I think Locator is the one @ChildishChimera wanted, so perhaps we could try it? I mean, you already voted for it twice, what's the difference now? And the vote mentions finding our friends.

Otherwise trying for an enchanted weapon doesn't sound too bad, though I don't know how much I want to stretch our luck. Combat is the last thing you want to do in these circumstances anyway.

The one that invokes the powers behind Harmonia's necklace just screams nopenopenope to me, though.
I think Locator is the one @ChildishChimera wanted, so perhaps we could try it? I mean, you already voted for it twice, what's the difference now? And the vote mentions finding our friends.

Otherwise trying for an enchanted weapon doesn't sound too bad, though I don't know how much I want to stretch our luck. Combat is the last thing you want to do in these circumstances anyway.

The one that invokes the powers behind Harmonia's necklace just screams nopenopenope to me, though.

The spell of controlled magical backlash. I didn't invoke the Harmonia necklace, I invoke Harmonia herself, The goddess of order, I used the Harmonia necklace as a symbol or representative of misfortune or chaos, I included it because, the backlash of magic is misfortune and chaos, Harmonia brings order, so ordered chaos, If you failed a spell, misfortune already happens, what you would want is to at least control how bad and what kind of misfortune happens to Medea.

There are reasons to go back and foward, depending where our friends are, and even after they are found, going back is needed with sufficient preparations , at least every area must be accounted for and mapped. Discovering what mysteries each area holds , motives of Oriphel and the old man, denizens are vital.
There is the message in the obsidian area, that may or may not be important.
The unaccounted prison rooms,
The possibly sentient barefooted human? creature? that everyone avoided including Lucas, who is intelligent enough to set a trap, who had a defeated voice.
Possible survivors in the starting area.
There is still the missing Rachel who Oriphel shows us the memory of, Rachel may still be alive, if so then leaving her behind is bad form.
Finding friends and rescuing those that needs rescuing takes priority.
Tthen exploring and mapping the area, I rather finished exploring the current area, then go explore a newer area.
Disrupt whatever evil plans the badguy has or at the least evacuating our friends and survivors out first before confronting the badguy.

1. Is it viable to raise a army of undead, dryads and water spirits to conquer the whole land where Medea is captive at? or at the least make a deal with the denizens to help them reclaim the land from fake 'Maxwell'?
2. You mentioned Lucas has powers too? Is there such a thing as mana pool?
3. How viable is it to make a alliance with the spirits, denizens of the whole are, they can help provide muscle, informations, help rescue your friends, in exchange for you helping them prevent a apocalypse, retaking their home form fake Maxwell and against the goverment, since they have proven to not be morlly upright?

1. Is it viable to raise a army of undead, dryads and water spirits to conquer the whole land where Medea is captive at? or at the least make a deal with the denizens to help them reclaim the land from fake 'Maxwell'?
2. You mentioned Lucas has powers too? Is there such a thing as mana pool?
3. How viable is it to make a alliance with the spirits, denizens of the whole are, they can help provide muscle, informations, help rescue your friends, in exchange for you helping them prevent a apocalypse, retaking their home form fake Maxwell and against the goverment, since they have proven to not be morlly upright?
1. Not telling you since I want the extent of her abilities to be somewhat ambiguous. I mean, it would be boring if you guys knew how powerful Medea could be. Threat is eliminated.
2. I... do not recall ever stating that.
3. This is an odd question. Save it until the quest ends since I will be answering any and all questions players may have about the story, the quest, or the world. :3
We need a gameplan on how to actually defeat maxwell or at least find out what he is capable of.

The old man first tried to drive us away and now wants to trap everyone for some reason.
Does anyone know about Wiccan magic, or witchcraft.
We really need a spell to determined wether Wilhelm, has any surveillance or a method of watching hearing us, it may ruin any plans, if he can overhear them.
What about necromancy, does anyone know how to perform it?
both, either the characters in story or other sv players, their knowledge about necromancy.

Medea works best as a trojan horse than a all out assault. She is only one person.
Alright, so, I've let you guys talk this out long enough. Now is the time to make up your minds. I'll be closing the vote later today when I get off work, so if you still need to think or talk it over then ya better do it!
Vote Null and Void
Okay, actually, no. I will not accept the winning vote as it is. So I was doing the spell breakdown to determined the bonus, and I found that the end result for the bonus is fucking 90.

