Memories of Magic (Worm/??? Quest)

If living reagents are so heavily linked to their history and relationship to you, it may be inteeresting to find some quick growing plant for it. For example, find a tree that has been struck by lightening but survived, cut a sapling off it / find its seeds and plant them together with your blood. Once it has grown I suspect it would make are rather well attuned staff for us.

Actually, to begin with mushrooms are probably better, as they can be grown quicker and easier in the basement. Symbolically, mushrooms can be used to create healing potions / regeneration stones and similar (or be sold to the merchants as truly magical mushrooms). Those can then be sold to yhe PRT, Protectorate, Hospitals and Police.

Actually, money will be an issue for getting the best ingredients, so;

[X] Establish contact with Parian and try to get a partnership going.
[X] Meditate on your past life.
-[X] Your abilities, your soul, your mind and memories of this life. And magic of the mind. Just as magic comes from stories. Sometimes the untold stories in the mind can effect magic. The subconsious desires. The dreams. The stories you want to make real. Even if you dont realise it.

[X] Look through old objects of yours. Find your flute. The one your mother taught you to use before she died and you took up her flute. Remember all the music you shared together. Clean it, wash it in pure water, polish it in your blood, purify it with your breath. Surround it with symbols of music written in iron fillings that have been purified with fire in the shape of 3 triangles. Call out to the corner stones of the stories of life. The things that make a story worthwhile. The tears of happiness, the blood of resolution and the breath of music. All things you have shared with the flute in all the time you have played it while your mother was alive. Do all of this and make your flute, a momento of happier times, a key to future happy stories.
Our flute is dead, people, in case you forgot that. This is post locker. It's been dead and lost for months now.
Our flute is dead, people, in case you forgot that. This is post locker. It's been dead and lost for months now.

Do you not read the thread?? :confused:

Your talking about taylors' mothers' flute. That she started using after her mother died. And brought to school.

I would find it hard to believe that taylor wasn't given her own flute maybe as a birthday present? But only one musical instrument between 2 people? Not really practical. Even if u just consider that one was teaching the other.
[X] Meditate on your past life.
-[X] Your abilities, your soul, your mind and memories of this life. And magic of the mind. Just as magic comes from stories. Sometimes the untold stories in the mind can effect magic. The subconsious desires. The dreams. The stories you want to make real. Even if you dont realise it.

[X] Look through old objects of yours. Find your flute. The one your mother taught you to use before she died and you took up her flute. Remember all the music you shared together. Clean it, wash it in pure water, polish it in your blood, purify it with your breath. Surround it with symbols of music written in iron fillings that have been purified with fire in the shape of 3 triangles. Call out to the corner stones of the stories of life. The things that make a story worthwhile. The tears of happiness, the blood of resolution and the breath of music. All things you have shared with the flute in all the time you have played it while your mother was alive. Do all of this and make your flute, a momento of happier times, a key to future happy stories.
[X] Meditate on your past life.
-[X] Your abilities, your soul, your mind and memories of this life. And magic of the mind. Just as magic comes from stories. Sometimes the untold stories in the mind can effect magic. The subconsious desires. The dreams. The stories you want to make real. Even if you dont realise it.

[X] Look through old objects of yours. Find your flute. The one your mother taught you to use before she died and you took up her flute. Remember all the music you shared together. Clean it, wash it in pure water, polish it in your blood, purify it with your breath. Surround it with symbols of music written in iron fillings that have been purified with fire in the shape of 3 triangles. Call out to the corner stones of the stories of life. The things that make a story worthwhile. The tears of happiness, the blood of resolution and the breath of music. All things you have shared with the flute in all the time you have played it while your mother was alive. Do all of this and make your flute, a momento of happier times, a key to future happy stories.
[X] Meditate on your past life.
-[X] Your abilities, your soul, your mind and memories of this life. And magic of the mind. Just as magic comes from stories. Sometimes the untold stories in the mind can effect magic. The subconsious desires. The dreams. The stories you want to make real. Even if you dont realise it.

