She must have heard what happened to Karin...and is rather sore about missing the chance to hug her mother!Eleonore, after all, came back with a vengeance of firmness and steel-like severity
She must have heard what happened to Karin...and is rather sore about missing the chance to hug her mother!Eleonore, after all, came back with a vengeance of firmness and steel-like severity
Hold up."Now, don't get lost," I said as I pointed towards a small comfy armchair -the product of using a trunk larger on the inside, dismantling the chair into single pieces, and then rebuilding it from the single pieces once it was dragged inside.
Damn, do you think we can sneak Louise into the academy? Doesn't fell right leaving her to the Wolf's.
This. This so much.They wouldn't... Loise herself would do that on her own by failing what she knows is her family best efforts to help her... Nothing hits harder than self-loathing even more so when you believe the point of failure lies squarely on your shoulders.
I think you might be overestimating people with your opinion of the people on this site and the fandom in general frankly. Besides what does pessimism really cost you? If your wrong you are still pleased because a cool thing happened and if your right you get to be smug and say 'I told you so'. Whereas optimism is objectively worse since if your wrong you don't have a consolation prize and being right was already cool.This. This so much.
They don't need to be abusive. They merely need to have expectations. And kids who fail to meet expectations...well, they end up like Louise because I don't know if you guys can tell, but the rest of the family loves her.
Maybe I'm over praising you SV'ers?
Well, I'm stumped.Of course, if by heresy she meant worshiping demons and Satan, then the answer was no. If she meant inventing new chants to get the plumbing of this place working, and the plants to bear fruits faster...then yes, oh hell yes if I was a heretic.
There is no way Henry does not science the shit out of Louise's magic.
luckily henry just happened to introduce the solution.. I had high expectations and was feelin' down, but then i got high, but then i got high, but then i got high.This. This so much.
They don't need to be abusive. They merely need to have expectations. And kids who fail to meet expectations...well, they end up like Louise because I don't know if you guys can tell, but the rest of the family loves her.
Maybe I'm over praising you SV'ers?
That sounds terrible. It sounds like something that, if I'd ever watched or read such a thing, would cause me to drink bleach.He must do SCIENCE! with the Void, yes.
Then, when the Plot inevitably results in Louise getting her hands on Derflinger, he must dye his hair white/grey. When Louise asks him about it, he must ignore her and ask Derflinger how Sasha's doing. And then start mumbling about the Void and SCIENCE! and experiments.
That sounds terrible. It sounds like something that, if I'd ever watched or read such a thing, would cause me to drink bleach.
Well, I'm stumped.
How do new chants come to be then? Is it really the difference between making a new one from scratch and messing around with an existant one? Woulnt the grammar lessons in the academy be heretic (you know, the whole "the flames of whatever" and "flames of whatever" that made a spell different)? Is it that hey are allowed to make stuff up, but actual experimentation is forbidden? Does Louise mean about the twitching plants and the thing were elves control plants too?
Also, i thought Shaitan Was the elven word for Brimir.
Writing about magic also had its limits. Apparently one could get accused of heresy depending on what he wrote, or what was discovered. Using magic to light up a chimney? It was fine. Seeking out a chant whose purpose was specifically that of lighting up a chimney? Was it a Noble's chimney? Was it for the Noble's delight? Fine. Seeking out a chant to clean up the sewers? No! Preposterous! Heretical! Death to this heresy you foolish moron! Magic was a gift from the Founder, and as such was holy! Would you use the Bible as toilet paper? No! Would you use it to build castles? Were they holy castles?
Well, give a mage a wand, time, and a plot of land...and what you cannot build in width, you can build in depth.
Chanting a spell for a small light, I gestured for Louise to follow me. The walls had been reinforced by transmuting the dirt into rock, and at a certain point the transmutation was no longer needed -due to the actual presence of rock. A small pool rested against the sides of the room, the water seeping in from the wall. Stairs went down in various directions, my inner Minecraft-lover side responsible for the veritable labyrinth of passages I had created.
...and where he goes to secretly snuggle chickens.BEHOLD! Henry's mancave!
A safe-haven where he goes to feel as though he's particularly cunning and manly!
Oh dear. And father, what is thee doing. A monster of fluff thou is creating.As I walked out with a potted plant of pot in my arm, the bag of coffee beans in the other, I already had a glorious idea for how to solve the problem of my mother's incredibly lacking leniency.
I cant believe I never thought of thay after he mentioned building using magic. One thing is for certain though, I can bet that the Death Lolis have a new place to hangout... totally gonna see about making an omake for this.Well, give a mage a wand, time, and a plot of land...and what you cannot build in width, you can build in depth.
Chanting a spell for a small light, I gestured for Louise to follow me. The walls had been reinforced by transmuting the dirt into rock, and at a certain point the transmutation was no longer needed -due to the actual presence of rock. A small pool rested against the sides of the room, the water seeping in from the wall. Stairs went down in various directions, my inner Minecraft-lover side responsible for the veritable labyrinth of passages I had created. "Now, don't get lost," I said as I pointed towards a small comfy armchair -the product of using a trunk larger on the inside, dismantling the chair into single pieces, and then rebuilding it from the single pieces once it was dragged inside.
"Brother..." Louise whispered, "Did you...did you experiment with chants?" as she stared at me with wide eyes, I smiled in turn.
"Lulu...of course not," I said as I knelt in front of her, a hand on her shoulder. "Please don't even joke about it!" Of course, if by heresy she meant worshiping demons and Satan, then the answer was no. If she meant inventing new chants to get the plumbing of this place working, and the plants to bear fruits faster...then yes, oh hell yes if I was a heretic.