Ima stop you right there.Oh please, Wales is just in a funk because history has shown that he is a both a bad administrator and a poor general. He is just sulking because it got shoved in his face that he is a poor excuse of a prince and he cannot deal with it.
He gave up and became suicidal. He gets zero sympathy from me. And honestly, I wish people would stop romanticizing him - he is simply not worth it.
Ima stop you right there.
Now, I want you to imagine yourself, in your home, with your family and your friends and your pets and all the things in life you care about most. I want you to take that image, and I want you to imagine, now, that there are people outside your house who want to burn it to the ground. Who want to rape and murder everyone you care about, people who stuck by you thick and thin, people you value more than life itself, who you struggle to imagine being without. People you trust, and in turn have trust in you.
I want you to imagine that.
Then I want you to imagine someone kidnapping you from your home just as those people break in, knowing full well that they'll kill you and everyone you love, destroy your home and all the worldly possessions you own, and will do so with a sadistic glee you only think you know. Except now you can't even stand with them. Now you can't even fight. You can just watch, or even worse, are taken before you can, knowing all the horrible things your imagination can come up with are happening right that second. And then I want you to imagine having to live with that, every day, all day, until you die.
Because this is what happened to Wales. Everything and everyone he ever loved was in that fortress, people who believed in him to the death. Henrietta took that away from him. Took everything that mattered most to him and threw it away because she "loved" him and couldn't stand to let him die as he so chose.
Keep that in mind while you spout on about how Wales is "just in a funk." There are fates worse than death, and this? This is one of them. He didn't even get the chance to decide to fight. His men died thinking he fled, and he knows it. People who relied on him and had faith in him till the bitter end. People that mattered to him. So here he is, bereft of everything he's ever held dear, watching the final death of his country, and he just... wants to die. He wants to die on his terms. On his feet. Like he was going to. Like he wanted to. For Albion.
Essentially Jerry's post is about Wales losing everything he had to live for, in the most dishonourable way possible (for wales) which goes against everything that Wale's personal creed was about.TD;LR: Wales knows fully well, that he is likely to die. But doesn't care anymore?
Or in other words, his ANGST has reached the "Fuck It" threshold.TD;LR: Wales knows fully well, that he is likely to die. But doesn't care anymore?
He's saying Wales wanted to defend his team and his family.TD;LR: Wales knows fully well, that he is likely to die. But doesn't care anymore?
This is exactly what I am talking about. Wales is a shitty person, who (and this is the only part where I do agree with you) in addition got dealt a shitty hand.
With Isabella, that wouldn't last very long.Inb4 Wales accidentally kills Henry and ends up king of Galia some how.
Her salinity is at Dead Sea levels.So... on a scale of one to ten, how salty is Best Princess right now?
He is not a shitty person anymore than you are.This is exactly what I am talking about. Wales is a shitty person, who (and this is the only part where I do agree with you) in addition got dealt a shitty hand.
First, I do not agree that this is in any way a fate worse than death. To me, this is reserved for things like literal eternal torment in hell instead of, well, death. Wales is still healthy, has still supporters he can count on. He has personal power, his magic. Hehasdamn well should have a goal, even it is simple revenge.
Second, or maybe simply a continuation of first, Wales gave up. This is essentially the core of everything and bears repeating - he gave up. As stated above, he did not give up when everything was lost, when everything was in ruin, his every supporter dead, his personal power in shambles and the chopping axe of the executioner a moment away from chipping off his head. He gave up when he could have continued fighting, when he could have found allies, made a plan, retreated to fight another day. As we see, Henrietta was capable of doing all that for him, even while he was actively sabotaging her!
To reiterate once more: he gave up BEFORE Henrietta kidnapped him!!
Even now, when, as you say, Henrietta kidnapped him as he was about to suicidally charge an overwhelming enemy force straight on, instead of, say, retreating and finding allies in neighbouring countries, he doesn't even want revenge! Even in the scenario above, which you described, I would not just give up while I had the means to change something.
So, please, stop romaticizing him. He has shown that he really is not worth it.
This is the actual sticking point with Wales. He doesn't actually have one. His family and his community are dead, the people of albion hates him, and there's a better person (Henry) who is his superior in every meaningful way. The entire point of wales is that his 'love' for his family/community (the nobles community)/honour supercedes anything else from revenge to just plain old living.Hehasdamn well should have a goal, even it is simple revenge.
Like everyone said Wales is a triangle but has alot of war experiences. On the other hand.Welp. That ship has sailed. But seriously, Henry, going up against a Square when as another Square, even a 50/50 Balance is very much too risky! Don't be Alexander and die the day after your greatest triumph!
