[X] Yes, it will take up time but it is a way to gain her trust, also it can become a secret means that the two of you use to communicate. +3 Kindness +2 Discord, Pragmatic +1 Bravery
-[X] Make her promise to keep it a secret between you.
You narrow your eyes as Irina widens hers trying to look more pleading. While you are not one who will be swayed by such actions you are indeed wieghing the benefits and detriments of teaching it to her.
On one hand she is not of the Ainur and does not deserve to now of the first language, the one the Ainulindalë was sung in, no man deserves that, men being weak creatures that are easily manipulated and broken. They have always been easily twisted to your will.
One the other hand it would greatly place Irina in your debt as such a debt cannot be fully repaid and she would make a good servant if you were to ever try and regain your might. Also it would allow the two of you to remain in contact with each other as the Ainur could communicate telepathically before any of you needed something such as a language.
Still you would need something binding to prevent her from sharing it to anyone else, perhaps an oath or a curse, you are very much capable of using the power of words, the lore is still very much open to you. Also in modern society as what these men call it, referring to humans and 'man' is offensive. Also if you were to go by that train of thought you could argue that Irina is female and therefore a woman and not 'man'.
With all of this in mind you decide that you will teach it to her, but first you need to make it binding that Irina will not just say it by accident. The language of Ainur is the most binding after all.
"Very well then" you reply seeing Irina's eyes sparkle at this "I will teach you the language of the Ainur, only if you can repeat this line of it to me.
"Yes" Irina agrees nodding her head fervently "I'll repeat it" she states "I'll repeat it."
You resist the urge to smirk at her and instead choose to nod, your expression unreadable "The repeat after me" you now change the words to Valarin, complex and intricate so perhaps Quenya would e easier for her but just as binding"Ni herebime gwest -esse Eru's esse i ni indóme vamme quet- -o anime -o so man ort- -esse might muina."
Irina now spends the next several minutes trying to pronounce the first word right, you now realise the perhaps you should help her along so this takes up less time. Though it would take up more time if you were to leave her to it on her own but seeing how she is asking you to repeat the phrase you might as well help her.
[] Provide Irnia with assistance to say the words, it is binding and will help you in the long run. +2 Kindness, Pragmatic, Order +1 Mercy
[] Leave her to it on her own, the best oaths are the ones you let them swear themselves. +3 Discord, Ruthless +1 Cruelty
[] Switch with Issei so she cannot ask for help, it is better that she do it alone +5 Cruelty, +2 Discord, Ruthless
Kindness: 09 points/Cruelty: 10 points
Bravery: 04 points/Pragmatic: 11 points
Order: 02 points/Discord: 12 points
*Mercy: - /*Ruthless: 10 points
Justice: - /Carnage: -
Kindness: 05 points/Cruelty: 03 points
Bravery: 06 points/Pragmatic: 03 points
Order: 02 points/ Discord: 04 points
Mercy: 03 points/ Ruthless: 03 points
Justice: 10 points/Carnage: 05 points