Oh My....

Well she IS reacting in a rather normal manner (for a modern era, freedom-and-equality raised teenager). Unfortunately I.... don't really see her actually adjusting to the new reality at all, not unless someone completely and utterly breaks her first. Well I'll give her some benefit of doubt until she has a chance to sleep on it. But I know which horse I'm NOT betting on.
If she's still like this after she exhausts herself and wakes up... Forced enlistment in the legion is probably the best chance she has. Unless Henry's consequence mitigation shield works for her too.
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"It is the birthright of Nobility, bestowed upon the faithful of Brimir and their descendants," I answered as I sheathed my swordwand, and then extended her a hand. "Now, by all means stand up and-"

She didn't take my hand. Instead, she went for the hilt of my swordwand and hastily unsheathed it, pointing it at me the next second.
So about this part. Did Henry just get disarmed by a teenage girl with no training whatsoever? Or is that just Mind of God bullshit with the swordwand counting as a magical artifact?

Cause if he got disarmed his sword teacher would be highly disappointed with him.
So about this part. Did Henry just get disarmed by a teenage girl with no training whatsoever? Or is that just Mind of God bullshit with the swordwand counting as a magical artifact?

Cause if he got disarmed his sword teacher would be highly disappointed with him.
Consider their position, she's on the ground, kneeling or sitting, Henry is bending forward to offer her a hand up. In that case the hilt of his sword would be tilted forward towards her face, and thus in easy reach to be grabbed and pulled out without resistance.

Also, he probably didn't expect her to go for the sword and threaten him with it, because it was a monumentally stupid action to do... from any perspective really.
Given the fact that she got her hands on a real sword while in a state of distress, they're very lucky she's not the Gandalfr.

But at least soon they won't have to worry about escape attempts or acting out. Those runes will mindrape her good and proper to be a nice loyal familiar very soon.
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Well, her reaction was pretty understandable at the beginning, after all she ended up in some sort of fantasy-alien world, away from everything she knew and loved. Her threatening Henry and trying to get a rise out of him, is probably a defence mechanism to try and get some control over the current situation. Combined with her being a teenager and coming from a world of free-spirited people, it is pretty understandable, albeit stupid, that she is doing all those things right now.

Saito, IIRC, tried to escape from the Academy in the beginning and when caught by Guiche, he knew he needed to bind for time until he could get away from these people. Anne, OTOH, is a bit more emotional, because her personality is wilder than Saito's more subdued character and she is what I would call a person of action, living every day as if it were her last and screw the consequences of her actions. Frankly, I think she would be more suited as Gandalfr rather than Myoz, she just doesn't seem to have the patience to achieve her full potential.

Also, why does everybody think Agnes is the best candidate to teach Anne? The only thing it would achieve is her getting even more frustrated with Halkeginia and alleviating everyone around her, possibly making her a greater threat than Sheffield, if Reconquista can manipulate her into helping them.

What Anne needs is someone to stay by her side and try to explain what is going on. Henry is possibly the only person that can achieve that, thanks to both his resurrection status, making him more empathetic towards her and his charismatic ways of making things seem better than expected.

An example would something like: 'Hey, you are the Mind Of God, which gives you the same abilities that every noble has at your beck and call. You can achieve your childhood dreams of shooting fire and melting people's brains with your mind, being a superhero and all that. You are also the familiar of the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world, which gives you more leeway than what you would normally get, even as a noble. Lastly, you can pretty much inherently understand everything that is magic in this world, maybe even find a way home, hint, nudge'.

After that, she only needs a good magic teacher, maybe as a student at the Tristain Academy of Magic? Or even a private tutor, like say Charles, to mend the brothers fractured relationship perhaps.

Again, these are all possible scenarios, but we just have to wait and see what Henry will do to fix this.
Eh while partially understandable her actions are unwarranted and stupid. She should definitely be thought her place .
She probably comes from the age where aliens are a fad considering she didnt consider Henry of being magical space wizard but an alien. There is also their surroundings that if I picture correctly as a cross of Medieval and Rennaissance, and certainly not futuristic.
Did Henry reveal a card in his hand about the summoning ritual?
I can't imagine how anyone would know about the portal that summons a mage's familiar.
The Ducky would not realise the significance of that little fact but I imagine that a noble that hears of it might become suspicious.
Really? I thought that was a thing.
They suppress homesickness, nothing more. Which, yes is mind control, but of the mildest sort, and they don't do anything else. They don't compel obedience, or love, or force the familiar to stay with their summoner.

The spell selects an appropriate person, who is potentially compatible with the summoner's needs and personality and the needs of the particular Void Familiar Rune.
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Really? I thought that was a thing.
It was made by the fandom to make ZnT slapstick comedy serious and is use as an excuse for slavery bullshit. All sort bad fics were born from this fanon to make Louise evil and Saito canon pervy act justified.

There's a reason why no familiars never lashed out against its summoner when summoned. Because the ritual only pick those that are compatible and willing. Minus the destiny, love, and the mage's element as factors in the summoning.
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Did Henry reveal a card in his hand about the summoning ritual?
I can't imagine how anyone would know about the portal that summons a mage's familiar.
Considering a significant number of Familiars are well known and recorded in the wild, it's quite possible someone saw a familiar summoning ritual in action from the other side. Might not be the most obvious bit of information, or well known, but it's not likely to be impossible.
Eh while partially understandable her actions are unwarranted and stupid. She should definitely be thought her place .
You seem to forget this is not one of us. An SB or SV person may take the time to think things through but that is due to how we actually think of the possibility of something like this happening. This is your average everyday person who would never even possibly comprehend something like this happening to them. To her Scifi is unimportant and she would happily mix up Star Wars and Star Trek or be like Paige from Foxtrot who only went to see Lord of the Rings just to see Orlando Bloom and would not care about the rest of the movie. A mental breakdown is perfectly understandable.
You seem to forget this is not one of us. An SB or SV person may take the time to think things through but that is due to how we actually think of the possibility of something like this happening. This is your average everyday person who would never even possibly comprehend something like this happening to them. To her Scifi is unimportant and she would happily mix up Star Wars and Star Trek or be like Paige from Foxtrot who only went to see Lord of the Rings just to see Orlando Bloom and would not care about the rest of the movie. A mental breakdown is perfectly understandable.
I think you might be misunderstanding the popular sentiment. It's not that she's being unrealistic, or not understandable, or even badly written. It's simply the case that she's not being particularly smart or likeable right now, and thus people don't think she's clever nor do they like her just yet.

Henry I believe is holding back from crashing her down to earth too hard because he needs her at least a little bit irreverent towards Joseph at first if they're to get along properly.
the mare face the little miss yendare didn't get summoned means that Saito is almost certainly not going to be getting his grubby hands on Lulu...


*runs off to find a green hole in space-time*
While her reaction is understandable, it's still pretty stupid.

And yes, teenagers are stupid. Especially entitled ones, which she seems to be in spades.

The issue is, Henry really cannot mention anything about his reincarnation status or background, ( including the words superheroes or the idea that normal humans on Earth would think about being one) as there is no way she is at all a trustworthy confidant. The bet he can do is try to Rule-of-Steel her as quickly as possible, as Karin did for him, as a defense mechanism.

The fact that she is Myoz should help, but she doesn't seem the type to put a lot of effort into learning to use her powers.