Mercenary Company Quest (CK2 Quest)

Background on the Southron Civil War
What's the background behind the Southron Civil War?

The Principality of Southron was ruled by the Prince of Southron and had a feudal hereditary nobility in place. One of the larger and wealthier lesser powers, its aristocrats disdained non-nobles including those with significant wealth and influence due to their non-noble blood. This bred resentment from the rich non-nobles and when the Prince and his supporters were gathered for a war against the Daric Commonwealth in the south about a decade ago, the rich oligarchs raised a mercenary army (some foreign involvement from either the Daric Commonwealth or Marlean Empire is suspected in this) and revolted against the Principality of Southron, declaring themselves the Commonwealth of Southron.

Since then, Southron has been involved in back and forth fighting. Both sides are pretty evenly matched with the Commonwealth controlling the north while the Principality retains the south. While the Principality is your typical feudal kingdom with a weak central authority, the Commonwealth is a corrupt mess ruled over the uncaring rich as the oligarchs compete for power and influence amongst themselves as they wage war against the Principality. They dress themselves up as a republic and avoid the trappings of nobility, but honestly, the main differences between them is that the Commonwealth is focuses on wealth over heritage whilst the Principality focuses on heritage over wealth. That and the Principality is poorer, but the Commonwealth is more corrupt.

Basically, two sides of grey with more than a little helping of not so different.
Week 1, Mirr 4-3997
[X] Plan Scouting and Campfires
-[X] [Toldur] Forceful Scouting
-[X] [Thamara] Campsite Chats

Forceful Scouting (Toldur)
DC: 20. Roll: 8+16 = 24
Enemy Actions!

Having finally entered enemy territory, you decide that a bit of scouting is in order to make sure that enemy does not catch you off guard. Taking your Ironsides out ahead of the army, you advance further into enemy territory.

While your group does not go unnoticed, neither of the enemy patrols that you encounter engage you. At least they do not after your hunters pick off two of their number both times. Understandable since the agile and lightly armed troops used by the enemy to patrol stand no chance against your Jorgardians in a fight.

Nonetheless, you do not stick around lest the enemy decide to overwhelm you with a mixture of sheer numbers and using their heavier forces. Fortunately, only one trip is all that is needed to find out what the enemy is up to.

The village of Bouris lays on the route to Mortfout, the town that Baron Talbot rules over and is somewhere that the army will need to go through on its march. Talbot seems to realise this as the Principality forces are fortifying the village.

The fortifications are not much, but they will make it more of a hassle to take Bouris and seizing Bouris is something that the army will need to do. Not only can Bouris act as a supply point and temporary base of operations, but it cannot by left in enemy hands. While it is technically possible to bypass the village, that just leaves the supplies of the army vulnerable to the enemy whilst also leaving the army exposed to being outflanked or encircled.

The Principality also has plenty of forces defending Bouris. You are not able to get too close or stay too long, but it is quite clear from the amount of people milling about in the distance that a good hundred or two soldiers are stationed in Bouris.


Campsite Chats (Thamara)
DC: 12. Roll: 3+10 = 13
Friendly Action?

While Toldur is off scouting, Thamara focuses on the home front or at least what passes for the home front while she is on the march in enemy territory. Having a company that is full of Jorgardians grants her a certain amount of respect inherited from the people of Jorgard, but neither she or Toldur exactly have any friends or connections amongst the rest of the army.

She doesn't have the time or ability to forge many connections so Thamara focuses on the Sons of Balvar as the Daric sellswords are the most impressive group in the army apart from arguably Raigh's Ravagers.

As expected of a Daric company, the Sons of Balvar consist of mostly Darman. Short and sturdy, the stout folk live up to their stereotype and after a bit of suspicion, Thamara makes some headway after helping them acquire some extra booze. From there, she gets a welcome spot at their campfires and tents.

The Kirman shares some stories about her times in the Great Desert while the Darmans regale with tales of their past mercenary adventures. It isn't much of a connection, but it leaves the Sons of Balvar thinking favourably of Toldur's Ironsides and Thamara even receives a few comments that the Daric Commonwealth is going to be busy soon so the Toldur's Ironsides may want to go looking for work over there once this campaign is over.

Provided they survive it of course.

Yet that isn't all that happens and Thamara isn't the only individual amongst the Sons of Balvar attempting to make connections. A handful of the Ravagers are covertly going about the Sons of Balvar and quietly sounding out support. She don't gather much, but from what her new Darman buddies tell Thamara, Ciaran Raigh seems to consider himself better suited to leading the army than General Brosseau.

Thamara can't exactly deny that the Karc captain has a point. By all accounts, Captain Raigh is both a superior fighter and better general than the Larman woman that Judge Duret put in command.


Friendly Action!

Apparently fed up of the enemy raids and not willingly to let a third one come this week, General Brosseau set up even more patrols than normal. A rotating pattern, the general made sure that the patrols were overlapping enough that no one could sneak up on the army undetected.

Ultimately, it proved to be unneeded as rather than carry out another attack on the army, the Principality forces had chosen to strengthen their defences for your upcoming invasion.


Random Event Roll: 61

There is a wyrm on the loose. Not the worst news and a wyrm running about Principality territory would have been good news if it wasn't for the fact that you were currently in Principality territory and the wyrm wasn't that far away from the lands of Baron Talbot.

Something to be concerned about if it went after the invading Commonwealth army, but the presence of the wyrm could also be a boon if it ran into Talbot's forces or begin to threaten his holdings.

Military Operations: -5
Payment: +50
Upkeep: -7.125
Net Change: +37.875

The first major battle of the campaign is coming up. The Principality forces under Baron Talbot are fortifying the village of Bouris and if you are to march on Baron Talbot's centre of power as planned, Bouris must fall to the Commonwealth. At least a hundred men and likely many more defend Bouris while General Brosseau has over four hundred to take it.

Oh and there is an overgrown snake running about the province.

You get one action for Toldur and one action for Thamara. You may put them on the same action for a Cooperation bonus on that action. Use Plan Voting.

Diplomacy Actions
[] Speaking to the General

With Judge Duret having chosen to stay at home, he has left command of his army to General Beatrix Brosseau. Try to arrange a chat with your commander for the duration of the campaign. DC: 15. Costs 1 Budget.
[] Chat with Raigh

The leader of a somewhat famous mercenary band, Ciaran Raigh had a decent reputation and is frankly better than you. Now you are on the campaign path together, try to get to know him better. DC: 15. Costs 1 Budget.
[] Campsite Chats

Now the army is on the march, it might be a good idea to integrate yourself into presence of the common troops and maybe get to know them better while they get to know you better. DC: 12. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Daric Friends
Thamara has formed some connections within the Sons of Balvar. Break out the booze supplies and turn those connections into something deeper and more solid. DC: 10. Costs 2 Budget.

Martial Actions
[] Extra Patrols

While General Brosseau has put out some patrols for the army, you could arrange for your company to do some extra ones just in case. DC: 10. Costs 3 Budget.
[] Forceful Scouting

Now you've reached the border, you could do some scouting. While dangerous, you could go ahead of the army and slip into Principality territory to see what they got waiting for you. DC: 20. Costs 5 Budget
[] Wyrm Hunting

While not as dangerous a wyvern, a wyrn is still nothing to scoff at. Rally up your Ironsides and take care of this monster before it can begin to cause problems.
DC: 20?. Costs 5 Budget

Stewardship Actions
[] Army Logistics

There isn't much to do on the march except make sure that the army doesn't use up any more supplies than necessary and try to stretch what it does have. DC: 15. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Company Logistics

There isn't much to do on the march except make sure that your company doesn't use up any more supplies than necessary and try to stretch what it does have. DC: 15. Gain 2 Budget.

Intrigue Actions
[] Spying on the Boss

General Brosseau seems like a decent leader, but she works for a Southron Oligarch. See what she is really like and what sort of secrets she may have. DC: 20. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Ravager Rivals

The sellswords of Ciaran Raigh aren't call the Ravagers for no reason and you aren't afraid to admit that Raigh is the better captain between you. Looking for what the Arc is getting up to and see if there is anything to give you the advantage over him. DC: 18. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Sneaky Scouting

Having entered enemy territory, maybe do some covert looking around to see what the Principality has in wait. DC: 18. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Leadership Woes

There seems to be a bit of trouble between Captain Raigh and General Brosseau. You don't think it is serious, but it may be worth investigating just what happened between them. DC: 18. Costs 2 Budget.

Learning Actions
[] Pray to Mirra.

While you worship all of the Winter Gods, the Lightning Soldier is the one whose path you follow. Make some offerings to gain a Blessing from the Storm Goddess. DC: 10. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Pray to Urbad

Urbad is the Moridean God of Conquest and Men and the former means that his Blessing might be worth getting for the campaign. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget. Toldur may not take this action.
[] Pray to Korica

Korica is the Moridean Goddess of War and Honour and that makes her an ideal goddess to pray to over this upcoming campaign. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Pray to Nirea

Nirea is the Moridean Goddess of Strategy and Death and means it may be worthwhile to get her Blessing for the campaign. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Local Spirits

While nowhere near the power of a deity, local spirits are nothing to scoff at and earning their favour can grant some useful boosts or, since you are in enemy territory, not actively opposing you. DC: 20. Costs 2 Budget.
[] War Spirits

You are going to war and that means earning the favour of a war spirit or two can only be good. It never hurts to have an extra bit of spiritual aid on the battlefield. DC: 10. Costs 2 Budget.


