Memories of Magic (Worm/??? Quest)

[X] You tell your dad you've been practicing the flute this entire week. You're pretty good, right?[
[x] Meditate on your past life.
-[x] soul change?

[x] Go shopping (or pillaging) for reagents.
-[x] to the shore for seashells, sand, saltwater, polished glass, metal from the hulks, and anything that seems significant.
-[X] graveyard for flowers, dust from the crematorium, a chip of stone from a hero's grave, and misc.

[x] Explore your abilities.
-[x] magic up some future reagents
[X] You tell your dad everything

Honestly, that gatyeway thing we remembered would be an unbelieveable boon. Shipping has died on earth bet due to Leviathan, but if a hub we to be created that links to various places around the world (with portals large enough to fit two large converyor belts through), Brockton bay could become a major trading hub. And any problem about a Parahuman profiting off their work would be neutralised by offering to link various cities (for much quicker assembly for enbringer events). If our dad were to buy an old warehouse and getting some of his dockworker buddies aboard this would be a feasible way of have an enormeous beneficial impact (and get rich too to get better ingredients).

[X] Create a mushroom farm in the basement while carefully choosing where the original comes from and using your blood as a fertiliser.

This should give us a steady supply for regeneration items and health potions
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I just hope Danny doesn't blab to the PRT. I'll be very disappointed if he does. Hopefully Taylor can explain to him that she doesn't want to be innvolved with cape stuff yet.
I just hope Danny doesn't blab to the PRT. I'll be very disappointed if he does. Hopefully Taylor can explain to him that she doesn't want to be innvolved with cape stuff yet.
He probably will

I don't get this weird trust in Danny.
In almost every fic, and quests (with exceptions of course) hes not only useless, Hes Detrimental. Nothing good ever comes from telling him usually. But idk how the qms going to play it so maybe.
Edit: Well we get the angst train and it aint got no breaks
[X] You tell your dad everything—magic, your past life, and the fact you just completed a ritual to embolden you at school.

(If Taylor truly desires a better future, then a better relationship with her dad is gonna be a part of it. Being honest with him will be hard, but make it so the two of them can communicate on the same page again, and will also mean her dad can work to support and help her in what ways he can. He may not respond well at first to everything she has to say, but I think Taylor making this gesture of trust will help revive their relationship regardless.

Otherwise, I feel like if she continues to lie to him and sneak around for her magical exploits he'll notice the continued distance between them and that she's hiding something new from him, and probably feel bad about it and his parenting skills. Their home life won't improve without some changes to how they interact.)

[x] Meditate on your past life.
-[x] soul change?

[x] Go shopping (or pillaging) for reagents.
-[x] to the shore for seashells, sand, saltwater, polished glass, metal from the hulks, and anything that seems significant.
-[X] graveyard for flowers, dust from the crematorium, a chip of stone from a hero's grave, and misc.

[x] Explore your abilities.
-[x] magic up some future reagents

[x] Do something else.
-[x] after telling your dad about everything, consult him about whether it would be helpful to buy a hidden camera to wear to school, or what else you can do to gather evidence of the bullying. He may be able to help you find a method that can hold up in court and which you might not be able to come up with on your own.
Actually if we do tell him we should probably add.

[ ] Do something else.
-[ ] After you explain everything to your Dad implore him to keep it secret especially from he PRT. Tell him that you don't want to get involved in cape things Atleast not yet and especially not on someones else's terms.

If we want to explain everything can we Atleast go all in?
Shipping has died on earth bet due to Leviathan
I'm nitpicking, but this is fanon. Leviathan doesn't do anything to ships between attacks. Globalization just never really took off on Earth Bet, in part because of Endbringers wrecking ports and in part because of normal Parahumans destabilizing governments and generally making a mess of things. And in Brockton Bay in particular, there's no shipping because the port's mostly blocked by a number of scuttled ships, i.e. the Boat graveyard.

