MakeAmericaSaneAgain. A 2016 political campaign.

The roll specifically said making friends (and enemies) that sounds like a gamble to me.
Yes, if we roll low. That'll happen in New York as well. The difference it that here, we know that "George says he might have an in with something big though." It would make no sense for the QM to make the reward from a successful Iowa roll less than one from New York, since we've already spent one succesful action on it and the risk of failing is the same in both cases i.e. 25% regardless of state. Where do you get this idea that the Iowa option is more risky?
Yes, if we roll low. That'll happen in New York as well. The difference it that here, we know that "George says he might have an in with something big though." It would make no sense for the QM to make the reward from a successful Iowa roll less than one from New York, since we've already spent one succesful action on it and the risk of failing is the same in both cases i.e. 25% regardless of state. Where do you get this idea that the Iowa option is more risky?

It makes more sense for Pataki to have bigger and better contacts in the state he was governor though.
It makes more sense for Pataki to have bigger and better contacts in the state he was governor though.
Moving the goalposts a little here but I'll bite. That might be the case but in this instance, I think it'd be wise to focus on the state that's the first in the primaries rather than the one two thirds into it. Will the people of Iowa give a shit that state senator Mcwhatshisface endorsed Pataki? Will the people in New Hampshire give a shit? No, but they might give a shit when their local representatives vouch for our candidate. Furthermore, the other candidates are chasing endorsements in Iowa as well and every week we wait, it's less likely that we'll pick up an endorsement from there. New York endorsements can wait, since the other candidates aren't focusing on that state.(rightfully so)
Moving the goalposts a little here but I'll bite. That might be the case but in this instance, I think it'd be wise to focus on the state that's the first in the primaries rather than the one two thirds into it. Will the people of Iowa give a shit that state senator Mcwhatshisface endorsed Pataki? Will the people in New Hampshire give a shit? No, but they might give a shit when there local representatives vouch for our candidate. Furthermore, the other candidates are chasing endorsements in Iowa as well and every week we wait, it's less likely that we'll pick up an endorsement from there. New York endorsements can wait, since the other candidates aren't focusing on that state.(rightfully so)

Some of our endorsers seem to be quite willing to donate or campaign for us. New York is also a rich state when you compare it to Iowa. The idea is that we will make more money, which we can use to put more pressure on Iowa. Inking out a third place at least is good, but it's better to gain a majority that will hopefully trim down the clown car that are the GOP debates.
Some of our endorsers seem to be quite willing to donate or campaign for us. New York is also a rich state when you compare it to Iowa. The idea is that we will make more money, which we can use to put more pressure on Iowa. Inking out a third place at least is good, but it's better to gain a majority that will hopefully trim down the clown car that are the GOP debates.
Perhaps but this makes me doubt that we'll get that lucky with donations from New York:
Money makes the (political) world go round! You are cashed up, and can now largely support yourself, New York might be tapped for a little bit, but you can always head to California, Texas and even Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Michigan for cash!
I think political endorsements are more important for us than cash in Iowa. Well, to an extent at least, we still need money which is why we're also fundraising as a seperate action.
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Perhaps but this makes me doubt that we'll get that lucky with donations from New York:

Well I'm willing to change it to North Carolina or Virginia. States with large corporations and tech industries. Plus Virginia has it's fair share of rich Republicans, and Charlotte NC is a haven for investment banks.
Well I'm willing to change it to North Carolina or Virginia. States with large corporations and tech industries. Plus Virginia has it's fair share of rich Republicans, and Charlotte NC is a haven for investment banks.
Yes, because Pataki has so many connections in Virginia and North Carolina. I'm sure investment bankers love us.
If you're determined to not pick Iowa, just say so. I don't want to waste my time.
Changed my plan to include practicing debating rather than Barnstorming and sending Libby out to fundraise.
[X] Plan Peace and Prosperity
after this turn though we need to hit trump HARD
Vote Tally : Original - CampaignQuest 2016 | Page 13 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] Plan Peace and Prosperity
No. of Votes: 6
Plan: ◈Peace and Prosperity


[X] Plan: All in on Iowa and Internet Memes. Oh, and South Carolina too I guess.
No. of Votes: 6
Plan: ◈All in on Iowa and Internet Memes. Oh, and South Carolina too I guess.