So you get some intel on what the enemy is doing and you begin to make some new friends. Expect the first major battle of the campaign next turn. You will either participate or not depending on your orders, in which you don't get a say since you aren't commanding the army and you lack any sway with General Brosseau.

Meanwhile a wyrm is a non-sapient beast that is a giant, fire-breathing snake of the dragonic family. A high level mid-tier monster that poses a threat, but still within your ability to take care of.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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Week 2, Mirr 4-3997/The Battle of Bouris
[X] Plan: I see opportunity
-[X] [Toldur] Wyrm Hunting
-[X] [Thamara] Daric Friends

Wyrm Hunting (Toldur)
DC: 22. Roll: 11+16+2+2 = 31

There is a wyrm on the loose and you do not want to leave something that unpredictable and dangerous running about while on the campaign. You got some time before the army arrives at Bouris and you take that time to hunt down the beast with your Ironsides.

The beast is not that hard to find as while you know that some wyrms can be sneaky little critters, this one makes no attempt to hide itself. Ready to fight the beast, you and your Ironsides do your best to quietly sneak up on it.

Fortunately, Ingrid spots the wyrm while it is asleep and it is enough of a deep sleeper that it does not wake as your group spreads out and surrounds it. Two carefully aimed shots later and the wyrm wakes up thrashing, blinded as both of its eyes have crossbow bolts lodged in them.

The rest of you attack, each coming from a different corner. Attacking from multiple angles, the wyrm does not know which direction to strike in as you kept it off balance. With several cuts and gashes along with a few more bolts lodged in its hide, the beast finally dies.

A good hunt and with the wyrm slain, you begin to scavenge its body. Meat can be cooked and eaten and you are sure that the fangs and more impressive scales can be sold off, but the rest will be left to nature. You might be able to do something with the organs if you were a mage or alchemist, but as things are, they are just more meat to be cooked and eaten.


Daric Friends (Thamara)
DC: 10. Roll: 5+10 = 15

As the battle approaches and the rest of her company are off hunting that wyrm, Thamara decides to break out the booze supply and follow up on her new Daric acquaintances. The Sons of Balvar are more than willingly to welcome Thamara back into their camp fire circles, especially when she brings booze with her.

The Darmans are quite happy to talk with her and by the time that they approach Bouris, Thamara has some actual contacts rather than a handful of passing acquaintances and a vague job offer.


The Battle of Bouris

The first part of the Battle of Bouris begins before the battle itself. As the Commonwealth army approached the village, Captain Ciaran and his Ravagers went ahead of the army to raid the Principality forces. Finding a couple of patrols, they ambushed and wiped out the enemy soldiers, reducing the defenders by a score.

When the Commonwealth army approached the fortified village, General Brosseau kicked off the Battle of Bouris with some light skirmishing with the ranged elements of the army. It went poorly as while Principality suffered losses, your side took about twice as many losses as they did thanks to the enemy being able to hide behind their fortifications.

The afternoon saw a change in pace as while the skirmishing continued, the general decided to smash the enemy with force. She sent up the Kargadians to support the archers and it was a massacre as the Principality revealed that they had at least three squads of Imperial Legionaries within their ranks.

The enemy inflicted losses of two to one again in terms of archers, but this time they had the addition of what little light cavalry your army had being all but wiped out along with half of the Kargadian light infantry. A disaster by all accounts as less than a score of the enemy had died that afternoon while the Commonwealth lost over fifty of their number.

With unhappy rumblings amongst the Commonwealth army over the night, General Brosseau pushed for a victory hard the next day. The entire army assaulted the village and it was a bloodbath. At least the blood flowed freely on both sides and while her credentials as a tactician might be in doubt, none can accuse Beatrix Brosseau of cowardice after she personally led the attack on Bouris.

You and your Ironsides were part of the second line, pushing your way in after the first wave brought a foothold at a steep price. You were at the tip of that attack and your Ironsides broke the enemy defensive line even as the bodies piled up for both sides. It should have been a rout after that and it would have been one if it wasn't for the heroic charge of the enemy knights.

As your infantry pushed into Bouris after breaching the fortifications, two scores of enemy knights had gone around the sides to strike at your exposed archers. A handful of the knights paid the final price for their charge, but it was more than enough to turn a clear if bloody victory into a more debatable one.

The majority of the remaining Daric crossbowmen fell to the Principality knights and their screen of light infantry didn't fare much better. Three scores died to the knightly charge of the defenders and as your infantry rushed back to the defend their fellows from the surprise enemy attack, both the Principality knights and the surviving defenders of Bouris were able to fall back in good order.

When the casualties were tallied up in the evening, no one was happy. The Principality had lost somewhere between a hundred to a hundred fifty in the Battle of Bouris, but the majority of their knights had made it out alive and you were certain they still had a couple of squads of Imperial Legionaries. Meanwhile the Commonwealth army had paid a very heavy price for their victory.

Two hundred and forty dead. The companies from Kargad and Torrine were both effectively wiped out and you would be surprised if the handful of survivors from each stuff around. Half of the army's light infantry had been killed at Bouris while the army only had eight archers left, six Daric and two from Duret's personal retinue as while the Sons of Balvar had most of their melee fighters still alive as they had joined you on the second wave, their crossbowmen were slaughtered in the fight.

The Ravagers had fared similarly with all of their bowmen dead while most of their melee combatants survived along with Raigh himself. Even your own company had sort of taken losses as Thamara had been injured during the fighting even if all of your Jorgardians had made it out without any serious injuries.

And then there was the dozen or so you and your Ironsides killed when they tried to take out their anger and foul desires on the innocent villagers of Bouris.


Random Event Roll: 73

As the army settled into Bouris to heal their wounded and wait for reinforcements that Duret would send if he wanted to take Moutfort as planned, the villagers just accepted this. Apparently the people of Bouris didn't see the difference between an overlord from the Principality and one from the Commonwealth provided they were allowed to get on with their lives.

It helped that any invader attempting to have their way with the villagers was swiftly dealt with by you and your Ironsides even if that earnt some displeasure from the rest of the army for the deed.


Wyrm Loot: +68
Loot: +90
Military Operations: -5
Booze: -2
Upkeep: -7.125
Net Change: +143.875

The Battle of Bouris was both a victory and costly bloodbath, especially with that knightly charge at the end. Thoughts on General Brosseau are mixed as while she got over half her army killed, she did win in the end and she most definitely fought bravely in the fight. None can deny her courage or skill as a fighter, having led the first wave just as you led the second wave.

Likewise, the army has some conflicting thoughts on you. On the one hand, you and your Ironsides broke the enemy defences and sent them packing, winning the bloody battle. On the other hand, you and your Ironsides made sure that the survivors behaved themselves around the village and putting those that did not to the blade.

Right now, the concern is who is going to stick around. The survivors of the Sons of Balvar are sticking around for payment and vengeance while the Torins and Kargardians leftovers have called it quits as you expected. The surviving light infantry sellswords are sticking around whilst Raigh and his Ravagers are uncertain as while they hadn't indicated either way, they are the most vocal of Brosseau's detractors.

And then there is you and your Ironsides. You came out of this fight pretty much unscratched apart from Thamara's injury and you have earnt plenty of coin. After hunting down the deserters, finding out about the enemy defences, slaying the wyrm and then your part in the Battle of Bouris, none will find any fault in your actions if you decide now is your time to part ways with Judge Duret and his campaign to conquer Moutfort.

[] [Job] Keep to your current contract and prepare for the march on Moutfort itself.
[] [Job] End your current contract and seek your fortunes elsewhere.

You get one action for Toldur and one action for Thamara. You may put them on the same action for a Cooperation bonus on that action. Use Plan Voting.

Diplomacy Actions
[] Speaking to the General

General Beatrix Brosseau has proven her courage and won a victory, if a costly one. Try to arrange a chat with the general, something that can be done easily enough after your actions so far. DC: 15. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Chat with Raigh

The leader of a somewhat famous mercenary band, Ciaran Raigh had a decent reputation and is frankly better than you. He also hates your guts after you killed one of his Ravagers for trying to rape a woman. DC: 20. Costs 10 Budget.
[] Campsite Chats

Following the Battle of Bouris, try to strike up some friendships with the survivors of the Commonwealth army. DC: 12. Costs 0 Budget.
[] The People of Bouris
The army is currently camped in Bouris and the its people are quite grateful to you for your interventions on their behalf. Get to know the local leaders and turn that gratitude into proper fondness. DC: 12. Costs 10 Budget.

Martial Actions
[] Extra Patrols

While General Brosseau has put out some patrols for the army, you could arrange for your company to do some extra ones just in case. DC: 10. Costs 3 Budget.
[] Forceful Scouting

Now you've reached the border, you could do some scouting. While dangerous, you could go ahead of the army and slip into Principality territory to see what they got waiting for you. DC: 20. Costs 5 Budget
[] Extra Loot

After the massive bloodbath that was the Battle of Bouris, there is still some loot lying around even the majority of it and anything special has been claim. Take some time to acquire a bit of extra loot from what is still unclaimed.
DC: Scaling. Gain ??? Budget

Stewardship Actions
[] Army Logistics

There isn't much to do on the march except make sure that the army doesn't use up any more supplies than necessary and try to stretch what it does have. DC: 15. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Company Logistics

There isn't much to do on the march except make sure that your company doesn't use up any more supplies than necessary and try to stretch what it does have. DC: 15. Gain 2 Budget.

