[x] Look through the other documents.

also, can anyone we've met be described as "talll, dark and gorgeous"? i need to know if anyone thinks so because reasons.
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A male character on base?! Aren't we supposed to burst into flames or something? :o

Okay, more seriously, if we're going with a social butterfly archetype then I think it best if we help our struggling comrades.

[X] Help Yelena.
*checks town of origin* Skvarsava
*checks age* 18
...we were adopted, weren't we?

Actually, I have to ask about that second descriptor. What does it mean by "dark"?
I can't tell if it's meant to refer to hair or skin color, but TVTropes (which is admittedly not the most scholarly source out there) implies it's hair.

also, can anyone we've met be described as "talll, dark and gorgeous"? i need to know if anyone thinks so because reasons.
Tall is relative, but in terms of being taller than most people in general, Nasira and to a lesser degree Victora would count. Nasira has notably darker skin because of Not-Turkey descent, as do a few others you've yet to meet, and hair color is pretty obviously stated. Gorgeous is of course subjective.

A male character on base?! Aren't we supposed to burst into flames or something? :o
I guess? :p
But nah, he's fairly inoffensive.

It's looking like everyone and their mothers are taller than our protagonist.
Aside from Hatice and a couple others, yep.
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[X] Engage the man in conversation, ask his name.

Well then the lies pretty transparent, given that our crush has white hair. Other two traits fit though.

Maybe Alex is gonna ask her dye her hair someday.
On her own accord
Without Questers' input
And then Alex was a fully-functioning AI with particular tastes in girls she likes

Maybe she gives a non-answer so that no one would become overly interested and realize she's a lesbian in 20th Century Balkan Europe
Not that anyone is going to be surprised if I understood the genre correctly.
6 Document Check (Lapin, Arbitracom, Offbrand, Veekie, Kinigget, Spectrum)
3 Talk To Guy (Icipall, Ghost, Raiseth)
1 Staring Contest (Nevill)
3 Help Yelena (Nuker, Radmelon, Araa)

I'm not likely to update for a couple days yet, so votes are still open!

Maybe Alex is gonna ask her dye her hair someday.
On her own accord
Without Questers' input
And then Alex was a fully-functioning AI with particular tastes in girls she likes
But nah, that was supposed to be another snarky non-answer like the other two.

Maybe she gives a non-answer so that no one would become overly interested and realize she's a lesbian in 20th Century Balkan Europe
Not that anyone is going to be surprised if I understood the genre correctly.
I'll admit that I'm still on the fence as to exactly how I want to handle that.
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I'll admit that I'm still on the fence as to exactly how I want to handle that.
How limited is the population, what was the general view on that before hand in the area(s), and have there been any pushes for society accepting/ignoring them by famous girls?

If the population is limited or the genepool isn't diverse enough there could possibly even be government regulation, mostly boiling down to "At least have a kid with someone." Mostly thought that would give anti-gay rights activists ammo/justification though. In their eyes anyway.

General view in the area beforehand is where the view point of society is starting from generally, so that's that.

The last point is unlikely if possible with how many hide their identities and the few that don't essentially being the "Face" of them, so they more than anyone would probably need to look good in front of society. It depends on how much they feel they could get away with I suppose, and having anyone wanting and willing I suppose.
Oh, by the way, about unladen swallow, you might want to think of two random names for your world's continents.
If the population is limited or the genepool isn't diverse enough there could possibly even be government regulation, mostly boiling down to "At least have a kid with someone." Mostly thought that would give anti-gay rights activists ammo/justification though. In their eyes anyway.
Huh. Yeah, as mentioned before the country isn't too terribly huge, mostly consisting of five medium to major cities (by early 1900s standards) and assorted farmlands in between, so while it's relatively ethnically diverse, the overall population is still smallish, and particularly so after the initial year or so of the war wiped out a lot of the soldiers.

General view in the area beforehand is where the view point of society is starting from generally, so that's that.
Some quick-and-sloppy research tells me the Balkans region has generally been more on the conservative end of things, and in recent years has seen a strong swing back to more traditional views. This being an alternate universe grants me a certain degree of leeway with that, but it would probably take some serious stretching for me to claim "nah they're totally cool with it, have been for ages."

The last point is unlikely if possible with how many hide their identities and the few that don't essentially being the "Face" of them, so they more than anyone would probably need to look good in front of society. It depends on how much they feel they could get away with I suppose, and having anyone wanting and willing I suppose.
Well this case actually could work, given the pilots themselves and the power that comes with that, in the present circumstances. If Victoria or someone said something, it would probably produce some grumbles, and strong reactions from the reactionaries, but overall people would have to run with it because she's the one with the giant robot keeping the other giant robots from killing us all. Not ideal, but it's something.

So overall, that narrows it down a bit. On the homophobia scale between "Burn the gays" and "Total acceptance" it's probably somewhere in the range of "Conceal don't feel" to "Don't ask, don't tell" or maaaaybe even "Ellen Puppy Episode controversy"
...Yes, I made a whole scale for this. Why? It's a long story.