[X] Look through old objects of yours. Find your flute. The one your mother taught you to use before she died and you took up her flute. Remember all the music you shared together. Clean it, wash it in pure water, polish it in your blood, purify it with your breath. Surround it with symbols of music written in iron fillings that have been purified with fire in the shape of 3 triangles. Call out to the corner stones of the stories of life. The things that make a story worthwhile. The tears of happiness, the blood of resolution and the breath of music. All things you have shared with the flute in all the time you have played it while your mother was alive. Do all of this and make your flute, a momento of happier times, a key to future happy stories.

We are probably going to want multiple implements. I thought having a bracelet would be a fantastic backup one in case we lose our main or we get kidnapped and need to do something while our wrists are bound.

The watch one would be a pretty cool experiment, to try and get some neat time-related effects.
Do you not read the thread?? :confused:

Your talking about taylors' mothers' flute. That she started using after her mother died. And brought to school.

I would find it hard to believe that taylor wasn't given her own flute maybe as a birthday present? But only one musical instrument between 2 people? Not really practical. Even if u just consider that one was teaching the other.
I... where was it said that we had our own flute? That's a pretty hefty assumption.
Ah. Your talking about taylors' mothers' Flute that was destroyed. Im talking about the hypothetical flute that Taylor used when her mother was alive. That she learned to play with and used when playing with her mother and stopped using when her mother died. Because she started using her mothers' Flute. And for a reason it wasn't mentioned in canon it is because when Emma destroyed her mothers' flute she also destroyed her enthusiasm for music. In that whenever she went to play it all she remembered was it was her fault that her mothers' flute was gone because she brought it to school.

@Iasnek does this sound like something you would make canon for the quest? If it won.

Since the point of this quest is to have fun creating spells (and using them, I promise we'll get to that!), I'm perfectly willing to stretch cannon to make whatever we vote possible. Same with the symbolism, I'll be fairly accepting on what works. Just provide your arguments in the thread, and I'll try and make it work. That's not to say that I won't add my own interpretations in (beware the bloodthirsty sweatshirt!).

With regard to the power of history, remember that non-living items are much less pushy regarding their story. Not that their story won't add power to your ritual, but the fact that Chevalier's Cannonblade has fought Endbringers matters surprisingly little to the sword itself. Now, Chevalier's hand would make a good ingredient for an item that grants fighting prowess, as long as he donates it to you for that purpose.

Edit: I like editing! By the way, unless we come to a consensus in the next 5 hours or so, I'll probably let the vote go overnight and start writing tomorrow.

I... where was it said that we had our own flute? That's a pretty hefty assumption.

Yes it is an assumption. But it is an assumption that will be made canon to the quest if it wins. And being honest i thought that there would be more criticism of my write in than 2 people saying more than once about a flute that i specifically said in the write in wasn't her mothers' (the destroyed) flute.

Now if you still dont agree or support my write in. I would suggest taking your idea for a write in from earlier and actually make it a vote.
Now any comments about my meditation vote??
Your meditation is a little broad to be completely answered by one memory, so expect something that only relates to part of your prompt. That said, I'll probably change up the backstory a little so I can start a snippet that does have a fair amount to do with the prompt. Just maybe not in the ways you were expecting...
Hm... We need to get our hands on some bones. Preferably from animals that died in significant ways. Looks like we're going to be to doing some sacrifice.
... Wait. There's this Japanese thing where you ritually torture a dog to death, and then bind the enraged ghost to obey your family loyally for all time.


... Who wants to be a horrible person?
This sounds like a great way to make Rachel hunt you down and kill you.
She can try! But then we'll kill her with the ghost devil thingy.
that's not a loyalty thing, that's a death curse.
No, I merely mistook the source of the ghost; it's just kind of a thing somewhere before you evoke it with the ritual murder.

But hey, as long as we can somehow manage to use sheer force of will to keep down an intentionally bound evil spirit who we'd deserve to get mauled by, it'll be great! :V

This is a joke.
[X] Meditate on your past life.
-[X] Your abilities, your soul, your mind and memories of this life. And magic of the mind. Just as magic comes from stories. Sometimes the untold stories in the mind can effect magic. The subconsious desires. The dreams. The stories you want to make real. Even if you dont realise it.

