[X] Inform them that this is a matter pertaining to the operation

We need to cooperate if we want to have a better chance of success, better not look down on us because we don't have TSF.
I kinda want to station engineers next to everyone's buildings.

I can't help myself. Help.
If we capture a TSF bay, would the TSF be manned or would we need to capture a barracks first?
You know, I was thinking of things our Commander could say to trip up the jingoistic inanity the IJA commander could spout and aside from the standard stuff it'd be hilarious if we could say something like "You realize I'm an Ainu, right?"

Cause well, that'll open up an interesting dialogue. :V
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What, exactly, are we planning to discuss here? A communications protocol was already established on the flight to get over here.

Their preferred strategy? Their overall goals? What are we after?
What, exactly, are we planning to discuss here? A communications protocol was already established on the flight to get over here.

Their preferred strategy? Their overall goals? What are we after?
Pretty sure people just want to figure out what they'll be doing, as well as ensuring orders won't conflict. Plus making sure we can slot in the things that'll severely reduce casualties like the Repair APC's.

Cause by the sound of things they're going off on their own, which is going to lead to a clusterfuck and everyone but them knows it, judging by the general literally facepalming when we brought it up.
Turn 13: Sagiri
Right the good old "I'm busy at the moment so don't disturb me" excuse. You're more than familiar with it after been on the receiving end more time than you can care to count.

So you press the trooper, insisting that it's an operational matter that you have to bring up with their commander. After ten or so minutes, the trooper finally relents after a voice on her radio crackles for you to be escorted in while your Commando have to stay outside. Agreeing, you make your way into the tent while your Commando gives a cheerful wave at your retreating back.

The inside of the tent is covered with massive maps of the operations area and MFDs displaying everything from satellite feeds to a TOE of the IJA forces.

"Colonel Sagiri Naoya." The bespectacled officer before you said as greeting. Accepting his handshake, he continues "I heard a lot about your exploits Commander. And my apologies, I gave orders not to be disturbed while reviewing information of the upcoming operation."

Well he doesn't seems so bad ... Glancing at his work desk currently covered by all manner maps, charts and diagrams. Maybe he really was busy with planning out the operation. Glancing down at the TOE of the Japanese forces, you notice something odd about it. Thinking back to your meeting with Waldheim you placed the reason for oddity. It seems like almost half of the Japanese forces present here isn't represented on the document.

"Still what brings you here Commander?" Sagiri asks as both of you settle into the simple metal folding chair in the room. While his tone remains friendly, you are pretty sure he caught your little discovery as he shifts a folder over the TOE document.

[] I'll cut to the chase, why aren't you willing to work with General Waldheim and why the need for two command structure.

[] What do you think of General Waldheim and the forces under his command?

[] What are your plans for taking the Hive and any thoughts on fighting the BETA?

[] If you don't mind me asking, what's the deal with the TOE?

[] Write In:
Ahhh, I thought it might be Sagiri. I actually liked his Alt version a lot more than Extra's.

[X] If you don't mind me asking, what's the deal with the TOE?
[X] If you don't mind me asking, what's the deal with the TOE?

Or in other words: Where the fuck is the rest of your force.
I have to state that this is literally your first impression. Some of the questions are things that you should not be asking out of the blue.

One of them is outright rude and would probably cause problems.
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