MakeAmericaSaneAgain. A 2016 political campaign.

[X] Plan Debate Night

Big surprise, Publicola made a plan that included all the things that I thought looked like good choices. I'm still not 100% sure on Libby Twitter vs. Kasich Truce, but barring further information or arguements both choices seem like perfectly valid ones, and one has an existing plan with a healthy bandwagon while the other doesn't.
Okay then, with that and the fact that I realized our plans only have one difference in mind, I will tell why I believe that a speech would be better than teaching Libby to do Twitter PR and information updates, and the other options in general.

Basically, my thought process is that making a speech on corruption synergizes perfectly with the scandal let loose by the beanslide and with seeking Walker's endorsements. It allows us to truly push for the cementing of our image as putting the people first and eliminating corruption within the government. It is a big chance that we will likely not get again.

Barnstorming is an okay option, but not really necessary or as good as the synergy from one large speech that would greatly improve our image.

Teaching Libby Twitter is a nice option, but it does not really immediately help in any large way. Sure, it could be useful down the road when we could have her double-timing our Twitter, but it can also be taught anytime. It won't really reach out in any way to the crowd that we won't already be reaching out to.

Throwing down is extremely inefficient given the large number of nominees, and did not work out so well IOTL. Increasing our own momentum is just more efficient than destroying others, especially given that the largest opponent, Trump, is good at throwing bad press back at others at this stage making this move ineffective against him.

When meeting the local politicians, it says in the option itself that the more important people have already been secured. Honestly, this just seems like it would be pointless when we could do better to hype our candidate in other ways.

Finally, this one was hard to decide against. A non-aggression pact with Kasich would help in so many ways; however, I decided against it because there has never been a greater moment to hype ourselves in Ohio than now. We may be able to get an agreement with Kasich down the road, but we will not have another chance as great as this to hype ourselves as a candidate for the people than now. We cannot and must not let this moment pass!
Basically, my thought process is that making a speech on corruption synergizes perfectly with the scandal let loose by the beanslide and with seeking Walker's endorsements. It allows us to truly push for the cementing of our image as putting the people first and eliminating corruption within the government. It is a big chance that we will likely not get again.

Except we have a nationally televised debate which is an even bigger chance to make that image.
Okay then, with that and the fact that I realized our plans only have one difference in mind, I will tell why I believe that a speech would be better than teaching Libby to do Twitter PR and information updates, and the other options in general.

Very interesting.

I think the biggest argument against preparing & delivering a major speech on the eve of the debate, is that it would take time away from Pataki's debate prep. I know it's not reflected in-quest (we have two slots available, so both actions are available to us), but in real-world terms writing a new speech (not just revising your stump speech) is a major undertaking. That's why we've mostly reserved those for our platform. If only for the sake of realism, my mind rebels against splitting our attention like that.

I also don't want to position ourselves too strongly on the 'negative campaigning' side of the ledger. It's all well and good to take credit for the WEDC revelation, but we don't want that to become the focus of our campaign. Remember the lesson of Chris Christie -- he destroyed Rubio in the NH debate, but didn't gain any ground and it was Kasich who came away the winner. Negative campaigning is murder-suicide. We want to take advantage of the opportunity, but not so much that voters perceive our candidate as a negative presence on the race. It's a fine line to walk, as you can imagine.

As for positive reasons to vote for Twitter prep, that's the other big lesson from this last campaign cycle. You can pay for massive amounts of TV advertising, sure, and we'll probably do that eventually. But Trump won the race because he knew how to manipulate the media, which gave him billions in dollars of free coverage. I wish it had been available to pick in an earlier turn, because getting Lilly involved in Pataki's twitter wars could be PR gold.

Actually, thinking about it more, I'm going to add another subvote so Libby remembers to tag some of the other candidates' wives, maybe compliment them when their husbands deliver a particularly good line. The lesson that so many celebrities forget, is that authenticity matters more than anything. People want to feel that someone is paying attention to them, so encouraging Libby to give her messages a personal touch -- rather than use soundbites -- and encouraging her to do it herself rather than dump the task off on some social media intern -- is key.

Twitter is an opportunity to gain free media attention (especially in the crucial period immediately after the debate), as well as humanize our candidate as a family man -- and all of that saves us money on advertising.
Rolls are done! I'll see if I can finish this update. Unfortunately it is competing with a bunch of other things (Uni)

See youse drongos later!