[X] Look through old objects of yours. Find your flute. The one your mother taught you to use before she died and you took up her flute. Remember all the music you shared together. Clean it, wash it in pure water, polish it in your blood, purify it with your breath. Surround it with symbols of music written in iron fillings that have been purified with fire in the shape of 3 triangles. Call out to the corner stones of the stories of life. The things that make a story worthwhile. The tears of happiness, the blood of resolution and the breath of music. All things you have shared with the flute in all the time you have played it while your mother was alive. Do all of this and make your flute, a momento of happier times, a key to future happy stories.
... Wait. There's this Japanese thing where you ritually torture a dog to death, and then bind the enraged ghost to obey your family loyally for all time.


... Who wants to be a horrible person?
That seems like the kind of thing we'd sell out to Coil for.

As much as Coil is the classic Bond villain, he'd also be the quick and easy route for us to earn materials and a laboratory suited to our needs. If we decide to dump Taylor's morals and steer her towards the path of the 'mad magical scientist' who whipping up Frankenstein's Monsters, Coil would probably be a good choice to keep in mind, although I think Kaiser would still probably be the better choice in that event. Hell, depending on how willing you guys are to throw ethics out the window, the Merchants would be willing to provide for us as well.

We're essentially a Tinker by the PRT threat assessment, and Tinkers are high-value.

That said, since our gift actually is magic and not some parahuman ability, we might be able to teach others once we get past a certain skill level. The PRT would let us write our own check if we demonstrated that our skills were learned craft rather than unique ability.

So... I'm going to be thinking about which 'patron' to pick pretty soon. Running solo might mean less constraints, but it sucks in terms of resources.
That seems like the kind of thing we'd sell out to Coil for.

As much as Coil is the classic Bond villain, he'd also be the quick and easy route for us to earn materials and a laboratory suited to our needs. If we decide to dump Taylor's morals and steer her towards the path of the 'mad magical scientist' who whipping up Frankenstein's Monsters, Coil would probably be a good choice to keep in mind, although I think Kaiser would still probably be the better choice in that event. Hell, depending on how willing you guys are to throw ethics out the window, the Merchants would be willing to provide for us as well.

We're essentially a Tinker by the PRT threat assessment, and Tinkers are high-value.

That said, since our gift actually is magic and not some parahuman ability, we might be able to teach others once we get past a certain skill level. The PRT would let us write our own check if we demonstrated that our skills were learned craft rather than unique ability.

So... I'm going to be thinking about which 'patron' to pick pretty soon. Running solo might mean less constraints, but it sucks in terms of resources.

They would be quick and easy routes to materials, but I think there are better ones if we expand our scope of who to join out a bit. Working with other Rogues could help us with that, though if we wanted the best stuff fast, joining Toybox would probably be the best Rogue option for that. They're well established, rich, and not much beats a pocket dimension for protection and a lair to build stuff out of.

If we want to 'throw our ethics out the window' there are some better villain options than Kaiser (in-character even without ethics it's hard to see Taylor really embracing the Nazi ideology), the Merchants (probably the least resources, might try to use drugs to help keep us in the gang, which probably isn't wanted), and Coil. Mostly out of character for the last one just because of how nasty he is, but if you really feel like going full evil, he's probably the best choice. Of course that's only if we really want to be evil, and in that case so long as we're willing to travel from Brockton Bay, I'm sure Riley and Jack would be glad to have us making monsters with them.

For slightly less evil and insane villainous options the Elite would probably be glad to have us, and we would essentially be villainous Rogues. They even tend to clean up the violent crimes in any city they are in and could probably be convinced to move in and work on taking control of Brockton Bay. Going to the Big Apple, and we have the Adepts, a gang of parahumans who think they are magic users and use rituals and trinkets to boost their powers. Fits with us rather well, don't they? They would absolutely love to have us and would require the least drastic change of Taylor's mindset to join as a villain group due to their rules against killing and how they don't hold territory, which would likely take a lot of other gang crime out of what they usually do (which makes you wonder what exactly it is the DO that makes them classified as a gang). Does explain how they get some wards and protectorate members to flip to their side, though.
If we want to 'throw our ethics out the window' there are some better villain options than Kaiser (in-character even without ethics it's hard to see Taylor really embracing the Nazi ideology)

In canon, Taylor joined the Undersiders to get friends and it's pretty obvious that Tattletale manipulated her into that position since her power let her see that she was starved for companionship. I mean, the first thing the Undersiders did was contact her, arrange a meeting with her, give her a box full of money as "thanks" for her help fighting Lung (and to psychologically put her in debt to them since you'd have to be a real scumbag to turn on someone after they willingly offer you a bunch of money), show up without masks, and pretty much act like they're her best friends.