A portal network isn't necessarily a bad idea, though. I'd make sure to make rings of mind blank or it's equivalent to protect from the Simurgh's attentions before doing that sort of thing, however.
Would it be possible to use a magnifying glass in a ritual to create some way to either analyse reagents for their magic and elements that make it up. Being able to screen ritual components before hand and even being able to create a charts on what objects have what would be a huge boon. Even if it can only detect basic elements and nothing too conceptual/ emotional value.

You're either talking about atomic elements which makes no sense in a magic system about symbolism. Or you're talking about the four elements, which again makes no sense because it's super-lazy.

There are how many elements? Four. That's not exactly a lot of work to apply process of elimination or to think about. Ice, what element is it made of? Paper is made out of earth, and so on and so forth. There's only four so it's not rocket science.

If you need a crutch to figure out which of four possibilities something is, either your mind is broken or you are beyond lazy. And Taylor Hebert is neither so this is out of character.

What we should be doing right now is looking for anything basic that can boost our rituals and once we got that handled to make stuff to keep taylor hidden. The human body can endure a lot of stuff it's really the estoic stuff that can mess taylor up really badly.

Out of character, Taylor never wanted to be hidden except at Winslow where she was being spit on.

You seem to think that Taylor is or should be a lazy conspiracist working in the shadows and hiding from her enemies and accumulating wealth like Smaug the dragon. Oh wait, that's Coil. And Dragon.

I vote 'hell no'.

And this was before I read your subsequent post where you unerringly zero in on "start a conspiracy with Danny" and "beg papa like a helpless craven coward".

Seriously, what kind of person uses the word "implore"? Like eskimos have 100 words for snow, you seem to have 100 words for begging.

And it's not a coincidence either. Craven cowards form conspiracies, conspiracies are made up of craven cowards.
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[X] Meditate on your past life.
-[X]Try to recall a ritual that would allow you to create a weapon or something else with offensive applications.
[X] Meditate on your past life.

I like your other two ideas, but I question this one. Wouldn't Taylor's memories already have given her a good idea whether her past-life society was agricultural or industrial? And if it was agricultural, wouldn't Taylor's expectation of an 'agricultural society-level weapon' be something lethal? Things which she conspicuously stayed away from in canon, and which the canon parahuman society conspicuously stays away from? Worm Serial Novel is not about 'guns, guns and more guns'. So I don't think it should be about magic swords either, especially swords she has no idea how to use and will never have the time to learn to use. And I do mean literally never since she has magic with limitless possibilities. Every hour she spends learning how to use a sword is an hour she doesn't spend on a ritual. I know you were thinking of a wand of fireball or arclance but Taylor's time is limited and she's got no expectation such things existed in her past life.
So I don't think it should be about magic swords either, especially swords she has no idea how to use and will never have the time to learn to use. And I do mean literally never since she has magic with limitless possibilities. Every hour she spends learning how to use a sword is an hour she doesn't spend on a ritual. I know you were thinking of a wand of fireball or arclance but Taylor's time is limited and she's got no expectation such things existed in her past life.
Auto-aim sword. Auto-parry sword. Auto-Dragon Slaying sword.

She doesn't need to be good with it, it's just a vector for certain thematics, typically incredibly powerful ones. He-Man didn't hold aloft his Magic Frying Pan.
On the topic of votes ... would people prefer that I give more delineated options, like most quests do? On one side, it would make it easier to vote, and would probably lead to a more action-driven quest. On the other hand, I originally envisioned this quest as making the readers actually do some work in trying to invent magic that works in the system provided. Any thoughts?

Limitless possibilities is what made your quest original and great, please don't give up on it.

Also, people deliberately chose the power option that gave the most unlimited possibilities so it's hypocritical for them to complain now.

I was disappointed when people wanted more rules but not disappointed by the talk of blood you actually gave. It makes a lot of sense.

