X] The old and the new: General Washington has plans on how to conduct this siege, and he's asked you specifically along with some other officers to assist him in making these plans reality.
[X] Find an Aide: You've found that your new promotions have left to a sudden surge of duties and responsibilities. You'll need an assistant if you expect to get any of this done well.
[X] Promise made, Promise Kept: General Washington ordered that the continental army be segregated. Never has your blood burned so hotly before.
[X] Hearts and Minds: The facade of stuff upper lips is cracking in Boston. Perhaps you should try to take a hammer and speed up that process?
[X] Dr. Warren's worry: Dr. Warren is concerned by how disorganized the army is in terms of hospitals and medicine. As such, he wishes to enlist your help in comprehensively organizing it.
[X] Write to your family: you want to keep in touch with your family, make sure that they're doing well.

Made the change with the Diplomacy action to another one. It makes sense as our character is an abolitionist and he wouldn't stay quiet on the issue of slavery. The reason why hearts and minds are in the plan, is that we can easily start to drum up support for the revolutionary cause within Boston. We have proven that we can win against the British forces.
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You know Halbert is even more radical then Hamilton and that says Something
I have to disagree here simply because Hamilton wanted America to become a monarchy, lol. That is far more radical than any of Halbert's beliefs, in my opinion, even for the time period.

Eli Whitney was actually an abolitionist. He, however falsely, believed that the cotton gin would help the south transition away from slavery.
He believed that the better nature of man would triumph over human greed; unfortunately, he was wrong. Fallible human nature is why Halbert prefers to speak to men's wallets than their hearts.

Edit: @LysanderArgent, you can vote for your plan now.
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The founding fathers literally offered Washington a throne.
I don't remember this ever happening. Perhaps you're talking about that conspiracy where several disgruntled army officers plotted to make Washington king after the government refused to pay them. Washington putting down that conspiracy is another reason why he's perhaps the greatest American to live.

On topic, I'm not calling Hamilton a radical because he wanted a monarchy. I'm calling him a radical because he wanted a monarchy when almost literally everyone else wanted a republic or democracy of some form. He's a radical in terms of America, not the world at large.

Wait what Hamilton wanted the USA as a monarchy
Yeah, he was a BIG big government type of guy.
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I don't remember this ever happening. Perhaps you're talking about that conspiracy where several disgruntled army officers plotted to make Washington king after the government refused to pay them. Washington putting down that conspiracy is another reason why he's perhaps the greatest American to live.
The Newburgh Conspiracy was the last real attempt to ever make the country a monarchy or military dictatorship with Washington at the head. Oh there were others before, and after, but they would never reach the fever pitch as the spring and summer of 1781 would ever bring.

Because, as many would say, the only man who could ever be king of the US is George Washington. and if you think Washington would ever, ever be king... I'm sorry but you really need to understand that man did his duty. and nothing more.
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