Intrigue Actions
[] Spying on the Boss

General Brosseau has proven her courage on the battlefield, but you still don't know what she is really like and what sort of secrets she may have. DC: 20. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Ravager Rivals

The sellswords of Ciaran Raigh aren't call the Ravagers for no reason and you aren't afraid to admit that Raigh is the better captain between you. Looking for what the Arc is getting up to and see if there is anything to give you the advantage over him, especially since he now hates your guts. DC: 18. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Sneaky Scouting

After taking Bouris, it may be a good idea to covertly investigate what the Principality forces are doing now to defend Moutfort. DC: 18. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Leadership Woes

There seems to be a bit of trouble between Captain Raigh and General Brosseau. You are certain it has turned into something serious if it was not before and it may be worth investigating just what happened between them. DC: 18. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Additional Looting

After the massive bloodbath that was the Battle of Bouris, there is still some loot lying around even the majority of it and anything special has been claim. Take some time to acquire a bit of extra loot via underhanded means. DC: Scaling. Gain ??? Budget.

Learning Actions
[] Pray to Mirra.

While you worship all of the Winter Gods, the Lightning Soldier is the one whose path you follow. Make some offerings to gain a Blessing from the Storm Goddess. DC: 10. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Pray to Urbad

Urbad is the Moridean God of Conquest and Men and the former means that his Blessing might be worth getting for the campaign. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget. Toldur may not take this action.
[] Pray to Korica

Korica is the Moridean Goddess of War and Honour and that makes her an ideal goddess to pray to over this upcoming campaign. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Pray to Nirea

Nirea is the Moridean Goddess of Strategy and Death and means it may be worthwhile to get her Blessing for the campaign. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Local Spirits

While nowhere near the power of a deity, local spirits are nothing to scoff at and earning their favour can grant some useful boosts or, since you are in enemy territory, not actively opposing you. DC: 20. Costs 2 Budget.
[] War Spirits

You are going to war and that means earning the favour of a war spirit or two can only be good. It never hurts to have an extra bit of spiritual aid on the battlefield. DC: 10. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Magical Healing

Thamara is injured and while she will recover with time, you can spend it up by finding a magic user and paying them to heal her with their arts. DC: 10. Costs 10 Budget.


The Battle of the Bouris was a bloodbath and while it hurt both sides badly, your army got hit worse than the enemy did. You and Brosseau have mixed feelings about the camp while Raigh hates both of you and Duret's army is half dead with some of the survivors deciding to see their fortunes elsewhere. Should you decide to take your leave now, you can do so without looking bad as no one can deny that you earnt your pay. Regardless of what is chosen, I am going to be giving you a chance to recruit another companion next turn.

On another note, I am mentally modelling how battles go after the Total War series and more specifically, the Warhammer ones. There is some influence from other series, but Total War is the primary one.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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Week 3, Mirr 4-3997
[X] Plan Time To Leave
-[X] [Job] End your current contact and seek your fortunes elsewhere.
-[X] [Toldur] Magical Healing
-[X] [Thamara] Extra Loot

Magical Healing (Toldur)
DC: 10. Roll: 3+10 = 13

Before you and your Ironsides call the job done and leave the army, you decide to take the opportunity to find a healer amongst the gathered soldiers. While the Ravagers have a couple at hand, you do not trust Ciaran and his sellswords to tend to Thamara's injuries. Instead you find yourself not enlisting the aid of any military healers, but the help of the local priest in Bouris.

The middle-aged man is more than happy to tend to Thamara's wound and while it costs some of your hard-earnt coin, you were more than willing to pay that price to ensure that your friend recovers in a timely manner. And she does as the Kirman has fully recovered from the Bloodbath of Bouris by the time that you set out.


Extra Loot (Thamara)
DC: Scaling. Roll: 5+12-1 = 16

Despite the injury that she suffered, Thamara is still fully capable of getting stuff done. In this case, it is getting some extra loot from what remains unclaimed before pulling out. And while most of it is gone, the sheer amount of death that took place last week means that not everything has been claimed yet.

Taking your Ironsides with her, Thamara looks around the village and quickly sniffs out valuables here and there. A few are unhappy with supplies and spare equipment that Thamara brings back to your corner of the camp, but that unhappiness is merely them not being the ones to find the loot first and none of them care enough to raise any complaints with half a dozen Jorgardians.


Friendly Action?

In hindsight, deciding to pull out now quickly becomes a very good move on your part. While General Brosseau does a good job of lifting morale and another couple hundred sellswords arrive in Bouris from Commonwealth territory on Duret's coin, your enemies take actions of their own.

The Principality forces begin to raid once more, striking at any patrols they could find. If that was the only thing that the army had to deal with, then it might have stood more of a chance. Whether because he desired bloodshed or he felt diplomacy would work out in his favour, Ciaran Raigh and his Ravagers assassinated General Brosseau in her sleep, killing her before she could properly wake and killing a few of her guards on the way out.

As you left the camp for glory elsewhere, the army was a fully charged power crystal that had just been cracked. Raigh was making a play for command, but many were unhappy with his murder of Brosseau. The Sons of Balvar were ready to take their blades to the Ravagers while the new arrivals were uncertain about what sort of mess that they had just walked into it.

Thankfully, your company got away without issue and given how you left things between you and Ciaran, you couldn't help, but hope that your Darman pals stuck a sword or two into him.


Companion Roll: 100

It was on the way to Marilon that you ran into Alexis Sophia Caelios. Bouris was over the horizon and your company was following the Prince's Road to Marilon.

"Hey!" shouts a voice and you only slow down a little as you look in the direction of the voice.

The woman is easy spot as she is making no effort to conceal herself as she strikes onto the road from out of the forest. Tall and confident, she looks like an Alire and most likely a Mari from that purple hair, but that is overshadowed by what else she is. With a pair of backwards horns slightly sticking out of her forehead and the golden eyes of a dragon, she is clearly Dragonborn and while you cannot see them, you strongly believe she has fangs in her mouth, claws on her fingers and scales down her back.

"Greetings," you reply, slowing your wagon to a walking pace as the woman catches up.

"I am Alexis Sophia of House Caelios," says the woman as she begins walking alongside your wagon, "Would you be Toldur's Ironsides?"

"Aye, we are," you answer after sharing a look with Thamara, "I am Captain Toldur Ironhand."

"Ah good," says the woman, "You killed the wyrm I was hunting right?"

"We kill a wyrm last week," you say, "I can't say it was the one you were hunting. Is that a problem?"

"No, it just means I'm out of a job and I am in need of a new one," answers Alexis, "Need an extra hand?"

"We can afford it," you tell her as you remember the current status of your company off the top of your head, "What services can you provide us?"

"I am Dragonborn as I am sure you can tell and that is my main selling point," replies Alexis, "I also can use sorcery decently though it has never been my strong point and I received a proper noblewoman's education growing up. I know how to wield a halberd and I've been adventuring for the last few months so I've got some experience."

You glance at Thamara again, but the Kirman just shrugs.

"Alright Alexis," you tell her, "Welcome aboard."


Random Event Roll: 86

Alexis turns out to not be the only new addition to the company. After arriving in Marilon and began looking around for a new job, you found an interesting individual who you recruited to your Ironsides.

[] [Companion] Isabel Lopez is an information broker from the Angland League. Whilst she assures you that there are no active bounties or warrants for her, Isabel definitely knows her way around the shadier aspects of life and that could come in handy. (Intrigue-focused Companion)
[] [Companion] Tasha Yanovna is a refugee from the Dusk and Twilight Councils. After being forced to flee her home with nothing with the clothing on her back, Tasha has carved out a life as a wandering bard and her ability to integrate herself into a group would be a useful talent for your company. (Diplo-focused Companion)
[] [Companion] Omiros Condakis is an unofficial exile from the Marlean Empire after he sided with the wrong noble family. Making a living selling his service as a trained sorcerer, Omiros desires a more adventurous life and you can use a professional spellcaster. (Learning-focused Companion)


Loot: +22
Healing Payment: -10
Upkeep: -9.215
Net Change: +2.785

You got plenty of coin, a couple of new recruits and all you need now is a new job. Fortunately for you, there is no shortage of those around. You just need to choose the right one for you and your Ironsides.

[] [Job] A priest in the Kingdom of Daven is hunting down a vampire and is willingly to pay for some extra muscle in his corner. Will be helping a Davenite priest hunt a vampire. Expect small scale fights of both violent and non-violent nature. Risks unknown, but this vampire is a young one who hasn't had time to set up a powerbase. 10 Budget a week.
[] [Job] A Marlean noble wants to hire your company to take partake in the raid he is organising against the Seaborn Council for their recent uptick in piracy. Pirates are unlikely to be much of a threat and the biggest danger will be your ship sinking. Shouldn't be too difficult, but the Seaborn Council might have some tricks up their sleeve. 25 Budget upfront and 75 Budget once the job is complete plus a share of any loot.
[] [Job] A noble house in the Mirvrud Kingdom wants to hire your Ironsides to provide a small number of high-quality combatants to bodyguard one of their own after he got on the wrong side of a Marlean aristocrat. Bodyguarding a noble whilst his family try to resolve the issue threatening him. Pretty safe barring any unexpected dangers though expect covert enemy action. 15 Budget a week plus an extra 20 Budget upon the threat expiring.
[] [Job] A Shiran Clan wants to hire your company to guard their town after their native troops got all but wiped out in recent fighting. Unlikely to face any serious danger outside of an attack by a rival clan. 10 Budget a week plus an extra 5 Budget at the end of every month.


