Meow Quest (PMMM Catgirl!Homura)
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You are Catgirl!Homura (after the intro)!
Don't ask.

-Don't be an ass
-Likes don't count...


Secretly a Cat
The Plane of Infinite Kittens

You are Catgirl!Homura (after the intro)!
Don't ask.

-Don't be an ass
-Likes don't count as votes
-Standard SV rules apply

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
Enter Sayaka 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
Going to School/Girls Can't Love Cats 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
A Dog Person/Enter Mami 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
Demon Cat/Hunting With Mami 51, 52, 53, 54 - Enter Fishwitch, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62,
Best Cat Shiny Rock/Hunting for a Gift 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,
Enter Cafe 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86,
Enter Kyouko 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92,
Helping Goddesses with Relationship Issues 93, 94,
Nose Boops 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,
Cat Ears 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107,
Milk Makes Everything Better 108, 109, 110,
A Cunning Plan/Enter Madoka-Mom 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117,
Return of the Fork 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123,124, 125, 126, 127, 128 (Good Ending #1),
Reboot/Chewing on the Bunnycat 129, 130, 131, 132, 133,
!!! 134, 135, 136, 137, 138,139 - Becoming Homura/Gift from a Goddess, 140,
Comparing Faces 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155
Smell Everything 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180,
Soul of a Cat 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193
Mean Red girl 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, April 1st Update, 205
Purrito 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211
Because She Dies That Way 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217
Mama is Gone 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223
Shiny is Cat 224, 225, 226, 227, 228
Forest of Bliss 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239,

The Goddess, the Devil, and the cat
Your memory of last timeline
Meta knowledge of last timeline
Meow Quest Christmas Special
Carla the Faceless Witch

Dear Kitten

Kyoko and Cats (Canon)

The Devil and the Hellcat
The Dot Hunt Training

Homura Summons Bigger Fish?!

A Chapter in the Life of an Ordinary Schoolgirl (Canon)
A Chapter in the Life of an Unordinary Schoolgirl (Canon)
Another Day in the Life of an Ordinary High School Student (Canon)
A Day in the Life of an Extraordinary Schoolgirl (Canon)

Best Cat eatting spaghetti

The Dark Perspective
The Third Goddess

Pretty Sailor ResQ

Just another day for the Enerprise-D

You are a nameless black kitten.
Of course, you don't know what a kitten is, nor that black is called black.
All you know is that you are very small, very young, and very hungry.
You live under the highway overpass, eating scraps and small rodents that you can catch.
The tall two-legged people walk around, paying you no mind.
What will you make of this day?

[] Sunbathe.
[] Try and find water, you're thirsty.
[] Try and find food, you're hungry.
[] Sometimes people pet you. Find people.
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[X] Sometimes people pet you. Find people.
Sometimes if you approach people and make noises at them, they'll rub you on your head and it feels good.
Hopping down onto a wall overlooking the road, you look around.
There's a group of three young girls on the other side of the road. Young girls always like to pet you.
They have pink, blue, and green hair.

You jump onto the road and start walking across. You meow softly, and the pink-haired one notices you.
She makes some noises to her companions, and they also make noises. You have long-since learned that this means that they like you.
You get closer, anticipating rubs and petting.

Suddenly, you hear a deafening roar from your left, turn and see nothing but a large metal thing hurtling towards you.
In a single moment of agonizing pain, you are crushed.
You are dead.

But not for long.
You awaken drowsily. You look around.
This is not the highway overpass.
You are in a room with lots of other small animals that sit around as if comatose.
You are also being held. That pink girl from earlier is holding you. Water drips from her eyes. She seems happy, though. Happy about you? Who knows.
Her fluffy, frilly pink dress looks nice.
She pets you, and you lean into her hand.
Yes, this is what you were looking for.


The pink girl is dead.
You meow plaintively at her, nudging her limp body with your nose. She doesn't respond.
Everything around you has been destroyed, water covers the ground.

That white thing with red eyes appears close by. You hiss at it. It's wrong.

'Interesting,' you hear its voice inside your head, 'You have enough Karmic potential to make a contract, and you have a wish. Normally creatures as primitive as you shouldn't even be able to do that.'

You just hiss at it. The voice is cold, not warm and caring like the pink girl's.

'This will make an interesting experiment. Do you want your wish granted?'