This is essentially an auto-success and essentially broken as a result. So going forward I am going to have to, unfortunately, put some restriction on the ritual process. From now on, all words incanted during a ritual must be 10 or less. I hate to restrict you guys like this since I want you guys to have fun in this quest, but it isn't fun if you can cheese the system and make the game easier for yourself.

The previous vote is considered void and will be held again. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
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...what do you mean by a winning vote, anyway? Because as far as I can see, we have the tie on the major issue (go forward, or go back).

Yeah, your bonuses are a bit much - but then the spell system as it was without them was... a bit too brutal to make use of it.
...what do you mean by a winning vote, anyway? Because as far as I can see, we have the tie on the major issue (go forward, or go back).

Yeah, your bonuses are a bit much - but then the spell system as it was without them was... a bit too brutal to make use of it.
It actually had four votes, but for some reason it was split two and two in the tally.

Adhoc vote count started by TheLordofAwesome on Dec 23, 2017 at 2:47 AM, finished with 1090 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Go down the tunnel to you left.
    -[X] Cast a spell - Light
    [X] Stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
    [X] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
    [X] Tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them.
    -[X] Do some basic inventory checking - every little bit helps.
    [X] Go back.
    [x] stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
    [x] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. So backtracking is necessary to a extent, to plan again and finally be proactive. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
    [x] get their confirmation of how to go back to the obsidian, either by the ladder or the unblocked tunnel, where you pass through the obsidian.
    [x] tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them. Grab any extra torches, stop if it will plunge the area in darkness, just in case any other survivors will need the light.
    [x] Stay at the area where you met Oriphel or Phanuel
    [x] Cast a spell
    [x] Light
    [X] Defensive fire spell to drive away or incapacitate, but not to kill unless absolutely necessary. The fire spell can also be generated, and controlled by the user both in melee or ranged. In christianity or Catholic, angels are capable of calling out fire and sometimes the fire is harmless.
    -[x] use a torch as the object
    -[x] use your blood both as a symbol of life, for fire is life and to inscribe the symbol of oxygen in chemistry and Michael, plus a cross that symbolizes protection (life guard, red cross or something )
    -[x] chant out "Michael , O Archangel of protection, mercy, and justice, please send out your heavenly flames, protect us from harm, may you show both friend and foe mercy, for I seek only to protect, and defend, not to murder , may no permanent harm or unnecessary death come upon friend or foe"
    -[x] blow your breath across the top of torch, and scratch it across the a cave wall or something to generate friction.
    [X] Go back.
    [X] Stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
    [x] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. So backtracking is necessary to a extent, to plan again and finally be proactive. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
    [x] get their confirmation of how to go back to the obsidian, either by the ladder or the unblocked tunnel, where you pass through the obsidian.
    [x] tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them. Grab any extra torches, stop if it will plunge the area in darkness, just in case any other survivors will need the light.
    [x] Stay at the area where you met Oriphel or Phanuel
    [x] Cast a spell
    [x] Light
    [X] Defensive fire spell to drive away or incapacitate, but not to kill unless absolutely necessary. The fire spell can also be generated, and controlled by the user both in melee or ranged. In christianity or Catholic, angels are capable of calling out fire and sometimes the fire is harmless.
    -[x] use a torch as the object
    -[x] use your blood both as a symbol of life, for fire is life and to inscribe the symbol of oxygen in chemistry and Michael, plus a cross that symbolizes protection (life guard, red cross or something )
    -[x] chant out "Michael , O Archangel of protection, mercy, and justice, please send out your heavenly flames, protect us from harm, may you show both friend and foe mercy, for I seek only to protect, and defend, not to murder , may no permanent harm or unnecessary death come upon friend or foe"
    -[x] blow your breath across the top of torch, and scratch it across the a cave wall or something to generate friction.
    [X] Go down the tunnel to you left.
    -[X] try and judge how deep the water is
    [X] Cast a spell - Light
    [X] Go down the tunnel to you left.
    -[X] Cast a spell - Light
    [X] Stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
    [X] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
    [X] Tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them.
    -[X] Do some basic inventory checking - every little bit helps.
Last edited:
Yes, but so does going forward? We have 8 people split 4/4 on this topic.