So for the first companion, I was going to give a choice, but then rolled a 100 so I just gave you the best option and then gave you a second roll for companions when you got a high random event. You also don't get actions this turn as you are between jobs and any time doing stuff is spent travelling.

As for how the Commonwealth army is doing, you chose a good time to leave as Raigh successful assassinated Brosseau and now the situation is set to potential implode. It could have gone different if you stuck around, but Raigh decided to make his play after you left and things went as they did.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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Week 1, Dorr 4-3997
[X] [Companion] Tasha Yanovna is a refugee from the Dusk and Twilight Councils. After being forced to flee her home with nothing with the clothing on her back, Tasha has carved out a life as a wandering bard and her ability to integrate herself into a group would be a useful talent for your company (Diplo-focused Companion)
[X] [Job] A priest in the Kingdom of Daven is hunting down a vampire and is willingly to pay for some extra muscle in his corner. Will be helping a Davenite priest hunt a vampire. Expect small scale fights of both violent and non-violent nature. Risks unknown, but this vampire is a young one who hasn't had time to set up a powerbase. 10 Budget a week.

"Vampire hunting?" says Thamara sceptically as she eyes the job offering that you have brought back with you.

"Vampire hunting is a dangerous, but necessary job," you reply with a shrug as you and the others gather around the table at the inn.

"Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but this doesn't look like the best paying job," says Alexis as the dragonborn inspects the paper.

"You aren't wrong," says Thamara as she turns her attention to you, "This is barely enough to make a profit of just under 2 Budget a week when we only consider our day to day expenses. When you take into account the operating expenses that we will certainly accrue, I'm not sure we can still spin a profit. Maybe if we keep our spending down, but I'm not a fan of doing that whilst going after a vampire."

"Aren't vampires infamous for being especially dangerous?" asks Tasha.

"Jorgardians are also infamous for being especially dangerous," counters Alexis.

"Your heritage is showing," retorts Tasha with a grin, "Here in the west, Jorgardians are famous not infamous, but yes I do get your point. A handful of Jorgardians is a good counter to a vampire."

"We can do this job," you say confidently, "And we are going to do it."


"This is the village," says Carlos Axel as the Larman priest leads you towards the large village of Oriva, "That monster has chosen here to hide for some reason. I must confess that I don't have any clue why given that it is on the other side of the world."

"Maybe she wanted the distance?" you offer, "Do you think she will stick around?"

"I suspect she will," replies Carlos before the middle-aged man frowns, "Lena Cosmili chose to come to Oriva for a reason. I just don't know what that reason is."

"Well, we will just have to catch the monster before she can achieve whatever it is that she is up to."


Upkeep (Two Weeks): -16.215
Net Change: -16.215

You and your Ironsides have arrived in the village of Oriva with your employer Carlos Axel, a Larman Priest of Nirea, Goddess of Strategy and Death. Located in the Kingdom of Daven, the Oriva has a large populace for a village and appears to be an ideal place for the vampire to hide.

The vampire herself is a rogue Marman sorceress known as Lena Cosmili. Having travelled from the Marlean Empire, you don't know what she wants except she has specifically come to Oriva and travelled across the whole of Kalirea to do so.

You get one action for Toldur, one action for Thamara, one action for Alexis and one action for Tasha. You may put them on the same action for a Cooperation bonus on that action. Use Plan Voting and mark who is doing what action in the plan.

Diplomacy Actions
[] Talking to the Boss

Spend some time with Carlos Axel as it is rarely a bad idea to get to know your boss better and the man seems like a decent fellow. DC: 10. Costs 0 Budget.
[] The Local Priest

The local village priest strikes you as a good person and a competent one as well. Combined with his local connections, it might be a good idea to get on his good side. DC: 10. Costs 0 Budget.
[] The Village Headswoman

Claudia Smith is responsible for all of Oriva and since you are going to be spending okebty of time in Oriva, it should be a good idea to establish a working relationship. DC: 15. Costs 0 Budget.
[] The People of Oriva
It looks like you are going to be spending a fair bit of time in Oriva, it should be a smart idea to get to know the locals a bit better. DC: 15. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Local Folklore Inquiries
The vampire came here to Oriva for a reason. Ask around about the local history and legends for any indications why she did. DC: 15. Costs 0 Budget.

Martial Actions
[] Patrolling the Village

With a vampire running around, have your Ironsides spend some time patrolling the village to deal with anything untoward happening and limit your quarry's ability to act. DC: 10. Costs 3 Budget.
[] Patrolling the Graveyard

Oriva has an unsecured graveyard because that is apparently how southerners do things around these parts. Have your Ironsides patrol the graveyard so the vampire doesn't have free reign in it. DC: 10. Costs 3 Budget
[] Searching the Wilderness

You doubt that the vampire is going to be hiding out in the village. Take your Ironsides on a search of the surrounding wilderness to see if you can find any nearby hidey-holes.
DC: 10. Costs 3 Budget

Stewardship Actions
[] Head Count

Oriva is a decently sized village, but it is still small enough to do a head count of everyone in it. Doing that may be a good idea as it will let you know if people start to go missing. DC: 18. Costs 3 Budget.
[] Company Logistics

There isn't much to do around here except make sure that your company doesn't use up any more supplies than necessary and try to stretch what it does have. DC: 15. Gain 2 Budget.
[] Investigating Local Folklore
The vampire came here to Oriva for a reason. Investigate the local history and legends for any indications why she did. DC: 17. Costs 0 Budget.

Intrigue Actions
[] Spying on the Boss

Carlos Axel seems like a decent person, but better safe than sorry and you don't want any unexpected surprise from him with the vampire to worry about. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Investigating the Local Leadership

The village leadership seems alright, but appearances can be deceiving. Investigate them further to uncover any hidden secrets. DC: 18. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Vampire Hunting

Take an active stance to finding the vampire hiding out in the village and the surrounding area. DC: ???. Costs 2 Budget.

Learning Actions
[] Pray to Mirra.

While you worship all of the Winter Gods, the Lightning Soldier is the one whose path you follow. Make some offerings to gain a Blessing from the Storm Goddess. DC: 12. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Pray to Dorra.

You are on a hunt and therefore you wish the Blessing of Dorra, the Frost Hunter and Ocean. Make some offerings to gain a Blessing from the Frost Hunter. DC: 12. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Pray to Moridea

With the exception of Jorgard, Kalirea worships the Young Gods, known as the Moridea. Seek a Blessing from one of them with a pray and offering. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Local Spirits

While nowhere near the power of a deity, local spirits are nothing to scoff at and earning their favour can grant some useful boosts since it looks like you will be spending plenty of time in Oriva. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Justice Spirits

You are seeking to bring a monster to justice and stop her from preying upon the innocent. Seek aid from a justice spirit in the pursuit of this vampire. DC: 14. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Hunting Spirits

You are hunting a dangerous prey and that means it may be a good idea to seek aid from a hunting spirit in this hunt. DC: 14. Costs 2 Budget.


Sorry about how long this took. I basically got distracted playing Total Warhammer 2 and didn't exactly write anything for a couple of days.

So new job. You got twice as many actions this time around, but your budget is going to be tighter. You will be setting up shop in Oriva since your quarry is doing the same and while Carlos will be taking point in hunting for the vampire, nothing is stopping you from doing the same.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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Week 2, Dorr 4-3997
[X] Plan Making Connections
-[X] [Toldur] The Local Priest
-[X] [Thamara] Company Logistics
-[X] [Alexis] The Village Headswoman
-[X] [Tasha] The People of Oriva

The Local Priest (Toldur)
DC: 10. Roll: 6+10 = 16
Friendly Action!

Your employer Carlos ends up joining you as you decide to get the measure of the local priest, having either had a similar idea or wanting to get the support from a similar man of the cloth.

For his part, Juan Manuel is young and honest individual. Somewhat stereotypical for a Karc, he is straightforward and brave yet he also goes against typical Karc behaviour by being unsuited for combat. Not that he lacks any willingness for it, but your handful of conversation with the man makes it clear that he has no natural instinct for being a warrior.

Nonetheless Juan is a quite popular as the village priest and he is firmly supporting you and Carlos and not just because there is a vampire threatening his people.


The Village Headwoman (Alexis)
DC: 15. Roll: 6+13 = 19

Claudia Smith is both similar and different to the leaders that Alexis is used to dealing with. On the one hand, the village headwoman is the aggressive clever sort with a worldly focus. That type of personality is very common within the upper classes of the Marlean Empire.

On the other hand, Claudia's interests and concerns are far more practical and down to earth. She cares not grand politics of an empire spanning multiple kingdoms, but of who is planting what in the farms or that the tavern brawls don't get out of hand.

And one of those downright peasant-like concerns is the vampire apparently stalking about her village, a threat that has become a lot more real for Claudia not that a Nirean priest has down up with half a dozen Jorgardians to deal with it.

So long as she and the rest of the company keep the peace and don't cause undue trouble, Claudia is more than willingly to help you out.


The People of Oriva (Tasha)
DC: 15. Roll: 1+13 = 14

After the fourth night of failure, Tasha is left to return to her room is secret disgrace. The bard has been trying to win the hearts of the locals, but Tasha been finding it rather difficult. She can do performances and sing songs at the tavern, but the Cari woman cannot seem to draw much of a crowd or establish any connections.

She doesn't exactly failure or make herself unwelcome, but Tasha has not succeeded by a longshot.


