MakeAmericaSaneAgain. A 2016 political campaign.

Could have Pataki legitimately go for the Drain The Swamp track....his record holds up to anticorruption?
It's basically been an integral part of our campaign strategy from the start. Just take a look at our People over Politics plank or the fact that one of our strengths originally was that we're an outsider. What more do you want from an anti-establishment candidate?
I don't think we have any reason to believe that Pataki has been involved in any corruption scandals, though there might be some skeletons in the closet.
One of the few things we can do that's worse than being weak on abortion and gun control is to say those issues aren't important. We go from not sharing their values to giving a middle finger to them. No thanks. Waaaaay too easy to fail, and we'd be inviting everybody to attack us on these issues, not just Huckabee. That's a strat that will blow up in our faces faster than you can say Jon Huntsman.
Well, best way is what we've done so far, reinforce that we support only reasonable medical intervention, that illegal immigrants and terrorists don't get to have guns meant for good, honest Americans.
First idea that's popped into my head is the classic standby of mental health treatment. Cite that it's not just these lunatic school shooters, but that the rate of suicide by gun is nearly twice that of homocide. Suicide is a tragedy, and anybody who argues against it is a heartless bastard who doesn't care about the lives of Americans. But Pataki cares. Pataki will defend life.
First idea that's popped into my head is the classic standby of mental health treatment. Cite that it's not just these lunatic school shooters, but that the rate of suicide by gun is nearly twice that of homocide. Suicide is a tragedy, and anybody who argues against it is a heartless bastard who doesn't care about the lives of Americans. But Pataki cares. Pataki will defend life.
That stand is going to rally the gun nuts all the harder. That's a Democrat argument.

The Republican argument is more with regards to denying criminals(Tough On Crime!), illegal immigrants(everyone knows they're violent criminals!) and terrorists weapons.

Besides the point of Pataki trying to use a pro-life argument is painting a giant bullseye
One of the few things we can do that's worse than being weak on abortion and gun control is to say those issues aren't important.

Oh yeah. All the "moderate" pro-gun and pro-life folks I know are still passionate in their belief that defending those principals is of vital importance (even if their allies in that defense are people they privately consider to be loonies).

We absolutely cannot say that these things aren't important - I'm just hoping that we can convince enough primary voters that being Pataki-sane (tm) on these issues is the path that is most likely to save young lives and advance gun rights for honest Americans.

I wonder if we could also take a page from the book of Sanders, Corbyn and (kinda) Cameron to propose that the real path to gun-sanity and other sanity is to build a movement that can build up social institutions (rather than government power) to solve problems. Everyone I know who is passionate about guns is also passionate about their gun club/shooting range and the culture of responsibility it fosters. Maybe QuestPataki can square his unpopular gun control ideas by selling himself as being pro-responsible gun clubs?

denying criminals(Tough On Crime!)

I wonder if it would be possible to get any political traction by slamming the flow of firearms from the US into Mexico (where those weapons arm the drug cartels)?

Maybe a way to appeal to the "tough on crime" crowd as well as people in border states and Mexican-Hispanics?

Everyone I know who is passionate about guns is also passionate about their gun club/shooting range and the culture of responsibility it fosters. Maybe QuestPataki can square his unpopular gun control ideas by selling himself as being pro-responsible gun clubs?
I like this. It would be worth pulling up stats to see if gun club regulars are more or less likely to commit crimes, or at least gun crimes.
I like this. It would be worth pulling up stats to see if gun club regulars are more or less likely to commit crimes, or at least gun crimes.
Problem is there are no stats. The NRA has done an amazing job at ensuring no one can research gun violence. An example of this is that the ATF is legally forbidden from using an electronic database for firearms data so all of that has to be stored on paper or microfilm which then has to be manually searched through to track down who a gun belongs to.
Problem is there are no stats. The NRA has done an amazing job at ensuring no one can research gun violence. An example of this is that the ATF is legally forbidden from using an electronic database for firearms data so all of that has to be stored on paper or microfilm which then has to be manually searched through to track down who a gun belongs to.
Great news. As long as we have the more compelling narrative, we win!

Seriously though the NRA seems to protect guns rights at the expense of anything and everything else.
Problem is there are no stats. The NRA has done an amazing job at ensuring no one can research gun violence. An example of this is that the ATF is legally forbidden from using an electronic database for firearms data so all of that has to be stored on paper or microfilm which then has to be manually searched through to track down who a gun belongs to.
Since when is the lack of hard evidence a problem for politics?
Problem is there are no stats. The NRA has done an amazing job at ensuring no one can research gun violence. An example of this is that the ATF is legally forbidden from using an electronic database for firearms data so all of that has to be stored on paper or microfilm which then has to be manually searched through to track down who a gun belongs to.
I wonder if we can use this as an example of a invalid means to protect the right to bare arms, and something that is detrimental to both gun owners, and law abiding citizens, to only benefit criminals?
I wonder if we can use this as an example of a invalid means to protect the right to bare arms, and something that is detrimental to both gun owners, and law abiding citizens, to only benefit criminals?

Well if you do maybe we can make the argument that open gun sales in gun expos leaves them open for a domestic terrorist working for al-quida to purchase one.
Well if you do maybe we can make the argument that open gun sales in gun expos leaves them open for a domestic terrorist working for al-quida to purchase one.
No, that wouldn't work, the right of a person to be able to sell their own property without government approval and such. I was thinking pointing out that such a regulation is making the government inefficient deliberately in order to make it so that it is impossible to protect the citizenry from crime.
No, that wouldn't work, the right of a person to be able to sell their own property without government approval and such. I was thinking pointing out that such a regulation is making the government inefficient deliberately in order to make it so that it is impossible to protect the citizenry from crime.
And perhaps add something along the lines of requiring a warrant to access those records. Emphasize that they will still be protected by the Constitution, and that only criminals and terrorists should have anything to fear.
I still want to know,Why Trump seem to have everything hand to him? Divine intervention?.

The analalysis talk about Trump need to do passable,I just want to know the "Why" reason.
I still want to know,Why Trump seem to have everything hand to him? Divine intervention?.

The analalysis talk about Trump need to do passable,I just want to know the "Why" reason.
Trump was a frontrunner who has no heavy pressure from any direction. He's leading the pack, all he needs to do is not fuck up, and he'll be fine
If this is fictional setting,We will scream author fiat and Mary sue by now.

Yeah well, welcome to 2016. The Cubs won the World Series. Leo got an Oscar. We elected Donald Trump as our next President. And the saddest death of the year wasn't David Bowie, Prince, or Alan Rickman, but a fucking gorilla (RIP Harambe. Miss you so much).

Shit got weird.

But if you have no rep in the game than how do people recognize you other than "that celebrity".
Trump has +2 on his charisma with celebrity trait in characther creation,he some how munchkin his way to take"KKK endorsement","White supremacism" as negative trait to pick more perk like "High energy".

High energy made him can take 4 rally per day .

But if you have no rep in the game than how do people recognize you other than "that celebrity".
He does have a rep. He's currently polling in the lead nationally, and in most states. Trump is winning right now, and he largely controls the narrative. That's being challenged by Pataki and Christie, but don't underestimate him.

You saw how that went irl.