[X] Get Issei to the playground the next day and look for her
[X] Start to teach Issei your craft like how you thought Feanor
[X] Start to teach Issei the art of Combat and War,
Start to teach Issei your craft like how you thought Feanor
needed 75 rolled: 78 Success
Issei's growth does surprise you a little. given the fact that he is one of the secondborn this should be beyond him, but no matter you will take these victories where you can. Now that Issei has begun to learn perhaps you can borrow some lesser materials and barbaric tools from his father's shed
Start to teach Issei the art of Combat and War,
needed: 30 rolled: 59
This Issei had no excuse to fail and it is a good thing he didn't otherwise you would have severely punished him. since you are not in the possession of a sword, shield, bow nor arrows you had to make do with the boy practicing with a stick and throwing some stones. either way your are going to make him get stronger.
"Are you sure about this?" Issei asks you, something you find rather aggravating is that while the boy does obey you, he treats the relationship the two of you have as a equals as if you were friends. While it can be seen as endearing you find it demeaning and offensive. You are the mightiest of the Ainur with no equal.
"Yes" you reply in an even tone "I am quite certain about this, my intuition is never wrong which is why it is best to follow it" you inform the boy. "If either one of were to find and befriend this Irina Shidou we might find something rather useful out of it."
"You forgot to add that part that we will find it eventually" Issei remarks.
You are tempted to make him keel over or at least wince in pain from talking back to you,but that would just build resentment and none save Ungoliant turned one you. As a ruler you did have quite the record, unlike that traitorous pretender Manwe. But revenge against the brothers and sisters you turned away from you can come later. You can wait.
"Melkor" Issei's voice called out to you snapping you out of your thoughts "you're doing it again."
"yes, yes" you reply irritated to be disturbed but understanding that you brought him here for a reason "we need to find this Irina to look for here, failing that we can just walk around until I see where she lives."
"Okay" Issei replies "but you said that she might not be at the playground due to what she went through yesterday."
"Yes" you reply with a smile that only Issei can see and feel "that doesn't mean that the other boys wont be there, if worst comes to worst and there are more of them I will deal with it" you inform Issei "the fact that you are most likely walking into the most ridiculous and obvious trap and are ware of it doesn't seem to bother Issei in the least.
Ah it seems that she is here this time and that she is no longer being bullied, perhaps the other boys are still licking their wounds.
"There she is" Issei says to you and is about to begin to walk up to her when you stop him.
"Not yet" you instruct "just go to the sand pit, over there where my replica of Agband still stands" you instruct him also noting that none have dared to touch it, perhaps you can make it a permanent feature for the secondborn to see and witness your greatness. "Wait for her to come to you."
"Could you do that please?" Issei asks his tone pleading?"
[]No, make him wait, patience is a virtue after all
[]Fine, you could get rid of your old replica of Agband and make a larger one, one that will encompass the entire sandpit so that none of the other children may use it.
[] Fine, just sit down and wait for her to come to you
[] No, just go and speak with her then.