Company Logistics (Thamara)
DC: 15. Roll: 3+13 = 16

While the rest of the company is off forging connections to the locals of Oriva, Thamara spends her time managing their supplies. They aren't short on anything by any means and the payment comes in just fine, but that payment isn't much. While the Ironsides aren't using up that much this week, the Kirman is able to stretch what they do use a little further.


Enemy Action!

Even as you establish ties with the local leadership, your quarry does not sit idly by. While no one finds her doing it in the act, there is no question it was here when the village graveyard is found empty one morning.

Under the cover of darkness, Lena Cosmili sneaks into the graveyard and performs her foul magic. By the time that someone arrives in the morning, every grave has been left dug up and empty as those within have crawled out.

You don't know the exact number of people buried in the graveyard, but according to Claudia, there was easily more than two hundred graves and perhaps as many as three hundred.

That makes things significantly more dangerous as Lena now has herself a small army of undead. The village headwoman is already preparing to call up the militia while both priests are going to do their best to keep the local populace calm as something like this cannot be covered up.


Random Event Roll: 86

In unrelated news, the Kingdom of Daven has a good amount more coin floating about as with the uptick in fighting in the Southron Civil War, the Commonwealth of Southron has been buying a lot of supplies from their northern neighbour.

Speaking of the Southron Civil War, it sounds like you got out at a good time. Both the armies of Judge Duret and Mayor Delacroix have been decisively crushed in battle and the momentum of the war has shifted. Now the Principality is on the attack and the Commonwealth is scrambling to put together a defence.


Logistics: +2
Payment: +10
Upkeep: -8.265
Net Change: +3.735

Things aren't exactly good, but they could be worse. You formed some connections with the local leadership and have them onboard, but on the downside, Cosmili has a small army of the undead.

That is going to be a problem and not just martially. An entire graveyard being turned raised as undead isn't something you can just cover up and the village is on the verge of total panic at the news.

On a brighter note, the Kingdom of Daven has found itself richer than usual. Perhaps there is someway to leverage that into helping you out?

You get one action for Toldur, one action for Thamara, one action for Alexis and one action for Tasha. You may put them on the same action for a Cooperation bonus on that action. Use Plan Voting and mark who is doing what action in the plan.

Diplomacy Actions
[] Talking to the Boss

Spend some time with Carlos Axel as it is rarely a bad idea to get to know your boss better and the man seems like a decent fellow. DC: 10. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Reassuring the Locals

Everyone knows that the local graveyard has been emptied to create a small undead army. Take some time to deal with the resulting panic lest it get out of hand. DC: 20. Costs 0 Budget.
[] The People of Oriva
It looks like you are going to be spending a fair bit of time in Oriva, it should be a smart idea to get to know the locals a bit better. DC: 15. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Local Folklore Inquiries
The vampire came here to Oriva for a reason. Ask around about the local history and legends for any indications why she did. DC: 12. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Appeal for Aid
Your foe has got a small army of the undead at her disposal. Send someone to the closest town to put out a cry for help. DC: 10. Costs 3 Budget.

Martial Actions
[] Patrolling the Village

With a vampire running around, have your Ironsides spend some time patrolling the village to deal with anything untoward happening and limit your quarry's ability to act. DC: 10. Costs 3 Budget.
[] Searching the Wilderness

You doubt that the vampire is going to be hiding out in the village. Take your Ironsides on a search of the surrounding wilderness to see if you can find any nearby hidey-holes.
DC: 10. Costs 3 Budget

Stewardship Actions
[] Head Count

Oriva is a decently sized village, but it is still small enough to do a head count of everyone in it. Doing that may be a good idea as it will let you know if people start to go missing. DC: 18. Costs 3 Budget.
[] Company Logistics

There isn't much to do around here except make sure that your company doesn't use up any more supplies than necessary and try to stretch what it does have. DC: 15. Gain 2 Budget.
[] Investigating Local Folklore
The vampire came here to Oriva for a reason. Investigate the local history and legends for any indications why she did. DC: 15. Costs 0 Budget.

Intrigue Actions
[] Spying on the Boss

Carlos Axel seems like a decent person, but better safe than sorry and you don't want any unexpected surprise from him with the vampire to worry about. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Investigating the Local Leadership

The village leadership seems alright, but appearances can be deceiving. Investigate them further to uncover any hidden secrets. DC: 18. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Vampire Hunting

Take an active stance to finding the vampire hiding out in the village and the surrounding area. DC: ???. Costs 2 Budget.

Learning Actions
[] Pray to Mirra.

While you worship all of the Winter Gods, the Lightning Soldier is the one whose path you follow. Make some offerings to gain a Blessing from the Storm Goddess. DC: 12. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Pray to Dorra.

You are on a hunt and therefore you wish the Blessing of Dorra, the Frost Hunter and Ocean. Make some offerings to gain a Blessing from the Frost Hunter. DC: 12. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Pray to Moridea

With the exception of Jorgard, Kalirea worships the Young Gods, known as the Moridea. Seek a Blessing from one of them with a pray and offering. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Local Spirits

While nowhere near the power of a deity, local spirits are nothing to scoff at and earning their favour can grant some useful boosts since it looks like you will be spending plenty of time in Oriva. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Justice Spirits

You are seeking to bring a monster to justice and stop her from preying upon the innocent. Seek aid from a justice spirit in the pursuit of this vampire. DC: 14. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Hunting Spirits

You are hunting a dangerous prey and that means it may be a good idea to seek aid from a hunting spirit in this hunt. DC: 14. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Anti-Undead Enchantments

Alexis is a sorceress of minor skill and you have got an army of undead to worry about. Have her enchant your gear with anti-undead magic in that the lesser style of the southerners. DC: 18. Costs 10 Budget. Only Alexis may take this action.


You passed most of your rolls. You got the local priest and headwoman on your side, but you failed to win the hearts of the people. Your employer has a similar idea to you while Lena when full hog with raising undead servants and got a massive success on her roll.

So now things have got a lot harder as your enemy has a small army and the village is freaking out over that fact.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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Week 3, Dorr 4-3997
[X] Plan Damage Control
-[X] [Toldur] Patrolling the Village
-[X] [Thamara] Appeal for Aid
-[X] [Alexis] Reassuring the Locals
-[X] [Tasha] Reassuring the Locals

Patrolling the Village (Toldur)
DC: 10. Roll: 3+14 = 17

With a small army of the undead nearby, you take your Ironsides out on a series of patrols. While you got out every night, you also make sure to same of the day on patrol. It isn't glamourous or interesting work, but it is necessary to deal with a threat like this.

Nothing happens on your patrols while some might bemoan the boringness of it, you are wise and experienced enough to appreciate nothing exciting happening. Boring and uneventfully as they may be, your patrols do their service their purpose and while it may not stop Lena, it will make it harder for the vampire to operate in Oriva itself.


Reassuring the Locals (Alexis & Tasha)
DC: 20. Roll: 6+13+6.5 = 25.5

Everyone in Oriva knows not only is there a vampire hanging out, but said vampire has raised an army of the undead from the village graveyard. The expected panic is understandable, but something that needs to be avoided to if the situation is to be kept under control.

To that end, both Alexis and Tasha devote their efforts to swaying the locals and convincing the villagers of Oriva that the end is not nigh and to say calm. The experienced bard and naturally talented noblewoman approach the issue from different ends, Alexis acting as trustworthy authority figure while Tasha approaches the villagers as a friendly and reliable pal.

Pointing to the presence of two priest, a company of Jorgardians and the local militia on top of a call for help being sent out, Alexis and Tasha have plenty of material to work with. While neither is able to convince everyone, the two elves are able to leave the majority of the village reassured and that is enough to keep any serious panic at bay for now.


Appeal for Aid (Thamara)
DC: 10. Roll: 5+10 = 15

Whilst the rest of the Ironsides are dealing with the recent woes of Oriva in the village itself, Thamara takes a horse to the nearby town of Penavarre.

While not the most impressive place that Thamara has been in, the town is significantly larger than Oriva and recently having a rise in coin flowing though it. While Thamara is in no position to directly hire aid, the Kirman is able to put out several missives.

Not everyone is willingly to believe her when she claims that vampire has just risen an army of a few hundred undead nearby, but Thamara gets enough people to believe her or simply not care that she is certain that word will get out.

Now the only question if anyone will answer Oriva's pled for help.


Friendly Action!

With a threat of a few hundred undead led by a vampire, Claudia Smith does what any sensible village headwoman would do in her place and raises up the village militia. Normally number about twenty with a total of ninety in a state of half-readiness, Claudia goes a step further and summons up every capable fighter in the village.

While something of a desperate act, the situation is something of an emergency and after scrapping the barrel, the village militia of Oriva can muster up almost two hundred individuals, six scores of light infantrymen and seventy or so archers, primarily hunters who are willing to switch their prey from animals to undead.

The two priests begin their own efforts to deal with the increased undead threat. Carlos and Juan do their best to set up some anti-vampire wards at key points in the village, using the power of their gods.

It goes less than well. Juan lacks the knowledge and experience to make any worthwhile wards and Carlos is able to make a few, but just not enough. Juan puts up a fair few, but Alexis privately expresses to you that she doubts they will actually impend your quarry. Carlos's wards are worth something on the other hand, but you can also count how many he has set up on that same hand.


Enemy Action!

In hindsight, your old habit of sleeping in your armour proved useful. Sure Thamara complains about the smell, but a few years as a mercenary have left you able to sleep in plate and that cultivated skill has saved you on a couple of past occasions. Now you can add a third time to that list.

