[X] Ask Issei and Melkor if they would like to come over to your house to play

Melkor is gonna see Excalibur hee
Excalibur Destruction - Xenovia
Excalibur Mimic - Irina
Excalibur Rapidly - Freed
Excalibur Ruler - Arthur

Mimic was the one that could change shape into anything as the wielder's will.
I know that part about Excalibur I just am still not able to comprehend how they were able to come up with tha. Also the blade in the photo of Issei and Irina as kids is just referred to as a Holy Sword, even the wiki refers to it as an unidentified holy sword
I know that part about Excalibur I just am still not able to comprehend how they were able to come up with tha. Also the blade in the photo of Issei and Irina as kids is just referred to as a Holy Sword, even the wiki refers to it as an unidentified holy sword
It's the only holy sword ever associated with Irina so...yeah. Holy swords are kinda picky at times.

As I understand it, due to memetic mutation, Excalibur was steadily attributed with more and more powers as time went on, and did indeed gain those powers over time as it was upgraded. Then it broke apart and people went "Well, DO we even need one sword with this many powers?"

Excalibur Ruler was basically the original. The King Chooser sword, granting dominion over all things as High King.
Destruction and Rapidly came with the qualities of a sword, taken to extremes.
Transparency and Mimic came with the many forms of it's legend, where it's form became indeterminate. Also they probably tacked on some of the qualities of Caerwennan and Merlin.
Blessing was the sword as a cross and a holy symbol in it's own right.
Excalibur Nightmare is the only one I couldn't find something for :p
Non Canon Omake: Meeting of the Hakuryuukou and Tyrant of Utumno
Hey hows this fr the first interaction between Issei and Melkor when they meet Vali?

Issei gazed at the figure in white draconic Armour and felt disdain. Here was a being that only lived for himself and no others. He cared for none and only sought to lose himself in combat using that crutch he refers to as a Sacred gear as to gain strength and deplete his enemies own at the same time.

Melkor on the other hand barely looked at Vali, passing the Hakuryuukou with out so much as a second glance. This creature of man and yet not of man was not his concern. the desires this being held did not concern the mightiest of the Ainur as he was above such things as petty rivalries born of others and pushed onto another. Arda was his and Manwe stole it from him. That was all there was to his relationship with his brother. this Vali was not his brother so none of this seemed to be his concern.

It just so happened that it was Melkor and not Issei who was in control so he just walked passed without so much as acknowledging it's presence.

"I am not even worth your time Sekiryuutei?" Vali asked them from behind.

While Melkor did not truly desire to reply he knew that one was in order, if only to shut Vali up "I will fight my own battles, and my own alone" the Ainur informed the White Dragon Emperor without deigning to turn around and face him. " The conflict between two children such as Ddriag and Albion hold no interest for me."

Ddriag bristled at what was said, while he had grown used to Melkor's disdain and Issei's antics the former had a way of getting under anyone's skin if he so desired.

"Ah, but their conflict" Vali began "it interest me" he states, his voice annoyed at Melkor's dismissal of him, the promise of violence was imminent.

"Is that so?" Melkor asked still not turning to face Vali. "Are you sure that you wish to face either of us?" Now he turned to face Vali, his face a perfect visage of cruel amusement. "You are aware that your only real strength lies with that which is chained to you?" he mocked.

Vali's self control was slowly slipping and his ire was growing with each word spoken.

"As you can see neither Issei or myself have need of Ddirag to fight our battles for us" Melkor explains spreading his arms theatrically. "You and Ablion both are weak and the latter dares to refer to himself as a dragon. Weaklings like yourself are only there to be crushed underfoot, my feet to be exact."

"Let's see if your power is as strong as your words" Vali snarled and darted towards him.

Melkor held his hand out and stopped Vali as he came catching the Hakuryuukou's helmet and avoiding the blow. Vali found himself unable to pull away as Melkor's grip was iron.


The moment Vali tried to use his Sacred Gears namesake only to feel a sickness wash over him as he collapsed to his knees. "What?" he was barely able to as Melkor stopped supporting him and let the White Dragon Emperor fall.

"My power cannot be taken" Melkor explained "It can only be given, and if this is what a pittance does to you imagine what a quarter would have achieved."

Melkor now smiled, this smile while cruel like his last one was also malicious and sent even one such a Vali and Ablion's skin crawling with the sheer wickedness seeping from it. "I own you now Hakuryuukou, you every thought your actions, they and those of Albion belong to me, and me alone."

"Who are you" Vali snarls to gritted teeth as he begins to slip from consciousness.