The meaning of the words escape you, but you understand the intent. You want to save the pink girl. You want her not to be dead.
The white thing can help you save her.

'Then this contract is sealed.' It glares at you with those beady red eyes, 'The universe thanks you for your contribution.'

In a flash, you're ripped away from the world, screaming in terror. What's going on?!
You land on grass, the breath knocked right out of you.
You flail for a second. Something's wrong!
You stop your hand in front of your face. Looking at it carefully, you see that it's different. It isn't small and furry, like your paw, it's pale and large, like the pink girl's.
You slowly push yourself to a sitting position, and closely examine yourself.
You are dressed in what you now know as "clothing".
How did you know that?
You closely examine your body. You are a "Human".
How did you know that as well?
You see a river close by, and crawl over to it.
Looking down, you see that your face is no longer what it used to be. It is a Human's face.
Your ears wiggle on top of your head. Okay, you're not quite Human, as your tail also attests, waving around.
A pretty sparkly purple gem is embedded on the back of your hand.

Hm... That white bunnycat thing said it would grant your wish. This wasn't your wish.

[] Find bunnycat. Punish.
[] It's getting late, find shelter.
[] Find pink girl.
[] Spend more time getting a handle on your situation.
[X] Spend more time getting a handle on your situation.
In your infinite kitty wisdom, you decide that you need to spend more time understanding and getting ahold of your situation.
Better figure out what's what before you do anything that involves anything other than sitting and looking around.

-[x] Ensure you can still do the basic stuff like walking, running, general moving about.
You can crawl around on your arms and legs, just like before, but it doesn't feel as natural. Running like this is near impossible too.
You try and stand like the two legged ones do.
You kind of wobble around, holding onto a nearby tree for support, but you think you can do it.
One step, two steps...
You can walk a bit awkwardly.

-[x] Can you understand the two legs' noises now?
Hm, you wonder whether you can understand the noises "humans" make now.
You hear some noises off in the distance, so you stalk whatever is making those noises.
Albeit, you aren't as quiet as you used to be, but it'll have to do.

Two human men are walking by on a trail. You listen closely.

"So then I tell her, 'Well maybe if you stop being such a bitch, I'll do it!'" the first man tells the other.

"I know, women are such idiots," the second one replies.

Wow, you can actually understand the noises humans make now.
You distance yourself from the two men, they sound unpleasant.

[] Find Pink One
[] Practice speaking
[] Can you be a cat again?
[] Practice walking
[X] Practice walking.
You will master this mode of locomotion!
One foot in front of the other, one foot in front of the other, stand up straight, balance... balance...
You cheer a little. You can now walk in a way that you think won't attract attention.
And you only fall over sometimes!

[X] Try talking.
"Aah... Aah..." you try out your new voice, "He... Hello..."
You even know words! You don't know how, but it's convenient.

Your ears twitch as you try out a regular request you might make of someone.
"P... Pet me..."
Excellent. You shall blend in with humans so well!

-[X] "I can haz cheese burgah?"
You don't know what a cheese burger is, or what it's for, or even why you would want one!
Clearly, whatever magic granted you human knowledge only gave you syntax and limited semantic knowledge.
You have no idea what those words mean, but they seem appropriate.

[X] Can you be a cat again?
You think you want to be a cat again.
The moment you think that, the world flashes.
With a plop, you land in the grass. The grass is so tall....
You are once again a small black kitten.

[X] Find Pink One
You think you know where the pink girl lives.
Padding out onto the road, you look around.
Yes, you recognize this place, you were in the park. The pink girl took you here sometimes.
Yeah, you know how to get home.

After about an hour of walking, you stand in front of the pink girl's home.
You see her through the window, she's alive again!
You somehow know that you went into the past. Which is odd, since you never understood what time was before. Now you do.
How do you approach this?

[] Paw at the window. She'll let you in, you're cute!
[] Transform into your human form and knock on the window. She'll better respond to someone who looks human.
[x] Paw at the window. She'll let you in, you're cute!
You hop up onto the windowsill, pawing at the glass, meowing plaintively.
She turns and notices you with a wide smile.
The pink girl hops onto her bed, leaning close to the window, waving at you.
It doesn't look like she understands that you want in.
Maybe you need to talk to her.