It was shortly after a patrol, whilst you were sleeping that Lena made her move. You would like to say that you realised she was there on your own, but the truth is that you had no idea that the vampire had snuck into the tavern. No, it was Mirra who woke you in time as the Storm Goddess gave you a nudge in your sleep, disturbing your rest enough that your eyes blearily blinked awake.

You barely saw the flash magic and you only just roll in time to make certain that the vampire's black spellblade to struck your plate. You continued the roll, the motion carrying of bed. You scramble to your feet another black blade made of magic glances off of your shoulder.

"Who sleeps in their armour?" demands Lena as the red eyed woman summons a ball of lightning in her hand.

"Jorgard endures!" you yell back, not bothering with an answer as you headbutt her gut.

"Egh!" squawks Lena as the vampire goes stumbling back and you seized the opportunity to grab your sword from where it lies near your bed.

While the fight has ended up being a lot even than she must have hoped by the dint of actually being a fight, Lena Cosmili is still a vampire and that is no trivial threat. You grunt in pain as she throws what remains of her lightning at you, the electricity searing you through your armour.

It doesn't stop you however and seeing that, Lena goes for another spell as she aims her hand at you and magic flocks to her fingertips. You don't let her get another shot off as you slices half of hand off.

The vampire lets out a cry of pain as she jerks what is left of her hand back. You ready for another attack as one of your Ironsides bursts into the room, mace in hand and a shield in the other. Even as you charge forward, Lena apparently decides she has had enough for tonight and jumps out of the window.

Both you and your Ironside rush to pursue her, but you know it is too late. A vampire like Lena will have already disappeared into the darkness of night.


Random Event Roll: 99

You send out a call for aid and you couldn't have hoped for a better answer. Prince Rolando Sinclair had recently formed his personal retinue and now the young prince had been seeking a cause upon which to cut his teeth on. Apparently hearing about a vampire threatening a village of his kingdom with a small army was good enough for the prince and so Prince Rolando arrived at the end of the week with a hundred men and women. A score of men-at-arms supported by a forty sergeants-at-arms with halberds and another forty sergeant-at-arms with longbows.

A very impressive force that was certainly better than either your Ironsides or the village militia of Oriva. You were also certain that the royal retinue outmatches whatever Lena has mustered unless she has some forces in addition to what she got from Oriva's graveyard.

All in all, it is a great relief for all those in Oriva. Having a member of the royal family personally come to deal with the vampire threat and to bring such a large army with him does a great deal to relieve many worries around the village.


Patrols: -3
Appeal for Aid: -3
Payment: +10
Upkeep: -8.265
Net Change: -4.265

The situation is certainly a good sight better than it was last week. Nobody has died yet, your appeal for assistance was answered most magnificently and there has been no break out of mass panic. The only downside is a lack of clues on what the vampire is doing here in Oriva since while Lena Cosmili has to be up to something, but you have no idea what that is.

Oh and you still haven't recovered from that blast of lightning. Nothing that won't heal with time, but it is still enough to leave you more achy than you should be.

You get one action for Toldur, one action for Thamara, one action for Alexis and one action for Tasha. You may put them on the same action for a Cooperation bonus on that action. Use Plan Voting and mark who is doing what action in the plan.

Diplomacy Actions
[] Talking to the Boss

Spend some time with Carlos Axel as it is rarely a bad idea to get to know your boss better and the man seems like a decent fellow. DC: 10. Costs 0 Budget.
[] The People of Oriva
It looks like you are going to be spending a fair bit of time in Oriva, it should be a smart idea to get to know the locals a bit better. DC: 12. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Local Folklore Inquiries
The vampire came here to Oriva for a reason. Ask around about the local history and legends for any indications why she did. DC: 12. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Prince Charming
Prince Rolando Sinclair of Daven is a cheerful and vigorous man. He clearly cares about his people and the soldiers he brought with him certainly care out him in turn. Try to strike up an acquaintance with the prince. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.

Martial Actions
[] Patrolling the Village

With a vampire running around, have your Ironsides spend some time patrolling the village to deal with anything untoward happening and limit your quarry's ability to act. DC: 10. Costs 3 Budget.
[] Searching the Wilderness

You doubt that the vampire is going to be hiding out in the village. Take your Ironsides on a search of the surrounding wilderness to see if you can find any nearby hidey-holes.
DC: 10. Costs 3 Budget

Stewardship Actions
[] Head Count

Oriva is a decently sized village, but it is still small enough to do a head count of everyone in it. Doing that may be a good idea as it will let you know if people start to go missing. DC: 18. Costs 3 Budget.
[] Company Logistics

There isn't much to do around here except make sure that your company doesn't use up any more supplies than necessary and try to stretch what it does have. DC: 15. Gain 2 Budget.
[] Investigating Local Folklore
The vampire came here to Oriva for a reason. Investigate the local history and legends for any indications why she did. DC: 15. Costs 0 Budget.

Intrigue Actions
[] Spying on the Boss

Carlos Axel seems like a decent person, but better safe than sorry and you don't want any unexpected surprise from him with the vampire to worry about. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Investigating the Local Leadership

The village leadership seems alright, but appearances can be deceiving. Investigate them further to uncover any hidden secrets. DC: 18. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Vampire Hunting

Take an active stance to finding the vampire hiding out in the village and the surrounding area. DC: ???. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Royal Intrigue

Prince Rolando Sinclair is officially here out of a sense of duty to his subjects and unofficially here to seek some glory. Try to find out what the man is really like. DC: 20. Costs 2 Budget.

Learning Actions
[] Pray to Mirra.

While you worship all of the Winter Gods, the Lightning Soldier is the one whose path you follow. Make some offerings to gain a Blessing from the Storm Goddess. DC: 12. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Pray to Dorra.

You are on a hunt and therefore you wish the Blessing of Dorra, the Frost Hunter and Ocean. Make some offerings to gain a Blessing from the Frost Hunter. DC: 12. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Pray to Moridea

With the exception of Jorgard, Kalirea worships the Young Gods, known as the Moridea. Seek a Blessing from one of them with a pray and offering. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Local Spirits

While nowhere near the power of a deity, local spirits are nothing to scoff at and earning their favour can grant some useful boosts since it looks like you will be spending plenty of time in Oriva. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Justice Spirits

You are seeking to bring a monster to justice and stop her from preying upon the innocent. Seek aid from a justice spirit in the pursuit of this vampire. DC: 14. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Hunting Spirits

You are hunting a dangerous prey and that means it may be a good idea to seek aid from a hunting spirit in this hunt. DC: 14. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Anti-Undead Enchantments

Alexis is a sorceress of minor skill and you have got an army of undead to worry about. Have her enchant your gear with anti-undead magic in that the lesser style of the southerners. DC: 18. Costs 10 Budget. Only Alexis may take this action.
[] Magical Healing

While injured the vampire in turn, Lena did leave you wounded. Even if it doesn't impact your performance by much, you ought to get the injury tended to by a magical healer. DC: 10. Costs 8 Budget.


I personally feel you got a good turn overall. You kept panic from breaking out and your appeal for aid got a very good response thanks to that random event roll. The patrols did help by the way as it increased Lena's DC for making an attack on Toldur while he slept. And speaking of that, Lena rolled just high enough to meet the DC of that roll, resulting her and Toldur mutually injuring each other.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
Week 4, Dorr 4-3997
[X] Plan Networking and Hunting
-[X] [Toldur] Prince Charming
-[X] [Thamara] Investigating Local Folklore
-[X] [Alexis] Vampire Hunting
-[X] [Tasha] Prince Charming

Prince Charming (Toldur & Tasha)
DC: 15. Roll: 4+13+2-1 = 18

A good man. That is what Prince Rolando is. He might be a glory-seeker, but the royal prince is earnest in his desire to help out his people and he genuinely cares about those under his command. It is quite clear why his men and women care about him in the same way that your Ironsides stand by you.

Rolando himself is happy to share your company when you approach the campsite his retinue has set up and hear the tales that you have to share. You start off when letting him know about your encounter with Lena the other night and from there, you branch out to giving news on the opening weeks of the latest campaign in the Southron Civil War. In turn, Prince Rolando shares information on what has happened since you cut your losses.

The war is currently going firmly against the Commonwealth of Southron with both offensives having been crush and the Principality of Southron taken the chance to drive their armies into Commonwealth territory. While their advance has slowed down as the Commonwealth rallies a spirited defence, the Principality has made some gains and it might be able to hold them if things continue to go well for them.

By the end of it all, the trip has been a success. You might not be friends with the man, but you have gotten on Prince Rolando's good side and given how few Jorgardian mercenaries there are, you suspect that he will remember you in the future.


Vampire Hunting (Alexis)
DC: 20. Roll: 4+15 = 19

Somewhat annoyed at despite being the only one in the company with even a hint of nobility in her blood, she gets left out of meeting an actual prince, Alexis sets to work looking for Lena Cosmili. Her fellow Marlean has caused far too much trouble defiling the graveyard for her army to trying to murder Toldur to just being a vampire in general. The sooner she is stopped the better.

With limited space to hide in the village, Alexis feels confident in her ability to either find Lena's hiding spot within Oriva or confirm that she isn't operating out of the village itself. And so she searches and sneaks about the place, going through unused spots and abandon buildings, ruffling through the places that few go and a monster of the night could easily hide.

You aren't sure what you were hoping for, but what Alexis finds is informative nonetheless. The Dragonborn woman is absolutely certain that Lena Cosmili is not operating out of Oriva and while she has been active in the village, her base is elsewhere.