It's pretty much Love Bombing on a somewhat smaller scale.

I can easily see Taylor finding herself swept up into the Empire 88 group if even one or more of their members at school were to show her attention. Like, some Empire girl sees Emma or Sophia bullying Taylor and comes to her defense, and then invites her to sit at the Empire table or something. Or just anywhere where she can eat her lunch in peace without the trio getting on her case.

All you would really need is for someone in the E88 to suspect that Taylor (or her cape identity) is useful, or just a potential recruit. Then, the Empire kids approach her, offer her protection from the other bullies and groups, and her life would pretty quickly see an improvement. I mean, Sophia and Emma might try to blackmail her or tell her dad or something, but the school is obviously tolerating all these gang members openly wearing their colors so the staff wouldn't go against her so long as she's "protected".

I doubt Taylor would ever start hating minorities or have some racial superiority thing going on, but she could easily start bending her own ethics and morals in order to keep her new friends. Plus, we've already got two other demonstratively evil gangs in Brockton Bay in the form of the ABB and the Merchants. She might not go so far as to say that all white people are good and asians are bad, but she would quickly associate Empire 88 with having allies and groups like the ABB being assholes.
All you would really need is for someone in the E88 to suspect that Taylor (or her cape identity) is useful, or just a potential recruit. Then, the Empire kids approach her, offer her protection from the other bullies and groups, and her life would pretty quickly see an improvement. I mean, Sophia and Emma might try to blackmail her or tell her dad or something, but the school is obviously tolerating all these gang members openly wearing their colors so the staff wouldn't go against her so long as she's "protected".

I doubt Taylor would ever start hating minorities or have some racial superiority thing going on, but she could easily start bending her own ethics and morals in order to keep her new friends. Plus, we've already got two other demonstratively evil gangs in Brockton Bay in the form of the ABB and the Merchants. She might not go so far as to say that all white people are good and asians are bad, but she would quickly associate Empire 88 with having allies and groups like the ABB being assholes.

Ok, that would make some sense, I was just thinking about her going to the Empire of her own accord.
(in-character even without ethics it's hard to see Taylor really embracing the Nazi ideology)
Not really, if we're talking about Neo-nazis rather than national socialists. Look at Taylor's life. It's basically a recruiting poster for the E88. Combine that with treating her like an actual person, and they'd have her in a week.
Not really, if we're talking about Neo-nazis rather than national socialists. Look at Taylor's life. It's basically a recruiting poster for the E88. Combine that with treating her like an actual person, and they'd have her in a week.

Seriously, we see Taylor's thoughts in great detail. She never even shows a hint of racism, and has nothing but scorn for the E88 in particular and Nazis in particular. Her only love interest in the entire story is black, for crying out loud. The series of events that led to her becoming a supervillain were unlikely in the extreme, and don't transfer to a group like the E88 at all, and without the impulse to infiltrate the mysterious supervillain gang that Armsmaster knows nothing about and saved her life from a crazy rage dragon, she's never going to consent to even consider joining.

This meme that Taylor's just a few kind words away from joining the E88 needs to go die in a fire. It's retarded, and has no basis in canon, no matter how much certain fanfic writers might like making Taylor a member. We're talking about the most vilified group in modern America, and one that's been fucking over the city- and by extension her father's livelihood- for literally generations.

Now if the QM wants to do an arc where the E88 is trying to coerce her to build shit for them, that's fine, but I can't see Taylor joining the E88 willingly short of her character being altered so much as to be completely unrecognizable.
Post 004
[X] Meditate on your past life.
-[X] Your abilities, your soul, your mind and memories of this life. And magic of the mind. Just as magic comes from stories. Sometimes the untold stories in the mind can effect magic. The subconscious desires. The dreams. The stories you want to make real. Even if you don't realize it.

