[X] Issei confronts the two other boys (physical)

He is the hero part if Melkor do his thing he will broke the dreams, will and spirit of the children and remember they are children not bastards like Kokabiel or Diodora Astaroth.
Meeting Irina 02
[X] Issei confronts the two other boys (physical)

You stare at the scene with apathy before sighing, "fine" you mutter "just do not shame either of us by losing" you instruct Issei "Or I will be the dominant one from now on."

You doubt that he head you as the boy now in control bounds to where the other three children are with bestial ferocity. At least you made him fierce in his pursuit of 'justice' as it were. If you had acted sooner Issei would be in a more reasonable mind to deal with this situation.

Be instead you chose to leash him, making the boy desperate to help where he becomes dangerous like a rabid animal, it is rather in all amusing for you to say the least. Considering he is almost on all fours as he charges one of the two older boys.

Thy bully as you have learnt they are called didn't know what hit him. One moment he was enjoying the tears of frustration the other child was having, the next moment he was sprawling on the ground in the dirt as a smaller figure rammed into him with deadly intent.

Issei was snarling, hissing and rather ferocious in his assault, given that he caught the first one by surprise only helped him as he hammered his small fists into the older boys softer more vulnerable parts. Not giving his larger opponent the time to recover Issei lands a well placed kick into his foes groin eliciting a scream of pain from the older boy.

His assault would have gone on further if not for the fact that he had to avoid the other boy who had recovered enough of his wits to attack Issei while his back was turned.

Fortunately you and Issei both have been training this body to be more durable than others so Issei meets the other boys charge with an elbow to the face. The two of them struggle on the ground but the older boy seems to have gotten his and on Issei and is trying to crush him. Issei's response is to ram his chin onto the older boys nose repeatedly until he is released. When that does not work he latches onto the other boys nose with his teeth clamped down.

This has the desired effect as the older boys cries out in pain letting go of Issei as the two of them roll on the ground.

Once again in control Issei knees his the older boy in the stomach winding him before getting on top of him and picking up a stick jabs him viciously a good number times in the torso before standing up kicking the other boy in the head.

Now with both of the bullies subdued and suitably crying Issei turns to look at their victim who is frozen in fear and shock. Issei believes this child to be a boy but from here you are quite sure that she is a girl.

[] Pick up the toy they were keeping from this child and offer it to her. (Issei)
[] Hi my names Issei (Issei)
[] Forgive Issei's violent reaction, he can't stand bullies (Melkor)
[] Leave without a word
[] Give her her toy and then leave (Melkor)

Did I make that fight a little too vicious, I was just using my past experience as a child when I wrote this though I will admit it seems a little over the top, let me know if you want it to be toned down
[X] Pick up the toy they were keeping from this child and offer it to her. (Issei)
-[X] Hi my names Issei (Issei)
--[X] Forgive Issei's violent reaction, he can't stand bullies (Melkor)
[X] Pick up the toy they were keeping from this child and offer it to her. (Issei)
-[X] Hi my names Issei (Issei)
-[X] Sorry about that Really don't like bullies (Issei)

I feel like Issei needs to be in the front a bit more Melkor really should only take control when something intrests him or concerns him with the body's survival.

Something like this is beneath his notice and Issei has this
[X] Pick up the toy they were keeping from this child and offer it to her. (Issei)

Keeping it simple is my preference to just splicing all the options in
[X] Pick up the toy they were keeping from this child and offer it to her. (Issei)
Meeting Irina 03
[X] Pick up the toy they were keeping from this child and offer it to her. (Issei)

Issei while in what could be called a battle haze manages to lumber over to where the discarded toy is and picks it up. Fortunately the boy is smart enough that he can just hold it out to the girl (who he thinks is a boy) who in turn just stares at it, then back at him.

This little process of their's continues for about a two to three minutes before the girl finally plucks up the courage to take the toy from him, though she does so cautiously in case he might snap or attack her.

While you find this to be ridiculous as he became that savage animal to help her, you also know that for most if they saw someone behave in the savage manner he had they would also be afraid of whoever they were. Unless they were you of course, you didn't need fear any savage beast -though that would be due to yourself being it's creator.

"Irina" the girl says, it seems that everyone here has either ridiculous names or bland ones, what kind of name is John anyway? "Irina Shidou" she continues using her surname that could equate to a family line if you were to call it that.

Issei at this point has lost all of the energy that he possessed from his battle high and promptly collapses onto the ground with. "Issei" he manages after several ragged breaths "Issei Hyoudou" he introduces himself.

The girl stands there for a few more moment "Irina" she replies in kind "Irina Shidou" she names herself.

You are rather surprised that Issei is not making a fool of himself, perhaps it is something you can fix in the future, or not making Issei to unintelligent may or more not serve your purposes, though a pure fool is more likely to be able to retain their purity than a intellectual.

More importantly Issei is eating into your allotted time, perhaps you should take though since you have tuned out of the two's conversation that may be hard since you will have to wait for an opportune moment. You could always force your way but something about this girl Irina tells you that you should remain a secret for now.

"Yeah Melkor san almost didn't let me hep you" Issei says rubbing the back of his head. "Sometimes he can be a jerk like that."

Or not since this idiot who you reside in has just blurted out your existence. Though from Irina's reaction she seems to believe you are an imaginary friend. This irks your pride to be thought by some second born as if you were a figment of a child's fantasy. You are Melkor he who arises in Might mightiest of the Ainur.

"Are you alright Hyoudou san?" Irina asks Issei as you notice he is gripping his head.

