Feel free to disagree with me, but fuck you Anne.

One year later and you're still an hypocrite who can't shut the fuck up.

To be fair, Isabella is exactly the same only she also has power over life and death and the ability to back up and justify her own centre-of-the-universe entitlement.

She's also much more matter of fact and quick to turn to corporal punishment or murder.

I actually like the dynamic between them. They both can counter each other.
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Well well well. It looks like Henry does not trust his wife. This is going to hurt her badly. Possibly irreversibly.

Gee, I wonder why he wouldn't completely trust the woman who considers his opinion to be worthless when compared to her own, expects him to do anything she tells him without question, replaced all of his servants with her spies, casually admitted to spying on him all the time, and is known to be a political shark, not to mention a sadistic yandere eager to execute people for the slightest of reasons.
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Shade's plan is to intentionally summon Murphy then use the mind control ring to force him to cooperate with all future plans.
Nah. The upcoming trademark levels of angst will be when Isabella murders everyone he knows and loves so they STOP INTERRUPTING HER TIME WITH HER HENRY!!!

What, did you expect a :V or something? This is genuinely what I'm expecting to happen now.
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Looks like Henry has finally gone full Emiya. I wonder how that happened?
It's not Emiya's "SAVE ALL THE PEOPLE!" but "I know I can't save everyone, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna 'puss out like a bitch(Abridged!Alucard Voice)' and not try and save anyone."
Murphy be like, "What the heck is wrong with this guy? Is he on drugs? Is he stupid?"
Fuck "Murphy", I'm sick and fucking tired of hearing about "Murphy". It's fucking Finagle's Law. *froths at the mouth like a rabid beast*
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Oh no.

Is this another one of that Shade planning where he started with a quip one-liner at the previous chapter and a seemingly brilliant plan in mind yet ended up horribly failing because he didn't consider one important factor or an unexpected circumstances?

Fuck. This is where things go horribly wrong, isn't it?
I had the perfect plan after all...

...absolutely nothing could go wrong!
Dude, seriously.

No, no, seriously.

Are you trying to piss me off or are you trying to piss the world off? Uhh, is that the right term? Should it be 'Pissed off the world' or 'Piss the world off'?

Well, fuck grammar. Anyway, congratulations! You succeeded in both. Now drown in your ideals and die!
It's not Emiya's "SAVE ALL THE PEOPLE!" but "I know I can't save everyone, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna 'puss out like a bitch(Abridged!Alucard Voice)' and not try and save anyone."
I meant Emiya as a catch-all term to describe Henry's behavior. It seems like a mash up of Kiritsugu's ruthlessness, Shirou's self-sacrificial nature, and Archer's cynicism.
So, putting a fully developed consciousness into an infant, have it grow up in a different culture and adding POWER to the mix seems to produce a fully stable and mature personality ...
No, but she forced him to learn hundreds of useless chants every day, and beat him up with a stick whenever he failed. A couple of them probably hit the head.
Uh-huh. Karin. Beating her children with sticks. Sounds so legit, I can't believe it never happened.

Gee, I wonder why he wouldn't completely trust the woman who considers his opinion to be worthless when compared to her own, expects him to do anything she tells him without question, replaced all of his servants with her spies, casually admitted to spying on him all the time, and is known to be a political shark, not to mention a sadistic yandere eager to execute people for the slightest of reasons.
A woman who will be his future Queen, protects him from the consequences of all his actions, gets him whatever rare and valuable resources he asks for with no explanation, has total faith in his ability to do a job right if not his ability to protect himself, got rid of all the foreign spies he failed to noticed and replaced them with trusted agents, political sharks to protect his interests...

You're right Akasha, Henry would be crazy to trust her. That would risk upgrading their well established yandere<->rich moe girl interaction to a relationship that evolves over time and requires emotional upkeep! Ain't nobody got time for that shit.
I've had it with your annoying remarks you pathetic excuse of a commoner!" Isabella's eyes were ablaze, even as she tightened her fists. "I've had it." She shook her head with a bitter smile. "Look at this, a commoner getting under my skin-I should have her flayed alive and burned, perhaps doused in cold water to have her skin crack as she still lives-"

"Isabella," I began, only to be abruptly silenced.

"Stop defending her, Henry!" Isabella snarled, "Stop it! You are my husband, and the fact you have to bring her alongside you like some pathetic puppy does not change the fact that you swore to look only at me, to protect only me, to be only mine! That's what you swore in the name of the gods and you will do so!
Really need to work on that basic human decency thing with her. And what the hell happened to the examplenof nobillese oblige, eh?
I had the perfect plan after all...

...absolutely nothing could go wrong!
Ah, and theres that brain damage manifesting at last.
Henry, I thought you were an adult. When did you become a shounen protagonist?

Shade, I cannot see the benefit doing this does. Who exactly are you helping?
Sorry Henry, Karin may beat up Murphy anytime she seeing him looking at her Grumpy Henry the wrong way, but the lost little Ducky doesn't have a a Heavy Wind watching over her.
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
Man, Isabella is still a cracked in the head psycho despite Shades best attempt otherwise. I don't think Ducky is the right choice to be giving her shit and calling her out, but damn at least somebody is doing it. How the hell does Henry continue to not know that his wife has a higher body count then most serial killers?
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Uh-huh. Karin. Beating her children with sticks. Sounds so legit, I can't believe it never happened.

Taking everything in the most literal and serious way possible is not something well-adjusted people do.
Work on that.

