[X] Take It: This Doctor Kouzuki appears to know a lot more than the general is willing to share, perhaps you'll find more information going with her?
- [X] Radio back to base to get some engineers up here, like, for our something. You have an entourage of meatheads but some eggheads wouldn't hurt, even if they're all freaking nerds.
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that is all.
as for going inside hives....

why, exactly, would we even do that?
shoot it with the Ion Cannon.
a lot.
failing that, freeing up the TSFs for nothing but assaulting Hives can only be a good thing.

Firstly, you have to realise that these things dig really really deep. So you'd need to fire through several hundred meters of dirt and rock. This is before the fact that these things have armor thick enough to take shell fire from battleships.

Oh and these guys actually move pretty fast. Good luck trying to actually hit it with a ion cannon. Which takes several seconds to actually release that blast of energy. A fun fact. The ion cannon in cnc 3 shares characteristics with a weapon known as a electrolaser cannon. Those small lasers are used to ionise the atmosphere to set up that really big blast at the end, so it's really going to take awhile for it to actually build to full power.

As for the idea of having multiple ion cannon satellites. Well. In which unmodded cnc 3 game, are you allowed to fire more than one ion cannon blast without waiting for recharge? Sorry. You are only allowed access to one satellite per base. If you want more bases. If you want more bases, you need more MCVs. If you want more MCVs, you need more commanders. And you are kinda short of commanders at the moment.

Plus the fact that battalions come out mauled from a hive assualt despite several attempts over the course of decades. If you think a mere increase in numbers is enough for you to clinch a win. Well. You are going to be sorely, sorely disappointed. Canon wise, all the hives that were taken before and during Ouka all required the use of G elemebt heavy superweapons. That had serious advantages like completely ignoring any all barriers in it's blast radius (G bombs.)and literal floating fortresses that had way serious defenses such that no beta could get close to it or could they even fire upon it. Hell, Ouka only succeeded when they had clear intel on where all the Beta are, allowing them to move through areas that aren't filled with swarms.

These things are just the canon stuff. If you think it's going to be that easy, then lol. You really should think again.

So you telling me you can beat those advantages with what you have now. Sure you have the numbers. But well. Can you actually use them effectively?

Actually. I'll stop hinting about things and tell you what's next on a platter. The locals are here for a hive assualt. So you guys probably ought to figure something out. We planned out some things that might suprise you all. So well. Best go in without any expectations and pre concieved notions.
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Turn 8: Down the rabbit hole
Well looks like following the doctor down the rabbit hole won so here's the update.

Bidding the general good day, you and your escort follows the doctor and her bunny girl out of the HQ building and onto the parking lot before loading up on a waiting Humvee. Once all in, the doctor put the pedal to the metal, the smell of burning rubber and overstressed driveshafts fills the cramp confines of the Humvee and for one brief moment you wonder if this was some convoluted assassination scheme.

As it turns out, Yuuko is a perfectly capable driver. Otherwise you would all be dead from the number of near misses as she casually bobs and weaves her way through the base.

Eventually you arrive at a small double story building. Stumbling out of the Humvee, you let the doctor take the lead as you give thanks to the fact that you're back on solid ground.

"This is where I work." the Doctor said gesturing to a small office that's covered with all manner of books, print outs and diagrams thrown haphazardly around. Kicking out of her way a stack of folders, she slumps onto her chair, the leather squeaking in protest as she does so.

"Sorry for the mess but not everyone can build a warehouse instantly like you to store all these crap." The doctor says as she types away at her PC. You notice that the bunny girl has apparently disappear at some point leaving just you and the doctor alone.

"Now General Waldheim can be trusted to do the right thing but he has always been too much of a by the book kind of guy for my liking." Gesturing for you to take a seat, the doctor waits for you to do so before continuing.

"Now what do you wish to know about this world?"

[] Tiberium, you need a clearer picture of its spread around the world.

[] The BETA, its currently the most pressing threat to the world at large.

[] The current Geopolitical landscape, a house divided can't stand.

[] Write In

(Note that you can revisit the choices later. It's just which one is most pressing to you right now)
[X] Tiberium, you need a clearer picture of its spread around the world.

Both useful intel... and in character. GDI be paranoid about that green crystal afterall.
[X] Tiberium, you need a clearer picture of its spread around the world.
[X] Tiberium, you need a clearer picture of its spread around the world.

We need to lock all the tiberium the fuck down as soon as possible. Tiberium is scary scary scary shit.
[X] Tiberium, you need a clearer picture of its spread around the world.