According to the story of Giotto di Bondone's perfect circle for the pope, freeform demands the highest skill. I vote freeform.
Auto-aim sword. Auto-parry sword. Auto-Dragon Slaying sword.

She doesn't need to be good with it, it's just a vector for certain thematics, typically incredibly powerful ones. He-Man didn't hold aloft his Magic Frying Pan.

Hah, I actually considered her enchanting a Dragon-Slaying sword right there when she hears the evil dragon talk about killing children. The image is pretty good but I can't connect it to her situation.

If we're debating on the meta-level then I vote against She-Ra Princess of Power. I like both of those characters too much to mess them with each other.

I concede that your plan is well within Taylor's programming ability. Canonically she does program, does she not? Which just means she has the patience and vision to do multi-step rituals.

Taylor is not motivated by cool or desire to intimidate or shock and awe. So thematics can't be her motivation. So if you can figure out her motivation to do a multi-step ritual to get such a weapon then I'm okay with it.

Actually, if she's bulletproof and knife proof ... having a giant sword is a really good idea. But hard to conceal. And will require some money. Cheap imitation blades are crap, and she probably can't even afford those.
[X] You tell your dad everything—magic, your past life, and the fact you just completed a ritual to embolden you at school.
-[X] Stress that right now we are safe in obscurity but telling anyone including the PRT will result in attention that will end up with us getting pressganged.

I reckon if we stress the danger and that we aren't running around heroing right now, we could prevent Danny from going to the PRT

The main reason I want to tell him now is that it means he wont go to the PRT, if he catches us sneaking around OR he finds some weird trinket that seems to be making him stronger he will probably go to the PRT.
Taylor is not motivated by cool or desire to intimidate or shock and awe. So thematics can't be her motivation. So if you can figure out her motivation to do a multi-step ritual to get such a weapon then I'm okay with it.
Eh? No, I meant Enchantment thematics. If you don't tell a story a certain way, it isn't that story anymore, is it? Prince Adam could just as easily hold aloft a staff, but the power wouldn't be that of a warrior's.

Certain stories can only be told with a sword.
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[X] You tell your dad everything—magic, your past life, and the fact you just completed a ritual to embolden you at school.
-[X] Stress that right now we are safe in obscurity but telling anyone including the PRT will result in attention that will end up with us getting pressganged.
Eh? No, I meant Enchantment thematics. If you don't tell a story a certain way, it isn't that story anymore, is it? Prince Adam could just as easily hold aloft a staff, but the power wouldn't be that of a warrior's.

Certain stories can only be told with a sword.
Hmm, I personally imagined that a ritual could be applied to any object, but what the object is would effect how it plays out. Let's say we have a ritual to increase sharpness. If you apply it to a bouncy ball, you get a ball that leaves behind small cuts or cracks where it lands. A staff might embody the concept of parting, like Moses parting the sea. An orange would have an intenser taste, and would likely cause you to cut your mouth when eating it.

That said, I'm willing to be persuaded that I'm wrong. The strength of the effect is certainly tied to the object used, so maybe I'm just splitting hairs. Can anyone think of a ritual that couldn't be applied to a certain object?
I like your other two ideas, but I question this one. Wouldn't Taylor's memories already have given her a good idea whether her past-life society was agricultural or industrial? And if it was agricultural, wouldn't Taylor's expectation of an 'agricultural society-level weapon' be something lethal?
Clubs are a thing that exist. They're even a thing she used in canon, i.e. the baton she carried for most of her career. And that's ignoring that there might be something like D&D's Merciful Enchantment, or a paralysis or sleep enchantment.

