[X] Answer that you were speaking of Mandos the Doomsman of the Valar and his folly, it would be better to distract her from the fact that you were peaking Valarin and get her more interested in who Mandos is, though it might end up with you having to explain about the other Ainur, if anything you could convince her it was just a story you read. +3 Discord +2 Pragmatic.
[x] Answer that you were speaking Valarin, there is no need to tell here what exactly you were saying and perhaps you can convince her that it is a fictional language. +2 kindness +1 Pragmatic, Order points

First you get the Kindness, then you get the Bravery, then you get the Order.

Then you fuck up Devils and ascend as the Heir of Eru Illuvatar.
[X] Answer that you were speaking of Mandos the Doomsman of the Valar and his folly, it would be better to distract her from the fact that you were peaking Valarin and get her more interested in who Mandos is, though it might end up with you having to explain about the other Ainur, if anything you could convince her it was just a story you read. +3 Discord +2 Pragmatic.

Oh yeah, why would he lie, he is Melkor, he who arises in might
[X] Answer that you were speaking Valarin, there is no need to tell here what exactly you were saying and perhaps you can convince her that it is a fictional language. +2 kindness +1 Pragmatic, Order points
[X] Answer that you were speaking Valarin, there is no need to tell here what exactly you were saying and perhaps you can convince her that it is a fictional language. +2 kindness +1 Pragmatic, Order points
By taking over Heaven, keep up lad.

"Arise In Might". We certainly aren't going down to the Underworld this time.

Utumno's Depths, they stole the very concept of the depths of Hell from us! It cannot stand!

That sounds like a nice plan, still it is a far way away

And hence continues the tradition of powerful personages hijacking my account. I prefer the Emperor.
wha+ d0 y0u m3an?
+ulka5 !5 +h3 0nly 0n3 wh0 c0uld hav3 5+00d !n my way

! am M3lk0R H3 wh0 Ar!535 !n M!gh+
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both of you need to stop having Melkor hack your accounts
[X] Answer that you were speaking Valarin, there is no need to tell here what exactly you were saying and perhaps you can convince her that it is a fictional language. +2 kindness +1 Pragmatic, Order points
[X] Answer that you were speaking Valarin, there is no need to tell here what exactly you were saying and perhaps you can convince her that it is a fictional language. +2 kindness +1 Pragmatic, Order points
Of Valarin 01

You look at Irina and you find yourself sighing, while she might figure it out if you lie to her, she most likely won't if you only tell her of half of it. The Question was what to tell her. On one hand you could say that you were Speaking of Mandos or Namo as he is also referred to, but that line of discussion might end up with talking about the Valar a little too in depth as Irina will have heard of the Doomsman and will most Likely desire to learn of the others.

So with a deep breath you begin "Shidou san" you speak you voice quiet yet commanding and powerful, only she will here you, nothing else said here will be heard by any other, especially not her parents. "The tongue I was speaking belongs to the Ainur, it is the language they used."

"Who are the Ainur Melkor kun?" Irina asked you, this was the expected response, she did not know so she would naturally ask.

You find yourself sighing again as you are brought back to the time when you wove music in the halls of Ilúvatar "There was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called Ilúvatar; and he made first the Ainur, the Holy Ones, that were the offspring of his thought" you inform her using the first words of the Ainulindalë.

"Are you talking about God?" Irina asks you her eyes showing that she is confused.

"Perhaps" you reply. "It is the language they speak, the one they sung the Ainulindalë in."

"What is that?" Irina asks again, you note that while you must not rush things you also must be careful lest her parents stumble upon you.

"The Ainulindalë" you begin "is the music of the Ainur, it is the song they sung with Ilúvatar the Great Music it is also known as."

Irna nows beams brightly "So that is the reason why the words you said sounded so pretty" she concludes.

That was a different word than the one you would have used, musical, otherworldly, or even pleasing to the ears, but pretty that was a new one. Then again Irina Shidou was but a child and that was something only a Child would say.

Valarin was a language that used length constructions so it may have seemed musical to the ears of a Secondborn, some of the words taking up to eight syllables.

"Could you teach it to me?" Irna asks. This was unescpected you assumed that she would have believed that it was beyond her, because it was or at least should be.

You had not paid attention the secondborn and one of their spawn had been your undoing, despite your best efforts, it was to be one of mixed blood that lead to your defeat.

"Melkor kun" Irina calls out for your attention "you seem to be doing your spacing out thing again" she informs you. You were well aware of what you were doing. "So will you teach me this Valarin or not?" Irina asks a little impatient. No doubt she is excited.

[] Yes, it will take up time but it is a way to gain her trust, also it can become a secret means that the two of you use to communicate. +3 Kindness +2 Discord, Pragmatic +1 Bravery

[] No, it will take too long and she possesses neither the will nor the wit to comprehend it +4 Cruelty, Order +1 Ruthless


Kindness: 06 points/Cruelty: 10 points
Bravery: 03 points/Pragmatic: 09 points
Order: 02 points/Discord: 10 points
*Mercy: - /*Ruthless: 10 points
Justice: - /Carnage: -


Kindness: 05 points/Cruelty: 03 points
Bravery: 06 points/Pragmatic: 03 points
Order: 02 points/ Discord: 04 points
Mercy: 03 points/ Ruthless: 03 points
Justice: 10 points/Carnage: 05 points
[X] Yes, it will take up time but it is a way to gain her trust, also it can become a secret means that the two of you use to communicate. +3 Kindness +2 Discord, Pragmatic +1 Bravery
-[X] Make her promise to keep it a secret between you.
[X] Yes, it will take up time but it is a way to gain her trust, also it can become a secret means that the two of you use to communicate. +3 Kindness +2 Discord, Pragmatic +1 Bravery
-[X] Make her promise to keep it a secret between you.
I like this one
[X] Yes, it will take up time but it is a way to gain her trust, also it can become a secret means that the two of you use to communicate. +3 Kindness +2 Discord, Pragmatic +1 Bravery
-[X] Make her promise to keep it a secret between you.
okay I'll allow that
[X] Yes, it will take up time but it is a way to gain her trust, also it can become a secret means that the two of you use to communicate. +3 Kindness +2 Discord, Pragmatic +1 Bravery
-[X] Make her promise to keep it a secret between you.
[X] Yes, it will take up time but it is a way to gain her trust, also it can become a secret means that the two of you use to communicate. +3 Kindness +2 Discord, Pragmatic +1 Bravery
-[X] Make her promise to keep it a secret between you.

We can use this to keep in touch with her later when she moves
[X] Yes, it will take up time but it is a way to gain her trust, also it can become a secret means that the two of you use to communicate. +3 Kindness +2 Discord, Pragmatic +1 Bravery
-[X] Make her promise to keep it a secret between you.
[X] Yes, it will take up time but it is a way to gain her trust, also it can become a secret means that the two of you use to communicate. +3 Kindness +2 Discord, Pragmatic +1 Bravery
-[X] Make her promise to keep it a secret between you.
[X] Yes, it will take up time but it is a way to gain her trust, also it can become a secret means that the two of you use to communicate. +3 Kindness +2 Discord, Pragmatic +1 Bravery
-[X] Make her promise to keep it a secret between you.