Memories of Magic (Worm/??? Quest)

So I just read through the quest and had a couple thoughts specifically on reagent acquisition. Taylor should ask Danny to acquire stone from the foundation of the oldest standing building on the docks. Stones from lintels, capstones, hearth stones, and foundations all have a great deal of symbolic meaning.

Taylor could ask Danny to help her go through her mother's belongings for reagents to be used in the creation of knowledge and intelligence base items. Specifically those from her office at the university. A diploma or even a grading pen could be very useful. e.i. the diploma symbolizes the highest academic achievement and the grading pen could add critical insight and evaluation to whatever item she imbues.

Ask Danny if he has some union suits and to acquire a few in both your sizes if he doesn't. Then do a resilience, fortitude, and regeneration ritual like the one on the sweatshirt.

If Taylor can manage to make area of effect items and plant them underneath the soil Winslow's grounds at the compass points, maybe she could make it sanctuary. Think overlapping circles multiplying the magic. The effect we're going for it is inspired by the karaoke bar Caritas from the TV show Angel. Nobody could commit violence on the grounds. In this case we would want to include abuse of all forms. We could tie the SEP field to the items so no one would notice them or take them.

The reason Taylor would plant them instead of carry them is so that the effect would be distinctly different than Master effects. In particular it wouldn't be something that followed her around it would be present even when she was not wearing it, making it hypothetically untraceable.

Other thoughts
Broken bread = peace or non-violence
If Taylor's notes are her most powerful item she could make everyone at the school unable to notice anyone they intended to harm.
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Vote Tally : Memories of Magic (Worm/??? Quest) | Page 9 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] go online and we what 3 things people think symbolize academic achievement and self-improvement
[X] Acquire reagents specifically a USB drive containing a students study materials
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Create Glasses of Awareness and learning. Using a well used Diary, a complex Crime Book that you figured out well before it became obvious and a magnifying glass that you used a lot in your youthful explorations, enchant your glasses to notice and correctly interpret the world around you. With this, the patterns that the bullies use should be easyto notice (and avoid) while it should improve learning by highlighting how it actually works.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Ritualistically pour through her notes on the Trio's bullying campaign, marking the page number of each time she was overlooked and ignored by authorities and peers. Prepare a place in her basement in a "forgotten and dusty corner" by drawing circles in the dust with water mixed with her saliva using her flute as the inscribing tool. A number of concentric circles equal to the number of incidences where she was ignored or dismissed. On each circle, working outwards in, will be an "incense" burner made of a bowl of olive oil using as its wick a discarded movie theater ticket (on which she has written in red pen the word, 'seen no more'), each ticket drawn from the trash or parking lot of a movie theater in the area. Once this ritual circle is prepared, she will begin canting the word "hidden" in three different forgotten languages (let's use some classics: latin, sanskrit, and navajo). Each time she finishes uttering a word, she will etch into the broken crystal ball -- which failed to reveal secrets -- the number of the page of the next incident of being treated like someone else's problem. Once she has finished doing this for each incident, and has reached the Locker incident, she will take a hammer to the ball, destroying forever its ability to reveal or be seen. Then, using copper wire, she will take the largest piece of the resultant broken ball and create a pendant, adding a drop of her own blood and tuning it to herself with the song of her flute; capturing within it the power of being hidden or dismissed -- both in body and in spirit/mind; keeping her very presence secret from those who should otherwise notice her.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 3

Here is a tally, I think people are stalled on how we want to deal with the trio - try to get them caught or just use stranger effects to avoid them.
Personally, I suspect the issue is that there's no Obvious Correct Plan for non-creative people like myself to bandwagon on. This quest is super open like that, which is probably not a bad thing.

brb devoting brainmeats to this topic :V
[x] Logos01

I'm not really fond of ways of handling the Trio that force a confrontation; Taylor is unbroken but damaged, imo the best approach is to first gain distance/safety. Also that ritual is just neat.

I'm also fond of the idea of a "hidden world" that's defined by being composed of the things that people ignore.

[x] Logos01

I'm liking the general idea of, ah... well, Stranger-ing and observing. Not quite time for confrontation yet.
[ :V ]Quietly we stalk the Terrible Trio in it's natural habitat...
Sophia is a ward. if the PRT is remotely competent she has training to recognize stranger effects and depending on exactly how the effect works it might only divert attention away from Taylor when she's near Sophia which would be suspicious.
What is there to even notice? I mean ... what would be even a slight hint to someone on guard for Stranger/Master protocols that something weird was going on? That she didn't spot Taylor in a crowd a couple of times, that she got bored and paid attention to something else and "the little weasel took the chance to slip away when nobody was watching? Such a coward."

The whole reason the Master/Stranger protocols exist is because of precisely how difficult they are to observe when they're strong ones. In this case we have something where nobody who's already paying attention to her will find it difficult to do so; but anyone who wasn't will just not notice that they're not paying attention to her (unless she does something to draw their attention).

Maaaaybe if it went on for months Sophia might have cause to clue in on something. But by then Taylor would've had copious amounts of time to actually solve the problem long-term.
[x] Logos01

Not sure how good an idea it is to use this at Winslow is, but it's certainly something that would be handy for other things even if it isn't used there.
OP, can I steal your water purification ritual?

Also, if we can purify water that way, it stands to reason we can purify the other elements that way.

Purify water, purify some rocks, and use them for a strengthening ritual?
[x] Logos01
Would this work as a Stranger effect for everyone, or would be need to make other individual talismans to hide from others groups like the ABB or the Empire?