Time to tell the good doctor about the true extent of the nightmare that now infesting her world.

Wonder how she's gonna handle the news about the Scrin?
[X] Tiberium, you need a clearer picture of its spread around the world.

If she is a skeptic give her non-classified videos an empirical data of what Tiberium can do.
[X] Tiberium, you need a clearer picture of its spread around the world.
As for the idea of having multiple ion cannon satellites. Well. In which unmodded cnc 3 game, are you allowed to fire more than one ion cannon blast without waiting for recharge? Sorry. You are only allowed access to one satellite per base. If you want more bases. If you want more bases, you need more MCVs. If you want more MCVs, you need more commanders. And you are kinda short of commanders at the moment.
Er GDI had an entire satellite network of ion cannons in orbit around the Earth with the reason for the recharge is that is the amount of time to reroute a different satellite since the one you just used will take a good 24 hours to return.

Admittedly GDI can with relative ease bring aforementioned network to one location just see the initial Scrin invasion video, but given the General implied "What are you doing Director?!", and the mess the Orbital Defence matrix thereby making Ion cannons unavailable to use against the Scrin's initial pushes I'd advice against such a course of action.

Furthermore your argument is based upon the population cap inherit in CnC game mechanics which was stated to longer be relevant for this quest, no?

Not that I'd use an a Ion Canon network for such a task given it is a precision weapon good for punching a hole in a Beta formation not a sledgehammer useful for damaging a hive.
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Not that I'd use an a Ion Canon network for such a task given it is a precision weapon good for punching a hole in a Beta formation not a sledgehammer useful for damaging a hive.
There is a hole at the top of BETA hives (or we make one) and the Ion cannon is a precise beam weapon.

We can shoot a beam directly into a hive and then let the physics of the equivalent of of a 300-500 kiloton nuke being detonated in the middle of a hive do it's job.

Won't eliminate the BETA entirely but it'd be great at clearing a good deal of the tunnels.
[X] Tiberium, you need a clearer picture of its spread around the world.

We are GDI, our job is to halt and stop the spread of Tiberium. Preferably before we can't remove it from the earth's crust.
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[X] Tiberium, you need a clearer picture of its spread around the world.
Er GDI had an entire satellite network of ion cannons in orbit around the Earth with the reason for the recharge is that is the amount of time to reroute a different satellite since the one you just used will take a good 24 hours to return.

Admittedly GDI can with relative ease bring aforementioned network to one location just see the initial Scrin invasion video, but given the General implied "What are you doing Director?!", and the mess the Orbital Defence matrix thereby making Ion cannons unavailable to use against the Scrin's initial pushes I'd advice against such a course of action.

Furthermore your argument is based upon the population cap inherit in CnC game mechanics which was stated to longer be relevant for this quest, no?

Not that I'd use an a Ion Canon network for such a task given it is a precision weapon good for punching a hole in a Beta formation not a sledgehammer useful for damaging a hive.
Unfortunately you can't pick and choose between game mechanics and fluff.

So as be written, so as been said.

that is all.
as for going inside hives....

why, exactly, would we even do that?
shoot it with the Ion Cannon.
a lot.
failing that, freeing up the TSFs for nothing but assaulting Hives can only be a good thing.

[X] Take It: This Doctor Kouzuki appears to know a lot more than the general is willing to share, perhaps you'll find more information going with her?

Carrier Strains are fast, like very fast, and we still need to know if we still have Ion cannons from space yet.

[X] Tiberium, you need a clearer picture of its spread around the world.
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[X] Tiberium, you need a clearer picture of its spread around the world.

Tiberium first.
[X] Tiberium, you need a clearer picture of its spread around the world.
Er GDI had an entire satellite network of ion cannons in orbit around the Earth with the reason for the recharge is that is the amount of time to reroute a different satellite since the one you just used will take a good 24 hours to return.

Admittedly GDI can with relative ease bring aforementioned network to one location just see the initial Scrin invasion video, but given the General implied "What are you doing Director?!", and the mess the Orbital Defence matrix thereby making Ion cannons unavailable to use against the Scrin's initial pushes I'd advice against such a course of action.

Furthermore your argument is based upon the population cap inherit in CnC game mechanics which was stated to longer be relevant for this quest, no?

Not that I'd use an a Ion Canon network for such a task given it is a precision weapon good for punching a hole in a Beta formation not a sledgehammer useful for damaging a hive.
The main issue is that each Commander is allocated only one GDI Command Uplink. Unless you find some way to bypass the locks built in you're limited to one cannon.