Things which she conspicuously stayed away from in canon, and which the canon parahuman society conspicuously stays away from? Worm Serial Novel is not about 'guns, guns and more guns'.
Did you actually read Worm? Taylor used a gun on several occasions and escalated to lethal force a number of times. She won't want to start out doing that, but having more deadly options available isn't actually a bad thing.
So I don't think it should be about magic swords either,
That's nice. But this is a Quest with a very broad AU powerset, so it can be about pretty much anything we want.

especially swords she has no idea how to use and will never have the time to learn to use. And I do mean literally never since she has magic with limitless possibilities. Every hour she spends learning how to use a sword is an hour she doesn't spend on a ritual.
Poke them with the pointy end is not a hard thing to grasp. Taylor's not going to be getting into a lot of swordfights because most people in brockton bay don't carry swords. All she has to do is use it as a vector to deliver it's enchantment, be that sleep, fatigue, paralysis or something else.

As for the other part of your Taylor's not going to be doing ritual development 24/7. Spending a little time picking up the basics of using a sword, or a staff, or whatever is fine.

I know you were thinking of a wand of fireball or arclance but Taylor's time is limited and she's got no expectation such things existed in her past life.
You literally just said she has magic with limitless possibilities. She can come up with something.
Eh? No, I meant Enchantment thematics. If you don't tell a story a certain way, it isn't that story anymore, is it? Prince Adam could just as easily hold aloft a staff, but the power wouldn't be that of a warrior's.

Certain stories can only be told with a sword.

I know about Swords. Sword of Power is the least of them in many ways. Each kind of Sword symbolizes something entirely different and I believe Sword of Power's is plain strength.

The problem here is that Taylor is not a knight and has never been a knight nor acted as a knight. She's a soldier. Vista is the knight in Worm Serial Novel and she would not wield a Sword. She would wear the Mantle of Lost Hope.

If Taylor had a lethal weapon that fit her personality it would be a standard issue military rifle. And lookee here, her initial loadout included standard issue police gear.

But this isn't Vista's story, and it's not a more Rambo-esque version of Taylor's story, it's Taylor's story. Taylor isn't going to come up with enchantment thematics that violate her own story.

The thing that saves your original idea is that officers in armies were issued swords until WW2 at least. Taylor would be interested in it as a practical weapon.

If you're interested in thematics, Taylor's symbol would be the Altar or the Stone. Such as the Altar of Sacrifice. She certainly did a lot of that.
I know about Swords. Sword of Power is the least of them in many ways. Each kind of Sword symbolizes something entirely different and I believe Sword of Power's is plain strength.

The problem here is that Taylor is not a knight and has never been a knight nor acted as a knight. She's a soldier. Vista is the knight in Worm Serial Novel and she would not wield a Sword. She would wear the Mantle of Lost Hope.

If Taylor had a lethal weapon that fit her personality it would be a standard issue military rifle. And lookee here, her initial loadout included standard issue police gear.

But this isn't Vista's story, and it's not a more Rambo-esque version of Taylor's story, it's Taylor's story. Taylor isn't going to come up with enchantment thematics that violate her own story.

The thing that saves your original idea is that officers in armies were issued swords until WW2 at least. Taylor would be interested in it as a practical weapon.

If you're interested in thematics, Taylor's symbol would be the Altar or the Stone. Such as the Altar of Sacrifice. She certainly did a lot of that.
We're obviously speaking of totally different things. Further, my original idea was the statement that certain enchantments could only be applied to a sword. That's simple and understandable.

These enchantments are then called "Themes" or "Thematics" because they are things we are adding to the story of the item. A sword enchanted to possess a flaming blade would be a flaming sword, and its tale would be that of a flaming sword; thus, one of the Themes of the sword would be "Fire."
Can anyone think of a ritual that couldn't be applied to a certain object?
Well, if magic is a flavor, then naturally you could make anything taste like that, with differing effects.

Even a healing shiv would be of use, as a tool to excise corruption, perhaps.
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Well, if magic is a flavor, then naturally you could make anything taste like that, with differing effects.

