After recovering from the initial grief she would go out and brutally murder anyone even tangentially involved along with their relatives. Then probably go very insane until she gets assassinated or lapse into a deep depression wondering what the point of life is before maybe suicide.


An Acolyte of Zero Chapter 1: Arrival, a Familiar of Zero + Warcraft Crossover fanfic | FanFiction

The Steep Path Ahead [Familiar of Zero AU]

Because Shade had already thought about it. Obviously.
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Exactly. There are only so many pink haired women with enough land to merit the title of duchess ;)
But Karin is in disguise. The only problem with her disguise is her incredible set of tits. You know what nevermind, clearly you're deliberately being obtuse.


Anyone else got an answer for my question?
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But Karin is in disguise. The only problem with her disguise is her incredible set of tits. You know what nevermind, clearly you're deliberately being obtuse.


Anyone else got an answer for my question?
Come now, you cannot give me a straight line like that and expected a serious response. The actual answer would seem fairly obvious. Either Karin binds her breasts and wears specifically tailored pieces of clothing, or uses magic. Maybe both.

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Henry here reminds me more of One Piece character.
Well, if Luise is the loud one who wants to be great, and has her companions, the silent and powerful Tabitha, the fiery lover of the opposite sex Kirche and the guy who grows a spine, Guiche, then who is Henry? The cool and strong older brother who dies? The (grand)parental figure, who makes one strong and embarasses with public displays affection? Or the guy with a shady plan, who doesn't show up a lot? My bet is, that he is the super-strong, laid back guy who was very important at the beginning of the story, will be important later in the story, but nowadays just shows up when shit really hits the fan.
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen

After a quick Gramontian spell to dry oneself off had been chanted -absolutely necessary if one fell from a high tower into the lake of a charming young lady with an angry father- I took a seat on the nearby armchair, letting the two young women have the sofa.

"Are you thirsty? Do pick from this meager selection," Isabella said as a servant arrived with a tray of pitchers of various beverages where rather than the usual palace treatment of twenty or more, there were simply thirteen choices, quite a scandalously low amount of choice. I didn't even realize there could be thirteen choices of favorite drinks, let alone twenty. Josette probably shared my own thoughts, because she had a simple fruit juice and nothing else. "Are you hungry? I can have something prepared with ease-"

"N-No, thank you," Josette said. She looked from her to me, and then looked down. "I'm sorry."

"Uh? Don't worry," Isabella said with a huff, "You could have done things better, but if uncle didn't give you much of a choice, then-well, it's not how I would have done it, but I understand. Gods know how many times I thought about skipping my lessons to have carriages ready to surprise visit my husband-"

"The same amount of times you actually did surprise visit me?" I hazarded, only to receive a smirk from Isabella.

"Of course, when a princess puts her mind to it, then anything is possible," she nodded most wisely. "You'll be a...a Marquess one day, so-"

Josette furrowed her brows, "Isn't father a Duke?"

"Well, yes," Isabella said, "But the title of Duchess will go to little Helene-I think. I mean, that's what I think would be wiser. She was the one they..." she faltered, "Well, she was the one they kept, so-" she grimaced, "There is no easy way to say this."

"Because it's not an easy topic to discuss," I said, accepting the mug of coffee that had been brought to me on a silver platter by a servant. "If it can console you, I am reasonably sure they flipped a coin."

"Henry!" Isabella exclaimed, her eyes wide and her expression scandalized. "What sort of things-"

"This is the kindest thing," I said gently, "The most unkind one would imply they actually could discern who was worthy of being kept and who not by staring at two perfectly identical babies and saying that they didn't like one...because of some reason? Better to let it be chance the culprit of the choice, then her own parents."

"That is still a cruel thing to say! I am sure auntie was grieving at the thought of having to be separated from you," Isabella said firmly, her hands on the back of Josette's own. "You have to believe me-there has never been a kinder woman than auntie Marie, and-" Josette now had tears forming in her eyes, "U-U-Uh? Little Josette, please don't cry! Why are you crying? Stop! Don't sniffle-true ladies don't cry-"

I winced and averted my gaze as I sipped coffee, "Isabella," I said gently, "Perhaps...perhaps you should consider letting me deal with this?" Isabella didn't acknowledge my good will, and simply kept pushing.

"It's late, perhaps you're tired-"

"I-I don't want to go back," Josette sniffled, "I don't."

"What are you saying? Uncle and Auntie were so worried without you-" Isabella began, but Josette shook her head firmly.

"They were just-just worried I wasn't where they could find me! L-Like a painting left in an attic to gather dust!" she clutched the hem of her dress with her fingers tightly, "They picked my sister over me, they cared for her over me, so-so they can leave me alone, can't they?"