[X] Look through old objects of yours. Find your flute. The one your mother taught you to use before she died and you took up her flute. Remember all the music you shared together. Clean it, wash it in pure water, polish it in your blood, purify it with your breath. Surround it with symbols of music written in iron fillings that have been purified with fire in the shape of 3 triangles. Call out to the corner stones of the stories of life. The things that make a story worthwhile. The tears of happiness, the blood of resolution and the breath of music. All things you have shared with the flute in all the time you have played it while your mother was alive. Do all of this and make your flute, a memento of happier times, a key to future happy stories.

Once again, you watch as your father drives off to work. After dinner yesterday, you spent the evening in your room planning a ritual to create your first implement. You are unsure how effective it will be, but even a failure will help you understand your gift more.

Before you get started, you sit down and meditate again. You focus on your soul, and the magic of the mind. Hopefully whatever memory you unlock will help you understand the power of stories...

You barely hold back your tears as you pull what was once your father towards what remains of your home. You wish you could use your wand to levitate him there, but that would sully the intent. You never understood this when you were younger, but blood magic is like a forest fire—the more you feed it, the hungrier it becomes. And hunger is what you need right now.

This time, the sob does escape your lips, but you trudge on. You hope your mother made it safely away, but if you want to survive, you need to focus on killing the bastard who caused the entire village to kill themselves.

Betrayal. The name of the insane Living Spirit. Most Living Spirits kept to themselves, but Betrayal had lost itself in its name. No army could stand against it, as they would turn upon each other. No wielder of magic could face it, as the very story she used to fight it would be turned against her. Anyone who saw Betrayal would be killed, in case the tale of betrayal had infected them. Betrayal was once human, but now was merely a conduit for betrayal.

When Betrayal wandered into your village, minor feuds turned into death matches, wives stabbed husbands in the back, dogs turned on their masters, and every action was an act of betrayal. Your father and you had gone out to try and save anyone you could, but like any attempt to go against Betrayal, your own actions had betrayed you. Oh, you and your father had artifacts that prevented unnatural changes from being enacted on your mind, but those artifacts had merely been the first to forsake you—your necklace of profound silence had been torn from your neck by an enraged neighbor right in front of Betrayal, and only your father giving you his necklace had prevented you from attempting to kill him then and there.

He'd told you to run, and run you did. An hour later, you'd returned to find corpses, your father's artifacts laying broken around him, and your father himself—

"I'm gonna kill you, Tali," he, no, it rasps. You stare ahead, eyes dry. While this may have once been your father, it now betrayed everything that it had once stood for, though through no choice of its own. You and he had both agreed before going to fight Betrayal that if the other was infected, they would kill them. You will kill your father, but not until you make his death worth something.

No, you are going to get your revenge or die trying. You smile a grim smile. Truthfully, your solution to the problem of any story used against Betrayal ending in betrayal was simple. All you needed to do was enact a ritual that, even when it eventually betrays you, would still achieve your goals.

Simply said, but very, very dangerous in practice. For you are going to do the one thing your father told you to never attempt. As you enter the clearing where your house once stood, only ruins and still-smoldering ashes remain. It is the perfect backdrop to perform a ritual that will affect your very soul.

You jerk up, panting heavily. It takes you several minutes to catch your breath, but the nausea you feel in your stomach lingers on. You sprawl out on the floor and stare at the ceiling.

Betrayal. It seemed eerily similar to the Simurgh, but where the Simurgh can only affect people, Betrayal could make anything betray its purpose. A hearth fire would burn down your house, leaving you in the cold. A shield would weigh down your arm, leaving you open to attack. Solid rock would crumble beneath your feet.

It was such a terrible fate, that you were planning to kill your father for having succumbed to it. You can't help but think that in the brief moment you were unprotected from the aura of betrayal, you were partially infected yourself. Not only were you going to kill your father, but from what you could tell, you were going to kill him in a life-powered ritual that would do the one thing he told you never to do.

You make a note to explore your soul, to see if you can figure out what you did to yourself. That is a task for another time, though. Now, you just want to take your mind off of the terrible memories, and make yourself an implement.

Rather than a blank crafter's tool that can produce an item for every need, or a powerful device made to enforce your will on the world, you have chosen your flute. An instrument of art with a deeply personal connection to yourself.

