[X] Miss a few nights of sleep. You don't have anything important scheduled this weekened. So you can take the time to rest.
[X] The weak and the dying? Let's first check the local hospitals and clinics. Nursing homes after that.
[X] Invite Faith to help you search for and fight the demon.
You have to consult a map and a phone book of the area before you have what could be a possible place to look. There are several clinics and other shelters that could be possible, and one major hospital. Faith's the one that directs you to that once you rope her in. In her words, it's the biggest place, and can probably the busiest since it caters to your neighborhood. A few people dead in a place like that wouldn't be overlooked since the place is practically overwhelmed.
It's a calculation that you can't dispute in the end. So after looking it up, and scoping it out one night, you both finally enter it on Wednesday.
The hospital is quiet at night you notice. Faith's been here before, so the girl knows a few quieter areas to enter from. This makes it possible for you both to slip in without awkward explanations as to your purpose here. The big thing's going to be looking for your target in general. You lack an appearance to go off of, and even worse, lack any serious information aside from what your quest has given you.
"So, weak and dying right?" Faith asks as she starts to saunter through the halls.
"That's right." You mutter, and glance for guards, or perhaps hints of the demon.
"Hey, quit hunching. Walk normally." The girl mutters and walks purposfully forward. "We're supposed to be here. Visiting my little cousin. He's terminally ill."
The flagrant lie doesn't particularly sit well with you, but you lack other options, so you straighten and follow. "One way of doing it I suppose." You mutter.
"Had a few groupies that ODed and came here." Faith shrugs. "I know a bit of the lingo. We need to get to the critical care ward. There shouldn't be many people in the back halls, so just walk normally."
"All right." You follow the girl.
The place is a bit creepy honestly. It's a big hospital. Lot of beds and beeping. Not many people actually walking around either, though you catch glimpses of people sleeping through the open doors. Faith knows where to go at least, and you're at the critical care ward quickly.
There, there are a few nurses, but they are at the desk up front. So long as you're in the halls and don't make noise you should be fine.
"So what next?" Faith asks and looks at you.
You grit your teeth. You have no idea really. You glance at the people lying in the beds. More than a few of them are bandaged and you catch a hint of blood on one or two of them from something. One man's hooked up to an IV, and starting to thrash some. In the midst of a nightmare you assume.
Your attention is drawn to something else though. A man lying nearly still. An IV is hooked up to him, and you see a machine to the side as well. You assume it's monitoring his heartbeat. The beep is steady and slow. There's nothing to indicate that anything's wrong. Yet some part of you is rivited to him. It's like you can tell that something's wrong.
"Hammer-man?" Faith's voice makes you glance at her, and back at the man.
"Something's wrong." You mutter and look over the man. You can't tell what, but as you look, you can almost taste the fear.
You hear a click, and turn to Faith with wide eyes. She's got the crossbow cocked and a bolt in it. Before you can say anything she lets it lose. The bolt flys through the air, and disappears in midair.
Something moves, and reflexively you manifest and swing out your hammer in one smooth move. Something brushes by your face, and you stagger back. A hint of blood drips down your cheek and you immediately press at it. Something gouged you as it ran by.
You disregard it as you turn down the hallway. The demon is fleeing. You can't see or hear it, but you can see drops of blood on the pristine floor.
"Shit, you didn't say it was some boogeyman." Faith mutters and gives you a look. "Suit up and follow?"
"Yes." You state flatly, and your armor forms in a flash of light.
You start to pound down after the blood trail. It moves further back down the halls. You'd say it's a miracle you didn't interrupt anyone, but there is something about this creature. You can't see it, but it's like there is a sort of malaise in the air as it moves. A feeling of something not quite right.
The blood trail stops at a closed door, and you pull it open without hesitation. A few steps bring you into dark area with pipes and a few small hanging lights. Faith comes in after you, and the door clicks shut as you slowly move in. The bolt's on the ground in the center of the room, and you take the time to glance around.
This looks like the room that contains most of the water and heat piping for the rest of the hospital. Hiding spots all over the place. And worse, your opponent is invisible. You look around with cold eyes and ready yourself.
HP 23
MP 5
+33 (+20 trained, +7 Dexterity, +6 Charisma(Faith) ), Damage 15 (Divine Hammer 3, 12 Two handed Vitality)
HP 5
+8 (+4 Dexterity, +4 Charisma (Astral)), 3 damage, ranged.
Der Kindestod
Vitality: 17
+8, 9 damage
Invisible - +20 to fighting
[] Tactics
[] Resources to use
As a plus, each individual person can roll a single 1d100. If you get 90+ you can restore one HP or MP. Or prevent one damage to someone.