I, on the other hand, looked at the eyes of a man who had wished to die together with his countrymen, and had lost such a chance a long, long time before. He was already dead, he just hadn't found the right time to die yet.
He didn't want to win. He didn't want Albion back.
He just wanted an execution that would restore a bit of honor to his name.
This is the actual sticking point with Wales. He doesn't actually have one. His family and his community are dead, the people of albion hates him, and there's a better person (Henry) who is his superior in every meaningful way. The entire point of wales is that his 'love' for his family/community (the nobles community)/honour supercedes anything else from revenge to just plain old living.
Now the thing about wales is that ultimately he is a character in a story. The main reason why anyone would romanticize him is that his entire character in the original series is to be this ideal image of what a noble is.
It's hard to not romanticize someone who is designed to invoke that reaction.
I cant help but think of that monster girl meme "how tragic"I do agree with this, Wales has been set up to be a Tragic Hero like Hamlet and Othello and Mac Beth. So much promise in these character but with a tragic flaw that destroys them.
Matilda could be a problem, she's of the royal line of Albion isn't she?
So Henry's Square magic, reserved for the war, is now prepared to be unleashed on Wales. Do they all thought he is still a Triangle? Man the shock will be a pleasure to read, including reading Karin's smugness of her family having multiple Square mages in two generations, a rarity for most nobles but not the de la Vallieres. That is, if the duel reaches that point. There might be more wrenches in the works.
The only possible snag is if he's sired a bastard on Henrietta
I was thinking about the last Isabella Omake and the situation here in Albion.
Did she send Undercurrent to kill all the nobles that were working for her father?
They all died to freak accidents.
Oh please, Wales is just in a funk because history has shown that he is a both a bad administrator and a poor general. He is just sulking because it got shoved in his face that he is a poor excuse of a prince and he cannot deal with it.
He gave up and became suicidal. He gets zero sympathy from me. And honestly, I wish people would stop romanticizing him - he is simply not worth it.
If anything, I think it is Henrietta who deserves sympathy. She loves Wales so much that she is willing to tolerate all his faults and does everything she can to prevent him from committing suicide. Even if nothing else, that by itself is admirable.
But Henrietta even went one step further and managed to unify her romantic desires with her position as a ruler of another country and came up with a plan that would see both her country and her beloved prosper - a plan that had an excellent chance of working. She could be hardly expected to know that due to plot powers the king of Gallia is omniscient, omnipresent and really behind everything in the first place.
Even now her plan could still be salvaged if please-kill-me Wales didn't majorly fuck it up. At least she could have gotten a new port city for her country out of the whole thing. And Wales certainly had lots of cards to play if only he was willing to fight for his future, rather than giving up.
This argument that somehow Wales brought this upon himself? Consider first that he was only the crown prince. His father was the man administrating the realm, his father was the moron who caused the strife in the first place, and Joseph was the one who set up all the royalists pins to go tumbling down in such a way that Wales could do nothing because his father was running the show until his death at the last second, in all his deluded suicidal glory.This is exactly what I am talking about. Wales is a shitty person, who (and this is the only part where I do agree with you) in addition got dealt a shitty hand.
First, I do not agree that this is in any way a fate worse than death. To me, this is reserved for things like literal eternal torment in hell instead of, well, death. Wales is still healthy, has still supporters he can count on. He has personal power, his magic. Hehasdamn well should have a goal, even it is simple revenge.
Second, or maybe simply a continuation of first, Wales gave up. This is essentially the core of everything and bears repeating - he gave up. As stated above, he did not give up when everything was lost, when everything was in ruin, his every supporter dead, his personal power in shambles and the chopping axe of the executioner a moment away from chipping off his head. He gave up when he could have continued fighting, when he could have found allies, made a plan, retreated to fight another day. As we see, Henrietta was capable of doing all that for him, even while he was actively sabotaging her!
To reiterate once more: he gave up BEFORE Henrietta kidnapped him!!
Even now, when, as you say, Henrietta kidnapped him as he was about to suicidally charge an overwhelming enemy force straight on, instead of, say, retreating and finding allies in neighbouring countries, he doesn't even want revenge! Even in the scenario above, which you described, I would not just give up while I had the means to change something, even if it is simply getting revenge.
So, please, stop romaticizing him. He has shown that he really is not worth it.
Tiffania is Wales's cousin not his sister. Their fathers were brothers.Will Henry tell Wales that his sister Tifania is alive and well?