You can't quite forget the memory, not yet, but you force yourself up off the floor to gather everything you need for your ritual. You find the task of preparing calming, and your stomach stops its twisting and turning.

First, you must set the stage. Taking all the remaining iron filings you have, you heat them up in your kettle barbecue, wash them with pure water, and breathe over them in a bastardized elemental ritual. You let a single drop of blood fall over the filings, hopefully binding all four elements into one reagent.

You spread the filings out over your dining room floor, and start to corral them into shapes. You form three triangles, reminiscent of your first successful creation of an enchanted item. At each outer corner, you place a musical symbol: a treble clef for guidance and order, a segno for a new start, and a natural accidental to represent returning to a natural state.

Your runic symbolism all set up, you pull out your flute. You haven't touched it since your mother died except for last night, when you pulled it out of your closet. It's a relatively cheap student flute, made of something called nickel-silver. From a purely material sense, there is nothing unique about it.

With this ritual, you will give it meaning far beyond any it might have had before. After you place the flute in the middle of the symbols, you close your eyes to steel your nerve, then nod and say, "Alright."

You stand in front of the natural sign, and speak.

"I was an innocent child. Through music and my mother, I was joyful. Though I have lost both, I call back through my memories to grant power to this flute."

You pour your remaining pure water over the flute. The flute sparkles, cleaner than you've ever seen it. Moving clockwise, you go to stand at the sign of the segno.

"I am a captive of suffering. Through trials and persecution, I am reborn. In my new beginning, I offer forth my strengths to grant power to this flute."

Pulling out the kitchen knife with which you are forming a love-hate relationship, you cut yourself on your palm, and rub your blood along the length of the flute. Your stomach is again nauseous, this time from the pain coming from your hand, but you soldier on. You move to the last corner, the treble clef.

"I will be a source of inspiration. Through music and magic, I will live. In my dreams of the future, I wish for my hopes to grant power to this flute."

You step into the triangle and pick up your flute. Ice-cold from the pure water, you taste the iron of your blood as you place it at your lips. When you planned the ritual last night, you had thought to play something simple like Bach's Lullaby, since it had been a long time since you had last practiced. Instead, something else comes out.

You would have jumped in surprise at the unfamiliar tune, but you quickly found that your body wasn't under your control. The music and magic flowing through you quickly put to rest any fright, and you soon found yourself enjoying a song that seemed, somehow, to be uniquely you.

Almost too quickly, the song comes to an end. Before you have a chance to wonder if the ritual worked or not, you stumble as a torrent of power flows from you into the flute. You fall to your knees, light-headed, and absently notice that the iron filings and the puddle of water have disappeared. Your main focus, though, is on the flute in your hand.

Despite having been in your hand for the last several minutes, the flute is still comfortably cool. The only visual sign of your ritual is that the once silvery metal now has a faint red tinge. The main difference is in how it feels. Unlike the sweatshirt you enchanted, you don't feel a resonance between it and you. Instead, it feels like a part of you. You have no doubt that you could point straight at the flute, no matter how great a distance it might be from you.

You smile. Strangely enough, you don't feel proud of your accomplishment. Instead, you feel content. You relish in the feeling for a little while, but eventually you get up and start straightening out the house for when your dad returns home. Today, you went through a whole gamut of emotions, so you think you'll go to bed soon after you eat dinner.

Tomorrow, there is much you can do, but little time to do it in. You pull out a notebook and start planning out your day. You think you can fit two different activities into your day...

Choose Two:

[] Meditate on your past life.
-[] Write in on a specific topic you wish to focus on.

[] Explore your abilities.
-[] Write in what you wish to attempt.

[] Go shopping (or pillaging) for reagents.
-[] Write in what and where.

[] Do something else.
-[]Write in.

(QMN: Remember that all you have at this point is what you can find around a normal house. We've used up all our iron filings, so we don't even have that. We also don't really know much IC about parahumans or symbolism. If you want to learn more about either topic, we'll need to make a stop at the local library. So far we've just been meditating recluses, but that will change eventually.

A question: do people want me to do an in depth analysis of our implement? Pro's would be y'all would get a better idea of what I'm thinking when I create an implement. Con's would be taking some of the mystery away and possible spoilers for future story points. I'm fine with either decision, so I'll see what people say.)