The Laurent

[X] Plan Money, Memes and Metrics
No. of Votes: 4
Plan: ◈Money, Memes and Metrics


[X] Plan Peace and Prosperity Version T
No. of Votes: 3
Plan: ◈Peace and Prosperity Version T

Chengar Qordath

Total No. of Voters: 19

We have a tie.
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Worth pointing out, Peace and Prosperity wouldn't have needed a tie breaker if the vote hadn't been split by Peace and Prosperity Version T.
Whoo! I'm awake! THat means the rolls are done!

[] Ads of the future! Setting up some internet campaign infrastructure is something Chamillionare suggested. No-one else really seems to be doing it at the moment. He's suggested using twitter a lot more, organising bots to push Pataki's tweets up in the ranks… Frankly, it seems fucking ingenious to you. (Cost: 20k Chance of Success: 85% Time to Completion: 2 Weeks Result: Internet Campaigning unlocked. +2 Momentum nationwide. +Name recognition.)

Roll = 45. Initial Success. George now understands what twitter and facebook are.

[] The Pataki Elbow. Apparently the Rock has some time off his busy schedule to raise cash in Cali. He'll only do it if you can fly out and give him a hand. Apparently he's never done this before. (Cost: 15k. Chance of Success: 75% Result: Unknown (high) amount of k raised. Get to know the Rock better.)

Roll = 88. Between a Rock and the People's Place.

[] Expand the army. You've got Ground Pounders in all three starting states. It's time to start thinking bigger though. You need more men and women.More banners. More placards. More of those cheap, shitty lawn signs! Mooooooooooooore! (Cost: 30k Chance of Success: 70% Time to Completion: Two weeks. Result: Ground Campaign expanding IA, NH, SC)

Roll = 49. Recruiting begins, Lawn signs sell out.

[] The rise of state polling. You could broaden your horizons a bit, by setting up state polling in all three front-running states. It'd be expensive, but Harry is insistent that you do this. He also wants a nicer office, to better fit all the computers and shit that a pollster apparently needs. (Cost: 40k. Chance of Success: 80% Result: State Polling commenced in IA, NH, SC. -15k running costs.)

Roll = 53. State Polling set up. Next turn will have polls for IA, NH and SC regardless of public polls.

[] Expanding the machine. He's got an upgraded office, but he wants more. This time, though, it's not random comfort crap. Not mostly, at least. He wants to upgrade his tech to better keep track of goings on, and to better co-ordinate his steadily growing team of pollsters. He's mentioned that if he can get things up and running, he might be able to bring someone on board who's got more experience than the interns you throw at him. (Cost: 20k. Result: Research stat raised. Possibly friend of Enten recruited.)

Roll = 27. The machine is expanded, but Harry can't recruit his friend.

[] Practice debate. Having a few practice debates with the team should get George in the right state of mind for August. Sure, it's awhile away, but it doesn't hurt to prepare. (Debating skill increased by +10)

Critical Success. +15

[] Practice Issue familiarity. This is important for when the debate season starts, but also if you have to give interviews. Having George able to not fuck up the few interviews he will land would be a very, very good idea. (Issue Familiarity increased by +10)

Success. + 10

[] Prepare a speech. You know what fires up a crowd? A good speech. You are rising, and fast, so it can't hurt you to turbo-charge that with a big speech in one of the upcoming states! Especially with debates coming up in just over a month. You have to qualify. (Reducing Government Waste, State it will be given in. Cost: 10k Chance of Success: Varies by state. Result: Momentum greatly increased in [Iowa])

Roll = 71. Speech goes over well. Momentum raised. Pataki +6 momentum IA, Walker -1 Momentum IA.

[] Brushing up old contacts. Pataki knew a lot of people, back in the day, and his personal word carries a helluva lot more weight than yours. Maybe he can dig up some endorsers? (Cost: 10K Chance of Success: 75% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. New York)

Roll = 23. Making enemies.

[] Raise money. Libby has contacts in the beauty product industry, primarily with Revlon, as well as having ties to the pro-Israel lobby. Hopefully she can bring in some more cash for the campaign and SuperPAC with these people(Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 50% Result:

Roll = 47. Failure.
Well at least our enemies are in New York for now.