Investigating Local Folklore (Thamara)
DC: 15. Roll: 4+13 = 17
Friendly Action!

While Toldur and Tasha are dealing with the prince and Alexis is prowling about the village, Thamara begins to crack open a few books on the region, both about its factual past and the local myths.

Thanks to Oriva being something of an unimportant backwater, the desired information is a bit harder to find than Thamara would like since no one is writing directly about the village. Instead Thamara has to read texts on the local region or even Daven as a whole.

It takes a few days of scouring the books, but Thamara finally picks up the historical points of interest regarding Oriva and the immediate area. There had been a handful of noteworthy battles fought nearby, some in the formation of Kingdom of Daven while others dated back to when the Athelan Empire was still a thing. A couple of major adventurers came from Oriva, but Thamara, but nothing beyond their origin tied them back to Oriva. There are a couple of old religious sites from back in the days of the Athelan Empire, but they are just ruins these days.

While the information could prove to be useful, it hadn't provided the desired insights into Lena's plans At least not until Carlos finishes his magical surveying of the area for any unusual activity.

Your employer picks up on an abnormal pool of magic nearby. While Lena is the initial suspect, it quickly becomes clear that it cannot be the vampire's work due to the magic being divine in nature. Carlos believes the divine magic belongs to the Moridea, but priest is uncertain as while it feels like the magic of his gods, it isn't what he is used to feeling.

Beyond that oddity, the pool of divine magic is also fluctuating, shifting and altering as the source of the magic seems unstable. Carlos is at loss for what it could be and it is only Thamara's research which gives him some idea of what is going on. The site of the divine magic happens to match the location of one of the old Athelan religious sites, the former location of an Urbadist holy order that has long since gone extinct.

Well, you know what you are doing next week.


Random Event Roll: 76
Friendly Action!

With his retinue and Juan Manuel backing him up, Prince Rolando goes to hunt down Lena's army. After a few days in the woods, the prince returns and while Prince Rolando himself is fine, his force has been bloodied. The longbowmen are unharmed, but a few of the knights are missing and of the forty infantryman the prince originally had, only eight remain, each one bearing injuries.

Looking quite sombre, Prince Rolando reports that they found and engaged the undead army of Lena Cosmili. While took losses from the undead horde, the royal retinue has wiped out over two hundred skeletons and zombies along with about thirty ghouls. Despite taking part in the battle and the best efforts of the royal retinue, Lena herself escaped.

After letting you, Claudia and Carlos know the details of what happened in private, Prince Rolando then makes a public declaration to the people of Oriva, proudly proclaiming that even with the undead army dealt with, he will remain in Oriva to protect its people until the vampire menace is dealt with.

Something you can't help, but notice makes Claudia look a little unhappy even if she quickly covers it before anyone else can notice.


Princely Gifts: -2
Vampire Hunting: -2
Payment: +10
Upkeep: -8.265
Net Change: -2.265

The job is going pretty well at the moment. The undead army has been dealt with, the royal support is sticking around to see the job through and Carlos has a lead on what Lena is up.

Your plans for the next week have already been decided as Carlos wants you to help him personally investigate the site that he uncovered. That leaves it up to the rest of the company to handle over matters since you will be busy earning your pay.

You get one action for Thamara, one action for Alexis and one action for Tasha. Toldur is locked in for Cooperating with Carlos Axel with his action. You may put them on the same action for a Cooperation bonus on that action. Use Plan Voting and mark who is doing what action in the plan.

Diplomacy Actions
[] Talking to the Boss

Spend some time with Carlos Axel as it is rarely a bad idea to get to know your boss better and the man seems like a decent fellow. DC: 10. Costs 0 Budget.
[] The People of Oriva
It looks like you are going to be spending a fair bit of time in Oriva, it should be a smart idea to get to know the locals a bit better. DC: 12. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Local Folklore Inquiries
The vampire came here to Oriva for a reason. Ask around about the local history and legends for any indications why she did. DC: 12. Costs 0 Budget.

Martial Actions
[] Patrolling the Village

With a vampire running around, have your Ironsides spend some time patrolling the village to deal with anything untoward happening and limit your quarry's ability to act. DC: 10. Costs 3 Budget.
[] Searching the Wilderness

You doubt that the vampire is going to be hiding out in the village. Take your Ironsides on a search of the surrounding wilderness to see if you can find any nearby hidey-holes.
DC: 10. Costs 3 Budget

Stewardship Actions
[] Head Count

Oriva is a decently sized village, but it is still small enough to do a head count of everyone in it. Doing that may be a good idea as it will let you know if people start to go missing. DC: 18. Costs 3 Budget.
[] Company Logistics

There isn't much to do around here except make sure that your company doesn't use up any more supplies than necessary and try to stretch what it does have. DC: 15. Gain 2 Budget.
[] Investigating the Order of the Black Boar
The site of weird unstable divine magic that Carlos has uncovered is the old headquarters for the now extinct Urbadist holy order known as the Order of the Black Boar. Investigate them further. DC: 20. Costs 2 Budget.

Intrigue Actions
[] Spying on the Boss

Carlos Axel seems like a decent person, but better safe than sorry and you don't want any unexpected surprise from him with the vampire to worry about. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Investigating the Local Leadership

The village leadership seems alright, but appearances can be deceiving. Investigate them further to uncover any hidden secrets. DC: 18. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Vampire Hunting

Take an active stance to finding the vampire hiding out in the village and the surrounding area. Alexis has confirmed that Lena hasn't got any hideouts in the Oriva itself. DC: ???. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Royal Intrigue

Prince Rolando Sinclair is officially here out of a sense of duty to his subjects and unofficially here to seek some glory. Try to find out what the man is really like. DC: 20. Costs 2 Budget.

Learning Actions
[] Pray to Mirra.

While you worship all of the Winter Gods, the Lightning Soldier is the one whose path you follow. Make some offerings to gain a Blessing from the Storm Goddess. DC: 12. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Pray to Dorra.

You are on a hunt and therefore you wish the Blessing of Dorra, the Frost Hunter and Ocean. Make some offerings to gain a Blessing from the Frost Hunter. DC: 12. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Pray to Moridea

With the exception of Jorgard, Kalirea worships the Young Gods, known as the Moridea. Seek a Blessing from one of them with a pray and offering. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Local Spirits

While nowhere near the power of a deity, local spirits are nothing to scoff at and earning their favour can grant some useful boosts since it looks like you will be spending plenty of time in Oriva. DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Justice Spirits

You are seeking to bring a monster to justice and stop her from preying upon the innocent. Seek aid from a justice spirit in the pursuit of this vampire. DC: 14. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Hunting Spirits

You are hunting a dangerous prey and that means it may be a good idea to seek aid from a hunting spirit in this hunt. DC: 14. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Anti-Undead Enchantments

Alexis is a sorceress of minor skill and you have got an army of undead to worry about. Have her enchant your gear with anti-undead magic in that the lesser style of the southerners. DC: 18. Costs 10 Budget. Only Alexis may take this action.
[] Magical Healing

While injured the vampire in turn, Lena did leave you wounded. Even if it doesn't impact your performance by much, you ought to get the injury tended to by a magical healer. DC: 10. Costs 8 Budget.


Pretty standard turn. You got most of your actions successful while Alexis having a fail forward. Prince Rolando has dealt with the army and is sticking around until Lena is dealt with while Carlos has a lead on what Lena wants.

You also don't get to choose Toldur's action for the upcoming week as your employer has requested the services of his employee. Which is a thing that can happen since you work for someone else and they can tell you what to do as their employee.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
Week 1, Floric 4-3997
[X] Plan Vampire Hunting
-[X] [Thamara] Magical Healing
-[X] [Alexis] Vampire Hunting
-[X] [Tasha] Vampire Hunting

Magical Healing (Thamara)
DC: 10. Roll: 5+9 = 14

While the rest of the company goes off vampire hunting, Thamara stalks the streets of Oriva. The village has an odd sense of tension that Thamara can't quite place and the only thing she can tell about it is that it does not come from the presence of the vampire threatening the village. If it did, Thamara could place it.

Ultimately, it isn't her concern. Any of the others can deal with it if it is even something that concerns their merry band of sellswords. The Kirman's problem is finding a healer to tend to Toldur's wounds that the man sustained fighting Lena Cosmili.

She isn't sure whether to shake her head at her Jorgardian boss sleeping in his armour or to be grateful that he was. At least she didn't lose a good boss and a friend that night. Still new to this whole mercenary business, Thamara has learnt to be grateful to having a bunch of Jorgardians backing her up as she still learns the tricks of the trade.

Normally she would go to a priest, but both her employer and the local priest are busy with vampire stuff while the healers that the prince brought with him are attending to the injuries that his own people have suffered, leaving Thamara to see if there is any non-divine healers in the village. It takes some time, but Thamara is able to find a semi-practicing witch in Oriva.

The woman has a decent proficiency in potion making despite only dabbling in the art of potions and while it costs a fair bit of coin, the witch is able to provide Thamara with a potion to deal with lightning-based injuries.

Now if only Toldur hadn't left with Carlos and the rest of his Ironsides earlier that morning.


Vampire Hunting (Alexis & Tasha)
DC: 22. Roll: 4+15+2 = 21

"Another dead end," states Tasha as she meets up with Alexis, hopping down from a tree that the other Alire is pacing under.

"Drat," curses Alexis as she scowls, "I was so sure that we would find her here."

