[X] Scan the (everything that can be scanned)
[X] Then go through the blast door on the upper floor.
[x] Scan the tanks
[z] Scan the large tank
[x] Scan the floor
[x] Missile the armored door and go through.

Augmentation Pod said:
Tank is designed to administer extensive genetic and cybernetic modifications to adult chozo. The large size of the tank and adjustable frames of the harnesses and IV tubes indicate compatability with a wide range of preexisting phenotypes. The reenforced armor is likely to protect the tanks from damage during involuntary spasms on the part of larger and stronger occupants.

You pause for a moment. The shape of the tanks is different, as is the design of the harnesses and tubes within, which is why you didn't recognize them immediately, but this sort of device is known to you. You spent several cumulative weeks in one throughout your childhood, and then another two day dip when you had your power suit fitted at age fifteen.

You scan the large, long tank next.

Symbiont Pod said:
Containment unit designed to store a large number of symbiotic organisms, ranging from microbial colonies to macro-scale organ replacements.

And then the floor.

Anomolous floor section said:
Radiocarbon dating suggests that the central floor section is an extremely recent construction, having been shaped within the past day. Rockleech activity detected below the surface.
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Can we morph ball bomb through the new floor, or is it too sturdy to blast through? (either bomb or missile)
Hrm... Well, since we're up here, let's

[X] Go through blast door on upper level.

First, afterwards we can missile the new floor and check below.
Reanimation Chamber
[X] Go through blast door on upper level.


Behind the door is another long hallway. The ceiling of half of it is covered in handholds, and the floor beneath them contains an obvious rolling course. Behind them are a series of vertical slabs, likewise covered in handholds.

Three lesser holtzes come scuttling toward you, but none of them make it close. With their long approach vector and your turbo-fired ice and power beam, there's just no chance (3, 1, 61). When all three are destroyed, you advance and claim the missile cartridge perched on the tallest slab.

Missile Expansion acquired (missile ammo 49/55)

[] Write in

[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.


ENERGY: 270/300

MISSILES: 49/55​
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People, people, you've forgotten something obvious. It probably won't reveal anything but;

[X] Scan the rolling course.
[X] Scan the vertical slabs with handholds.
[X] Scan the ceiling handholds.
Cool, then I have no objections to carrying on.

[X] Missile through the new floor in Augmentation Chamber.
Spawning Pool
[X] Missile through the floor.


The first missile cracks the floor section. The second blasts up some fragments, revealing a tangle of red and pulsating orange tendrils below, piping mineral jelly in and quickly secreting it to reenforce the floor. You shift into the morph ball and lay some turbo-deployed bombs directly into the cracks above the main orange rockleeches. It takes a minute, but you blast all the way through, the floor and vines collapsing into jelly-stained rubble and tumbling beneath you into the room below.

Water sprays out from the statue's mouth, filling the room with warm water vapor that slowly condenses and trickles down the ramp into the pool. The pool itself is divided by several transparent barriers, forming seperate cells within the water. There is also a larger, empty containment unit just before the water, and atop that is an energy tank.

The wall around the statue is covered in a red and green, ivy-like fungus, which your scan visor informs you is constantly releasing a cloud of antigens and symbiotic bacteria into the foggy air and water below. Strange. You feel like you've seen an organism like this before, somewhere. Or more like, you've seen a picture or an artistic depiction of it.

In any case, you'll take the E-tank.

Energy tank acquired: defensive energy 400/400.

[] Write in

[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.


ENERGY: 400/400

MISSILES: 47/55​
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Heh, so...

[X] Scan the empty tank.
[X] Scan the pool.
[X] Scan the statue.
[X] Scan the flora.

oh, and
[X] Scan the Ramp/floor.
[X] Scan the walls while we're at it too.
[x] scan everything

[x] if nothing significant is found (like a new path), recharge in the save room, then return to the temple.

not going to the upper door in the temple yet. wary of the statue.
So, as I see it, there's three things we can do in this general area. We can attempt to wall jump to the morph ball tunnel in the garden area. We can attempt to activate the Torizo in the Temple, and we can go through the force field door in the Temple. Additionally there's the wiring that we couldn't inspect earlier because of Namihe interference. In order of easiest to hardest, 1: inspect the wiring, 2: activate the Torizo, 3: go through the force field door, 4: wall jump to the tunnel in the garden.

[x] Go to and scan the wiring we had to go past before.
So, as I see it, there's three things we can do in this general area. We can attempt to wall jump to the morph ball tunnel in the garden area. We can attempt to activate the Torizo in the Temple, and we can go through the force field door in the Temple. Additionally there's the wiring that we couldn't inspect earlier because of Namihe interference. In order of easiest to hardest, 1: inspect the wiring, 2: activate the Torizo, 3: go through the force field door, 4: wall jump to the tunnel in the garden.

there is also the morphball track
Heh, so...

[X] Scan the empty tank.
[X] Scan the pool.
[X] Scan the statue.
[X] Scan the flora.

oh, and
[X] Scan the Ramp/floor.
[X] Scan the walls while we're at it too.

The water is normal, aside from containing secretions from the fungus. Same for the walls and the tanks, the latter of which seem to be similar in design to the augmentation pods above. As for the fungus...

Unknown Life Form said:
Fungal organism possesses genetic markers in common with chozo; species either originated from the same homeworld, or has been subject to genetic exchange. Chemical output includes powerful antiseptic agents, as well as proteins that resemble the animal growth hormones of some biospheres.

The morphology of the organism is closely reminiscent of religious artistic motifs seen in numerous chozo colonies. Such motifs are typically associated with fertility.
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Hrm, okay, so its a nursery of some sort, probably didn't get any clue if the fountain statue had also been blurbed during scanning... so;

[X] Exit out to Psi-Amp Center.
[X] Check the wire platform hanging on the right of Psi-Amp Center.
Psionic Amplifier
[X] Scan the wires in the Psi-Amp Center.


A graceful descent past the dormant namihes, and you land, crouched, on your feet in the Psi-Amp Center.

Psionic Amplifier said:
Mezzanine platform is designed to comfortably seat the user while the wires attach to the cranium, providing extremely precise electrostimulation, sensory input, and micro-telepathic priming of key nerve clusters. While integrated with the device, the user's telepathic and clairvoyant abilities are strongly increased, at the cost of a certain level of control.

[] Write in

[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.


ENERGY: 400/400

MISSILES: 47/55​