That most likely was caused by your unspoken declaration and you notice that your wrath might have damage him a little as he starts bleeding from his nose and mouth.

"I'm fine Shidou san" Issei lies "Melkor may have just been a little upset at you thinking he was my imaginary friend" he explains.

Irina us not convinced but the to continue talking after Issei wipes away the blood form his face with his sleeve. Their chat is interrupted when Issei's parents come and take him away. Perhaps it would be best to have Issei interact with Irina a little more as you have the feeling that you will find something interesting if you do.

[] Get Issei to the playground the next day and look for her
[] Go to the playground and look for her while pretending to be Issei, it is better if she doesn't know of your existence
[] Leave finding Irina again for later and wait for her to find you

Bonus actions (pick two)
[] Start to teach Issei your craft like how you thought Feanor
[] Teach Issei of Eru and Ainur (Valar) at some point he is going to be swept up into some religion or the other so it would be best if he follows the one you know exists (and the one you are apart of)
[] Start to teach Issei the art of Combat and War,
[] Reward Issei for his action in aiding Irina by altering part of his existence to better serve him in the future (can pick twice)
-[] Write in
[X] Go to the playground and look for her while pretending to be Issei, it is better if she doesn't know of your existence
For the Evulz and to screw with her

Bonus actions (pick two)
[X] Teach Issei of Eru and Ainur (Valar) at some point he is going to be swept up into some religion or the other so it would be best if he follows the one you know exists (and the one you are apart of)
[X] Reward Issei for his action in aiding Irina by altering part of his existence to better serve him in the future (can pick twice)
-[X] Enhance his sight so that he may see more, visions of the future, perceive the nature of others and the like.
I guess that can be allowed but it will have to be discussed as to it's nature if chosen
[X] Get Issei to the playground the next day and look for her
[X] Start to teach Issei your craft like how you thought Feanor
[X] Start to teach Issei the art of Combat and War,

Teaching him of the religious matters at this point would just have him blurt it out to everyone.
Hone his skills first.
[X] Get Issei to the playground the next day and look for her
[X] Start to teach Issei your craft like how you thought Feanor
[X] Start to teach Issei the art of Combat and War,
[X] Get Issei to the playground the next day and look for her
[X] Start to teach Issei your craft like how you thought Feanor
[X] Start to teach Issei the art of Combat and War,
[X] Get Issei to the playground the next day and look for her
[X] Start to teach Issei your craft like how you thought Feanor
[X] Start to teach Issei the art of Combat and War,
Meeting Irina 04
[X] Get Issei to the playground the next day and look for her
[X] Start to teach Issei your craft like how you thought Feanor
[X] Start to teach Issei the art of Combat and War,

Start to teach Issei your craft like how you thought Feanor
needed 75 rolled: 78 Success
Issei's growth does surprise you a little. given the fact that he is one of the secondborn this should be beyond him, but no matter you will take these victories where you can. Now that Issei has begun to learn perhaps you can borrow some lesser materials and barbaric tools from his father's shed

Start to teach Issei the art of Combat and War,
needed: 30 rolled: 59
This Issei had no excuse to fail and it is a good thing he didn't otherwise you would have severely punished him. since you are not in the possession of a sword, shield, bow nor arrows you had to make do with the boy practicing with a stick and throwing some stones. either way your are going to make him get stronger.

"Are you sure about this?" Issei asks you, something you find rather aggravating is that while the boy does obey you, he treats the relationship the two of you have as a equals as if you were friends. While it can be seen as endearing you find it demeaning and offensive. You are the mightiest of the Ainur with no equal.

"Yes" you reply in an even tone "I am quite certain about this, my intuition is never wrong which is why it is best to follow it" you inform the boy. "If either one of were to find and befriend this Irina Shidou we might find something rather useful out of it."

"You forgot to add that part that we will find it eventually" Issei remarks.

You are tempted to make him keel over or at least wince in pain from talking back to you,but that would just build resentment and none save Ungoliant turned one you. As a ruler you did have quite the record, unlike that traitorous pretender Manwe. But revenge against the brothers and sisters you turned away from you can come later. You can wait.

"Melkor" Issei's voice called out to you snapping you out of your thoughts "you're doing it again."

"yes, yes" you reply irritated to be disturbed but understanding that you brought him here for a reason "we need to find this Irina to look for here, failing that we can just walk around until I see where she lives."

"Okay" Issei replies "but you said that she might not be at the playground due to what she went through yesterday."

"Yes" you reply with a smile that only Issei can see and feel "that doesn't mean that the other boys wont be there, if worst comes to worst and there are more of them I will deal with it" you inform Issei "the fact that you are most likely walking into the most ridiculous and obvious trap and are ware of it doesn't seem to bother Issei in the least.

Ah it seems that she is here this time and that she is no longer being bullied, perhaps the other boys are still licking their wounds.

"There she is" Issei says to you and is about to begin to walk up to her when you stop him.

"Not yet" you instruct "just go to the sand pit, over there where my replica of Agband still stands" you instruct him also noting that none have dared to touch it, perhaps you can make it a permanent feature for the secondborn to see and witness your greatness. "Wait for her to come to you."

"Could you do that please?" Issei asks his tone pleading?"

[]No, make him wait, patience is a virtue after all
[]Fine, you could get rid of your old replica of Agband and make a larger one, one that will encompass the entire sandpit so that none of the other children may use it.
[] Fine, just sit down and wait for her to come to you
[] No, just go and speak with her then.