Even a healing shiv would be of use, as a tool to excise corruption, perhaps.
That's what I was thinking. The only exception I can think of is if you were going to use the object as a reagent in a second ritual, then the object does matter, as the method would have an effect.
I'm nitpicking, but this is fanon. Leviathan doesn't do anything to ships between attacks. Globalization just never really took off on Earth Bet, in part because of Endbringers wrecking ports and in part because of normal Parahumans destabilizing governments and generally making a mess of things. And in Brockton Bay in particular, there's no shipping because the port's mostly blocked by a number of scuttled ships, i.e. the Boat graveyard.

A portal network isn't necessarily a bad idea, though. I'd make sure to make rings of mind blank or it's equivalent to protect from the Simurgh's attentions before doing that sort of thing, however.

I sort of agree, the damage he directly did to shipping was just from the (rather large) waves from his actual attacks. But fear sadly is a thing and that did most of the damage by strangling the long range transport needed for advanced economies.
Hmm, I personally imagined that a ritual could be applied to any object, but what the object is would effect how it plays out. Let's say we have a ritual to increase sharpness. If you apply it to a bouncy ball, you get a ball that leaves behind small cuts or cracks where it lands. A staff might embody the concept of parting, like Moses parting the sea. An orange would have an intenser taste, and would likely cause you to cut your mouth when eating it.

That said, I'm willing to be persuaded that I'm wrong. The strength of the effect is certainly tied to the object used, so maybe I'm just splitting hairs. Can anyone think of a ritual that couldn't be applied to a certain object?

Well, if you're willing to hop sufficiently many meta-levels such as orange -> taste, then yes everything is connected to everything else. However, oranges are food and food and sharpness are neighboring types in concept space. So maybe not the best example.

You said objects so I'm going to skip over 'occupational health and safety act' as it's an abstraction. But, a nuclear power plant is an object. How exactly would applying sharpness to it work? Even better, how would mold to symbolize corruption apply to gold which is incorruptible? Turn it into lead, the anti-gold?

Or how would a statue of Jesus apply to a statue of Satan? The one who saves versus the one who can't be saved. Or how would an encyclopedia get applied to something specifically picked to symbolize idiocy? Oh idiot savant maybe.

But really, corruption vs incorruptibility are the best counter-examples for reasons that are extremely obvious if you know the structure of concept space. Incorruptibility and corruption both are universal, maximally separated within universals, and both are negative.

Life and death are actually the same type. Life and graves = undead works because graves are non-universal. Life and spirit are both universals and maximally separated within universals but both are positive. Corruption and fortress is another interesting one.

What would aerogel and sharpness result in? Would solidity applied to airless space result in frozen time? What about corruption applied to airless space? Or life applied to it?
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What would aerogel and sharpness result in?
Lol, I have no idea. Maybe just make things it touches more susceptible to being cut. Maybe I'm taking this too far. I know I've mentioned that rituals have a chance to fail, so maybe conflicting narratives between the ritual and the object to be enchanted is what causes a backlash. It hasn't really come up in my plotting yet, so I haven't decided what happens. I guess I'll just have to surprise you when you try a ritual that I don't think will work!
But, a nuclear power plant is an object. How exactly would applying sharpness to it work?
It's a cutting edge nuclear power plant.
Even better, how would mold to symbolize corruption apply to gold which is incorruptible? Turn it into lead, the anti-gold?
No, turn the gold into a corrupting vector. People turning evil for gold is a common story, and for good reason. A festering pile of wealth that seeks to expand to the detriment of the owner's life sounds exactly like the sort of thing that could occur.
Or how would a statue of Jesus apply to a statue of Satan?
False Messiah overtones there, especially since "No Idols" is kind of one of the ten commandments.
What would aerogel and sharpness result in?
The mother of all paper cuts, if nothing else.
That's what I was thinking. The only exception I can think of is if you were going to use the object as a reagent in a second ritual, then the object does matter, as the method would have an effect.
Well, it's more like... Imagine an orange enchanted with a blessing that ensures your quiver will never run empty when you need it. This could just emit a field of luck that ensures that you'll never waste arrows, or it could go the other way and spontaneously generate one whenever you aren't looking, so long as it's been placed in a quiver.