-[x] If she doesn't, show off what you can do buy turning back into a human. Look at me, Special Pink Girl - I am so skilled! (Beam and preen, like you are the best black cat in the world. Which you are. Obviously.)
In a flash of purple, you transform into your human form. This has the unfortunate effect of causing you to fall off the windowsill.
The pink girl is also likewise startled, falling off her bed.
From your position lying on the ground, you hear the window slide open. You peer over the windowsill.

The pink girl stares at you warily and curiously.

"H...Hello?" she greets you uncertainly.

"Hi," you reply with a smile, proud of yourself. Clearly she opened the window because you are a talented cat.

[] Enter the room
[] Ask if you can come in first
[] Talk with her out here
-[] Write in...
[x] Enter the room
-[x]As a cat
In another flash of purple, you leap into the room past the pink girl, who lets out a surprised "Eep!"
You pad over to her pillow, and curl up on top of it like you used to.

The pink girl is staring at you, before giggling hysterically, "I've gone insane," she mutters, "That has to be it, I'm insane."

[x]Brag about being a talented cat
-[x]Ask for petting.
'You're not crazy, I am just very talented,' you tell her telepathically (which is apparently a thing you can do instinctively now), 'Pet me, please.'

"O.... Okay..." she hesitantly approaches you, rubbing your head.
You lean into her hand, purring. She scratches behind your ears too.

"Uh... Kitten-sama, who are you?" the pink girl hesitantly asks, "Or am I talking to myself?"

[] Write in...
[X] Sama? Yes, that is the correct suffix for a cat as amazing as I.
'Sama?' you yawn, 'Yes, that is the correct suffix for a cat as amazing as I.'

"Well, you are amazing..." the pink girl replies, looking a bit unwell, "And you are cute..."

'Yes, I am the cutest,' you purr as she rubs you behind the ears.

-[X] Don't you remember me, though?
'Don't you remember me, though?' you ask curiously. The pink girl always liked you.

"No... sorry, I've never met you before," she apologizes, before muttering under her breath, "I'm talking to a kitten. I've done it, I've finally gone insane."

--[X] *When she says no* How rude...
You lick her fingers, 'I thought you liked me, how could you forget me?'

"But I've never met you before!" she protests uneasily.
Hm, perhaps it's because of time travel. You're not sure.

---[x]My name is Amy Percival Venticus Akemi, but you can call me Homura for short.
'My name is Amy Percival Venticus Akemi,' you tell her as you purr, 'but you can call me Homura for short.'

"Alright... Homura-sama..." the pink girl picks you up, "Can I call you Homura-chan instead?"

'...Sure,' you reply.

---[X] I require sustenance. Tuna will do.
'I'm hungry,' you mewl at the pink girl, 'Please feed me.'

"Uh, I think there's tuna downstairs," she muses, "Can you hide? My mother won't like it if she finds you here."
After she sets you down, you crawl under her blankets, meowing.

'I am invisible,' you chuckle, 'A true ninja.'

You hear the pink girl giggle.
"Okay, Homura-chan, I'll be right back."
With that, she leaves.

[] Bed warm. Sleep now.
[] Tuna. Stay awake for tuna.
[] Burrow deeper into bed. Adventure awaits!
Omake: The Devil and the Hellcat
[x] Burrow deeper into bed. Adventure awaits!
-[x] Stay alert for the arrival of tuna

Super cute! :):)

Have had another omake idea, so here we go ...

The Devil and the Hellcat

Homura Akuma just underwent her final transformation gaining her fabulous dress and her wings. She was currently taunting her new servants, the Incubators Collective, she captured easily when with eruption of colours another being materialised in front of her with powerful "Meow!". It resembled a black cat suspiciously familiar to Homura. It stared at her for a while, then hissed when it spotted the Incubators, who were now trying to hide in Homura's sleeve. And then it, or rather she, transformed into Homura's copy completely with the dress but without wings and with cat ears and nine cat tails in addition.

"Um, who are you?" Homura was little uncomfortable under her strange doubles's intimidating stare.

"I'm Amy Homura, the Nekoakuma-nyan, and who are you?" the double glared on her "twolegs" counterpart.

"I'm Akemi Homura, the Akuma, who captured my Goddess, so Incubators can't imprison her and because she was foolish to threw away her live," Akuma went on.

"That's not true. I captured my Madoka, because she will let the white not-cats take her away, and because I missed my petting time!" Ami corrected her.

"Wait! I know you! You are Amy, the black cat Madoka saved with the wish in the first couple of repeats!"

