[X] Plan Spirits On High
-[X] [Toldur] Pray to Mirra
-[X] [Thamara] War Spirits
Pray to Mirra (Toldur)
DC: 10. Roll: 8+10 = 18
Mirra, the Lightning Soldier and the Storm Goddess is one of the three Winter Gods. While you revere Mithias, the Light Warrior and Sun God, and Dorra, the Frost Hunter and Ocean Goddess, it is the path of the soldier that you have chosen to follow and it is Mirra that you pray to in times of need.
While Mirra does not demand great expenses like some others and you are certain she will not turn away your request, it is rude to not offer something up to the goddess. Well, at least you consider it rude and it is not like you will be spending too much.
So you buy an iron dagger and a flask of Daric wine before picking out a couple slices of bread from your own supplies and filling up a small bowl of water. There is no standardised pray for the Winter Gods as the connection to them is between individuals rather than a deity to a religion.
The words used for the giving of the offering and the request for the blessing are yours and yours alone. You come up with them on the spot, using whatever seems fitting as you place the iron dagger into bowl then pour in the wine and finishing if of by placing both slices of beard into the wine-mixed water.
The bowl turns cold, almost freezingly slow and you feel the comforting cool touch of Mirra's power as the Lightning Soldier answers your call for her blessing.
Toldur gains Blessing of Mirra (+2 Martial for four months). Blessing of Mirra expires on Week 4, Daen 4-3997.
War Spirits (Thamara)
DC: 10. Roll: 3+10 = 13
While Toldur seeks the blessing of his northern goddesses, Thamara turns to the spirits. No spirit can match the power of a deity, a proper deity at least, but for the likes of Thamara that matters little. Someone of her stature is unlikely to draw more of a divine's attention and power than they can get from a spirit.
The Kirman never invoked a spirit of war before, but she has done it before with less martially inclined spirit and Thamara knows how to haggle and bargain. So she acquires some suitable offerings, a mug of good beer, a nice fat sausage and some herbs.
With the aid of a shaman from the Ravagers, Thamara performs the ceremony, reaching out to any war spirits in the area. Despite her inexperience, the Kirman woman gets the attention of a war spirit and her gifts are enough to earn some favour. Not much favour, but Thamara is able to bargain the spirit into extending its blessing into lasting a whole month.
Thamara gains +1 Martial for one month. Expires Week 4, Mirr 4-3997.
Enemy Action!
As the army approaches the border, the enemy once again takes action and launches a raid against Duret's forces. They make use of their knights again, but unlike week, the Principality knights face not light infantry from Torrine, but the Daric heavy infantry. Crossbow fire and heavily armed and armoured hammerers force the knights to withdraw after slaying a quarter of their number, but not before the enemy leaves its mark. Ten of the Daric mercenaries lay dead and you aren't sure who came off better in that fight.
Random Event Roll: 73
While it doesn't directly affect your campaign, there is some good news that arrives a day before reaching the border. On the other side of the Commonwealth, another oligarch has launched their own offensive into the Principality territory. While Mayor Delacroix was unlikely to provide any aid to Judge Duret, it would mean that the Principality would have to split their focus between Duret and Delacroix. At least for now. A two-pronged invasion might motivate the Principality to respond in force.
Spiritual Offerings: -4
Upkeep: -7.125
Net Change: -11.125
You have reached the border between the Commonwealth and the Principality and tomorrow, the army will cross it. Then the fighting will begin proper even if it already feels like it has. Between enemy raids and desertion, the army has already lost fifty men while only three enemy knights have fallen.
You hope that isn't a sign of how this campaign will go through given the apparent falling out between General Brosseau and Captain Raigh, you fear that the campaign's string of bad luck isn't going to end anytime soon.
You get one action for Toldur and one action for Thamara. You may put them on the same action for a Cooperation bonus on that action. Use Plan Voting.
Diplomacy Actions
[] Speaking to the General
With Judge Duret having chosen to stay at home, he has left command of his army to General Beatrix Brosseau. Try to arrange a chat with your commander for the duration of the campaign.
DC: 15. Costs 1 Budget.
[] Chat with Raigh
The leader of a somewhat famous mercenary band, Ciaran Raigh had a decent reputation and is frankly better than you. Now you are on the campaign path together, try to get to know him better.
DC: 15. Costs 1 Budget.
[] Campsite Chats
Now the army is on the march, it might be a good idea to integrate yourself into presence of the common troops and maybe get to know them better while they get to know you better.
DC: 12. Costs 0 Budget.
Martial Actions
[] Extra Patrols
While General Brosseau has put out some patrols for the army, you could arrange for your company to do some extra ones just in case.
DC: 10. Costs 3 Budget.
[] Forceful Scouting
Now you've reached the border, you could do some scouting. While dangerous, you could go ahead of the army and slip into Principality territory to see what they got waiting for you.
DC: 20. Costs 5 Budget
Stewardship Actions
[] Army Logistics
There isn't much to do on the march except make sure that the army doesn't use up any more supplies than necessary and try to stretch what it does have.
DC: 15. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Company Logistics
There isn't much to do on the march except make sure that your company doesn't use up any more supplies than necessary and try to stretch what it does have.
DC: 15. Gain 2 Budget.
Intrigue Actions
[] Spying on the Boss
General Brosseau seems like a decent leader, but she works for a Southron Oligarch. See what she is really like and what sort of secrets she may have.
DC: 20. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Ravager Rivals
The sellswords of Ciaran Raigh aren't call the Ravagers for no reason and you aren't afraid to admit that Raigh is the better captain between you. Looking for what the Arc is getting up to and see if there is anything to give you the advantage over him.
DC: 18. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Sneaky Scouting
Having entered enemy territory, maybe do some covert looking around to see what the Principality has in wait.
DC: 18. Costs 0 Budget.
[] Leadership Woes
There seems to be a bit of trouble between Captain Raigh and General Brosseau. You don't think it is serious, but it may be worth investigating just what happened between them.
DC: 18. Costs 2 Budget.
Learning Actions
[] Pray to Mirra.
While you worship all of the Winter Gods, the Lightning Soldier is the one whose path you follow. Make some offerings to gain a Blessing from the Storm Goddess.
DC: 10. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Pray to Urbad
Urbad is the Moridean God of Conquest and Men and the former means that his Blessing might be worth getting for the campaign.
DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget. Toldur may not take this action.
[] Pray to Korica
Korica is the Moridean Goddess of War and Honour and that makes her an ideal goddess to pray to over this upcoming campaign.
DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Pray to Nirea
Nirea is the Moridean Goddess of Strategy and Death and means it may be worthwhile to get her Blessing for the campaign.
DC: 15. Costs 2 Budget.
[] Local Spirits
While nowhere near the power of a deity, local spirits are nothing to scoff at and earning their favour can grant some useful boosts.
DC: 10. Costs 2 Budget.
[] War Spirits
You are going to war and that means earning the favour of a war spirit or two can only be good. It never hurts to have an extra bit of spiritual aid on the battlefield.
DC: 10. Costs 2 Budget.
You got your blessings, but if you look at your character sheet, you will see that they are per character. Beyond that, the enemy have launched another raid though it hasn't been as successful as the first one while another Southron Oligarch has decided to launch their own campaign on the other side of the frontlines in the Southron Civil War.
Closer to home, the other two main leaders in the army have apparently had a falling out through neither Toldur or Thamara know what happened. Incidentally, you should be getting paid next week.
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