Hold the phone now, are you jazzing on the greatest love story ever told?


"In all the hours since I was born, you have been the kindest person to me! Kinder than grampa; Kinder even than the wolves!"

"Wolfy is best master!" interrupted a very feminine looking greenhaired bishonen.

"That may be, but I suspect his relatives only keep me company because they're hungry. Kiritsugu will you be my Sempai?"

"It can't be, this Homonculis is too cute!" answered the man wearing a suit.

Back on topic though, I suspect Shade chose to be Louise's brother this time around so there would be no chance for an arranged marriage between them.
Shade, who in his last life broke bullies on his figurative knee when they pushed him around.
Becoming a background?

There is a character development,
And then there is character reversal.

He is going to be punching noble faces once they cross the line.
Chapter Four
Chapter Four

Eleonore had not been wrong in her assessment of the situation. Leaving it all to father and mother was for the best. As the rest of the nobles gathered, and one after the other presented themselves to the royals, taking glances at the newly born princess while remarking in the utmost polite tone how beautiful and radiant she was, and how fortunate the crown of Tristain was for having such a boon. There was no Cardinal Mazarin yet, but an old and polished to the tip of his shining bald head man wearing somber priest clothes, perhaps the Archcardinal, or perhaps a cardinal of sorts.

Definitely not the pope though -the current one couldn't come with such a short notice, and actually the royals would be the ones moving to Romalia to have young Henrietta 'baptized' by the Pope. Such was the way of royalty apparently -the Pope had to be the one to do the act of baptism.

Henrietta was nothing more than a newborn babe, her eyes were closed and she seemed to be peacefully asleep. Whether it was because she had a really heavy sleep, or because she had been magically put to sleep in order to prevent unneeded cries, baby-Henrietta was surprisingly quiet. After 'meeting' the baby, and bowing to the Queen and King, Eleonore and I were gently told with enough formalism to make a bureaucrat stammer in shame that there would be 'refreshments' adequate for children in a nearby room, and since that was the cue to accept and leave the 'big boys room', I mimicked word by word Eleonore's behavior.

The servant that led us to the nearby room had enough silk and satin on him that he probably could outweigh in gold any minor noble present at court. As we stepped inside the assigned room, my eyes immediately zeroed in on the buffet. There were servants standing at attention near the walls, quietly looking at a non-specified point ahead of them, and that common courtesy dictated I should politely ignore in their existence.

Even saying something trifling like 'thank you' was out of question. They were the ones who should thank us nobles for the mere act of our existence, or so it went. If it weren't for Eleonore and how sure I was she'd tattle, I'd be thanking them all the same. So, as I found myself a nice corner to make my own, I waited. Common courtesy dictated that the higher ranking noble would be the 'center' of the circle, and the rest of them would 'flock' first to him, and then engage in polite conversation until such a time where they'd be excused, and allowed to go speak to someone else.

This, of course, only applied to the grown up, but the toned down version for kids was basically the same, if with less pomp, and more 'try to be polite even to those below you'.

There was a certain sense of foreboding doom as the first of the children stepped in. He wasn't immediately 'below' in terms of nobility, since it wasn't like everyone had children, but this one was a Count's son, and he presented himself as such. He also was visibly older than Eleonore. He must have been perhaps twelve, or thirteen. Old enough to be nearly an adult, but not yet old enough to get into the 'big kids' room.

He had blond, curly hair and light blue eyes, and the way he smiled made him look like one of those bucolic angels that churches really liked to commission and put on display. His skin was so fair, he could pass off as a lady if he wore makeup, or put on a dress.

"I am the eldest daughter of the Duke de La Valliere, Eleonore Albertine," Eleonore said crisply, her hands twitching slightly as she did a really tiny curtsy. "This is my younger brother, Henry Philippe," she said next, giving me a look that told me it was my cue to make a little bow. I would have clapped his hand and gone 'Yo, bro! How's it going.' But I didn't, because I wasn't stupid, and I didn't want to get a Heavy Wind treatment any time soon.

"It is a honor to make your acquaintance and that of your brother, young Miss, I am Guy Armand de Gramont, second born son of Count Anthoine The Third de Gramont. You do not have to worry about formalities, as long as you are not rude-" he spoke kindly, which, while not a mistake in any other circumstance, was one in front of Eleonore. Unfortunately, 'show no emotion' was the pretty big 'Do or don't'. He had perhaps thought she'd be nervous, and had tried to be gentle.

He shouldn't have, for Eleonore was one of those 'Pinscher' breeds, the kind that even when small, still believes itself to be a dangerous and bigger dog than they truly are. "Formalities are what make us nobles, Lord Guy de Gramont," she replied flatly, "Without formalities, nobility would descend into chaos."