"Perhaps it is for the best," says the Cari as she leans against the tree, "Frankly, I don't want to tangle with a vampire if I can't help. Accidentally running into our quarry would be worse than not finding her at all."

"Aren't you supposed to be a mercenary?" retorts Alexis, turning her glower on her partner, "What sort of fighter wants to avoid battling their enemy?"

"The smart kind who wants to stay alive," counters Tasha, "I'm no Dragonborn or Jorgardian. A vampire is so out of my league it isn't even funny. If I did find her, my only chance would be hope I could get away alive."

"I do wish we found her," grumbles Alexis as she kicks a rock, conceding the argument to Tasha.

"We still got a few more location to check," says Tasha, "Maybe we will find her tomorrow?"

"Maybe," says Alexis half-heartedly, "I just hope the others are having more luck than us."


Investigating the Site (Carlos & Toldur)
DC: 26. Roll: 6+16+2+2+2-1 = 27

"Here it is," says Carlos as your group approaches the clearing where the old Order of the Black Boar used to have their headquarters.

"Look empty," you say with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, it does," agrees Carlos before frowning, "Too empty even. There should be something here. Ruins of the old buildings or perhaps just overgrowth given it has been a few centuries since the Black Boars stopped being a thing during the rise of the Kingdom of Daven."

"We are here to investigate it," you muse before striding forward, "Let's get to it."

You feel a slight something as you march into the clearing, an urge to leave or go elsewhere. You shrug off and then as if a switch had been flipped, the clearing before changes. No longer it is plain and barren, but there is a set of half-buried ruins in the centre, partially covered by overgrowth.

Or perhaps judging by the number of armed and armoured undead standing guard, it is actually half-unburied and partially cleared of overgrowth. As the undead begin to move, you draw your sword and call out your Ironsides forward.

The undead come and you slew. They slash, stab and even claw at your armour, but they fail to pierce your steel plate. In turn, you hack one down with every other swing, smashing all those that charge the front whilst those that try to flank are shot down by your hunters.

You idly note that despite how easily they are falling, these undead must be Lena's elite reserve, judging by how they remember how to wield weapons and fight with them. Certainly a tier above what Prince Rolando and his retinue faced even if they are nowhere near as numerous.

As the last of the undead fall, you are left to wonder just what you have found. It is definitely something important to Lena if the vampire used her elite reserves to guard it, but is it just her base or something more? Given the odd magical readings, you certainly suspect the latter to the former.

With the site clear of hostiles, Carlos moves up and begins to investigate the old ruins. The Nirean priest is slow and cautious in his examination, wary of any traps left by Lena or old dangerous from further back as he attempts to figure out why the divine magic of this place is acting so weirdly.

He apparently finds it as after a few minutes, he suddenly goes very still and you notice something trickling down the side of his leg.

"It is a Fragment of Vrondrunt," whispers Carlos as he turns to look at you, staring at you in pure horror, "Bound by the Moridea thousands of years ago and over half of the bindings are broken."

Okay, you are little scared too now. A vampire freeing a piece of their god would be a small apocalyptic event and if there is what you are looking are going to need more than your handful of Jorgardians to deal with this.

The stakes have just gotten a lot higher.


Random Event Roll: 12

When your group returns to village to plan how you are going to deal with this dire revelation, you are unpleasantly surprised to find that Prince Rolando and his royal retinue left in a hurry earlier in the day. Things were going terrible wrong in the south so as a member of the royal family, Prince Rolando had left to help his father deal with the matter.

From what Claudia has to tell you, the merchants of Daven have misused their recent good luck to do horrible things to the kingdom's economy. The majority of them apparently decided that the response to their potential customers having more money to spend was to greatly increase their prices as a good way to take advantage of the additional coin to be spent.

It has backfired horribly as too many of them put their prices up too high for customers to reasonable afford them even with their increased spending capabilities. The matter was compounded by the fact that the panicked general response to not being able to afford prices for their needs was to increase your own prices so you had more money to afford everyone else's higher prices.

The situation was a mess and while the worst of it was still confined to the major settlements on the southern coast, you were beginning to feel the impact even here in Oriva.


Magical Healing: -8
Vampire Hunting: -2
Payment: +10
Upkeep: -8.265
Net Change: -8.265

While you are certain you have taken out the last of Lena's undead army and you know what the vampire is after, both the prices and stakes have gotten a lot higher. To your employer's relief, you reassured the man that you wouldn't be increasing your own prices unlike many others. In fact, you promised that you would stick around for free if you had to given the stakes involved.

Speaking of the stakes involved, this matter had gone far beyond a lone priest and his band of hired help. A potential apocalypse was brewing and you need help to deal with it. Fortunately, Carlos had a plan to deal with that as it turns out that the Nirean priesthood has a global communication system put in place to inform everyone of a major crisis that needed to be dealt with.

Surprisingly smart of the southerners.

You get one action for Thamara, one action for Alexis and one action for Tasha. Toldur is locked in for Guarding the Apocalypse Site. You may put them on the same action for a Cooperation bonus on that action. Use Plan Voting and mark who is doing what action in the plan.

Diplomacy Actions
[] Talking to the Boss

Spend some time with Carlos Axel as it is rarely a bad idea to get to know your boss better and the man seems like a decent fellow. DC: 10. Costs 0 Budget.
[] The People of Oriva
It looks like you are going to be spending a fair bit of time in Oriva, it should be a smart idea to get to know the locals a bit better. DC: 12. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Local Folklore Inquiries
The vampire came here to Oriva for a reason. Ask around about the local history and legends for any indications why she did. DC: 12. Costs 0 Budget.
[] The Kingdom of Daven
The Kingdom of Daven has a brewing apocalypse in their backyard. Even if they got an major economic crisis kicking off, surely they will send aid to deal with this other crisis. DC: ???. Costs 6 Budget.
[] Most Ancient Jorgard
Jorgard has fought the Elder Gods for as long as they have existed. Even without Toldur and the other Jorgardians in the company giving you an in, it would just be a matter of informing the closest Jorgardian Hold of what Lena is up to. Unfortunately while you know the answer to whether Jorgard will help, there is still the question of how quickly that help will arrive. DC: 3. Costs 6 Budget.

Martial Actions
[] Patrolling the Village

With a vampire running around, have your Ironsides spend some time patrolling the village to deal with anything untoward happening and limit your quarry's ability to act. DC: 10. Costs
6 Budget.
[] Patrolling the Site

Do not let the vampire anywhere near the site. Lena Cosmili cannot be allowed to finishing freeing this fragment of her foul god. DC: 10. Costs 6 Budget.
[] Vampire Hunting

You tracked down most of Lena's possible hiding spots. Go on the offensive and rout her out.
DC: ???. Costs 6 Budget

Stewardship Actions
[] Head Count

Oriva is a decently sized village, but it is still small enough to do a head count of everyone in it. Doing that may be a good idea as it will let you know if people start to go missing. DC: 18. Costs 6 Budget.
[] Company Logistics

There isn't much to do around here except make sure that your company doesn't use up any more supplies than necessary and try to stretch what it does have. DC: 15. Gain 4 Budget.
[] Investigating the Order of the Black Boar
The site of weird unstable divine magic that Carlos has uncovered is the old headquarters for the now extinct Urbadist holy order known as the Order of the Black Boar. Investigate them further. DC: 20. Costs 4 Budget.

Intrigue Actions
[] Spying on the Boss

Carlos Axel seems like a decent person, but better safe than sorry and you don't want any unexpected surprise from him with the vampire to worry about. DC: 15. Costs 4 Budget.
[] Investigating the Local Leadership

The village leadership seems alright, but appearances can be deceiving. Investigate them further to uncover any hidden secrets. DC: 18. Costs 4 Budget.

Learning Actions
[] Pray to Mirra.

While you worship all of the Winter Gods, the Lightning Soldier is the one whose path you follow. Make some offerings to gain a Blessing from the Storm Goddess. DC: 12. Costs 4 Budget.
[] Pray to Dorra.

You are on a hunt and therefore you wish the Blessing of Dorra, the Frost Hunter and Ocean. Make some offerings to gain a Blessing from the Frost Hunter. DC: 12. Costs 4 Budget.
[] Pray to Moridea

With the exception of Jorgard, Kalirea worships the Young Gods, known as the Moridea. Seek a Blessing from one of them with a pray and offering. DC: 15. Costs 4 Budget.
[] Local Spirits

While nowhere near the power of a deity, local spirits are nothing to scoff at and earning their favour can grant some useful boosts since it looks like you will be spending plenty of time in Oriva. DC: 15. Costs 4 Budget.
[] Justice Spirits

You are seeking to bring a monster to justice and stop her from preying upon the innocent. Seek aid from a justice spirit in the pursuit of this vampire. DC: 14. Costs 4 Budget.
[] Hunting Spirits

You are hunting a dangerous prey and that means it may be a good idea to seek aid from a hunting spirit in this hunt. DC: 14. Costs 4 Budget.
[] Anti-Undead Enchantments

Alexis is a sorceress of minor skill and you have got an army of undead to worry about. Have her enchant your gear with anti-undead magic in that the lesser style of the southerners. DC: 18. Costs 20 Budget. Only Alexis may take this action.


So the stakes just got a lot higher and a bit beyond your small company of mercenaries. Fortunately you done a good job of finding Lena's hiding spots and her army is pretty much gone at this point. She herself remains as a dangerous threat, but she will need to find a new army if she wants to use one.

Also the costs are all doubled due to the random event roll and will remain that way until the economic crisis is handled with the possible that they might increase further is the economic situation gets worse.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.