Huh? It's a fictional country from what is otherwise the real world, why wouldn't we just use Europe and Asia?
Oh. I completely misunderstood the premise of the quest, then.
Well, yes and no. I figure it's similar enough that the broad concepts of the continents would still be more-or-less the same, but specific countries and borders would probably be a bit different. Something I actually plan to sit down and flesh out a bit better at some point, since as mentioned before Mzendzyovka is something of a melting pot of Not-Russia, Not-Ukraine, Not-France, Not-Britain, and Not-Turkey cultures and ethnicities, and I want to better define what that all entails.

Also, one of my classes this semester is on European history of the 1900s, and it's already proven rather informative and enlightening about things I didn't even know I didn't know before. While I was thinking more about WoC when I took it, it's highly likely to prove useful for this as well.
Well, yes and no. I figure it's similar enough that the broad concepts of the continents would still be more-or-less the same, but specific countries and borders would probably be a bit different. Something I actually plan to sit down and flesh out a bit better at some point, since as mentioned before Mzendzyovka is something of a melting pot of Not-Russia, Not-Ukraine, Not-France, Not-Britain, and Not-Turkey cultures and ethnicities, and I want to better define what that all entails.
Is this promise of a lore/worldbuilding post in the future?
Huh. Yeah, as mentioned before the country isn't too terribly huge, mostly consisting of five medium to major cities (by early 1900s standards) and assorted farmlands in between, so while it's relatively ethnically diverse, the overall population is still smallish, and particularly so after the initial year or so of the war wiped out a lot of the soldiers.

Some quick-and-sloppy research tells me the Balkans region has generally been more on the conservative end of things, and in recent years has seen a strong swing back to more traditional views. This being an alternate universe grants me a certain degree of leeway with that, but it would probably take some serious stretching for me to claim "nah they're totally cool with it, have been for ages."

Well this case actually could work, given the pilots themselves and the power that comes with that, in the present circumstances. If Victoria or someone said something, it would probably produce some grumbles, and strong reactions from the reactionaries, but overall people would have to run with it because she's the one with the giant robot keeping the other giant robots from killing us all. Not ideal, but it's something.

So overall, that narrows it down a bit. On the homophobia scale between "Burn the gays" and "Total acceptance" it's probably somewhere in the range of "Conceal don't feel" to "Don't ask, don't tell" or maaaaybe even "Ellen Puppy Episode controversy"
...Yes, I made a whole scale for this. Why? It's a long story.
So, depending on if any pilots have actually cared enough to bother speaking up about it publicly (they very well could just ignore it and go on doing whatever they want to), it's probably very "politely" and very insistently ignored by the majority with some haters thrown in (which still creates something of a lot of societal pressure to conform).

And the law doesn't officially care (and possibly even unofficially care) as long as you actually contribute to the gene pool at some point in your life. Well, if they're trying to increase population count, it would be more than one kid.
And the law doesn't officially care (and possibly even unofficially care) as long as you actually contribute to the gene pool at some point in your life. Well, if they're trying to increase population count, it would be more than one kid.

At some point the researchers reverse-engineering the alien tech accidentally stumble across the secret for same-sex reproduction amidst it. In related news, a huge uptick in spontaneous head combustion has been reported among asshole homophobes heads across the nation.
Is this promise of a lore/worldbuilding post in the future?
A very strong possibility, yes. This is another thing I'm not sure exactly how to approach, though; earlier on it was stated by many that they'd prefer this sort of stuff to be revealed in a natural in-story way, but that does conflict with the fact that I'm really really not confident in my research/worldbuilding skills and would rather beg for y'alls help and input in putting things together sensibly, instead of unveiling something I put together and failed to notice a billion inherent problems with. This is SV, after all.

So, depending on if any pilots have actually cared enough to bother speaking up about it publicly (they very well could just ignore it and go on doing whatever they want to), it's probably very "politely" and very insistently ignored by the majority with some haters thrown in (which still creates something of a lot of societal pressure to conform).
Ah, good point. Of the Rank I-ers, Victoria is the only really public one anyway, and she's not actually all that liable to discuss it unless she actually had a significant other. There is another yet to be introduced who may also work, but idunno.

And the law doesn't officially care (and possibly even unofficially care) as long as you actually contribute to the gene pool at some point in your life. Well, if they're trying to increase population count, it would be more than one kid.
Hmm, yeah. One thing I actually thought about regarding that after my earlier reply was that the barrier around the border does restrict outward expansion (and even before then the mountains did as well, to a less extreme but still important degree) and a lot of the land in the valley is dedicated to agriculture, so there's only so much growth the population is capable of before things would start to get tight, food-wise. I would think that until and if the barrier ever goes down, officials would be smart enough to think ahead and try to curb growth for the time being, so if some women want to get together it wouldn't really be too big of a deal... for now.

Although on the other hand, as I've already gone into, there's a decent bit of vacancy that was rather suddenly and violently opened up in the population. It's not a lethal wound to the generation, but still a sizeable enough gap that they'd have to fill it back up and then some before having to really seriously worry about overpopulation.

So "Puppy Episode" level is proabably definitely out.
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