CAMPAIGN ACTIONS: Pick Two (One locked).
[X] How to Ad for dummies. Your advertising department is kind of crap. Hardly surprising, given your background is Congress campaigns, where newspaper spots are the mainstay, not state-wide contests where TV ads rule. Expanding things so you can properly churn them out, at higher quality, would be a good (if expensive) investment. (Cost: 30k per turn until complete. 12k once complete. Time: 2 turns. Result: Ad attribute raised to 2.)

Roll = 24. Fucking idiots! Someone broke down the wrong wall. (One half-turn remaining)

[X] The plan pt2. Righ. So George has fucked with your carefully crafted master plan. No biggie, because you can drag his ass into his hotel room and list the reasons that's goddamn retarded. You hate to waste precious time doing this, but you can't afford to lose on August sixth. (George has changed the plan to focus on taking out Jeb Bush, and deflecting the abortion question instead of using the platform as a tool to shore things up.)

Roll = 58. The plan goes back to the old plan. Thank fuck for that. Stress levels increasing.

[X] Hunt for endorsers. With Jeb! On the decline already, and Walker's campaign in bloody, bitter tatters right out of the gate, it would be a good idea to go hunt for more endorsers. It can't hurt! (Cost: 10k Chance of Success: 55% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State.)
-[X] Iowa
-[X] Specifically target people who have previously endorsed Walker (in Iowa, but also in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Wisconsin if possible).

Roll = 29 + 30 (Beanslide). Ron Knecht and Three IA State Senators switch sides, Several simply unendorse Walker.

RESEARCH TEAM Pick Two. (One locked)

[X] The Beanslide crashes in. Well, it is coming. Finally. It only took a month! Still, you've got a scant day to lay out your plan for pouncing on this. Harry's already got things largely prepared, but you can have final say on the line of attack twitter is going to flood with. (Cost: 9k Chance of Success: Unknown (High) Result: Pataki rides the WEDCgate tide.)

Roll = 93. Pataki causes Twitter Storm, Walker crippled leading into the debates.

[X] Expanding surveillance. Harry is apoplectic about last week's fuck up. Splitting his time screaming at his interns, and apologising to you. which makes you feel a little better, but has also made you realise, of course he's fucking up. You need some proper spying infrastructure! To get this kind of shit off the ground, though, would bite into your cash reserves a bit. It'd also take time. (Cost: 18k per turn until completed. 6k once completed. Time: 3 turns. Result: Research stat raised to 3. Harry will have an easier time coordinating spying and subterfuge)

Roll = 9. Several Computers destroyed, Harry nearly assaults an intern. Stress levels increasing.

[X] Preparing the A-List. Getting Harry to set up an office to co-ordinate the A-List would be a good idea, you'll have to do it eventually! He'll also start researching and putting out feelers for potential recruits into the movement. Starting with Kelly (She hasn't publically endorsed George yet, but you can arrange that soon). (Cost: 45k Set-up, 15k Annually Chance of Success: Automatic Result: A-List office established, A-List Actions fully unlocked.)

Roll = 29. The office is set up, Harry wants to find someone to run it that isn't himself.


[X] Crunch time. It is here, the debate is upon you. You've got three days to get George as ready as possible. That's it. Just three. Might as well do everything you can! (Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 45% Result: George will be as Ready as he can be.

Roll = 97. Crit! Pataki Charisma boosted to 4 for this debate.

[X] Twitter Ready. Given Libby will probably spend the debate watching it in her room, or maybe in the bar with you and Jeanie, it might be a good idea to get George (and Parker) to train her up on Twitter, so she can live-tweet the entire thing. You'll be drinking, so christ knows you won't be!
-[X] Take a picture w/ George beforehand to post as debate starts, w/ caption wishing him luck?
-[X] Be adorable in cheering George on
-[X] Lower the boom whenever Trump says dumb or offensive (he will).
-[X] Feel free to compliment the other candidates if they make a good point. Don't forget to mention (@) their spouses if you do.

Roll = 99. Crit! Libby is prepped completely, pre-debate selfie with George and Supporters goes viral under #TeamPataki. #AbueloJorge and #WickedWalker make a return.
Well the campaign team may have entered a slump with those rolls, but on the debate side we're as ready as we'll ever be. Finally a good roll for Libby. Let's dominate the debate and leave the other candidates in the dust.