I winced and gave a tiny, imperceptible shrug towards Guy by staying right behind Eleonore -as if to say I had nothing to do with this harshness, but couldn't really do anything against it either.

Guy kept his smile up, even though his lips twitched in a sort of 'for once, my Bishounen charms aren't working?! Heresy! Heresy!' -or at least, that was what I thought he had to be thinking. Considering how Eleonore was looking at him with narrowed eyes, he was perhaps expecting to be sent off to cradle his broken pride in a corner of the room, but he had been 'playing' the game far longer than my sister, if such a 'game' it could be called.

"You are right, young Miss Valliere," he said with a small smile. "His grace the Duke must have taught you well."

I hoped Eleonore would play nice, but she simply replied with a monotone and hollow voice that made her feel similar to mother, if without any of the sharpness associated with it. It was no wonders 'hysteria' was a key sickness in the young women of the time period. They were so tightly wound-up, cutting a single string would make them explode. The arrival of more sons and daughters of nobility allowed Guy the chance to make a run for the hills, as Eleonore graciously allowed him to 'present' her to the others.

The reason the Count de Gramont had gone before a lot of other nobles was because he was also the 'Marshal' of Tristain, and he was the son of a Duke. The Duke de Gramont, to be more precise, hadn't yet croaked but was no longer capable of attending courts. He'd live a good decade or so more, but definitely wouldn't be present for the following years. So, until he died, the 'Comte' de Gramont remained just that, a Count. Not that anyone had something to say about it, or dared to.

The man was the General of the entire Tristainian army, and his sons -even the second born- were prime marriage material.

It was a good thing that Guy de Gramont was there, because as I soon found out, he was the perfect bonfire to keep me in the shadows. The young ladies were every bit as 'teenager' as I would have expected, while still keeping up with a sort of larping convention and enough dazzling jewels -some of them, at least- to show off their wealth and thus, the size of their dowries.

At the same time, something was wrong with the situation, but I couldn't put my finger on it. My eyes once more moved to the buffet. I had been following Eleonore around, but it remained there, largely untouched. If we had to wait for everyone to enter before starting to eat, then it was obvious that would be the case, but no new children had come in since the youngest daughter of a certain Baronet 'Something-Something-Can't-Remember'.

It was as I kept my sight on the buffet for a bit longer that Eleonore was swept away, leaving me alone in the corner of the room. It was long enough for a young grey-haired boy to draw near. I glanced at him with the corner of my eyes, and then smiled. I could do this.

"I am-" "I am-"

We both stopped. I raised an eyebrow, and then furrowed my brows. I looked around, ensuring Eleonore wasn't looking, or hearing, and then said, "Second born son of a Duke here," I whispered. "Shouldn't I go first?"

"Uh...I'm actually the Viscount-should real nobility go before courtesy titles?" the other kid asked in turn, thoughtfully.

"I don't know," I said honestly. "How about we shrug it off and go with our surnames? Valliere."

"Seems fine by me," the other kid smiled brightly, "Wardes."

Of course you are, Wardes. Of course you are. Now forgive me while I waste ten seconds thinking on how to best murder you and make it look like an accident, you bastard. No, no, let's be polite. This is kid-Wardes, he's what, ten? Nine? He can't have the soul of an evil bastard already.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lord Wardes," I said softly.

"The same can be said for me, your Grace," Wardes replied. "I am honestly happy I have found you so quickly. I apologize for being so bold, but..."

And here it was, the start of a great plan to worm his way into the Valliere's family good grace, and then-

"Could you please eat or drink something?" he whispered, "I'm famished-and unless you start...nobody else is going to."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. So, you wish for me to be a hero?

"My elder sister should-"

"She is refusing offers for drinks," Wardes whispered, "If the Gramont failed, then-well, we have been looking for the younger brother to substitute for her."

Wardes, you are somehow managing to get on my good side even without trying to get on my good side. You are telling me that I should aid these nobles' children? Betray my own family for the succulent turkey and gloriously fruity wine that-

All right Wardes, all right, I think I like child-you.

"I shall make this sacrifice," I said most humorously, "Noblesse Oblige."

And with that, I neared the buffet and walked away with a glass of watered down wine, and a set of tiny 'appropriate for a noble' pieces of food.

The next moment, the charge of the Valkyrie could be heard as the most ruthless, famished and utterly uncaring about norms went first, starting to order the servants around who began to flawlessly hand off plates filled with roast and tiny golden forks and glasses filled with wines.

Quite calmly, I neared Wardes once more, and handed him off a plate.

"Your Grace-you shouldn't have-"

"Wardes," I said quite calmly, interrupting him, "if anybody asks, I have eaten with decorum and noble grace. Now, do me the favor of being my shield and eat something, you're scrawny."