Melkor answered him not in any of the tongues of the world they knew but in the Valarin the speech of the Valar "I am Melkor, he who arises in Might, the greates of the Ainur and master of fate in all of Arda."

Vali had no knowledge of the language but even he understood their meaning, his fate was sealed.

What do you think
Nice though Melkor'ss reaction would be "Issei, you handle this" and be done with it. Though the idea of pouring his essence into a sacred gear does give me some ideas
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[X] Ask Issei and Melkor if they would like to come over to your house to play

I want to see how Melkor react to Rizevim
Hey hows this fr the first interaction between Issei and Melkor when they meet Vali?

Issei gazed at the figure in white draconic Armour and felt disdain. Here was a being that only lived for himself and no others. He cared for none and only sought to lose himself in combat using that crutch he refers to as a Sacred gear as to gain strength and deplete his enemies own at the same time.

Melkor on the other hand barely looked at Vali, passing the Hakuryuukou with out so much as a second glance. This creature of man and yet not of man was not his concern. the desires this being held did not concern the mightiest of the Ainur as he was above such things as petty rivalries born of others and pushed onto another. Arda was his and Manwe stole it from him. That was all there was to his relationship with his brother. this Vali was not his brother so none of this seemed to be his concern.

It just so happened that it was Melkor and not Issei who was in control so he just walked passed without so much as acknowledging it's presence.

"I am not even worth your time Sekiryuutei?" Vali asked them from behind.

While Melkor did not truly desire to reply he knew that one was in order, if only to shut Vali up "I will fight my own battles, and my own alone" the Ainur informed the White Dragon Emperor without deigning to turn around and face him. " The conflict between two children such as Ddriag and Albion hold no interest for me."

Ddriag bristled at what was said, while he had grown used to Melkor's disdain and Issei's antics the former had a way of getting under anyone's skin if he so desired.

"Ah, but their conflict" Vali began "it interest me" he states, his voice annoyed at Melkor's dismissal of him, the promise of violence was imminent.

"Is that so?" Melkor asked still not turning to face Vali. "Are you sure that you wish to face either of us?" Now he turned to face Vali, his face a perfect visage of cruel amusement. "You are aware that your only real strength lies with that which is chained to you?" he mocked.

Vali's self control was slowly slipping and his ire was growing with each word spoken.

"As you can see neither Issei or myself have need of Ddirag to fight our battles for us" Melkor explains spreading his arms theatrically. "You and Ablion both are weak and the latter dares to refer to himself as a dragon. Weaklings like yourself are only there to be crushed underfoot, my feet to be exact."

"Let's see if your power is as strong as your words" Vali snarled and darted towards him.

Melkor held his hand out and stopped Vali as he came catching the Hakuryuukou's helmet and avoiding the blow. Vali found himself unable to pull away as Melkor's grip was iron.


The moment Vali tried to use his Sacred Gears namesake only to feel a sickness wash over him as he collapsed to his knees. "What?" he was barely able to as Melkor stopped supporting him and let the White Dragon Emperor fall.

"My power cannot be taken" Melkor explained "It can only be given, and if this is what a pittance does to you imagine what a quarter would have achieved."

Melkor now smiled, this smile while cruel like his last one was also malicious and sent even one such a Vali and Ablion's skin crawling with the sheer wickedness seeping from it. "I own you now Hakuryuukou, you every thought your actions, they and those of Albion belong to me, and me alone."

"Who are you" Vali snarls to gritted teeth as he begins to slip from consciousness.

Melkor answered him not in any of the tongues of the world they knew but in the Valarin the speech of the Valar "I am Melkor, he who arises in Might, the greates of the Ainur and master of fate in all of Arda."

Vali had no knowledge of the language but even he understood their meaning, his fate was sealed.

What do you think

Honestly melkor is too powerful here.

Divine dividing is a Longinus . A weapon capable of killing God with a capital G as in the DXD equivealent of Eru and the guy who makes shit like Samela who can bring down freaking aspects.

Melkor is strong. But by himself? He would get shat on by some of the stronger people in the seting. And canceling Divine dividing ( one of the most powerful weapons in the setting) while in a normal human body without a complex spell should be beyond him.

What gets him so powerful is when he can combine with Boosted gear to multiply his power. That's where he breaks the setting. Not on his own.
Honestly melkor is too powerful here.

Divine dividing is a Longinus . A weapon capable of killing God with a capital G as in the DXD equivealent of Eru and the guy who makes shit like Samela who can bring down freaking aspects.