So much stress increase. Good thing we agreed to that vacation in two weeks.
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Everything campaign related is going flawlessly. Effortless victory against our scrub opponents.

Minor setback in the office, no biggie.

Some more stress that's only going to have one week to hurt us.

Basically: The good rolls were fantastic and landed exactly where we wanted them. The bad rolls we statistically were going to pick up at some point landed in places that won't cause much if any damage.

Blessed campaign is blessed. :p
Lucky we have the holiday coming on, Angrish with the increasing stress would of made future things....ugly for lack of a better word.
The bad results fell where they didn't do that much immediate damage other than delays and stress and the good results are in perfect places.

Also three things
(One half-turn remaining)
How the hell does this work?
Several Computers destroyed, Harry nearly assaults an intern. Stress levels increasing.
This stress is for Harry correct?
The Ron Knecht endorsement seems a touch random, being that he is from Nevada and occupies a rather minor office (controller its like treasurer but for spending).
All we need now is for Bruce Buffer to come in and say "Ladies and Gentleman, the moment we've all be waiting for...THE FIRST REPUBLICAN PRIMARY DEBATE!"

@The Karvoka Man is the debate next turn?
[X] The plan pt2.
Roll = 58. The plan goes back to the old plan. Thank fuck for that. Stress levels increasing.
[X] The Beanslide crashes in.
Roll = 93. Pataki causes Twitter Storm, Walker crippled leading into the debates.
[X] Crunch time.
Roll = 97. Crit! Pataki Charisma boosted to 4 for this debate.
[X] Twitter Ready.
Roll = 99. Crit! Libby is prepped completely, pre-debate selfie with George and Supporters goes viral under #TeamPataki. #AbueloJorge and #WickedWalker make a return.
... I'm getting the distinct impression that this debate is going to be an absolute blowout...

Any chance you'll write it up as a miniturn or interlude so we can see the damage? :D Pleeeeeeease?

On the other hand, looks like basically every other roll involved actual physical damage.
[X] How to Ad for dummies.
Roll = 24. Fucking idiots! Someone broke down the wrong wall. (One half-turn remaining)
[X] Expanding surveillance.
Roll = 9. Several Computers destroyed, Harry nearly assaults an intern. Stress levels increasing.
I'm really curious what "one half-turn remaining" means. No, really, how does that even work? Asked and answered above.

The final two rolls were... okay, I guess?
[X] Hunt for endorsers.
Roll = 29 + 30 (Beanslide). Ron Knecht and Three IA State Senators switch sides, Several simply unendorse Walker.
Ron Knecht is the Nevada 'State Controller' (basically Nevada's CFO) and came into office during the Republican high tide of 2014. He endorsed Kasich after Walker dropped out, so that was probably the most centrist/moderate of Walker's endorsers. (He also gives us extra legitimacy points with the Nevada establishment, especially after our meet-and-greet with Paul Laxalt. We also picked up 3 out of 11 state senators in Iowa who had endorsed Walker, which is good but not great (especially given our +30 bonus for this roll).

We'll definitely want to set aside one or more actions for fundraising next turn, but if we can spare it, I'm wondering if it'd be worthwhile to reserve an action next turn to scrounge up more of Walker's supporters. There's still a bunch of low-level state legislators (senators & representatives) in Iowa as well as South Carolina, not to mention some other major supporters like Jerry Kilgore (former Virginia AG, former gubernatorial candidate who lost in trouble with a proto-Tea Party wing of the GOP). For reference. I think we can expect most of the minor players to fall in line behind Rubio or Cruz (given Walker's politics, that's the most likely point they'll end up), and we probably want to shy away from any of his Wisconsin base (since we don't know who or how many of them might be dragged down with Walker's corruption scandal).

[X] Preparing the A-List.
Roll = 29. The office is set up, Harry wants to find someone to run it that isn't himself.
I'm guessing that means our first "A-List" Action will be finding someone to run the place. I suspect that will also give us two A-List actions per turn instead of merely 1. On the other hand, it means another big expense...

Yeah. We need to do some fundraising.
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Now I'm curious about this. Does this mean we will be voting on Pataki's responses? (Or perhaps voting on Libby's live-tweeting commentary on those responses?) Not sure what else would require voter participation...
Nope, it is basically a chance for me to show you all what I can do as a writer.

You also get to experience drunk Peter again! :p