"Uh?" Wardes asked, but then understood implicitly as I began to eat using him to cover myself from Eleonore's inquisitorial gaze. She had understood what had gone on-how could she not? But she couldn't say anything without first finding me. And if I had to face my sister, then I would do so on a full stomach.

The wise man chooses his battles.

The wiser one does not fight to begin with.
Of course you are, Wardes. Of course you are. Now forgive me while I waste ten seconds thinking on how to best murder you and make it look like an accident, you bastard. No, no, let's be polite. This is kid-Wardes, he's what, ten? Nine? He can't have the soul of an evil bastard already.

He's evil!

But you also made Shinji into a JoJo fan.
So there's still hope.
We both stopped. I raised an eyebrow, and then furrowed my brows. I looked around, ensuring Eleonore wasn't looking, or hearing, and then said, "Second born son of a Duke here," I whispered. "Shouldn't I go first?"

"Uh...I'm actually the Viscount-should real nobility go before courtesy titles?" the other kid asked in turn, thoughtfully.

"I don't know," I said honestly. "How about we shrug it off and go with our surnames? Valliere."

"Seems fine by me," the other kid smiled brightly, "Wardes."
All right Wardes, all right, I think I like child-you.
Bro acquired? Bro Acquired.

Also, try to see it this way Henry Philippe: this orphaned kid, who looks really lacking in friends and family, will grow up to be the captain of a Knightly order and a square mage. He's got a ton of levers that's begging to be pulled.

At the worst, he can be the Ocelot to your Big Boss.
This will be the future, won't it:

King Henry and Viscount Wardes: the Duo that gets shit done in the most spectaculr and catastrophic way possible!
Henry might not appreciate the comparison.

Foltest was a decent King and a great general and warrior, but he also banged his sister, had a daughter with her, and was once quoted as saying "It is natural and beautiful that a man should love his sister".

Probably wouldn't work out well for Henry.
Henry might not appreciate the comparison.

Foltest was a decent King and a great general and warrior, but he also banged his sister, had a daughter with her, and was once quoted as saying "It is natural and beautiful that a man should love his sister".

Probably wouldn't work out well for Henry.

Well, I mean, people keep thinking that he's going to marry Henrietta, but we haven't heard anything about Albion/Wales yet.

Wouldn't it be interesting if, say, Wales had a sister?
Chapter Five
Chapter Five

Eleonore and I ended up sharing a room. With all the nobles that had come to visit the princess, we were among the selected few who had been given guest rooms in the palace itself rather than having been sent packing back home after the formalities were over. Although Karin had been of the opinion of leaving, apparently, the Queen had insisted on the grounds that 'children' shouldn't be moved around too much.

If it weren't that I was sure she simply wanted to talk to Karin alone, I would have believed her wholeheartedly. Not that she told us, of course. This was all father's opinion, and obviously, he simply did not tell us everything, but I was good at filling in the blanks. On the other hand, the Duke, also known as 'Pierre Laurent', was going to be in a meeting with the King and the Marshal, and a few other big shots that had sent their families back home and had remained there, perhaps to drink, have fun, and otherwise act like big boys filled with alcohol with their wives far away.

Again, this was me filling in the blanks.

At the end of the day, once the servants had finished changing both myself and Eleonore into our night clothes -I surrendered to the inevitability of having servants change my clothes- we both slipped beneath the bed sheets, she taking a side and I taking the other. I was looking forward to entering the military Dragon Knights just so I would be able to avoid having servants left and right, but considering the time period-perhaps they lived inside the barracks and dressed up the sons of nobility too?

No, no, no. I wanted the boot camp experience of 'not having any servants lingering around'. I swear-if I'll ever get into the military, I will have the raunchy, disgusting, all-alone experience where I get to wipe my own ass and nobody tries to interfere.

As the last candlelight was blown off, leaving the room in a comfortable silence, Eleonore shifted on the opposite side of the bed. "Do you think mother will be proud?" she asked in a hushed whisper.

"She'd better be," I muttered. "You were so good, they nearly all starved to death. Weren't you hungry too?"

"It is improper for a lady to near the refreshments unless a lord offers," Eleonore whispered back, "But the Gramont-he kept asking me if I wanted wine, and mother forbade us from drinking it if it wasn't watered down, and not accepting to take at least a sip of an offered-"

"I get it," I said. "Well, I broke the stalemate, and everyone was happy. Or so I think, I don't know about that pudgy one though-"

"That girl of the Du Tremelle family?" Eleonore muttered, "I'd think she'd love being allowed to hound the buffet."

"She was too slow," I pointed out. "By the time she got to it, most of the good stuff had already been taken."