No matter, I'll take whatever wins in the end.
[X] Go back.
[x] stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
[x] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. So backtracking is necessary to a extent, to plan again and finally be proactive. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
[x] get their confirmation of how to go back to the obsidian, either by the ladder or the unblocked tunnel, where you pass through the obsidian.
[x] tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them. Grab any extra torches, stop if it will plunge the area in darkness, just in case any other survivors will need the light.
[x] Stay at the area where you met Oriphel or Phanuel
[x] Cast a spell
[x] Light
[X] Defensive fire spell to drive away or incapacitate, but not to kill unless absolutely necessary. The fire spell can also be generated, and controlled by the user both in melee or ranged. In christianity or Catholic, angels are capable of calling out fire and sometimes the fire is harmless.
-[x] use a torch as the object
-[x] use your blood both as a symbol of life, for fire is life and to inscribe the symbol of oxygen in chemistry and Michael, plus a cross that symbolizes protection (life guard, red cross or something )
-[x] chant out "Michael , heavenly flames ,protect us from harm, show everyone mercy, "
-[x] blow your breath across the top of torch, and scratch it across the a cave wall or something to generate friction.

Is this enough, I lessen it to ten words.
[X] Go back.
[x] stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
[x] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. So backtracking is necessary to a extent, to plan again and finally be proactive. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
[x] get their confirmation of how to go back to the obsidian, either by the ladder or the unblocked tunnel, where you pass through the obsidian.
[x] tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them. Grab any extra torches, stop if it will plunge the area in darkness, just in case any other survivors will need the light.
[x] Stay at the area where you met Oriphel or Phanuel
[x] Cast a spell
[x] Light
[X] Defensive fire spell to drive away or incapacitate, but not to kill unless absolutely necessary. The fire spell can also be generated, and controlled by the user both in melee or ranged. In christianity or Catholic, angels are capable of calling out fire and sometimes the fire is harmless.
-[x] use a torch as the object
-[x] use your blood both as a symbol of life, for fire is life and to inscribe the symbol of oxygen in chemistry and Michael, plus a cross that symbolizes protection (life guard, red cross or something )
-[x] chant out "Michael , heavenly flames ,protect us from harm, show everyone mercy, "
-[x] blow your breath across the top of torch, and scratch it across the a cave wall or something to generate friction.

Is this enough, I lessen it to ten words.
Yes, it is fine now.
Merry Christmas everybody! I hope you all have a good holiday! I'm closing the vote again now, and this wins:

[X] Go back.
[x] stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
[x] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. So backtracking is necessary to a extent, to plan again and finally be proactive. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
[x] get their confirmation of how to go back to the obsidian, either by the ladder or the unblocked tunnel, where you pass through the obsidian.
[x] tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them. Grab any extra torches, stop if it will plunge the area in darkness, just in case any other survivors will need the light.
[x] Stay at the area where you met Oriphel or Phanuel
[x] Cast a spell
[x] Light
[X] Defensive fire spell to drive away or incapacitate, but not to kill unless absolutely necessary. The fire spell can also be generated, and controlled by the user both in melee or ranged. In christianity or Catholic, angels are capable of calling out fire and sometimes the fire is harmless.
-[x] use a torch as the object
-[x] use your blood both as a symbol of life, for fire is life and to inscribe the symbol of oxygen in chemistry and Michael, plus a cross that symbolizes protection (life guard, red cross or something )
-[x] chant out "Michael , heavenly flames ,protect us from harm, show everyone mercy, "
-[x] blow your breath across the top of torch, and scratch it across the a cave wall or something to generate friction.

I'll do the spell breakdown tomorrow, so I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!!

Sorry for the huge delay on this guys. I got sick over Christmas and then a bunch of real life drama happened that put me out of the mood to write anything. I apologize for the inconvenient wait and hope to get an update out soon. In any case here is the spell breakdown.

-Use of blood (+5)
-Inscribing the name of Michael, Archangel of Protection, for a defensive spell. (+10)
-Invoking the archangel Michael. (+15)
-Inscribing a cross onto the item (+10)
-Inscribing the symbol of oxygen. (+0)
-The incantation contains nine words. (+9)
Total: +49

Now the this makes the spell an automatic pass, which I am not too happy with to be honest, but since I've delayed this long enough I'll let it slide for now and skip the success roll. In the future, any spell ritual that is automatic pass happens again will be rejected out right. Please be mindful of this in the future.

That said, someone roll me a 1d100 to see how well the spell does.