In such a case, the subject and the effect are connected, even if the lines of the enchantment have to twist themselves a fairly silly amount to do so.

Now, using enchanted items as reagents for a greater enchantment is, I surmise, much the same as constructing something metaphorically, with an emphasis on the metaphor. Rather than the basic technique of literal metaphorical language (These shoes are as swift as the eagle from which this feather was taken, and as supple as the scales of this snake), it becomes (The greaves of this armor bear the swiftness of the Boots of Seven Leagues, and the sturdiness of Adamantine-ringed diamonds).

So the Greaves would have several traits (Swfitness of Seven League Boots, Hardness of Adamantine), except then those traits themselves would have to be defined (Seven League Boots - Swift as an Eagle, And you walk as the Crow Flies) (Adamantine - Diamond Iron, a metal which represents sturdiness and a resistance to changes others would force upon it).

Cut back to the orange for a second. Its enchantment (Arrows somehow) would obviously be a reagent, but then you'd have to take more than just the enchantment from it, as a nod to the item as a whole. A requirement for specific placing (such as the orange in the quiver), or a certain zest to the piece that you can't quite put your finger on...

Blood contains stories that perhaps you don't know the whole of, and these have underlying effects which aren't immediately obvious. Let's call this Flux, because the enchantment is not steady to its intended purpose. Therefore, because using an enchantment as a reagent adds the story of the enchantment to the new story you're trying to tell, a lot of the fiddly details of the derivative are going to accompany the piece. If that orange can only be held by a child, and the Bow of Sublime Archery it's been worked into is picked up by a man, you're going to be suppressing part of the enchantment, and it won't operate at full capacity.

So Flux would be... extenuating circumstances. The higher the flux, the more situational the piece. Vague flux is the worst sort of Flux, because you aren't quite sure how to account for it. Thus, when using an Item as a Reagent, you must not only account for every implication of the ritual, but every implication of the reagent: kind of like normal reagents, except they start off much more complex. Otherwise it gets Flux, because you've forgotten some implied things about it and now you're not quite sure how reliable it is.

Or, to put it another way, if each reagent has a certain amount of complexity, and the total complexity you must account for is "Difficulty", then the only thing stopping you from using enchanted items to make enchanted items to make enchanted items is that you keep kicking up the complexity until it's almost guaranteed that you'll forget something and end up using it the wrong way, unless it's very straightforward. Like, "A Sword" straightforward.

I'm not sure if I even answered a question here. *Stumbles back off into the internet*
Lol, I have no idea. Maybe just make things it touches more susceptible to being cut. Maybe I'm taking this too far. I know I've mentioned that rituals have a chance to fail, so maybe conflicting narratives between the ritual and the object to be enchanted is what causes a backlash. It hasn't really come up in my plotting yet, so I haven't decided what happens. I guess I'll just have to surprise you when you try a ritual that I don't think will work!

Well, if it took me to come up with counter-examples and I've studied symbols and semantics for years, and STILL I had difficulty coming up with more than one ... failure isn't going to happen very often.

Success + Failure = pyrrhic victory.

So yeah, I basically came up with the aerogel one. I already knew about corruption vs incorruptibility from my studies. Another one is sanctity vs desecration. Contact + untouchability.

These all come from the same two corners of concept-space.

Oh, homicide and life would be another good one. Or homicide and innocence symbolized by a newborn baby. I've been trying to think of an object that symbolizes innocence. I meant to make it go against corruption.

Graves and sex. Those are opposite corners of concept space.

Semen to symbolize fertility and graves.

The fact that some pairs of concepts are mutually exclusive is old hat to me. More interesting is how the same concept stacks. You would think that homicide + homicide would be 'more homicide'. But the existence of serial 'serial killer' killers probably results in less homicide. This might have repercussions if Taylor ever tries to enchant a murder weapon with another murder weapon. Maybe a weapon that tries to murder its wielder?