My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

[x] Talking

You find yourself in a surprisingly fairly well lite preying in an abandoned Church just out of town. Currently your leg is chained to one of the walls but beyond that you seem mostly free to move around, any the guy who kidnapped you is waiting right by one of the Church exits while staring at the other one in anicicpation. He must be waiting for Mary to show up.

"Soooo." You begin looks around. "Is this going to end up a regular thing or is this just a one night stand?"

"It's a onetime thing Jonathan." The flame using nutjub speaks. I have no intention of kidnapping you again."

"Oh you know my name, that's kind of creepy." You cross your arms. "Wait do you kidnap people often, because when you said you wouldn't kidnap me again it sounded awfully specific."

"Don't worry." Fire brand does his best to sound cool but he totally comes off as a poser as far as you're concerned. "This is the first and will be the last time I've ever kidnapped anyone, this I can promise you."

"So why did you kidnap me anyway?" You say taking a glance out the window, it's actually a pretty sunny day in addition to the nice temperature. "I mean was it just because I was the closet civilian at the park or was it something more specific."

"It was the later, there is something you may want to know about your best friend." Oh boy this is going to get silly. "She isn't who you think she is."

"Oh really?" You lean back again the wall. "She isn't?"

"Yes" Oh my goodness the grave ton in his voice. It's practically hilarious. "You 'friend' Mary is actually a magical warrior, she has been keeping this secret from you since you were children."

"And?" You raise an eyebrow. "I already knew that."

"You what?" For the first time since mister sexy appeared he breaks his composure. It was less than a day since he first showed up to. Really not winning any stoic rival for the year awards this one. "Then…that actually explains a lot, why you didn't tell that you knew."

"I found out through coincidence." Well ok and you're absurdly good sense of smell, but that's mostly beyond the point. "As far as I'm concerned she's still the same best friend I've always known secret identity than otherwise. If she ever decides to tell me herself than ok but I don't really need to butt into my best friends work life and risk getting myself kidnapped or anything…I mean excluding right now but I've have been good at making sure it doesn't happen to me up to this point."

"I suppose you have." The fire user comments as he goes into thought. "Does that mean that when you proposed running away back during yesterday's attack?"

"That I was actually trying to give Mary the cover she needed in order to transform and return to fight the monsters." I look at the ceiling. It has a very beautiful mural on it, man Earth human architecture is nice for stuff that doesn't use any magic or involve freakishly powerful biology. "Yes, yes it does. I must admit you seem to have gotten good brains along with your good looks, were I a less secure man I'd be feeling a ton of envy right now."

"W-w-w-w-wait." The fire base warriors actually blushes at the praise you heap on him "I mean I'm not all that smart, I mean all my older brothers are so much more powerful than me."

Dawwww he's adorable.

What do you do?
[x] Remain silent.
[x] Ask him why he's doing battle against May in the first place, he's obviously not that bad of a guy.
[x] So what is his backstory anyway, you know Mary is a Fey from all the time you've spend next to her but everyone else is a mystery.
[x] Tease him! Tease him good!

OOC: Fun fact in the actual episode the scene I just wrote would be among those the audience saw!
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Dec 2, 2017 at 11:03 PM, finished with 1016 posts and 14 votes.

  • [x] Tease him! Tease him good!
    [x] So what is his backstory anyway, you know Mary is a Fey from all the time you've spend next to her but everyone else is a mystery.
    [X] Point out that the only way he'd have known about "Plan Runaway" is if he were either there in person or had been stalking Mary for a while. Or both. He might want to work on that.
    [x] Ask him why he's doing battle against May in the first place, he's obviously not that bad of a guy.
    [x] Ask him why he's doing battle against Mary in the first place, he's obviously not that bad of a guy.

Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Dec 5, 2017 at 2:09 PM, finished with 1039 posts and 20 votes.
[x] So what is his backstory anyway, you know Mary is a Fey from all the time you've spend next to her but everyone else is a mystery.
[x] So what is his backstory anyway, you know Mary is a Fey from all the time you've spend next to her but everyone else is a mystery.
[x] So what is his backstory anyway, you know Mary is a Fey from all the time you've spend next to her but everyone else is a mystery.
[X] Point out that the only way he'd have known about "Plan Runaway" is if he were either there in person or had been stalking Mary for a while. Or both. He might want to work on that.
[X] Point out that the only way he'd have known about "Plan Runaway" is if he were either there in person or had been stalking Mary for a while. Or both. He might want to work on that.
Tease him until him spontaneously combusts
[X] Point out that the only way he'd have known about "Plan Runaway" is if he were either there in person or had been stalking Mary for a while. Or both. He might want to work on that.
[x] Ask him why he's doing battle against May in the first place, he's obviously not that bad of a guy.
[x] Ask him why he's doing battle against May in the first place, he's obviously not that bad of a guy.
[x] Ask him why he's doing battle against Mary in the first place, he's obviously not that bad of a guy.
[x] Teasing

"So." You begin with a chuckle as you look at the fire user. "Are you trying to court Mary or are you just doing to this to show off to someone else, because I don't see how kidnapping me does anything but make her angry."

"I kidnapped you so that she'd give it her all when the time comes for the two of us to fight!" He hastily defends as matches your eyes with his own. "I need to make sure that she's in top form for all the monsters that'll show up later!"

If he'd wanted her to give her all he could have just said he'd take his shirt off if she could be him. It would certainly be a reward worth the effort.

"Oh right those homunculi that have been appearing have been getting more and more dangerous." You blink absentmindedly. "I suppose that makes sense but wouldn't you know….just walking up to her and talking to her be enough, I mean she's a pretty spirited competitor there are other ways to make her give it her all beyond just kidnapping her best friend and running off to some random temple. "

"Yeah but she wouldn't have the same passion behind her fighting that she will in this confrontation." As he speaks those words his language becomes notably more flowery and you think you see him blush as gets a little closer to you his eyes gazing intently into yours. "You can tell so much about a person from the passion that they radiate while fighting, and I need to know that before I commit to helping her…you know what I mean even though you aren't fighting I can sense that you have an intensity and beauty all your own."

Ah so that fire comes from Fire Fey heritage than. Those guys have always been obsessed with things like passion, battle, romance, and very intense rivalry. It's almost like a society composed entirely out of either the main characters of those Japanese shows or the rivals of said main characters. Naturally this had led them with a rather odd morality even when compared to other Fey though as far as humanity is concerned they tend towards being mildly annoying at worst and outright benevolent at best. It's probably the main reason for the Fire Fey being mostly aligned with the Court of Clear Waters despite being well fire fey. How to interact with and treat humanity is one of the biggest dividing points between all three courts and the Clear Waters is closest to the Fire Fey's policy of mostly co-existence.

"You sure do love to wax poetic don't you?" You match the intensity of fire boys gaze with your own, inner fire is met with endless shadow, though not enough to give away you're nature. "Well I'd be lying if I said that I didn't find that to be an endearing trait, but I'm not one to rush into a friendship like this."

A loud rumble shakes the two of you out of your conversation as the entire temple begins to shake and shutter.

"I believe that." You say pulling yourself back. "Would be Mary….she doesn't seem to be very happy with things!"

Moments later a massive hole is blown in the temple.

"Ok you jerk it's time to!" She begins before she notices that you've been chained up by your hands and that fire boy is pretty close to you. "You fiend! Kidnapping him to get at me was bad enough but this is beyond the pale."

"Wait no that's not what it looks like." Fire boy raises his hands in panic. "I did nothing of the sort."

What do you do?
[x] Well you 'know' Mary's secret now and one reveal begets another…time to transform!
[x] "Don't worry he didn't."
[x] Now would be a great time to conveniently escape from your chains.
[x] "You're on your own man."
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Dec 6, 2017 at 6:27 PM, finished with 1040 posts and 21 votes.
[X]"Hey, Fairy Girl. This dude said he'd take off his shirt if you win! For an entire day too!"


Engage in teasing, initiate brain shutdown, create time to explain. No way it can horribly go wrong.
[x] "You're on your own man."

Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it. :drevil::ogles::V