"It doesn't work that way," I said carefully. "What you want, what you the noble you are right now, you'll never be able to achieve it. If you're lucky, you'll come to terms with it." I exhaled. "Listen...if you want, there is a way. You renounce your title," I said, only for Isabella's eyes to widen in sheer shock at the proposal. "You're set to receive a mantle when you turn old enough to be considered a proper lady of the court. You take that mantle, and most politely return it to the noble who gave it to you," I took a small breath. "After you do that though, you'll be considered a fallen noble, you won't be allowed any respect, or worth-but..." I bit my lower lip, "There is yet another way."

I looked at Josette, who was listening keenly to what I had to say, "If you renounce your nobility, that makes you...pretty much set up for adoption. I could ask my family if they'd be amenable to-"

"We both know that wouldn't be just a slap to the face of the Duke," Isabella said coldly, "Something like that-it would end with a duel to the death, and nothing less would suffice. Literally stealing a daughter that would have claims to his title-it's like parading that you're planning to have the other twin killed, even if it's not the truth...even then, the Duke will see it that way, and he'll demand his honor satisfied. Only one of you will walk out of that duel, and Henry-no matter how much you might have wouldn't be the one winning that match."

She shook her head. "It's foolish to even think about stuff like this. Really! It's too late for these words! What we all need is a good night of rest, and tomorrow we'll definitely feel refreshed and all these silly thoughts will have left us," Isabella stood up, trying to smile as she pulled Josette along, "Now, come on. I'll have the servants give you one of my nightgowns. I'm sure you'll look beautiful in it. Dear, wait for me in our bed, will you?"

With that said, Isabella dragged Josette out of the room without another word. I looked at the young girl's retreating back and sighed. It would be so easy if I just gave in, grabbed my swordwand, and flung down a hurricane on the Duke D'Orleans' house, but...but he hadn't done anything wrong, had he? He'd recovered his daughter, and was now showing her what it meant to be a noble lady. Josette wasn't used to it, and so she had run away from home.

I could and would help her if the need arose, but perhaps if a solution could be found, one that made everyone happy-

I stopped only once I realized that my eyes had been set on the shores of the Ragdorian lake from one of the windows of the hallways.

Controlling the mind of another person-how slippery of a slope could that be? Even then-it needed a corpse, didn't it? And only the Mind of God could do such a thing. How could I convince her? And if I unleashed her, then...what would I say? That it wouldn't be my fault? Or that it would?

Being filled with the power over life and death, and yet being powerless to stop a young girl from crying at the thought of being...treated like a forgotten object, wanted back out of a childish whim-wasn't this much of Josette's melodramatic character? Wasn't she someone who'd blow her head if she ended up not being reciprocated in her love for another?

Did I have, or did I not have the power to do something?

Kill the bad guy, save the girl, save the world.

Real life wasn't like that, but...

Black wings came to a halt outside of the hallway window, and as I opened them Raven stared at me, eyes firmly determined. The twin moons cast their light down on us, and even so, we didn't need to talk to share our thoughts.

The road to hell is paved with good intention, but, by that very same token, is perhaps the road to heaven paved with evil prospects?

"Henry," Raven said softly. "I'll stand by you."

I swallowed, and then nodded.

Tomorrow, either the Duke would kill us...

...or Isabella would.
Josette running away must truly hurt the parents who abandoned her-seriously. So I'm looking forward to when Josette eventually says to their faces why she doesn't want to be with them.

I get pleasure from that sort of thing, people who aren't the protagonist paying for their mistakes and jerkass moves as realistically written by a good writer. It's a thing.
Tomorrow, either the Duke would kill us...

...or Isabella would.

