Good to have this back, finally. Took you long enough.

[X] Plan Simplicity
-[X] Go for a run (20m)
-[X] Pester someone (10-30m)
--[X] Hatice
-[X] Get cleaned up (15m)
-[X] Breakfast (15m)

Hatice is the one we know the least about at this point, and seems to have the least redeeming traits. Though talking to her this early in the morning likely won't net any results in terms of making her like us, we may still be able to glean some insight while her defenses are down. I wouldn't bother with unpacking at this stage; while genre indicates this will be our main place of residence going forward, it's early enough that I could see OP throwing a curveball our way. Running and breakfast (and cleanup, don't need to show up for the important military meeting with bedhead or whatever) seem like sensible uses of the remaining time, but I don't see the point in showing up early. Maybe we'll see something interesting, but maybe we'll waste ten minutes playing with ourself in an empty office and wondering what we're doing with our lives.
1 Plan Preliminary (ARBITRACOM)
4 Plan Model Student (Wingstrike, Veekie, Stasis, Mechanical)
1 Plan Day 1 (Icipall)
4 Plan Extra Responsible (Spectrum, Nuker, Raiseth, Naan)
1 Plan Simplicity (Ghost)

Looks like we're going to need a tiebreaker, or something.
I'll break it.

[X] Plan Extra Responsible

Checking for stragglers sounds like the beginning of being a team leader.
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Extra Responsible
After some stretches to wake yourself up a bit, you decide to start by unpacking. You didn't bring much, uncertain about what may be most suitable, but along with a few spare changes of clothes (a spare uniform set like the one you're wearing, a casual shirt and shorts, a flower-print dress, and an oversized shirt you wear to sleep) you did bring a few other items, and for the next several minutes, set about making the room feel like less of a walk-in-closet. Aside from the cot, there's a small dresser/nightstand and an equally small set of shelves, and a tiny window in the back.

What Sort Of Things Did You Bring?*
> Other/Write-In

Once everything is arranged to your satisfaction, the place does feel more cozy than cramped. You nod, satisfied, before slipping out the door and going for a run.

In contrast to the dry heat of yesterday, it's a chilly and damp morning, and the base is enshrouded in a thin layer of fog. Not enough to obscure your vision by a lot, but enough that the lights all take on a strange halo, and everything past the top of the mesa is obscured; it feels like you're on an island floating among the clouds. That combined with the lack of people out and about besides yourself (you do see a couple of girls making the rounds, but decide not to bother them too much) gives a very isolating feeling.

After a couple of laps, shorter than your usual run but still enough to get a decent workout, you head back inside. At the far end of the hall is a bathroom; sterile and drafty, with a couple of sinks, a few stalls, and then a shower tucked around the corner. You give the handle an experimental turn; the water is far from freezing, but still unpleasantly cool. Hmm.

It proves to be a motivating factor in keeping the shower short, and you're in, washed, and out in about eight minutes at most. You find that others have shown up in that time; Yelena is at one mirror washing her face and grumbling incoherently, while Elaine, bright-eyed and cheerful, is putting on makeup at the other. You don't say anything, simply raising an eyebrow at her back, but she sees you in the mirror and takes on a defensive expression. "I know where we are, but this is for the meeting," she says. You simply shrug and get dressed.

Stepping outside, you're somehow unsurprised to find Lynx waiting outside, most likely waiting for Elaine to leave. You don't comment on that either, but still give her a questioning glance; leaning with her back to the wall, her head down and her arms crossed, she looks more subdued than yesterday.

It's not your business, though, right?

That's three of them accounted for, but that leaves Hatice. Returning to the door you remember already being closed the previous night, you...

How to approach this?
> Knock loudly and leave it at that
> Knock and ask to enter
> Open the door quietly and scope out the situation
> Barge in and yell to wake her up

*Think of this as a chance to expand on our protagonist's personality, beyond what's already been established. Can't be anything too huge or fragile, but otherwise I'm interested to see what comes of this.
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What Sort Of Things Did You Bring?*
> Other/Write-In
Hmm... Pop culture is unfortunately a bit hard to reference here. I get the feeling so far that our character might have like Yuki Yuna and Symphogear posters/figurines/plushies.

Not sure what kind of plushie she might have, but I see her having one... Do they sell posters of the more famous military girls? In their suits I mean, I remember they're identities are (largely) kept secret. I imagine she might have one or two things of the one who rescued her and maybe one or two of the others that she looks up to/likes the design of?

