[X] Laugh it off and deflect the question, it is better to change the subject

The new morality system sounds interesting. Would the acquisition of points in certain categories also prevent possible actions as well as open new ones? Like if we had a ton of points in order, would doing something chaotic eventually be locked out because it would be unreasonable for our character to do such a thing?
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The new morality system sounds interesting. Would the acquisition of points in certain categories also prevent possible actions as well as open new ones? Like if we had a ton of points in order, would doing something chaotic eventually be locked out because it would be unreasonable for our character to do such a thing?
That depends on how many discord points you possess and the difference between the order and discord ratio, think of it being something if the actions would award you 20 discord points and you have a 'tonne' of order points then you would have to spend about 10 discord and 20 order points to take the actions. This is if you have over five times the opposing amount of points in the other direction. Say Discord: 15 Oder:75. Like that though the point cost will only come up once that certain alignment and it's opposing one are above fifteen points each. But yes if you make the character choose certain types of decision I am thinking it being punishing to do something that is out of character.
Also the idea for these points is that both Issei and Melkor can spend them for upgrades to grow in power, something Melkor will want
It's still a work in progress hence my desire for the opinions of other users
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[X] Laugh it off and deflect the question, it is better to change the subject. 5 votes
[X] Confirm it, so what if one person knows? she will not tell anyone, well none will believe a child. 4 votes
Meeting Irina 07
[X] Laugh it off and deflect the question, it is better to change the subject

needed: 30 rolled: Roll(1d100)+0: 73+0 Total:73

You look at Irina before you begin to chuckle, fortunately you are able to tone down the bitterness and malice in your voice that it does not show. The chuckles become a short interlude of laughter before you turn to look Irina Shirou in the eye "So" you begin in a friendly tone "can I help you Shidou san?" you ask her.

needed 45: rolled: Roll(1d100)+0: 52+0 Total:52

It seems to work as you have made Irina recall how Issei not you helped her against those other two secondborn "Yes" she managed after some thought "I was wondering why you were using the entire sandpit for yourself and refusing to share it?"

You can tell that this is not what she was really wanting to ask when she approached you earlier before the the two of you were rudely interrupted. But this will do for now "Well" you begin as you cast a glance at the larger replica of Angband "I wanted to see if I could build my fortress on a larger scale" you answer. "The only problem is that the sand is too to be permanent, so when the rain or a strong wind comes my Angband will be gone" you inform her.

"Angband?" Irina questions the name you gave it "why would you give it a name like that?" she asks you. "Is it some sort of musical castle or something that sticks things together?"

You are rather off put at this, your fortress the Iron Prison built before the first age and the coming of the firstborn, something that not even the Valar could accurately scour the first time described as such? Your disdain simmers down as you remind yourself that Irina is but a child unaware of man's true origin.

"I was more thinking of the term Iron Prison" you inform her causing the girl to look at you in confusion. "It was to be nigh impenetrable yielding to only the mightiest of assaults which few could amass arms of such, the spires and walls tall and foreboding, daring any within sight of it to scale them. Deep within the fortress was a maze and a labyrinth which would take those not gifted or learned of it weeks to navigate. the dungeons never empty but never full either, always leaving doubt when a foe was to enter-"

"um, Melkor" Irina addresses you snapping you out of your reminiscence "You were talking aloud" she informs you awkwardly not fully knowing how to react to such behavior. You yourself prevent disaster of flushing with shame behind a cool mask of polite disinterest. "I apologies, my ideas do get me carried away at times."

"Well" Irina begins but stops for a moment before she hesitantly asks "would you like me to help?"

Now you could refuse her, the thought of needing a secondborn's aid disgusted you, the battle of unnumbered tears was no exception either. Still patience was the key and Issei will have to listen to your outrage later, keep the face of a friend up. Just don't do it too well.

"I guess you could help" you reply. and Irian seems to be a little pleased abou this.

It turns out that she is rather good at following instructions and the two of you were able to complete the miniature Angband. "Well" Irina manages with a sigh of exhaustion we did it" she informs you. "A good thing too as the sun is setting and both our parents will be worried as it will be dangerous at night."

"Fear ye not the darkness, the absence of light, when thee is to steal thyself away under the cover of shadow it makes thee task all the more passable" you inform Irina slipping back into how you usually spoke before being trapped in this body. More importantly you slipped into Valarin

"huh?" Irina looks at you confused. "Did you say something, there was a strange sounds that sounded like music" she describes the language of the Ainur and you realise that you let the mask slip.

"It was nothing I assure you" you reply. "perhaps you might have imagined it?"

needed: 25 rolled: Roll(1d100)+0: 23+0 Total:23

"I'm not too sure I imagined it Melkor san" Irina replies as you notice one of her parents comes to get her. Taking the child home before she could investigate further. Which is a blessing, still all you need to do is maintain a similar routine and you will find out what is to be discovered. You have a knack for finding and taking valuable things that don't belong to you.

Alright ending there I was wondering if I should switch point of views to that of Irina here, it could be fun to write

[] Irina PoV (Point of View)
[] Melkor PoV (Point of View)
Irina Shidou 01
Sorry for this being late I just have not been able to write at all this week so I kind of had to force this one out of me
Irina PoV

Recently you made a new friend or should you say friends, the two may share the same body but Issei and Melkor are leagues apart in their behavior, Issei is like a Knight in Shining Armour ready to rush to the aid of the needy, a kind soul who cares about the welfare of others. Melkor is much stranger, he is grumpy and reserved and prefers not to open up even to you. There is something about Melkor that makes you wonder how much he is hiding, perhaps it is your childish curiosity but Melkor is like a mystery you wish to solve. The problem is that while Issei is a knight in Shining armour Melkor may be a Knight in Sour armour at best. He rarely offers help but will council you if you ask, You have learned that while Issei takes pride in what he does Melkor takes that to a whole new level ass he is ashamed of the sand castles you build togeher saying that they are not good enough for his standards and other large complicated words that adults use.
Also there are times when you realise he either slips up and speaks a different language or the way he speaks becomes rather strange, like something you once heard your father say called Shakespearean or something like that, though when you compare the two Melkor does seem a little tamein hi use of words.

The two of you have been meeting together for several weeks now but neither of you have invited the other over. Issei and Melkor keep whatever reason they have to themselves though it seems that they have a pattern for when who is in charge and who is asleep, though for one reason or another you suspect that neither is asleep while the other is in control as they seem to be able to recall events that occur when it was the other around you. Either way it is confusing for you as there are so many things you want to find out yet you are only limited to an hour or two every few days with him. Perhaps you should invite him over for the day, the two of you have yet to go to school so it wouldn't be too much of a hassle. All you need to do is aks your parents and then ask him and his parents when you meet him today.

[] Ask Issei and Melkor if they would like to come over to your house to play
[] No, perhaps you should just wait, they might even invite you over

[X] Ask Issei and Melkor if they would like to come over to your house to play
Yes, Melkor will then find and identify the holy sword and pour his essence into it before his theft of it
[X] Ask Issei and Melkor if they would like to come over to your house to play
[X] Ask Issei and Melkor if they would like to come over to your house to play

Someone think that we can we change Melkor aka make the corrupter the corrupted like a heel face turn?