And at least we've got that Libby fundraising roll out of the way, even if it's a failure.
welp fuck thats some up some down right there
Whoo! I'm awake! THat means the rolls are done!

[] Ads of the future! Setting up some internet campaign infrastructure is something Chamillionare suggested. No-one else really seems to be doing it at the moment. He's suggested using twitter a lot more, organising bots to push Pataki's tweets up in the ranks… Frankly, it seems fucking ingenious to you. (Cost: 20k Chance of Success: 85% Time to Completion: 2 Weeks Result: Internet Campaigning unlocked. +2 Momentum nationwide. +Name recognition.)

Roll = 45. Initial Success. George now understands what twitter and facebook are.

[] The Pataki Elbow. Apparently the Rock has some time off his busy schedule to raise cash in Cali. He'll only do it if you can fly out and give him a hand. Apparently he's never done this before. (Cost: 15k. Chance of Success: 75% Result: Unknown (high) amount of k raised. Get to know the Rock better.)

Roll = 88. Between a Rock and the People's Place.

[] Expand the army. You've got Ground Pounders in all three starting states. It's time to start thinking bigger though. You need more men and women.More banners. More placards. More of those cheap, shitty lawn signs! Mooooooooooooore! (Cost: 30k Chance of Success: 70% Time to Completion: Two weeks. Result: Ground Campaign expanding IA, NH, SC)

Roll = 49. Recruiting begins, Lawn signs sell out.

[] The rise of state polling. You could broaden your horizons a bit, by setting up state polling in all three front-running states. It'd be expensive, but Harry is insistent that you do this. He also wants a nicer office, to better fit all the computers and shit that a pollster apparently needs. (Cost: 40k. Chance of Success: 80% Result: State Polling commenced in IA, NH, SC. -15k running costs.)

Roll = 53. State Polling set up. Next turn will have polls for IA, NH and SC regardless of public polls.

[] Expanding the machine. He's got an upgraded office, but he wants more. This time, though, it's not random comfort crap. Not mostly, at least. He wants to upgrade his tech to better keep track of goings on, and to better co-ordinate his steadily growing team of pollsters. He's mentioned that if he can get things up and running, he might be able to bring someone on board who's got more experience than the interns you throw at him. (Cost: 20k. Result: Research stat raised. Possibly friend of Enten recruited.)

Roll = 27. The machine is expanded, but Harry can't recruit his friend.

[] Practice debate. Having a few practice debates with the team should get George in the right state of mind for August. Sure, it's awhile away, but it doesn't hurt to prepare. (Debating skill increased by +10)

Critical Success. +15

[] Practice Issue familiarity. This is important for when the debate season starts, but also if you have to give interviews. Having George able to not fuck up the few interviews he will land would be a very, very good idea. (Issue Familiarity increased by +10)

Success. + 10

[] Prepare a speech. You know what fires up a crowd? A good speech. You are rising, and fast, so it can't hurt you to turbo-charge that with a big speech in one of the upcoming states! Especially with debates coming up in just over a month. You have to qualify. (Reducing Government Waste, State it will be given in. Cost: 10k Chance of Success: Varies by state. Result: Momentum greatly increased in [Iowa])

Roll = 71. Speech goes over well. Momentum raised. Pataki +6 momentum IA, Walker -1 Momentum IA.

[] Brushing up old contacts. Pataki knew a lot of people, back in the day, and his personal word carries a helluva lot more weight than yours. Maybe he can dig up some endorsers? (Cost: 10K Chance of Success: 75% Result: Endorsers found. +Momentum in State. New York)

Roll = 23. Making enemies.

[] Raise money. Libby has contacts in the beauty product industry, primarily with Revlon, as well as having ties to the pro-Israel lobby. Hopefully she can bring in some more cash for the campaign and SuperPAC with these people(Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 50% Result:

Roll = 47. Failure.
Still missing the SuperPac roll and our critical success on "practice debate" and our success on "practice familiarity" doesn't have a roll assigned.

With a 23 on the "brushing up on old contacts" it really shouldn't be something horrible like making enemies. We only barely failed the action, so I think a more neutral result like simply failing to gain an endorsement that Pataki chased would be better in this instance.(same with the "raise money" action for Libby.)
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