This situation...can honestly happen.
This might be me just rambling, but I felt that if the Duke came and actually hurt Henry, Isabelle would, lets just say, be more than displeased.
It would be at the level of, I will burn Halkegania to the ground, level of anger.
Because from how I see it, the last time the Duke hurt him, it was for a justified reason.
Henry was being an ass and the Duke has the of showing his displeasure.
However, this time, the reason for this mess is technically the Duke and for that reason, the Duke should not have the right to hurt Henry.
But an angry parent is quite unreasonable at times and there is still a high chance that he might hurt Henry.
And if he does, well cannon!Isabella would seem mild in comparison to what this Isabella will do.
This situation...can honestly happen.
This might be me just rambling, but I felt that if the Duke came and actually hurt Henry, Isabelle would, lets just say, be more than displeased.
It would be at the level of, I will burn Halkegania to the ground, level of anger.
Because from how I see it, the last time the Duke hurt him, it was for a justified reason.
Henry was being an ass and the Duke has the of showing his displeasure.
However, this time, the reason for this mess is technically the Duke and for that reason, the Duke should not have the right to hurt Henry.
But an angry parent is quite unreasonable at times and there is still a high chance that he might hurt Henry.
And if he does, well cannon!Isabella would seem mild in comparison to what this Isabella will do.
Hm, Isabella could very well understand the problems that come between disjointed love between parents and child, given hers with Joseph. I wonder if she's trying to prevent her ditution from becoming Josette's...and/or blinding herself to the unfortunate truth in her idealism.
Because from how I see it, the last time the Duke hurt him, it was for a justified reason.
Henry was being an ass and the Duke has the of showing his displeasure.
However, this time, the reason for this mess is technically the Duke and for that reason, the Duke should not have the right to hurt Henry.
But an angry parent is quite unreasonable at times and there is still a high chance that he might hurt Henry.
And if he does, well cannon!Isabella would seem mild in comparison to what this Isabella will do.
That really depends on what exactly Henry does and how it impacts Charles.

Henry isn't the Child Protective Services, Josette isn't truly abused, and Henry's right to interfere with Josette's upbringing is severely limited by any rational cultural lens. Screwing with people's family is pretty damn intolerable- the fact a little girl cries does not give you the wherewithal to take her away from her parents, not even if you're the Prince-Consort or the Queen. Such is pretty much a declaration of personal vendetta AND likely to turn most of the other nobles in the country against you.

For example, in canon, Louise was TERRIFIED of her mother... Convincing Louise to run away from her would be plausible. But can you imagine how Karin the Heavy Wind would react if Guiche persuaded her to leave the Academy, renounce her title and family, and be adopted by the Gramonts?

All that completely leaves aside the fact that Charles probably hid Josette away to keep her safe from Joseph and his lackies. Neither Isabella nor Henry bring this up, but it is both the most likely and least painful rationale. I'm honestly not sure why, it may be impolitic and rather frightening to explain given the circumstances, but it would explain a lot and it's the truth. Hell, if I were Charles, I wouldn't even want Helene around Isabella. Bitch be crazy.

Like seriously, you hid your other daughter away from her psychotic cousin who in canon was sending the legitimate daughter on suicide missions by blackmailing her with your wife's death? The same wife that was driven mad by poison intended for Helene? And you kept Josette safe from the sociopathic King? Bravo, Charles, at least you did right by one of your girls. If there was a coin toss, Josette was the winner.
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I'd be happy for literally anyone in this story to get their comeuppance apart from Henry. I mean, there's obviously been *some* conflict, and some people have had bad things to happen to them, but they've generally been to the side (hell, even the Duke as the example here didn't get screen-time for Henry's insults, just beating him up). On the other hand, we've got a hypocritical mother who reads like a narcissist.

I understand the point of conflict, I get the idea of tsundere, but everytime I read about Henry's mom taking away another one of his things (be it wine, writing, or expressions of freedom), all under the guise of loving him, I die a little inside ;_;. I thank you Shade for this wonderful story with an intelligent SI and conflict beyond strawmen, but that's been my single hangup. I just haven't been so righteous about it because it was all done and taken care of in like 5 chapters.
I stopped only once I realized that my eyes had been set on the shores of the Ragdorian lake from one of the windows of the hallways.

Controlling the mind of another person-how slippery of a slope could that be? Even then-it needed a corpse, didn't it? And only the Mind of God could do such a thing. How could I convince her? And if I unleashed her, then...what would I say? That it wouldn't be my fault? Or that it would?

Being filled with the power over life and death, and yet being powerless to stop a young girl from crying at the thought of being...treated like a forgotten object, wanted back out of a childish whim-wasn't this much of Josette's melodramatic character? Wasn't she someone who'd blow her head if she ended up not being reciprocated in her love for another?
Do YOU often find yourself confronted by crying moe girls who can't be comforted by punching someone in the face? Consider using MIND CONTROLTM​*; the only family bonding activity guaranteed to make EVERYONE happy! Our quality assurance to each and every customer is that NO ONE will be complaining after experiencing THIS product!

*side effects may include unwanted loli advances, slippery slopes, and zombie apocalypse.
I can honestly see why Karin did what she did. That doesn't mean that I'm taking her part.

But I think that in this particular situation Henry should try to do something a bit more unconventional and, instead of trying to be the Deus ex Machina and solve the problem, he should talk.
Just to see if, introducing a disrupting factor, change something.