In close range, its faster to melee than it is to cast a spell.

Was that right?
They run directly into melee range without even trying to cast as they close the distance. Even if they don't want it use ranged attacks for "glory", why is no one augmenting their speed or strength? At bare minimum, enchant the weapon to give themselves some form of advantage over an equally equipped commoner.

There are ways to fellate the protagonist's combat skills without turning all his adversity into braindead lemmings.
He was fifteen, desperate, and didn't even have a wand. Of course he charged the man armed only with a flag. Then he got his ass whupped with said flag, but them's the breaks.
He was fifteen, desperate, and didn't even have a wand. Of course he charged the man armed only with a flag. Then he got his ass whupped with said flag, but them's the breaks.
I'm actually curious for why they didn't gave him a wand. I mean, even if he's just a sacrificial pawn to say they presented a token resistance, even with a wand it wouldn't really have changed much as far as they knew.
He was probably a hostage noble (so long he serves Reconquista the rest of his family lives, so long his family serves Reconquista HE lives).

Why he charged to his dead? Nationalism?
There are ways to fellate the protagonist's combat skills without turning all his adversity into braindead lemmings.

Last I checked, combat skills can't acquire a biological sex, thus fellatio would be VEEEEERY difficult to perform. That's still really fucking kinky of you to propose, however. Pretty sure we can commission some Japanese artist to make rule 34- after all, the skills exist, don't they?

EDIT: That's also 200% Lewd!
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I'm more interested in why he didn't just take out whole regiments by himself. He's a godsdamned Square Mage. His 'Absolute Zero' Spell should be able to just flat ruin any number of commoners in its area of effect.

Intimidation and strength has a morale effect all its own.
I'm more interested in why he didn't just take out whole regiments by himself.
This is why:

willpower does not fully regenerate each night. To cast Square magic, it can even take months before another square rank spell can be cast. Karin is a bizarre HACK-Please-Nerf creature, but the truth remains: open with a square magic the starting fights, and what will you do when 30K of troops arrive the next day?
he's saving his Willpower for when the main force of the army shows up.
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Henry is a triangle still if I remember correctly. With the foreshadowing about how much he cares for his men, when they take serious casualties fighting the main Reconquesta army he will flip the switch so to speak and hit square status. He will also wreck the army, meaning Louise, Henry, and Karin can have their own little get together and forbid other family members from attending until they crush an army themselves.
Henry is a triangle still if I remember correctly. With the foreshadowing about how much he cares for his men, when they take serious casualties fighting the main Reconquesta army he will flip the switch so to speak and hit square status. He will also wreck the army, meaning Louise, Henry, and Karin can have their own little get together and forbid other family members from attending until they crush an army themselves.
He already hit square a while ago.
Mhmmm surpised that Henry hasn't invested in AP rounds or HE rounds or straight up go for a boltor. Or mated a bag of holding full of water to a Gatling gun. Or made a railgun via magically reinforced rails and wind mages. Curbstomp harder is what I am saying. :lol
You know i read a fire emblem awakening fic where the SI invented a gun that fires nailes and made a one shot chain sword. Pity Shade didn't try to go the same route.
The cannons were a smaller variant of the artillery normally used to siege cities, good for peacekeeping, rather than land warfare.
Who the fuck uses cannons for peacekeeping? If you're worried about massive riots, then a solid army will shut it down the vast majority of the time. If that doesn't work, then use magic! Cannons, though, aren't very useful unless you want to kill lots of people(also known as not peacekeeping).

Also, why would you even put light cannons in a fortified position like this? Field pieces(which you're describing) are the worst type for fortified positions. They're light enough to be carried around, being generally around 12 pounders, but those pale in comparison to less mobile cannon, typically firing shot above 20 pounds with far, far greater range.
They also aren't much more expensive to make, either(though Albion's logistics may be different on account of being, y'know, a floating island).
The only reason I can think of is the king wanted to limit the power of the nobles, but that isn't really a reason to decrease cannon size.
Yes, and when Reconquista is demolished, the people of Albion will ask for Henry to take the throne. Truly, this is the power of kindness in a time where true kindness from nobility is more rare than Void Mages.
The people of Albion might even give him the throne through popular demand.

The previous royal family was content to let them starve simply so they could make more money selling wine. Reconquista was probably only a little better. During the period where the nobles are debating what to do with their newly conquered territory, Henry will probably be launching a Hearts and Minds campaign with his occupying army. Having them rebuild infrastructure and putting in upgrades that are already available in Gallia. Especially having the fields grow more wheat and less grapes.

Raise a man from nothing and give him food, a comfortable home, and the means for a good livelihood, and you'll have his loyalty forever.
Who the fuck uses cannons for peacekeeping? If you're worried about massive riots, then a solid army will shut it down the vast majority of the time. If that doesn't work, then use magic! Cannons, though, aren't very useful unless you want to kill lots of people(also known as not peacekeeping).
I think it's peacekeeping from a Medieval/Renaissance perspective, i.e. slaughtering large groups of rebellious peasant rabble. Putting grapeshot into a small 12-pounder (or whatever) would be useful for that, while also not being sufficient to knock down walls and pose a threat to the King's power.
There's criticizing the writing, and then there's this.
The protagonist's ten second smackdown of a single opponent is treated as such an impressive feat it causes an army of "professional soldiers" to stop fighting so they could watch. And if that wasn't enough to make it clear that the protagonist is supposed to be The Very Best, after the battle they literally start sobbing over how inferior they are.

All while the protagonist channels aura of Harem MC so he can vacuously be claimed to have shown modesty in the face of such praise.
I think it's peacekeeping from a Medieval/Renaissance perspective, i.e. slaughtering large groups of rebellious peasant rabble. Putting grapeshot into a small 12-pounder (or whatever) would be useful for that, while also not being sufficient to knock down walls and pose a threat to the King's power.
But then why not use heavier pieces? You aren't going to be bringing the cannon into the city proper anyways, so there's no downside.