Family photo is kind of almost required. Friends to maybe? More photos probably equals being more sentimental. Maybe have an old medal or two referencing a sport if we did any?

Uhh... Not sure about books.
[Q] A pair of rusty, bloodstained knives and a hockey mask
[Q] Scream that you're under attack and the base is on fire

Wait, no.

[X] Items
-[X]Family photo
-[X]Turtle plushie
-[X]Pin-up catalogue
-[X]Some sort of Anastasia-related memorabilia
[X] Open the door quietly and scope out the situation
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[X] Family photo, your favorite novel, your second most precious stuffed animal (the most precious being arguably too large to take to what you assumed would be your quarters), a very tasteful poster of Anastasia, and a 'personal entertainment' device.
[X]Knock and ask to enter

[X] Items
-[X]Family photo.
-[X]Turtle plushie.
-[X]Cut-out newspaper image of Anastasia.
-[X]Some of our favorite books.
[X] Open the door quietly and scope out the situation.

Decided to specify what sort of memorabilia it is and a era-appropriate form of entertainment.
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This is a little too early for the Gameboy Advanced.
Well yeah, that's why I tried to pick what might be a vaguely era-appropriate novel (also a winkwink nudgenudge).

Uhhh, actually yeah let me revote for better inclusion:

[X] Items
-[X] Family photo
-[X] Your favorite novel
-[X] Your second most precious stuffed animal (the most precious being arguably too large to take to what you assumed would be your quarters)
-[X] A very tasteful poster of Anastasia
[X]Knock and ask to enter

Hmm, I should probably do research on what novels were published in the 1910s...
The poster question is also interesting. Given the era, they'd probably be propaganda posters that are copies of a hand drawn original. Given that it's established that Victoria is the public face of the unit, most of the singular posters are of liable to be of her and the bulk of posters in which Anastasia appears in are likely to be group drawings. The content of such posters are liable to be more calculated to inducing patriotic inspiration and collective self-sacrifice rather then focusing on the pilots as specific individuals in any manner (sexual or otherwise).
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The poster question is interesting. Given the era, they'd probably be propaganda posters that are copies of a hand drawn original. Given that it's established that Victoria is the public face of the unit, most of the singular posters are of liable to be of her and the bulk of posters in which Anastasia appears in are likely to be group drawings. The content of such posters are liable to be more calculated to inducing patriotic inspiration and collective self-sacrifice rather then focusing on the pilots as specific individuals in any manner (sexual or otherwise).
Yeah, I'm envisioning propoganda-style posters with silhouettes only, and slogans about fighting the enemy and avenging the deceased, or something along those lines.
Yeah, I'm envisioning propoganda-style posters with silhouettes only, and slogans about fighting the enemy and avenging the deceased, or something along those lines.

Something like that. You'd probably want to look at WW1/2 Balkan and maybe even German or Russian posters for ideas there.

I think that French posters will suit your purposes a little more. Russian and German ones were too somber and angrish. What with communism and fascism and a giant bloodbath that was the Eastern Front. Well, have a look and see for yourself. Maybe you'll like them more.

[Q] Your katana that you will bath in the oil of your enemies. Nobody would want to know how you managed to sneak it through the customs house.

[X] Items
-[X] Your father's compass.
-[X]Family photo.
-[X]Turtle plushie.
-[X]Cut-out newspaper image of Anastasia.
-[X]Some of our favorite books.
-[X]Desk Clock
-[X]"Light" Dumbbells
[X] Knock and ask to enter.

( Do we have some sort of a limit on how many mementos Alex managed to take with her? )

Edit: looks sensible.
Though the last item does break my SoD a little. Swole or not swole, Alex is a girl, and not very tall at that.

And now you reminded me about Doki Doki Literature Club. @NaanContributor, You Monster.
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I hope this won't wind up becoming a horrible mistake. XD
I mean you did let us vote on bust size before, so...:V

[X] Items
-[X] Your father's compass.
-[X]Family photo.
-[X]Turtle plushie.
-[X]Cut-out newspaper image of Anastasia.
-[X]Some of our favorite books.
-[X]Desk Clock
-[X]"Light" Dumbbells

Mementos of home, a source of comfort, hope we're not the only ones or this might be embarrassing, a reminder of the reason why we signed up, and something to pass the time. This all seems good without going crazy.

[X] Knock and ask to enter.

Also I have the feeling she isn't asleep so trying to be sneaky might end up backfiring.

Edit: Just added to what NaanContributor said.
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