Eleonore did not comment at first, but then she snickered lightly. "That serves her right-she was an absolute annoyance. Every second she was repeating what I was saying-as if I'd be pleased with a parrot on my shoulder. What about you?"

"Oh, nothing much. I did what I do best and found myself a nice little corner to hide away from everything and everyone with a few others who shared my own desires. We spoke largely of what subject we hate studying the most. At present, I am alone in my hatred for geography. But one day, sister, I will find myself an army of like-minded lords, and will have it banned from being taught all around Halkeginia," I said most resolutely, glancing at Eleonore's snickering expression.

"That's silly," she mumbled. "Geography's important-how else would you know when you're trespassing? Which noble has which fiefs, lands, if a Count is perhaps with less land than a Baronet, or viceversa-those are important things to know."

"Meh, that's what other people are there for. If I need to plot a course, I'll hire a navigator. If I need to draw a map, I'll hire a cartographer. If I need to reach Albion, I'll hire a guide. There are always other people-the beauty of teamwork is that they can have their leader, me, who encourages them as they do the rest," I was mostly joking, and Eleonore knew that.

"Mother would punish you if she heard that," Eleonore murmured, "Nobles must lead by example, Henry."

"I know, I know," I said with a sigh. "At the same time though...it's an offence punishable only if mother finds out. If the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't ache."

"Uh-uh," Eleonore muttered, and as I understood that she was already falling asleep, I turned to the side and closed my eyes. The room we were in was large and spacious, a royal guestroom that probably connected to all sorts of secret passages that, in turn, could lead someone outside. I was already dead tired by myself, so I didn't even bother thinking about the 'Wardes' situation.

When I woke up, I had hair in my mouth. Eleonore, true to her half-asleep representation from Canon, liked to hug things in her sleep. I had a mouthful of blond hair on my face, a pair of arms squeezing the life out of my poor sides, and the firm and deep desire not to allow for rumors of the 'Lannister' sort to repeat themselves. Thus, even though it was five in the morning -an ungodly hour, if I can say so myself- I slithered my way out of the bed while spitting out blond locks everywhere.

I just had to wait an hour or so for the servants to come wake us up, though there was always a guard stationed outside that could be called in order for the servants to arrive by simply letting a small bell ring by the side of the bed desk. Unfortunately, doing something like that would wake up Eleonore, and it was best to keep the dragon asleep as much as possible.

So, while Eleonore slept, I neared the windows and looked outside. Somehow, I hadn't expected there to be someone out so early in the morning, but as my eyes centered on a few armed men walking the grounds, I was surprised. I had expected the Griffin and Manticore knights, but I hadn't recalled the 'Hippogriff' knights being a part of the royal retinue. The main difference was that Griffin were magical beasts, the union of lion and eagle. The Hippogriff were the 'friendly' union of a Griffin and a Horse.

I had a joke in the back of my head that was really bad taste. It had something to do with 'playing with your food' in regards to the siring of Hippogriffs, but I kept it to myself for I was sure the Griffin Knights wouldn't approve, and the Hippogriffs looked quite-different. The Griffin were serious beasts, their eagle-eyes sharp and narrow, in search of any problem. The Hippogriffs instead waddled about like turkeys, or perhaps ducks, and while they had the same ferociousness due to their wicked claws and beaks, their eyes were wide open, and they seemed to be in a perpetual state of 'friendship is magic', or something of the sorts.

Griffin were serious business, Hippogriff were happy campers.

Somehow, I wanted a Hippogriff.

They looked cuddly.

"Henry?" Eleonore mumbled from the bed, "You woke up?"

"Big sister Eleonore," I said as I turned to look at her with wide, pleading eyes. Eleonore froze as her eyes widened in turn. "Can I have a Hippogriff please?"

It took a moment for my request to filter through Eleonore's half-asleep brain, and once it did, she clicked her tongue against her teeth and shook her head. "Mother is more likely to allow a Manticore on the grounds rather than a Hippogriff."

"But Manticores are pointy and hard-Hippogriff, they look so-so-so happy and fluffy and cuddly and-"

"Henry Philippe," Eleonore said sharply. "I am going to call the servants to get us dressed. Contain yourself or I will tell mother about how much you ignored etiquette yesterday."

I pouted, and then most resolutely remained quiet henceforth.

One day...one day I would have my own piece of land, with my own mansion, and my own rules.

And on that day, I would make myself a noble without servants, with blackjack, and with Hippogriffs!
I like this. And seems that given kid!Wardes charisma, plan "prevent him from becoming an evil manipulative bastard" is go... :p
... I think... I know what his familiar will be.
Unless he has the void - has that been checked yet? - he will get either a Hippogriff, or a Chocobo.