A woman who will be his future Queen, protects him from the consequences of all his actions, gets him whatever rare and valuable resources he asks for with no explanation, has total faith in his ability to do a job right if not his ability to protect himself, got rid of all the foreign spies he failed to noticed and replaced them with trusted agents, political sharks to protect his interests...

You're right Akasha, Henry would be crazy to trust her. That would risk upgrading their well established yandere<->rich moe girl interaction to a relationship that evolves over time and requires emotional upkeep! Ain't nobody got time for that shit.

Oh my.
Because the character who, throughout the entire story, complained about living in a metaphorical 'gilded cage' and fought for every scrap of 'freedom', would suddenly do a one-eighty and let his wife have complete and utter control over his life, while he does nothing but sit in a comfortable palace, surrounded by her guards, who report every single one of his moves to her. The same wife he knows he has to keep in check in order to prevent her from becoming a complete psycho, like in canon. The same wife that constantly shows just enough traits of her canon self to make Henry uncomfortable. The same wife that is willing to do so much to keep him safe, that she fulfilled all of his requests within a week(how many people did she kill to make it happen so quickly, again?), just to make sure he doesn't get himself in trouble.

Do you actually think Henry would be willing to let her do everything, when he is the one with future knowledge and the fear that, if he lets her become too comfortable with her power, she'll start doing sick shit? She didn't even bother to tell him HOW she'll deal with this. She just told him to shut the hell up and stay until she whistles for him. Talk about TRUST. If that's your definition of character development, I'm happy I've never seen you write a story.
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I'll summarize my thoughts with this:


Other than that, I guess Henry and Isabella truly deserve each other. I'm sure they have the potential to be the best royal couple of the new generation, if they ever actually communicate with each other. Except they didn't.

Now it's time to watch the bloodbath.
Man, Isabella is still a cracked in the head psycho despite Shades best attempt otherwise. I don't think Ducky is the right choice to be giving her shit and calling her out, but damn at least somebody is doing it. How the hell does Henry continue to not know that his wife has a higher body count then most serial killers?

You know what Isabella could really use? A court jester, if there is is anything like that in the Gallia tradition. Someone who can call her on her shit in a humorous manner, but whom is protected by law and custom. Isabella wants to be better, but there are too few people able to hold up a mirror to show her issues to her.

That's the idea of a jester's role, right? Speak a little truth to power, but blunt the hurt with wit and humor. It's a lot better than letting Anne do the job.
Holy shit, Anne is annoying as FUCK.

They both are... honestly this whole misguided interest of "helping" Josette is pretty grating, yeah Henry you "helped" her by kidnapping her, but your motives were hardly good intentioned. You saved her because she would inherit the Void if Joseph proved to be too much of an irremediable asshole to work with him (and you would have KILLED HIM) . Your intention was to USE HER, or at the VERY BEST deny others the ability to USE HER. Drop down from that high horse, its very annoying and is starting to fall down the "SI knows best" slope of tropes in crap fanfiction that makes most SI fics so loathsome.
I just noticed something. When Henry said he will try to save one person even when he can't save a hundred more, did he realize that by trying to save this one person who honestly isn't that much in danger he actually will cause the death of dozens of his servants and guards? Those guards who failed to stop him will be assured of their death, because Isabella will never let them live it down. Literally.
Taking everything in the most literal and serious way possible is not something well-adjusted people do.
Work on that.
Hey- if that was a joke I missed, then I sincerely apologize! There is no need to start with the ad hominem.
Oh my.
Because the character who, throughout the entire story, complained about living in a metaphorical 'gilded cage' and fought for every scrap of 'freedom', would suddenly do a one-eighty and let his wife have complete and utter control over his life, while he does nothing but sit in a comfortable palace, surrounded by her guards, who report every single one of his moves to her. The same wife he knows he has to keep in check in order to prevent her from becoming a complete psycho, like in canon. The same wife that constantly shows just enough traits of her canon self to make Henry uncomfortable. The same wife that is willing to do so much to keep him safe, that she fulfilled all of his requests within a week(how many people did she kill to make it happen so quickly, again?), just to make sure he doesn't get himself in trouble.

Do you actually think Henry would be willing to let her do everything, when he is the one with future knowledge and the fear that, if he lets her become too comfortable with her power, she'll start doing sick shit? She didn't even bother to tell him HOW she'll deal with this. She just told him to shut the hell up and stay until she whistles for him. Talk about TRUST. If that's your definition of character development, I'm happy I've never seen you write a story.
Knock it off with the ad honinem or this discussion is over. I never suggested Henry give Isabella total control of his life, but why would he NOT trust her solve this problem for him? He normally does let her solve any issue that might trouble him, the sole difference here being that she actually bothered to explain WHY she insists on doing it her way instead of going behind his back. She did not snap her fingers and tell him to shut up, she told him to stay because she was afraid the Duke would kill him this time. The one who didn't tell their spouse what the plan was and insisted they stand in the corner and watch, was actually Henry the first time this happened.

And he doesn't give a fuck about keeping Isabella in check! Despite noticing the disappearing servants and spies, Henry has never bothered to investigate or truly chastise Isabella for doing any of this shit. FFS when she repeatedly suggests beheading servants in front of him his reaction is not to tell her "I think beheading servants is bad and shouldn't be done" but "no silly, that won't make me happy". The sole aspect of modern morality he's tried to impart is that emotional abuse for its own sake is wrong.

Because at the end of the day? Having a hyper-competent yandere who will handle all the shady dealings required to make his grandiose plans run smoothly is fucking convenient. No strain on the conscience, no morally unjustifiable actions taken by his hands. As long as he doesn't make the effort to investigate his success, he can just assume things are going his way due to luck.