"I didn't need saving more than once, you know? I became the Miracle Cat, when she first died ... Not that I knew it at first, I only knew she was too cold and wasn't petting me anymore. And then the white not-cat told me, that I have a potential and a wish and I was back and all was alright ... And then my Madoka went against the Stage witch again, and died again!" Amy complained morosely

"So you somehow became my copy and started looping? How? Wait! Did you encounter someone, when Madoka first died? She would seem little pathetic with her red-rimmed glasses and twin braids..." Akuma frowned.

"I didn't encounter anyone! I ..., now that you reminded me, knew someone like that, before and after I became Miracle Cat. She was a little pathetic, but I liked her at first. But she was too prone to witch out, when she contracted. No self-esteem that girl, she was a lot like Madoka in that regard, when I think about it ..." Amy scrunched her face trying to remember, "that was you?"

"Ugh, don't remind me!" Akuma then face-palmed. "I think, I know what happened. You somehow missed her/me (that's confusing) and so get all potential for her eventual wish. Homura Akemi, that's her and my name when I was human, died then probably or get lost, god knows, that it could happen to me without my Amy, and so you became her proxy. So someone botched up."

"Not me! Cats couldn't do anything wrong! It's in our nature! If something goes wrong, it's always human's fault! So if someone, like you said, botched it up, it was your alternate! She didn't find me, obviously," Amy went defensive.

"Yup! You are a cat, alright," Akuma chuckled. "How did you end here tough?"

"I don't know! I captured my Madoka after she and other girls busted me out of that cage the not-cats captured me in. They thought, I would turn into a Witch, those morons. They should know better! Cats could feel sad or angry but we don't despair! It's not in our nature," Amy giggled. "Anyway, after I shredded the not-cat for daring to use me as a bait to capture my human - really, how dare they, she was mine! - Madoka scolded me, when I and my Nyan Nyans wanted to rough the girls for not telling me sooner, and we destroyed the cage. Madoka then wanted to take me with her, like she promised when she vanished after the last timeline. But I wasn't ready to go, you know? And Nagisa-chan was complaining, that Madoka didn't have good cheese up there, only yogurt. I hate yogurt! So I captured her and held her, and then the world shattered and I changed into this!" Amy pointed to her new form. " I was about to shred the not-cats to small bits, when you snatched them, and then I was here!"

"Huh? It seems, that this being both of us in one place is a result of Madoka's wish. When she became the Goddess (twice over) she created rule, that there could be only one of her. So we are now stuck, at least for a while," Akuma mused. "It seems, that we have to share Madoka for now."

"But I don't want too! Madoka is MINE!" Amy complained. "I want her to pet me, and play with me, and make those wonderful tuna sandwiches of her!"

"I meant, we have to be both of us there, when she will try to run away again," corrected Akuma herself quickly. "You know, she will try to run on us to save other girls. Like she couldn't be with me, err us, and do it in the same time!" Akuma complained.

"You think so? Alright, we couldn't have it, do we? But I want to have all Madoka's tuna sandwiches. I don't mind sharing Mami's cheesecakes, I did it with Nagisa-chan all the time anyway. And let me shred the not-cats first," Amy was grinning bloodthirstily.

"Not shredding the Incubators! At least, not now! I let you do it in our new world, if you want too," Akuma frowned, while the Incubator's collective whimpered in fear in her sleeve, where they were still hiding (even unemotional aliens have self-preservation instincts).

"But that will not kill them! And I REALLY want them dead," Amy pouted cutely.

Akuma remained herself, that she truly needs the Collective, and steeled herself against the diabolically cute kitten-eyes. "I would like that too, but , how to say it ... Ah! You know, that someone need to clean up your litter box from time to time? Now imagine the world as an giant litter box and the Wraiths as a litter. And because we don't want to take out the Incubator's garbage, they created with those wishes of theirs, we make them to do it! And I made sure, that they will truly suffer. All the sorrow, and despair, and pain they spread around! "

"I like it!" Amy was purring - literally. "So, all tuna for me, I share the cheesecakes and Incubators will suffer. And we share our Madoka petting times too!" (Akuma was blushing now, not that Amy noticed) "And we should made dogs go away, which has the benefit, that Sayaka will suffer as well! And death to yogurt!"

"Amy! You do know very well, that you need to eat your yogurt to stay healthy!" Akuma scolded the cat.