Melkor is strong. But by himself? He would get shat on by some of the stronger people in the seting. And canceling Divine dividing ( one of the most powerful weapons in the setting) while in a normal human body without a complex spell should be beyond him.

What gets him so powerful is when he can combine with Boosted gear to multiply his power. That's where he breaks the setting. Not on his own.

which is why I placed it as non cannon, still the effect draining his power would have is accurate

By the way are you going to vote?
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[X] Ask Issei and Melkor if they would like to come over to your house to play

Missed the update.

which is why I placed it as non cannon, still the effect draining his power would have is accurate

By the way are you going to vote?

Even if it was "posion" to Val takeing away a half of a persons power is not something you don't react to.
[X] Ask Issei and Melkor if they would like to come over to your house to play

Missed the update.

Even if it was "posion" to Val takeing away a half of a persons power is not something you don't react to.
It was just a bit of fun for the love of <insert religious text> don't take it too seriously
Irina Shidou 02
[X] Ask Issei and Melkor if they would like to come over to your house to play
Sorry for the late update guys I think I said it in a previous update but I am suffering from a lack of creativity and it is really hurting to get this done at the moment the drive is there but I seem to be unable to get myself to the PC and start typing as easily as it was before.

Also I decided to add in that pool system I was talking about before

Thankfully it seemed your mother and father were in a good mood today and were at least kind enough to allow you to have your friend over. Most of the other kids tend to avoid you due to your as they put it, unnatural hair colouring, though it is only chestnut in colour, not unnatural.

Finding Issei is harder than usual since you do not know his phone number since neither he or his other half Melkor ever told you it. Thus it made it rather hard for you to find him since you had to go looking for him. You know that neither Issei or Melkor like to play in the playground during the morning though you haven no other idea where to look for him since the two have not spoken much on where they like to be. You assume that like most children their age both Melkor and Issei spend most of their time at home.

Fortunately your mother is rather kind in telling you to look it up phone book. Since you know their last name it should be easy to find out where he lives.

Roll(1d100)+5(mother helping): 51+5 Total:56 Success

You are very lucky as it seems the first number you call is answered by Melkor. It is a little difficult to tell it is him and not Issei over the phone, but the words he uses tells you it is Melkor.

"Greetings of what is it that caused you to call this forsaken contraption that causes that Eru damned noise?" he asks over the phone before coughing as if realising that he should probably be more polite "I mean hello Hyoudou residence how may I help you?"

"Melkor san" you speak to him over the phone.

"Oh Shidou san" he replies recognising your voice "how did you get this number?" Melkor asks suspicious.

While you could lie and make up a story to impress him, you don't "I looked your number up in the phone book and then looked for one who lived locally." you answer.

"Impressive" Melkor replies but does not say much else "Are you sure that you don't want Issei on the phone, he is more talkative than I am if you are looking for a less than intellesctual conversation but that is only compared to me, in comparison to the rest he is quite intelligent, though such a condition is also due to my own-"

"Melkor san you're using really big words and not making any sense" you tell him.

You are not sure if it is the phone or just Melkor but there are a series of sounds that you can't recognise coming from the other end of the phone line, you are sure they might be words, you just don't know the language. "Is there a reason why you are calling?" Melkor finally asks "my understanding of these devices is that it costs money so it would serve you best to keep calls as short as possible."

Again he is using bit words though this time at least Melkor is making sense. "I didn't know that you admit, I was wondering if you would like to come over to my place for today?" you ask him.

Melkor was silent for a bit "let me get Issei's parents and then we can talk, though you should also get yours, this is something that our legal guardians have to negotiate on, not us."

While the words are a bit big again you realise that he want you to give the phone to your mom and get your dad.

It takes about fifteen minutes but your father confirms that Melkor and Issei are allowed to come to play today. Though he did seemed disturbed that you had a friend with a split personality but does not pursue into it.

Though you don't seem to notice or pay much attention to this as you are excited about having a friend over.

Melkor PoV

You can tell that Issei is rather excited you are more keen to see what you will discover but have chosen not to show it, such things are beneath you. As is riding in a car for example, you would have been perfectly comfortable to walk on your own or with one of Issei's parents if you must, while you can find the design and creation of such a contraption impressive, you are rather annoyed at this child safety locks on the doors of the car.

Either way you let Issie's father have the final say, you can be patient and wait for the right opportunity which is not yet. Though what will you be waiting for, as killing his father will turn Issei against you and that is something you desire to avoid for the moment.

Finally the car stops, despite the speed at which it traveled you have already memorised the route to Irina's current residence and will be able to return here at a later date.