"I do not! I'm Miracle Cat, I can make myself as healthy as I need! And it's a superstition anyway! Cats don't need yogurt, it's in our nature not to!" Amy pouted.

'Must resist the cute! Must resist ...O hell, it's not working!' Akuma then pleaded with Amy, "be reasonable Amy, you know, that Madoka will come with something as bad as the yogurt, if there will be no yogurt on Earth." Amy pouted still. "Please Amy," Akuma whined.

"All right," sighed Amy dejectedly, "but if I have to eat it, then you must as well. And without the fruits! Just old plain white yogurt." The cat was grinning evilly.

"I will," Akuma pretend to pout, while she grinned internally in victory. She didn't mind the yogurt. "And in regard of the dogs, it will be too hard to destroy them. Why not ban them from Mitakihara instead? It will be easy for us to make it a law."

"That will suffice, I think," Amy shuddered, "if we make it so, that the law will be in effect recently, Sayaka will be forced to depart with that stupid bulldog of hers."

"You don't like Sayaka much?" Akuma was wondering. She herself wasn't fond of the bluenete, but Amy truly dislikes her it seems.

"She is dumb! And one-minded! And dog person, whose bulldog hates me!" Amy hissed. "I should know, something was amiss, when she became a cat lower and was nice to me in the barrier and lived with Sakura-san! But nooo..."

"Heh? I should see this coming," Akuma shrugged. "Wait. You knew Nagisa? I only met her as a witch before I was captured and she became part of the rescue teem."

"Funny story that. I guess I was proactive then?" Amy giggled. "I went to hospital pretty early in one of the first loops and found her betrayed by the not-cats. She made bad wish and they used it to send her into despair. I healed her, and took her to Mami. She died later, because of Sayaka witching out, but I went to the hospital every time I looped afterwards guiding her to better wishes. I even made it a game of sort, I tried to find her the best wish possible that she could made. She was our healer most of time. And damn good too. I was disappointed, that after Madoka vanished on me, she made the same bad wish as in the first time we met, and vanished before Sayaka blew herself up and I appeared in the new world." Ami smiled cutely. "If we could, can we change her wish in our new world? I have a perfect one for her! It's slightly under her karmic limit and will give her really cool powers."

"I don't see, why we couldn't," Akuma smirked. "So see here, is this the world, we agreed on?"

"Let me see!" Amy peered into the concept of the new world. "So now to only change Nagisa's wish ... Perfect!"

"That's pretty cool wish," Akuma smiled to the proudly purring cat. "So are we done?"

"We are," Amy was shaking impatiently.

"So let's go," the two Demons entered their new world taking their Familiars with them


Also a mini omake:

Sayaka was furiously glaring at the Demons in front of her. "You two are despicable! Tearing part of Madoka out of Heaven and making her into your personal toy? And what the hell? Who gave you the right to ban all dogs from Mitakihara? Do you know, what pain it is to travel to Kasamino all the time I want to play wit Snappy? And why are all Madoka's tuna sandwiches wrapped in paper with 'property of Amy' written over them?"

Edit: Also this alternate intro is, why Sayaka is pictured here as a dog person. One of her doodles picture her in entirely different relationship with dogs in comparison to canon intro for Madoka.
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[x] Burrow deeper into bed. Adventure awaits!
-[x] Stay alert for the arrival of tuna

The blankets are soft, warm, and fluffy, just like you!
You crawl deeper into the caves of darkness, seeking adventure.
Aha! You've found a large slumbering beast! It is the monster rabbit of the abyss!
You pounce on it, hitting it with your paws, you shall vanquish this foe!

You hear the door open and close again, and you freeze.
Is it the food? Is it someone else? Is it pink girl?

"H... Homura-chan?" you hear the pink girl whisper, "I got you some tuna... Are you there?"

[] Hide from pink girl. Silent and stealthy.
[] Go to pink girl. She has food.
[] Continue attacking monster rabbit.
[X] Go to pink girl. She has food.
You wiggle under the covers, meowing.
Pink girl pulls the blankets off, giggling.

"Homura-chan, you're so cute..."

You don't say anything as you sniff the offered open can. Fish. Food.
You eat fast, as the pink girl watches you with a smile.

[X] The Rabbit could wait for now. We take him down later.
Just you wait, rabbit, you shall fall!
One day.
Food now.

[] Just eat
[] Talk to pink girl.
-[] Ask name
-[] Write in...
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