When you arrive you notice that there is a distinct signature of power coming from within it. Something rather unfamiliar but none the less is still there. Perhaps your should keep an eye out for it and make note of what it is, if worst comes to worst you can just ask the second born who live here what the source of power is.

It seems that Irina is rather excited to see you as she charges up to you to crash tackle you.

[] Set to the side and let her run into Issei's father +1 Cruelty, Discord, Intelligent point
[] Force Control onto Issei and let him be tackled and then take back control once the two have fallen +2 Cruelty, +1 Discord Point
[] Take the tackle and remain standing +2 Bravery, +1 Kindness, Order point
[] Take the hit and fall down +2 Kindness +1 Bravery, Order point

One that Ordeal was done you enter Irina's house. "So" the GIrl speaks giving you a cheery smile "what should we do, play tag outside, play hide and seek, or just play in my room?"

[] Play tag outside (Issei), the boy can handle this while you spend your time concocting some scheme or the other +1 Order +1 Kindness point (attributes to Issei's pool)

[] Play tag outside (Melkor), humour her, she has just shortened your schedule in the good fashion so it can't hurt to play along +2 Kindness, +1 Order point (attributes to Melkor's pool)

[] Play Hide and Seek (Issei), the boy can deal with this, since he is rather good at hiding (sneaking up on bullies) and seeking (hunting for trouble) you could also take the time to notice what is in this house more specifically what you are currently sensing +1 Discord point (attributes to Issei's pool) +1 Discord point (attributes to Melkor's pool)

[] Play Hide and Seek (Melkor), you can use this as a chance to explore the house and find that which your are sensing and you can also humour Shidou and repay here for speeding up your schedule +2 Discord +1 Kindness point (attributes to Melkor's pool

[] Play in her room (Issei), the two of them can have the time of their lives with those plastic figures or just playing hero or whatever, you will take a nap or something +1 Kidness (attributes to Melkor's pool) +1 Order (attributes to Issei's pool)

[] Play in her room (Melkor), while you have little idea what you as an individual will enjoy here it will be enough to please Shidou and repay here for speeding up your Schedule. That and the two of you could always talk, you might even ask here about this source of power in this house, she might not know anything but she might ask her parents about it. +1 Kindess, Order point (attributes to Melkor's pool)

Yeah and this is it the point system that I was talking about before, as you can see I made it so that there was not really any 'good' choice as all of them have their benefits and detriments
[X] Set to the side and let her run into Issei's father +1 Cruelty, Discord, Intelligent point
[X] Play Hide and Seek (Melkor), you can use this as a chance to explore the house and find that which your are sensing and you can also humour Shidou and repay here for speeding up your schedule +2 Discord +1 Kindness point (attributes to Melkor's pool
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[X] Force Control onto Issei and let him be tackled and then take back control once the two have fallen +2 Cruelty, +1 Discord Point
[X] Play in her room (Issei), the two of them can have the time of their lives with those plastic figures or just playing hero or whatever, you will take a nap or something +1 Kidness (attributes to Melkor's pool) +1 Order (attributes to Issei's pool)
[X] Take the hit and fall down +2 Kindness +1 Bravery, Order point
[X] Play in her room (Issei), the two of them can have the time of their lives with those plastic figures or just playing hero or whatever, you will take a nap or something +1 Kidness (attributes to Melkor's pool) +1 Order (attributes to Issei's pool)
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[X] Set to the side and let her run into Issei's father +1 Cruelty, Discord, Intelligent point
[X] Play Hide and Seek (Melkor), you can use this as a chance to explore the house and find that which your are sensing and you can also humour Shidou and repay here for speeding up your schedule +2 Discord +1 Kindness point (attributes to Melkor's pool
[X] Take the hit and fall down +2 Kindness +1 Bravery, Order point
[X] Play tag outside (Melkor), humour her, she has just shortened your schedule in the good fashion so it can't hurt to play along +2 Kindness, +1 Order point (attributes to Melkor's pool)

Mark my words I will corrupt you to the Good Side Melkor or at least I will make you the Token Evil Teammate - TV Tropes
[X] Take the hit and fall down +2 Kindness +1 Bravery, Order point
[X] Play tag outside (Melkor), humour her, she has just shortened your schedule in the good fashion so it can't hurt to play along +2 Kindness, +1 Order point (attributes to Melkor's pool)
[X] Take the hit and fall down +2 Kindness +1 Bravery, Order point
[X] Play tag outside (Melkor), humour her, she has just shortened your schedule in the good fashion so it can't hurt to play along +2 Kindness, +1 Order point (attributes to Melkor's pool)